refactoring getters and setters to avoid signature madness, typeinfo is carrying string conversion info now.

git-svn-id: c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
This commit is contained in:
Stefan Csomor 2003-08-18 09:53:09 +00:00
parent 3f2c383971
commit 208fd16ca7
2 changed files with 327 additions and 364 deletions

View File

@ -42,19 +42,6 @@
#include "wx/string.h"
#include "wx/arrstr.h"
// some compilers have troubles getting the correct wxPropertyAccessorT constructor
// set this to 1 to make things work for these, too
#define WX_XTI_PARAM_FIX(a,b) a,b
#define WX_XTI_PARAM_FIX(a,b)
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxObject;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxClassInfo;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxHashTable;
@ -122,7 +109,6 @@ private :
#define WX_END_ENUM( e ) { NULL , 0 } } ; \
wxEnumData s_enumData##e( s_enumDataMembers##e ) ; \
wxEnumData *wxGetEnumData(e) { return &s_enumData##e ; } \
template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( e * ){ static wxEnumTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_ENUM , &s_enumData##e) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \
template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString& s , e &data ) \
{ \
data = (e) s_enumData##e.GetEnumMemberValue(s) ; \
@ -131,6 +117,7 @@ private :
{ \
s = s_enumData##e.GetEnumMemberName((int)data) ; \
} \
template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( e * ){ static wxEnumTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_ENUM , &s_enumData##e , &wxToStringConverter<e> , &wxFromStringConverter<e>) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \
template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( e ** ){ static wxBuiltInTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_VOID ) ; assert(0) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \
template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString& , e* & ) \
{ \
@ -224,7 +211,7 @@ void wxSetToString( wxString &s , const wxSet<e> &data )
template<> void wxStringWriteValue( wxString &s , const wxSet<e> &data ) \
{ \
wxSetToString( s , data ) ; \
} \
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -266,30 +253,45 @@ enum wxTypeKind
wxT_LAST_TYPE_KIND = wxT_DELEGATE // sentinel for bad data, asserts, debugging
class wxxVariant ;
public :
wxTypeInfo() : m_kind( wxT_VOID) {}
wxTypeInfo() : m_kind( wxT_VOID) , m_toString(NULL) , m_fromString(NULL) {}
virtual ~wxTypeInfo() {}
wxTypeKind GetKind() const { return m_kind ; }
bool IsDelegateType() const { return m_kind == wxT_DELEGATE ; }
bool IsCustomType() const { return m_kind == wxT_CUSTOM ; }
bool IsObjectType() const { return m_kind == wxT_OBJECT || m_kind == wxT_OBJECT_PTR ; }
bool HasStringConverters() const { return m_toString != NULL && m_fromString != NULL ; }
void ConvertToString( const wxxVariant& data , wxString &result ) const
{ wxASSERT_MSG( m_toString , wxT("String conversions not supported") ) ; (*m_toString)( data , result ) ; }
void ConvertFromString( const wxString& data , wxxVariant &result ) const
{ wxASSERT_MSG( m_fromString , wxT("String conversions not supported") ) ; (*m_fromString)( data , result ) ; }
protected :
wxTypeKind m_kind ;
typedef void (*converterToString_t)( const wxxVariant& data , wxString &result ) ;
typedef void (*converterFromString_t)( const wxString& data , wxxVariant &result ) ;
converterToString_t m_toString ;
converterFromString_t m_fromString ;
wxTypeKind m_kind ;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxBuiltInTypeInfo : public wxTypeInfo
public :
wxBuiltInTypeInfo( wxTypeKind kind ) { wxASSERT_MSG( kind < wxT_SET , wxT("Illegal Kind for Base Type") ) ; m_kind = kind ;}
