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#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, os, string
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
from distutils.file_util import copy_file
from distutils.dir_util import mkpath
from distutils.dep_util import newer
from my_distutils import run_swig, contrib_copy_tree
# flags and values that affect this script
VERSION = "2.3.0b1"
DESCRIPTION = "Cross platform GUI toolkit for Python"
AUTHOR = "Robin Dunn"
AUTHOR_EMAIL = "robin@alldunn.com"
URL = "http://wxPython.org/"
LICENCE = "wxWindows (LGPL derivative)"
wxPython is a GUI toolkit for Python that is a wrapper around the
wxWindows C++ GUI library. wxPython provides a large variety of
window types and controls, all imlemented with a native look and
feel (and native runtime speed) on the platforms it is supported
BUILD_GLCANVAS = 1 # If true, build the contrib/glcanvas extension module
BUILD_OGL = 1 # If true, build the contrib/ogl extension module
BUILD_STC = 1 # If true, build the contrib/stc extension module
CORE_ONLY = 0 # if true, don't build any of the above
USE_SWIG = 0 # Should we actually execute SWIG, or just use the
# files already in the distribution?
IN_CVS_TREE = 0 # Set to true if building in a full wxWindows CVS
# tree, otherwise will assume all needed files are
# available in the wxPython source distribution
# Some MSW build settings
FINAL = 1 # Mirrors use of same flag in wx makefiles,
# (0 or 1 only) should probably find a way to
# autodetect this...
HYBRID = 0 # If set and not debug or FINAL, then build a
# hybrid extension that can be used by the
# non-debug version of python, but contains
# debugging symbols for wxWindows and wxPython.
# wxWindows must have been built with /MD, not /MDd
# (using FINAL=hybrid will do it.)
WXDLLVER = '23_0' # Version part of DLL name
# Some other globals
PKGDIR = 'wxPython'
wxpExtensions = []
force = '--force' in sys.argv or '-f' in sys.argv
debug = '--debug' in sys.argv or '-g' in sys.argv
# Check for build flags on the command line
for x in range(len(sys.argv)):
if string.find(sys.argv[x], flag) == 0:
pos = string.find(sys.argv[x], '=') + 1
if pos > 0:
vars()[flag] = eval(sys.argv[x][pos:])
sys.argv[x] = ''
sys.argv = filter(None, sys.argv)
# Setup some platform specific stuff
if os.name == 'nt':
# Set compile flags and such for MSVC. These values are derived
# from the wxWindows makefiles for MSVC, others will probably
# vary...
WXDIR = os.environ['WXWIN']
GENDIR = 'msw'
if debug:
includes = ['src',
os.path.join(WXDIR, 'include'),
defines = [ ('WIN32', None), # Some of these are no longer
('__WIN32__', None), # necessary. Anybody know which?
('_WINDOWS', None),
('__WINDOWS__', None),
('WINVER', '0x0400'),
('__WIN95__', None),
('STRICT', None),
(WXPLAT, None),
('WXUSINGDLL', '1'),
('SWIG_GLOBAL', None),
('HAVE_CONFIG_H', None),
('WXP_USE_THREAD', '1'),
if not FINAL or HYBRID:
defines.append( ('__WXDEBUG__', None) )
libdirs = [os.path.join(WXDIR, 'lib'), 'build\\ilib']
wxdll = 'wx' + WXDLLVER
elif HYBRID:
wxdll = 'wx' + WXDLLVER + 'h'
wxdll = 'wx' + WXDLLVER + 'd'
#print 'Linking with ', wxdll
libs = [wxdll, 'kernel32', 'user32', 'gdi32', 'comdlg32',
'winspool', 'winmm', 'shell32', 'oldnames', 'comctl32',
'ctl3d32', 'odbc32', 'ole32', 'oleaut32', 'uuid', 'rpcrt4',
'advapi32', 'wsock32']
cflags = ['/GX-'] # workaround for internal compiler error in MSVC
lflags = None
if not FINAL and HYBRID:
cflags = cflags + ['/Od', '/Z7']
lflags = ['/DEBUG', ]
elif os.name == 'posix':
# Set flags for Unix type platforms
WXDIR = '..' # assumes IN_CVS_TREE
WXPLAT = '__WXGTK__' # and assumes GTK...
