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% xmlres.h at 22/Jan/02 23:08:28
wxXmlResourceHandler is an abstract base class for resource handlers
capable of creating a control from an XML node.
See \helpref{XML-based resource system overview}{xrcoverview} for details.
{\bf NOTE:} XRC is not yet a part of the core wxWindows library, so
please see the overview for how to compile and link it. Otherwise if you
try to use it, you will get link errors.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
Default constructor.
\func{void}{AddStyle}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{int }{value}}
Add a style flag (e.g. wxMB\_DOCKABLE) to the list of flags
understood by this handler.
Add styles common to all wxWindow-derived classes.
\func{bool}{CanHandle}{\param{wxXmlNode* }{node}}
Returns TRUE if it understands this node and can create
a resource from it, FALSE otherwise.
\func{void}{CreateChildren}{\param{wxObject* }{parent}, \param{bool }{this\_hnd\_only = FALSE}}
Creates children.
\func{void}{CreateChildrenPrivately}{\param{wxObject* }{parent}, \param{wxXmlNode* }{rootnode = NULL}}
Helper function.
\func{wxObject*}{CreateResFromNode}{\param{wxXmlNode* }{node}, \param{wxObject* }{parent}, \param{wxObject* }{instance = NULL}}
Creates a resource from a node.
\func{wxObject*}{CreateResource}{\param{wxXmlNode* }{node}, \param{wxObject* }{parent}, \param{wxObject* }{instance}}
Creates an object (menu, dialog, control, ...) from an XML node.
Should check for validity. {\it parent} is a higher-level object (usually window, dialog or panel)
that is often neccessary to create the resource.
If {\bf instance} is non-NULL it should not create a new instance via 'new' but
should rather use this one, and call its Create method.
Called from CreateResource after variables
were filled.
\func{wxBitmap}{GetBitmap}{\param{const wxString\& }{param = wxT("bitmap")}, \param{wxSize }{size = wxDefaultSize}}
Gets a bitmap.
\func{bool}{GetBool}{\param{const wxString\& }{param}, \param{bool }{defaultv = FALSE}}
Gets a bool flag (1, t, yes, on, true are TRUE, everything else is FALSE).
\func{wxColour}{GetColour}{\param{const wxString\& }{param}}
Gets colour in HTML syntax (\#RRGGBB).
Returns the current file system.
\func{wxCoord}{GetDimension}{\param{const wxString\& }{param}, \param{wxCoord }{defaultv = 0}}
Gets a dimension (may be in dialog units).
\func{wxFont}{GetFont}{\param{const wxString\& }{param = wxT("font")}}
Gets a font.
Returns the XRCID.
\func{wxIcon}{GetIcon}{\param{const wxString\& }{param = wxT("icon")}, \param{wxSize }{size = wxDefaultSize}}
Returns an icon.
\func{long}{GetLong}{\param{const wxString\& }{param}, \param{long }{defaultv = 0}}
Gets the integer value from the parameter.
Returns the resource name.
\func{wxString}{GetNodeContent}{\param{wxXmlNode* }{node}}
Gets node content from wxXML\_ENTITY\_NODE.
\func{wxXmlNode*}{GetParamNode}{\param{const wxString\& }{param}}
Finds the node or returns NULL.
\func{wxString}{GetParamValue}{\param{const wxString\& }{param}}
Finds the parameter value or returns the empty string.
\func{wxPoint}{GetPosition}{\param{const wxString\& }{param = wxT("pos")}}
Gets the position (may be in dialog units).
\func{wxSize}{GetSize}{\param{const wxString\& }{param = wxT("size")}}
Gets the size (may be in dialog units).
\func{int}{GetStyle}{\param{const wxString\& }{param = wxT("style")}, \param{int }{defaults = 0}}
Gets style flags from text in form "flag | flag2| flag3 |..."
Only understands flags added with AddStyle.
\func{wxString}{GetText}{\param{const wxString\& }{param}}
Gets text from param and does some conversions:
\item replaces $\backslash$n, $\backslash$r, $\backslash$t by respective characters (according to C syntax)
\item replaces \tt{\$} by \tt{\&} and \tt{\$\$} by \tt{\$} (needed for \tt{\_File} to \tt{\&File}
translation because of XML syntax)
\item calls wxGetTranslations (unless disabled in wxXmlResource)
\func{bool}{HasParam}{\param{const wxString\& }{param}}
Check to see if a parameter exists.
\func{bool}{IsOfClass}{\param{wxXmlNode* }{node}, \param{const wxString\& }{classname}}
Convenience function. Returns true if the node has a property class equal to classname,
e.g. <object class="wxDialog">.
\func{void}{SetParentResource}{\param{wxXmlResource* }{res}}
Sets the parent resource.
\func{void}{SetupWindow}{\param{wxWindow* }{wnd}}
Sets common window options.