wxBuiltInTypeInfo( wxTypeKind kind , converterToString_t to = NULL , converterFromString_t from= NULL )
{ wxASSERT_MSG( kind < wxT_SET , wxT("Illegal Kind for Base Type") ) ; m_kind = kind ; m_toString = to ; m_fromString = from ;}
} ;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxCustomTypeInfo : public wxTypeInfo
public :
wxCustomTypeInfo( const wxChar *typeName )
{ m_kind = wxT_CUSTOM ; m_typeName = typeName ;}
wxCustomTypeInfo( const wxChar *typeName , converterToString_t to= NULL , converterFromString_t from= NULL )
{ m_kind = wxT_CUSTOM ; m_typeName = typeName ;m_toString = to ; m_fromString = from ;}
const wxChar *GetTypeName() const { return m_typeName ; }
private :
const wxChar *m_typeName; // Kind == wxT_CUSTOM
@ -298,8 +300,8 @@ private :
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxEnumTypeInfo : public wxTypeInfo
public :
wxEnumTypeInfo( wxTypeKind kind , wxEnumData* enumInfo )
{ wxASSERT_MSG( kind == wxT_ENUM || kind == wxT_SET , wxT("Illegal Kind for Enum Type")) ; m_kind = kind ; m_enumInfo = enumInfo ;}
wxEnumTypeInfo( wxTypeKind kind , wxEnumData* enumInfo , converterToString_t to = NULL , converterFromString_t from= NULL )
{ wxASSERT_MSG( kind == wxT_ENUM || kind == wxT_SET , wxT("Illegal Kind for Enum Type")) ; m_kind = kind ; m_enumInfo = enumInfo ;m_toString = to ; m_fromString = from ;}
const wxEnumData* GetEnumData() const { return m_enumInfo ; }
private :
wxEnumData *m_enumInfo; // Kind == wxT_ENUM or Kind == wxT_SET
@ -308,7 +310,7 @@ private :
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxClassTypeInfo : public wxTypeInfo
public :
wxClassTypeInfo( wxTypeKind kind , wxClassInfo* classInfo )
wxClassTypeInfo( wxTypeKind kind , wxClassInfo* classInfo , converterToString_t to = NULL , converterFromString_t from = NULL )
{ wxASSERT_MSG( kind == wxT_OBJECT_PTR || kind == wxT_OBJECT , wxT("Illegal Kind for Enum Type")) ; m_kind = kind ; m_classInfo = classInfo ;}
const wxClassInfo *GetClassInfo() const { return m_classInfo ; }
private :
@ -318,8 +320,8 @@ private :
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxCollectionTypeInfo : public wxTypeInfo
public :
wxCollectionTypeInfo( wxTypeInfo *elementType )
{ m_kind = wxT_COLLECTION , m_elementType = elementType ; }
wxCollectionTypeInfo( wxTypeInfo *elementType , converterToString_t to = NULL , converterFromString_t from = NULL )
{ m_kind = wxT_COLLECTION , m_elementType = elementType ; m_toString = to ; m_fromString = from ;}
const wxTypeInfo* GetElementType() const { return m_elementType ; }
private :
@ -331,8 +333,8 @@ private :
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxDelegateTypeInfo : public wxTypeInfo
public :
wxDelegateTypeInfo( int eventType , wxClassInfo* eventClass )
{ m_kind = wxT_DELEGATE ; m_eventClass = eventClass ; m_eventType = eventType ;}
wxDelegateTypeInfo( int eventType , wxClassInfo* eventClass , converterToString_t to = NULL , converterFromString_t from = NULL )
{ m_kind = wxT_DELEGATE ; m_eventClass = eventClass ; m_eventType = eventType ;m_toString = to ; m_fromString = from ;}
const wxClassInfo *GetEventClass() const { assert( m_kind == wxT_DELEGATE ) ; return m_eventClass ; }
int GetEventType() const { return m_eventType ; }
private :
@ -351,7 +353,7 @@ template<typename T> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( wxSet<T> * )
#define WX_CUSTOM_TYPE_INFO( e ) \
template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( e ** ){ static wxBuiltInTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_VOID) ; assert(0) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \
template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( e * ){ static wxCustomTypeInfo s_typeInfo(#e) ; return &s_typeInfo ; }
template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( e * ){ static wxCustomTypeInfo s_typeInfo(#e, &wxToStringConverter<e> , &wxFromStringConverter<e>) ; return &s_typeInfo ; }