GENDIR = 'gtk' # Need to allow for Motif eventually too
includes = ['src']
defines = [('SWIG_GLOBAL', None),
('HAVE_CONFIG_H', None),
('WXP_USE_THREAD', '1'),
libdirs = []
libs = []
cflags = os.popen('wx-config --cflags', 'r').read()[:-1] + ' ' + \
os.popen('gtk-config --cflags', 'r').read()[:-1]
cflags = string.split(cflags)
lflags = os.popen('wx-config --libs', 'r').read()[:-1]
lflags = string.split(lflags)
raise 'Sorry Charlie...'
# Check if the version file needs updated
if IN_CVS_TREE and newer('setup.py', 'src/__version__.py'):
open('src/__version__.py', 'w').write("ver = '%s'\n" % VERSION)
# Define the CORE extension module
print 'Preparing CORE...'
swig_force = force
swig_args = ['-c++', '-shadow', '-python', '-keyword', '-dascii',
'-I./src', '-D'+WXPLAT]
swig_files = [ 'wx.i', 'windows.i', 'windows2.i', 'windows3.i', 'events.i',
'misc.i', 'misc2.i', 'utils.i', 'gdi.i', 'mdi.i', 'controls.i',
'controls2.i', 'cmndlgs.i', 'stattool.i', 'frames.i', 'image.i',
'printfw.i', 'sizers.i', 'clip_dnd.i', 'grid.i', 'html.i',
'htmlhelp.i', 'calendar.i', 'filesys.i', 'streams.i'
swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, 'src', GENDIR, PKGDIR,
USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args)
copy_file('src/__init__.py', PKGDIR, update=1, verbose=0)
copy_file('src/__version__.py', PKGDIR, update=1, verbose=0)
if IN_CVS_TREE: # update the licence files
for file in ['preamble.txt', 'licence.txt', 'licendoc.txt', 'lgpl.txt']:
copy_file(WXDIR+'/docs/'+file, 'licence/'+file, update=1, verbose=0)
if os.name == 'nt':
rc_file = ['src/wxc.rc']
rc_file = []
wxext = ext = Extension('wxc', ['src/helpers.cpp',
] + rc_file + swig_sources,
include_dirs = includes,
define_macros = defines,
library_dirs = libdirs,
libraries = libs,
extra_compile_args = cflags,
extra_link_args = lflags,
if os.name == 'nt':
libs = libs[:]
if debug:
libs.insert(0, 'wxc_d')
libs.insert(0, 'wxc')
# Define the GLCanvas extension module
wxext.sources = wxext.sources + ['contrib/glcanvas/stub.cpp']
print 'Preparing GLCANVAS...'
location = 'contrib/glcanvas'
swig_files = ['glcanvas.i']
swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, GENDIR, PKGDIR,
USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args)
gl_libs = []
if os.name == 'posix':
if '-D__WXDEBUG__' in cflags:
gl_libs = ['wx_gtkd_gl', 'GL', 'GLU']
gl_libs = ['wx_gtk_gl', 'GL', 'GLU']
wxext.sources = wxext.sources + swig_sources
wxext.libraries = wxext.libraries + gl_libs
# Define the OGL extension module
if not BUILD_OGL:
wxext.sources = wxext.sources + ['contrib/ogl/stub.cpp']
print 'Preparing OGL...'
location = 'contrib/ogl'
OGLLOC = location + '/contrib/src/ogl'
OGLINC = location + '/contrib/include'
swig_files = ['ogl.i', 'oglbasic.i', 'oglshapes.i', 'oglshapes2.i',
swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, '', PKGDIR,
USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args)
# make sure local copy of contrib files are up to date
contrib_copy_tree(WXDIR + '/contrib/include/wx/ogl', OGLINC+'/wx/ogl')
contrib_copy_tree(WXDIR + '/contrib/src/ogl', OGLLOC)
# add items to the core extension module definition
wxext.sources = wxext.sources + [location + '/oglhelpers.cpp',
'%s/basic.cpp' % OGLLOC,
'%s/bmpshape.cpp' % OGLLOC,
'%s/composit.cpp' % OGLLOC,
'%s/divided.cpp' % OGLLOC,
'%s/lines.cpp' % OGLLOC,
'%s/misc.cpp' % OGLLOC,
'%s/basic2.cpp' % OGLLOC,
'%s/canvas.cpp' % OGLLOC,
'%s/constrnt.cpp' % OGLLOC,
'%s/drawn.cpp' % OGLLOC,
'%s/mfutils.cpp' % OGLLOC,
'%s/ogldiag.cpp' % OGLLOC,
] + swig_sources
wxext.include_dirs = wxext.include_dirs + [OGLINC]
# Define the STC extension module
if not BUILD_STC:
wxext.sources = wxext.sources + ['contrib/stc/stub.cpp']
print 'Preparing STC...'
