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A wxTCPClient object represents the connection between a client and a server.
It emulates a DDE-style protocol, but uses TCP/IP which is available on most platforms.
A DDE-based implementation for Windows is available using \helpref{wxDDEConnection}{wxddeconnection}.
A wxTCPConnection object can be created by making a connection using a\rtfsp
\helpref{wxTCPClient}{wxtcpclient} object, or by the acceptance of a connection by a\rtfsp
\helpref{wxTCPServer}{wxtcpserver} object. The bulk of a conversation is controlled by
calling members in a {\bf wxTCPConnection} object or by overriding its
An application should normally derive a new connection class from
wxTCPConnection, in order to override the communication event handlers
to do something interesting.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\index{wxIPCFormat}wxIPCFormat is defined as follows:
enum wxIPCFormat
wxIPC_TEXT = 1, /* CF_TEXT */
wxIPC_SYLK = 4,
wxIPC_DIF = 5,
wxIPC_TIFF = 6,
wxIPC_DIB = 8, /* CF_DIB */
wxIPC_RIFF = 11,
wxIPC_WAVE = 12,
wxIPC_LOCALE = 16,
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxTCPClient}{wxtcpclient}, \helpref{wxTCPServer}{wxtcpserver}, \helpref{Interprocess communications overview}{ipcoverview}
\func{}{wxTCPConnection}{\param{char* }{buffer}, \param{int}{ size}}
Constructs a connection object. If no user-defined connection object is
to be derived from wxTCPConnection, then the constructor should not be
called directly, since the default connection object will be provided on
requesting (or accepting) a connection. However, if the user defines his
or her own derived connection object, the \helpref{wxTCPServer::OnAcceptConnection}{wxtcpserveronacceptconnection}\rtfsp
and/or \helpref{wxTCPClient::OnMakeConnection}{wxtcpclientonmakeconnection} members should be replaced by
functions which construct the new connection object. If the arguments of
the wxTCPConnection constructor are void, then a default buffer is
associated with the connection. Otherwise, the programmer must provide a
a buffer and size of the buffer for the connection object to use in
\func{bool}{Advise}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size = -1}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format = wxCF\_TEXT}}
Called by the server application to advise the client of a change in
the data associated with the given item. Causes the client
connection's \helpref{wxTCPConnection::OnAdvise}{wxtcpconnectiononadvise}
member to be called. Returns TRUE if successful.
\func{bool}{Execute}{\param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size = -1}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format = wxCF\_TEXT}}
Called by the client application to execute a command on the server. Can
also be used to transfer arbitrary data to the server (similar
to \helpref{wxTCPConnection::Poke}{wxtcpconnectionpoke} in that respect). Causes the
server connection's \helpref{wxTCPConnection::OnExecute}{wxtcpconnectiononexecute} member to be
called. Returns TRUE if successful.
Called by the client or server application to disconnect from the other
program; it causes the \helpref{wxTCPConnection::OnDisconnect}{wxtcpconnectionondisconnect} message
to be sent to the corresponding connection object in the other
program. The default behaviour of {\bf OnDisconnect} is to delete the
connection, but the calling application must explicitly delete its
side of the connection having called {\bf Disconnect}. Returns TRUE if
\func{virtual bool}{OnAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format}}
Message sent to the client application when the server notifies it of a
change in the data associated with the given item.
\func{virtual bool}{OnDisconnect}{\void}
Message sent to the client or server application when the other
application notifies it to delete the connection. Default behaviour is
to delete the connection object.
\func{virtual bool}{OnExecute}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format}}
Message sent to the server application when the client notifies it to
execute the given data. Note that there is no item associated with
this message.
\func{virtual bool}{OnPoke}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format}}
Message sent to the server application when the client notifies it to
accept the given data.
\func{virtual char*}{OnRequest}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{int *}{size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format}}
Message sent to the server application when the client
calls \helpref{wxTCPConnection::Request}{wxtcpconnectionrequest}. The server
should respond by returning a character string from {\bf OnRequest},
or NULL to indicate no data.
\func{virtual bool}{OnStartAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}}
Message sent to the server application by the client, when the client
wishes to start an `advise loop' for the given topic and item. The
server can refuse to participate by returning FALSE.
\func{virtual bool}{OnStopAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}}
Message sent to the server application by the client, when the client
wishes to stop an `advise loop' for the given topic and item. The
server can refuse to stop the advise loop by returning FALSE, although
this doesn't have much meaning in practice.
\func{bool}{Poke}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size = -1}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format = wxCF\_TEXT}}
Called by the client application to poke data into the server. Can be
used to transfer arbitrary data to the server. Causes the server
connection's \helpref{wxTCPConnection::OnPoke}{wxtcpconnectiononpoke} member
to be called. Returns TRUE if successful.
\func{char*}{Request}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{int *}{size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format = wxIPC\_TEXT}}
Called by the client application to request data from the server. Causes
the server connection's \helpref{wxTCPConnection::OnRequest}{wxtcpconnectiononrequest} member to be called. Returns a
character string (actually a pointer to the connection's buffer) if
successful, NULL otherwise.
\func{bool}{StartAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}}
Called by the client application to ask if an advise loop can be started
with the server. Causes the server connection's \helpref{wxTCPConnection::OnStartAdvise}{wxtcpconnectiononstartadvise}\rtfsp
member to be called. Returns TRUE if the server okays it, FALSE
\func{bool}{StopAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}}
Called by the client application to ask if an advise loop can be
stopped. Causes the server connection's \helpref{wxTCPConnection::OnStopAdvise}{wxtcpconnectiononstopadvise} member
to be called. Returns TRUE if the server okays it, FALSE otherwise.