// templated streaming, every type must have their specialization for these methods
@ -361,6 +363,12 @@ void wxStringReadValue( const wxString &s , T &data );
template<typename T>
void wxStringWriteValue( wxString &s , const T &data);
template<typename T>
void wxToStringConverter( const wxxVariant &v, wxString &s) { wxStringWriteValue( s , v.Get<T>() ) ; }
template<typename T>
void wxFromStringConverter( const wxString &s, wxxVariant &v) { T d ; wxStringReadValue( s , d ) ; v = wxxVariant(d) ; } \
// sometimes a compiler invents specializations that are nowhere called, use this macro to satisfy the refs
@ -383,12 +391,6 @@ public:
// returns the type info of the contentc
virtual const wxTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo() const = 0 ;
// write the value into a string
virtual void Write( wxString &s ) const = 0 ;
// read the value from a string
virtual void Read( const wxString &s) = 0 ;
} ;
template<typename T> class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxxVariantDataT : public wxxVariantData
@ -411,13 +413,6 @@ public:
// returns the type info of the contentc
virtual const wxTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo() const { return wxGetTypeInfo( (T*) NULL ) ; }
// write the value into a string
virtual void Write( wxString &s ) const { wxStringWriteValue( s , m_data ) ; }
// read the value from a string
virtual void Read( const wxString &s) { wxStringReadValue( s , m_data ) ; }
T m_data;
@ -431,6 +426,7 @@ public :
template<typename T> wxxVariant( T data , const wxString& name = wxT("") ) :
m_data(new wxxVariantDataT<T>(data) ), m_name(name) {}
~wxxVariant() { delete m_data ; }
// get a ref to the stored data
@ -449,6 +445,12 @@ public :
return dataptr->Get() ;
template<typename T> bool HasData() const
const wxxVariantDataT<T> *dataptr = dynamic_cast<const wxxVariantDataT<T>*> (m_data) ;
return dataptr != NULL ;
// stores the data
template<typename T> void Set(const T& data) const
@ -469,24 +471,13 @@ public :
// get the typeinfo of the stored object
const wxTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo() const { return m_data->GetTypeInfo() ; }
// write the value into a string
void Write( wxString &s ) const { m_data->Write( s ) ; }
// read the value from a string
void Read( const wxString &s) { m_data->Read( s ) ; }
// returns this value as string
wxString GetAsString() const
wxString s ;
Write( s ) ;
GetTypeInfo()->ConvertToString( *this , s ) ;
return s ;
void SetFromString( const wxString &s)
Read( s ) ;
private :
wxxVariantData* m_data ;
wxString m_name ;
@ -504,275 +495,258 @@ WX_DECLARE_OBJARRAY_WITH_DECL(wxxVariant, wxxVariantArray, class WXDLLIMPEXP_BAS
// want access, look at wxPropertyAccessor.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class wxSetter
public :
wxSetter( const wxString name ) { m_name = name ; }
virtual void Set( wxObject *object, const wxxVariant &variantValue ) const = 0;
const wxString& GetName() const { return m_name ; }
private :
wxString m_name ;
} ;
class wxGetter
public :
wxGetter( const wxString name ) { m_name = name ; }
virtual void Get( const wxObject *object , wxxVariant& result) const = 0;
const wxString& GetName() const { return m_name ; }
private :
wxString m_name ;
} ;
class wxCollectionGetter
public :
wxCollectionGetter( const wxString name ) { m_name = name ; }
virtual void Get( const wxObject *object , wxxVariantArray& result) const = 0;
const wxString& GetName() const { return m_name ; }
private :
wxString m_name ;
} ;
template<typename coll_t> void wxCollectionToVariantArray( const coll_t& coll , wxxVariantArray& result ) ;
class wxAdder
public :
wxAdder( const wxString name ) { m_name = name ; }