location = 'contrib/stc'
STCLOC = location + '/contrib/src/stc'
STCINC = location + '/contrib/include'
STC_H = location + '/contrib/include/wx/stc'
# make sure local copy of contrib files are up to date
contrib_copy_tree(WXDIR + '/contrib/include/wx/stc', STCINC+'/wx/stc')
contrib_copy_tree(WXDIR + '/contrib/src/stc', STCLOC)
swig_files = ['stc_.i']
swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, '', PKGDIR,
USE_SWIG, swig_force,
swig_args + ['-I'+STC_H, '-I'+location],
# copy a project specific py module to the main package dir
copy_file(location+'/stc.py', PKGDIR, update=1, verbose=1)
# add some include dirs to the standard set
stc_includes = [ '%s/scintilla/include' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src' % STCLOC,
# and some macro definitions
stc_defines = [ ('__WX__', None),
('SCI_LEXER', None) ]
# add items to the core extension module definition
wxext.sources = wxext.sources + [
'%s/scintilla/src/AutoComplete.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/CallTip.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/CellBuffer.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/ContractionState.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/Document.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/Editor.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/Indicator.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/KeyMap.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/KeyWords.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/LineMarker.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/PropSet.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/ScintillaBase.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/Style.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/ViewStyle.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/LexCPP.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/LexHTML.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/LexLua.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/LexOthers.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/LexPerl.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/LexPython.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/LexSQL.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/LexVB.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/DocumentAccessor.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/UniConversion.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/WindowAccessor.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/scintilla/src/PosRegExp.cxx' % STCLOC,
