wxStringConcatenateDataViewItemValues(wxDataViewCtrlconst*dataViewCtrlPtr,wxDataViewItemconst&dataViewItem);// concatenates all data of the visible columns of the passed control
// and item TAB separated into a string and returns it
virtualboolClearColumns(void)=0;// deletes all columns in the native control
virtualboolDeleteColumn(wxDataViewColumn*columnPtr)=0;// deletes the column in the native control
virtualvoidDoSetExpanderColumn(wxDataViewColumnconst*columnPtr)=0;// sets the disclosure column in the native control
virtualwxDataViewColumn*GetColumn(unsignedintpos)const=0;// returns the column belonging to 'pos' in the native control
virtualintGetColumnPosition(wxDataViewColumnconst*columnPtr)const=0;// returns the position of the passed column in the native control
virtualboolInsertColumn(unsignedintpos,wxDataViewColumn*columnPtr)=0;// inserts a column at pos in the native control;
// the method can assume that the column's owner is already set
// item related methods
virtualboolAdd(wxDataViewItemconst&parent,wxDataViewItemconst&item)=0;// adds an item to the native control
virtualboolAdd(wxDataViewItemconst&parent,wxDataViewItemArrayconst&itesm)=0;// adds a items to the native control
virtualvoidCollapse(wxDataViewItemconst&item)=0;// collapses the passed item in the native control
virtualvoidEnsureVisible(wxDataViewItemconst&item,wxDataViewColumnconst*columnPtr)=0;// ensures that the passed item's value in the passed column is visible (column pointer can be NULL)
virtualvoidExpand(wxDataViewItemconst&item)=0;// expands the passed item in the native control
virtualunsignedintGetCount(void)const=0;// returns the number of items in the native control
virtualwxRectGetRectangle(wxDataViewItemconst&item,wxDataViewColumnconst*columnPtr)=0;// returns the rectangle that is used by the passed item and column in the native control
virtualboolIsExpanded(wxDataViewItemconst&item)const=0;// checks if the passed item is expanded in the native control
virtualboolReload(void)=0;// clears the native control and reloads all data
virtualboolRemove(wxDataViewItemconst&parent,wxDataViewItemconst&item)=0;// removes an item from the native control
virtualboolRemove(wxDataViewItemconst&parent,wxDataViewItemArrayconst&item)=0;// removes items from the native control
virtualboolUpdate(wxDataViewColumnconst*columnPtr)=0;// updates the items in the passed column of the native control
virtualboolUpdate(wxDataViewItemconst&parent,wxDataViewItemconst&item)=0;// updates the passed item in the native control
virtualboolUpdate(wxDataViewItemconst&parent,wxDataViewItemArrayconst&items)=0;// updates the passed items in the native control
// model related methods
virtualboolAssociateModel(wxDataViewModel*model)=0;// informs the native control that a model is present
// selection related methods
virtualintGetSelections(wxDataViewItemArray&sel)const=0;// returns all selected items in the native control
virtualboolIsSelected(wxDataViewItemconst&item)const=0;// checks if the passed item is selected in the native control
virtualvoidSelect(wxDataViewItemconst&item)=0;// selects the passed item in the native control
virtualvoidSelectAll(void)=0;// selects all items in the native control
virtualvoidUnselect(wxDataViewItemconst&item)=0;// unselects the passed item in the native control
virtualvoidUnselectAll(void)=0;// unselects all items in the native control
// sorting related methods
virtualwxDataViewColumn*GetSortingColumn(void)const=0;// returns the column that is primarily responsible for sorting in the native control
virtualvoidResort(void)=0;// asks the native control to start a resorting process
// other methods
virtualvoidDoSetIndent(intindent)=0;// sets the indention in the native control
virtualvoidHitTest(wxPointconst&point,wxDataViewItem&item,wxDataViewColumn*&columnPtr)const=0;// return the item and column pointer that contains with the passed point
virtualvoidSetRowHeight(wxDataViewItemconst&item,unsignedintheight)=0;// sets the height of the row containg the passed item in the native control
virtualvoidOnSize(void)=0;// updates the layout of the native control after a size event