virtual void Add( wxObject *object, const wxxVariant &variantValue ) const= 0;
const wxString& GetName() const { return m_name ; }
private :
wxString m_name ;
} ;
template <class Klass, typename valueType, typename retType> void wxSetterFunc( wxObject *object , const wxxVariant &variantValue , retType(Klass::*setter)( valueType ) )
Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<Klass*>(object);
if ( variantValue.HasData<valueType>() )
(obj->*(setter))(variantValue.Get<valueType>()) ;
(obj->*(setter))(*variantValue.Get<valueType*>()) ;
template <class Klass, typename valueType, typename retType> void wxSetterFunc( wxObject *object , const wxxVariant &variantValue , retType(Klass::*setter)( valueType& ) )
Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<Klass*>(object);
if ( variantValue.HasData<valueType>() )
(obj->*(setter))(variantValue.Get<valueType>()) ;
(obj->*(setter))(*variantValue.Get<valueType*>()) ;
template <class Klass, typename valueType, typename retType> void wxSetterFunc( wxObject *object , const wxxVariant &variantValue , retType(Klass::*setter)( const valueType& ) )
Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<Klass*>(object);
if ( variantValue.HasData<valueType>() )
(obj->*(setter))(variantValue.Get<valueType>()) ;
(obj->*(setter))(*variantValue.Get<valueType*>()) ;
template <class Klass, typename valueType, typename retType> void wxAdderFunc( wxObject *object , const wxxVariant &variantValue , retType(Klass::*adder)( valueType ) )
Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<Klass*>(object);
(obj->*(adder))(variantValue.Get<valueType>()) ;
template <class Klass, typename valueType, typename retType> void wxAdderFunc( wxObject *object , const wxxVariant &variantValue , retType(Klass::*adder)( valueType& ) )
Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<Klass*>(object);
(obj->*(adder))(variantValue.Get<valueType>()) ;
template <class Klass, typename valueType, typename retType> void wxAdderFunc( wxObject *object , const wxxVariant &variantValue , retType(Klass::*adder)( const valueType& ) )
Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<Klass*>(object);
(obj->*(adder))(variantValue.Get<valueType>()) ;
template <class Klass, typename valueType> void wxxGetterFunc( const wxObject *object , wxxVariant &result, valueType& (Klass::*getter)() const )
const Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<const Klass*>(object);
result = wxxVariant((obj->*(getter))()) ;
template <class Klass, typename valueType> void wxGetterFunc( const wxObject *object , wxxVariant &result, valueType(Klass::*getter)() const )
const Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<const Klass*>(object);
result = wxxVariant((obj->*(getter))()) ;
template <class Klass, typename valueType> void wxGetterFunc( const wxObject *object , wxxVariant &result, const valueType&(Klass::*getter)() const)
const Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<const Klass*>(object);
result = wxxVariant((obj->*(getter))()) ;
template <class Klass, typename valueType> void wxCollectionGetterFunc( const wxObject *object , wxxVariantArray &result, valueType& (Klass::*getter)() const )
const Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<const Klass*>(object);
wxCollectionToVariantArray( (obj->*(getter))() , result ) ;
template <class Klass, typename valueType> void wxCollectionGetterFunc( const wxObject *object , wxxVariantArray &result, valueType(Klass::*getter)() const )
const Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<const Klass*>(object);
wxCollectionToVariantArray( (obj->*(getter))() , result ) ;
template <class Klass, typename valueType> void wxCollectionGetterFunc( const wxObject *object , wxxVariantArray &result, const valueType&(Klass::*getter)() const)
const Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<const Klass*>(object);
