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A font list is a list containing all fonts which have been created. There
is only one instance of this class: {\bf wxTheFontList}. Use this object to search
for a previously created font of the desired type and create it if not already found.
In some windowing systems, the font may be a scarce resource, so it is best to
reuse old resources if possible. When an application finishes, all fonts will be
deleted and their resources freed, eliminating the possibility of `memory leaks'.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{See also}
Constructor. The application should not construct its own font list:
use the object pointer {\bf wxTheFontList}.
\func{void}{AddFont}{\param{wxFont *}{font}}
Used by wxWindows to add a font to the list, called in the font constructor.
\func{wxFont *}{FindOrCreateFont}{\param{int}{ point\_size}, \param{int}{ family}, \param{int}{ style}, \param{int}{ weight}, \param{bool}{ underline = FALSE},
\param{const wxString\& }{facename = NULL}}
Finds a font of the given specification, or creates one and adds it to the list. See the \helpref{wxFont constructor}{wxfontconstr} for
details of the arguments.
\func{void}{RemoveFont}{\param{wxFont *}{font}}
Used by wxWindows to remove a font from the list.