Added "const" to the (char *) type params that should have been const params

git-svn-id: c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
This commit is contained in:
George Tasker 1999-11-25 15:52:09 +00:00
parent 85fb5ef8f2
commit 0b0ca94c89
2 changed files with 27 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ private:
bool getDbInfo(void);
bool getDataTypeInfo(SWORD fSqlType, SqlTypeInfo &structSQLTypeInfo);
bool setConnectionOptions(void);
void logError(char *errMsg, char *SQLState);
void logError(const char *errMsg, const char *SQLState);
@ -401,15 +401,15 @@ public:
bool DispAllErrors(HENV aHenv, HDBC aHdbc = SQL_NULL_HDBC, HSTMT aHstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT);
bool GetNextError(HENV aHenv, HDBC aHdbc = SQL_NULL_HDBC, HSTMT aHstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT);
void DispNextError(void);
bool CreateView(char *viewName, char *colList, char *pSqlStmt, bool attemptDrop=TRUE);
bool DropView(char *viewName);
bool ExecSql(char *pSqlStmt);
bool CreateView(const char *viewName, const char *colList, const char *pSqlStmt, bool attemptDrop=TRUE);
bool DropView(const char *viewName);
bool ExecSql(const char *pSqlStmt);
bool GetNext(void);
bool GetData(UWORD colNo, SWORD cType, PTR pData, SDWORD maxLen, SDWORD FAR *cbReturned);
bool Grant(int privileges, char *tableName, char *userList = "PUBLIC");
int TranslateSqlState(char *SQLState);
bool Catalog(char *userID, char *fileName = "Catalog.txt");
CcolInf *GetColumns(char *tableName[], char *userID=NULL);
bool Grant(int privileges, const char *tableName, const char *userList = "PUBLIC");
int TranslateSqlState(const char *SQLState);
bool Catalog(const char *userID, const char *fileName = "Catalog.txt");
CcolInf *GetColumns(char *tableName[], const char *userID=NULL);
char *GetDatabaseName(void) {return dbInf.dbmsName;}
char *GetDataSource(void) {return dsn;}
char *GetUsername(void) {return uid;}
@ -418,10 +418,10 @@ public:
HENV GetHENV(void) {return henv;}
HDBC GetHDBC(void) {return hdbc;}
HSTMT GetHSTMT(void) {return hstmt;}
bool TableExists(char *tableName, char *userID=NULL, char *path=NULL); // Table name can refer to a table, view, alias or synonym
void LogError(char *errMsg, char *SQLState = 0) {logError(errMsg, SQLState);}
bool SqlLog(enum sqlLog state, char *filename = "sqllog.txt", bool append = FALSE);
bool WriteSqlLog(char *logMsg);
bool TableExists(const char *tableName, const char *userID=NULL, const char *path=NULL); // Table name can refer to a table, view, alias or synonym
void LogError(const char *errMsg, const char *SQLState = 0) {logError(errMsg, SQLState);}
bool SqlLog(enum sqlLog state, const char *filename = "sqllog.txt", bool append = FALSE);
bool WriteSqlLog(const char *logMsg);
DBMS Dbms(void);
}; // wxDB
@ -462,13 +462,13 @@ void WXDLLEXPORT CloseDbConnections(void);
int WXDLLEXPORT NumberDbConnectionsInUse(void);
// This function sets the sql log state for all open wxDB objects
bool SqlLog(enum sqlLog state, char *filename = "sqllog.txt");
bool SqlLog(enum sqlLog state, const char *filename = "sqllog.txt");
// This routine allows you to query a driver manager
// for a list of available datasources. Call this routine
// the first time using SQL_FETCH_FIRST. Continue to call it
// using SQL_FETCH_NEXT until you've exhausted the list.
bool WXDLLEXPORT GetDataSource(HENV henv, char *Dsn, SWORD DsnMax, char *DsDesc, SWORD DsDescMax,
bool WXDLLEXPORT GetDataSource(HENV henv, const char *Dsn, SWORD DsnMax, const char *DsDesc, SWORD DsDescMax,
UWORD direction = SQL_FETCH_NEXT);

View File

@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ private:
bool bindUpdateParams(void);
bool bindCols(HSTMT cursor);
bool getRec(UWORD fetchType);
bool execDelete(char *pSqlStmt);
bool execUpdate(char *pSqlStmt);
bool execDelete(const char *pSqlStmt);
bool execUpdate(const char *pSqlStmt);
bool query(int queryType, bool forUpdate, bool distinct, char *pSqlStmt = 0);
@ -136,20 +136,20 @@ public:
// Public member functions
wxTable(wxDB *pwxDB, const char *tblName, const int nCols,
const char *qryTblName = 0, bool qryOnly = !QUERY_ONLY, char *tblPath=NULL);
const char *qryTblName = 0, bool qryOnly = !QUERY_ONLY, const char *tblPath=NULL);
virtual ~wxTable();
bool Open(void);
bool CreateTable(bool attemptDrop=TRUE);
bool DropTable(void);
bool CreateIndex(char * idxName, bool unique, int noIdxCols, CidxDef *pIdxDefs, bool attemptDrop=TRUE);
bool DropIndex(char * idxName);
bool CreateIndex(const char * idxName, bool unique, int noIdxCols, CidxDef *pIdxDefs, bool attemptDrop=TRUE);
bool DropIndex(const char * idxName);
bool CloseCursor(HSTMT cursor);
int Insert(void);
bool Update(void);
bool Update(char *pSqlStmt);
bool UpdateWhere(char *pWhereClause);
bool Update(const char *pSqlStmt);
bool UpdateWhere(const char *pWhereClause);
bool Delete(void);
bool DeleteWhere(char *pWhereClause);
bool DeleteWhere(const char *pWhereClause);
bool DeleteMatching(void);
virtual bool Query(bool forUpdate = FALSE, bool distinct = FALSE);
bool QueryBySqlStmt(char *pSqlStmt);
@ -167,14 +167,14 @@ public:
bool IsColNull(int colNo);
UWORD GetRowNum(void);
void GetSelectStmt(char *pSqlStmt, int typeOfSelect, bool distinct);
void GetDeleteStmt(char *pSqlStmt, int typeOfDel, char *pWhereClause = 0);
void GetUpdateStmt(char *pSqlStmt, int typeOfUpd, char *pWhereClause = 0);
void GetWhereClause(char *pWhereClause, int typeOfWhere, char *qualTableName = 0);
void GetDeleteStmt(char *pSqlStmt, int typeOfDel, const char *pWhereClause = 0);
void GetUpdateStmt(char *pSqlStmt, int typeOfUpd, const char *pWhereClause = 0);
void GetWhereClause(char *pWhereClause, int typeOfWhere, const char *qualTableName = 0);
bool CanSelectForUpdate(void);
bool CanUpdByROWID(void);
void ClearMemberVars(void);
bool SetQueryTimeout(UDWORD nSeconds);
void SetColDefs (int index, char *fieldName, int dataType, void *pData, int cType,
void SetColDefs (int index, const char *fieldName, int dataType, void *pData, int cType,
int size, bool keyField = FALSE, bool upd = TRUE,
bool insAllow = TRUE, bool derivedCol = FALSE);
HSTMT *NewCursor(bool setCursor = FALSE, bool bindColumns = TRUE);
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ public:
int DB_STATUS(void) { return(pDb->DB_STATUS); }
bool Refresh(void);
bool SetNull(int colNo);
bool SetNull(char *colName);
bool SetNull(const char *colName);
#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
ULONG GetTableID() { return tableID; };