'%s/PlatWX.cpp' % STCLOC,
'%s/ScintillaWX.cpp' % STCLOC,
'%s/stc.cpp' % STCLOC,
] + swig_sources
wxext.include_dirs = wxext.include_dirs + stc_includes
wxext.define_macros = wxext.define_macros + stc_defines
# Do the Setup/Build/Install/Whatever
setup(name = PKGDIR,
version = VERSION,
description = DESCRIPTION,
long_description = LONG_DESCRIPTION,
author = AUTHOR,
author_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL,
url = URL,
licence = LICENCE,
packages = [PKGDIR,
ext_package = PKGDIR,
ext_modules = wxpExtensions,
# The pre-distutils binary distributions of wxPython included the demo
# as a subdirectory of the package dir. This doesn't really make sense
# for Linux/Unix platforms as it's not part of the package, and the user
# may want to tweak and learn without having to become root first.
# For now I am going to start distributing the demo as a separate tarball,
# but if I ever want to go back to the old way, this is how to do it the
# distutils way:
## from my_install_data import *
## Add this to the setup() call
## # Overridden command classes
## cmdclass = {'install_data': my_install_data},
## # non python files of examples
## data_files = [
## Data_Files(
## base_dir='install_lib',
## copy_to = 'wxPython',
## #strip_dirs = 2,
## template=[ 'graft demo',
## 'global-exclude CVS/*'
## ],
## preserve_path=1
## )
## ],
# Originally I was building separate extension module .so's for the
# CORE and the various contribs. Because of shared library issues I've
# decided to combine things into one .so as implemented above, but as
# I'm still not entirely convinced that this is the right thing to do
# I will keep the old code around for a while, but commented out below.
## print 'Preparing GLCANVAS...'
## location = 'contrib/glcanvas'
## swig_files = ['glcanvas.i']
## swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, GENDIR, PKGDIR,
## USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args)
## gl_libs = []
## if os.name == 'posix':
## if '-D__WXDEBUG__' in cflags:
## gl_libs = ['wx_gtkd_gl', 'GL', 'GLU']
## else:
## gl_libs = ['wx_gtk_gl', 'GL', 'GLU']
## ext = Extension('glcanvasc',
## swig_sources,
## include_dirs = includes,
## define_macros = defines,
## library_dirs = libdirs,
## libraries = libs + gl_libs,
## extra_compile_args = cflags,
## extra_link_args = lflags,
## )
## wxpExtensions.append(ext)
## if BUILD_OGL:
## print 'Preparing OGL...'
## location = 'contrib/ogl'
## OGLLOC = location + '/contrib/src/ogl'
## OGLINC = location + '/contrib/include'
## swig_files = ['ogl.i', 'oglbasic.i', 'oglshapes.i', 'oglshapes2.i',
## 'oglcanvas.i']
## swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, '', PKGDIR,
## USE_SWIG, swig_force, swig_args)
## # make sure local copy of contrib files are up to date
## if IN_CVS_TREE:
## contrib_copy_tree(WXDIR + '/contrib/include/wx/ogl', OGLINC+'/wx/ogl')
## contrib_copy_tree(WXDIR + '/contrib/src/ogl', OGLLOC)
## ext = Extension('oglc', [location + '/oglhelpers.cpp',
## '%s/basic.cpp' % OGLLOC,
## '%s/bmpshape.cpp' % OGLLOC,
## '%s/composit.cpp' % OGLLOC,
## '%s/divided.cpp' % OGLLOC,
## '%s/lines.cpp' % OGLLOC,
## '%s/misc.cpp' % OGLLOC,
## '%s/basic2.cpp' % OGLLOC,
## '%s/canvas.cpp' % OGLLOC,
## '%s/constrnt.cpp' % OGLLOC,
## '%s/drawn.cpp' % OGLLOC,
## '%s/mfutils.cpp' % OGLLOC,
## '%s/ogldiag.cpp' % OGLLOC,
## ] + swig_sources,
## include_dirs = [OGLINC] + includes,
## define_macros = defines,
## library_dirs = libdirs,
## libraries = libs,
## extra_compile_args = cflags,
## extra_link_args = lflags,
## )
## wxpExtensions.append(ext)
## if BUILD_STC:
## print 'Preparing STC...'
## location = 'contrib/stc'
## STCLOC = location + '/contrib/src/stc'
## STCINC = location + '/contrib/include'
## STC_H = location + '/contrib/include/wx/stc'
## # make sure local copy of contrib files are up to date
## if IN_CVS_TREE:
## contrib_copy_tree(WXDIR + '/contrib/include/wx/stc', STCINC+'/wx/stc')
## contrib_copy_tree(WXDIR + '/contrib/src/stc', STCLOC)
## swig_files = ['stc_.i']
## swig_sources = run_swig(swig_files, location, '', PKGDIR,
## USE_SWIG, swig_force,
## swig_args + ['-I'+STC_H, '-I'+location],
## [STC_H+'/stc.h'])
## # copy a project specific py module to the main package dir
## copy_file(location+'/stc.py', PKGDIR, update=1, verbose=1)
## # add some include dirs to the standard set
## stc_includes = includes[:]
## stc_includes.append('%s/scintilla/include' % STCLOC)
## stc_includes.append('%s/scintilla/src' % STCLOC)
## stc_includes.append(STCINC)
## # and some macro definitions
## stc_defines = defines[:]
## stc_defines.append( ('__WX__', None) )
## stc_defines.append( ('SCI_LEXER', None) )
## ext = Extension('stc_c',
## ['%s/scintilla/src/AutoComplete.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/CallTip.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/CellBuffer.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/ContractionState.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/Document.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/Editor.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/Indicator.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/KeyMap.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/KeyWords.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/LineMarker.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/PropSet.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/ScintillaBase.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/Style.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/ViewStyle.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/LexCPP.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/LexHTML.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/LexLua.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/LexOthers.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/LexPerl.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/LexPython.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/LexSQL.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/LexVB.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/DocumentAccessor.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/UniConversion.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/WindowAccessor.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/scintilla/src/PosRegExp.cxx' % STCLOC,
## '%s/PlatWX.cpp' % STCLOC,
## '%s/ScintillaWX.cpp' % STCLOC,
## '%s/stc.cpp' % STCLOC,
## ] + swig_sources,
## include_dirs = stc_includes,
## define_macros = stc_defines,
## library_dirs = libdirs,
## libraries = libs,
## extra_compile_args = cflags,
## extra_link_args = lflags,
## )
## wxpExtensions.append(ext)