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% JACS: doesn't make it through Tex2RTF, sorry. I'll put it into texhelp.sty
% since Tex2RTF doesn't parse it.
% BTW, style MUST be report for it to work for Tex2RTF.
%end of my changes
\newcommand{\pipe}[0]{$\|$\ }%
\input psbox.tex
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\title{User Manual for wxWindows 2.0: a portable C++ GUI toolkit}
\winhelponly{\author{by Julian Smart et al
\winhelpignore{\author{Julian Smart et al}
\date{February 28th 1999}
\setheader{{\it CONTENTS}}{}{}{}{}{{\it CONTENTS}}
% A special table of contents for the WinHelp manual
\chapter*{wxWindows class library reference}\label{winhelpcontents}
\image{}{cpp.bmp} \helpref{Alphabetical class reference}{classref}
\image{}{shelves.bmp} \helpref{Classes by category}{classesbycat}
\image{}{book1.bmp} \helpref{Topic overviews}{overviews}
\image{}{hand1.bmp} \helpref{Guide to wxWindows}{wxwinchapters}
\chapter*{Overview of wxWindows}\label{wxwinchapters}
%\helpref{Resource guide}{resguide}\\
%\helpref{Comparison with other GUI models}{comparison}\\
%\helpref{Multi-platform development with wxWindows}{multiplat}\\
\helpref{The wxWindows resource system}{resourceformats}\\
\helpref{Programming strategies}{strategies}\\
\helpref{Bugs and future directions}{bugs}\\
\chapter*{Copyright notice}
\setheader{{\it COPYRIGHT}}{}{}{}{}{{\it COPYRIGHT}}%
Copyright \copyright{} 1998 Julian Smart, Robert Roebling and other
members of the wxWindows team\\
Portions \copyright{} 1996 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute\\
Please see the wxWindows licence files (preamble.txt, lgpl.txt, gpl.txt, licence.txt,
licendoc.txt) for conditions of software and documentation use.
% Puts books in the bibliography without needing to cite them in the
% text
\setheader{{\it REFERENCES}}{}{}{}{}{{\it REFERENCES}}%
% Note: In RTF, the \printindex must come before the
% change of header/footer, since the \printindex inserts
% the RTF \sect command which divides one chapter from
% the next.
\setheader{{\it INDEX}}{}{}{}{}{{\it INDEX}}%
% In Latex, it must be this way around (I think)
\setheader{{\it INDEX}}{}{}{}{}{{\it INDEX}}%