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The {\bf wxPropertyListFrame} class is a prepackaged frame which can
be used for viewing a property list. Pass a property list view object, and the frame
will pass OnClose messages to the view class for processing.
Call Initialize to create the panel and associate the view; override OnCreatePanel
if you wish to use a panel class other than the default wxPropertyListPanel.
\func{void}{wxPropertyListFrame}{\param{wxPropertyListView *}{view}, \param{wxFrame *}{parent}, \param{char *}{title},
\param{int}{ x=-1}, \param{int}{ y=-1}, \param{int}{ width=-1}, \param{int}{height=-1},
\param{long}{ style=wxSDI $\|$ wxDEFAULT\_FRAME}, \param{char *}{name=``frame"}}
\func{wxPanel *}{GetPropertyPanel}{\void}
Returns the panel associated with the frame.
Must be called to create the panel and associate the view with the panel and frame.
\func{wxPanel *}{OnCreatePanel}{\param{wxFrame *}{parent}, \param{wxPropertyListView *}{view}}
Creates a panel. Override this to create a panel type other than wxPropertyListPanel.