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Raw Normal View History

A {\bf wxSize} is a useful data structure for graphics operations.
It simply contains integer {\it x} and {\it y} members.
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxPoint}{wxpoint}, \helpref{wxRealPoint}{wxrealpoint}
\func{}{wxSize}{\param{int}{ x}, \param{int}{ y}}
Creates a size object.
x member.
\member{int}{ y}
y member.
Gets the x member.
Gets the y member.
\func{void}{Set}{\param{int}{ x}, \param{int}{ y}}
Sets the x and y members.
\membersection{wxSize::operator $=$}
\func{void}{operator $=$}{\param{const wxSize\& }{sz}}
Assignment operator.