wxCollectionToVariantArray( (obj->*(getter))() , result ) ;
#define WX_SETTER( property , settermethod ) \
class wxSetter##property : public wxSetter \
{ \
public: \
wxSetter##property() : wxSetter( #settermethod ) {} \
void Set( wxObject *object, const wxxVariant &variantValue ) const \
{ \
wxSetterFunc( object , variantValue , &class_t::settermethod ) ; \
} \
} ;
#define WX_GETTER( property , gettermethod ) \
class wxGetter##property : public wxGetter \
{ \
public : \
wxGetter##property() : wxGetter( #gettermethod ) {} \
void Get( const wxObject *object , wxxVariant &result) const \
{ \
wxGetterFunc( object , result , &class_t::gettermethod ) ; \
} \
} ;
#define WX_ADDER( property , addermethod ) \
class wxAdder##property : public wxAdder \
{ \
public: \
wxAdder##property() : wxAdder( #addermethod ) {} \
void Add( wxObject *object, const wxxVariant &variantValue ) const \
{ \
wxAdderFunc( object , variantValue , &class_t::addermethod ) ; \
} \
} ;
#define WX_COLLECTION_GETTER( property , gettermethod ) \
class wxCollectionGetter##property : public wxCollectionGetter \
{ \
public : \
wxCollectionGetter##property() : wxCollectionGetter( #gettermethod ) {} \
void Get( const wxObject *object , wxxVariantArray &result) const \
{ \
wxCollectionGetterFunc( object , result , &class_t::gettermethod ) ; \
} \
} ;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxPropertyAccessor
public :
class SetByRef ;
class SetByRefRetBool ;
class SetRetBool ;
class SetAndGetByRef ;
class SetAndGetByRefRetBool ;
class GetByRef ;
wxPropertyAccessor() { m_setterName = NULL ; m_getterName = NULL ; m_adderName = NULL ;}
wxPropertyAccessor( wxSetter *setter , wxGetter *getter , wxAdder *adder , wxCollectionGetter *collectionGetter )
{ m_setter = setter ; m_getter = getter ; m_adder = adder ; m_collectionGetter = collectionGetter ;}
virtual ~wxPropertyAccessor() {}
// Setting a simple property (non-collection)
virtual void SetProperty(wxObject *object, const wxxVariant &value) const = 0 ;
virtual void SetProperty(wxObject *object, const wxxVariant &value) const
{ wxASSERT_MSG(m_setter,wxT("SetProperty called w/o valid setter") ) ; m_setter->Set( object , value ) ;}
// Getting a simple property (non-collection)
virtual wxxVariant GetProperty(const wxObject *object) const = 0 ;
virtual void GetProperty(const wxObject *object, wxxVariant &result) const
{ wxASSERT_MSG(m_getter,wxT("GetProperty called w/o valid getter") ) ; return m_getter->Get( object , result ) ;}
// Adding an element to a collection property
virtual void AddToPropertyCollection(wxObject *object, const wxxVariant &value) const
{ wxASSERT_MSG(0,wxT("Collection Operation called on non Collection Property")) ; }
{ wxASSERT_MSG(m_adder,wxT("AddToPropertyCollection called w/o valid adder") ) ; m_adder->Add( object , value ) ;}
// Getting a collection property
virtual wxxVariantArray GetPropertyCollection( const wxObject *obj) const
{ wxASSERT_MSG(0,wxT("Collection Operation called on non Collection Property")) ; return wxxVariantArray() ; }
virtual void GetPropertyCollection( const wxObject *obj, wxxVariantArray &result) const
{ wxASSERT_MSG(m_collectionGetter,wxT("GetPropertyCollection called w/o valid collection getter") ) ; return m_collectionGetter->Get( obj , result) ;}
virtual bool HasSetter() const = 0 ;
virtual bool HasGetter() const = 0 ;
virtual bool HasAdder() const = 0 ;
const wxChar * GetGetterName() const { return m_setterName ; }
const wxChar * GetSetterName() const { return m_getterName ; }
const wxChar * GetAdderName() const { return m_adderName ; }
virtual wxxVariant ReadValue( const wxString &value ) const = 0 ;
virtual void WriteValue( wxString& value , const wxObject *o ) const = 0 ;
protected :
const wxChar *m_setterName ;
const wxChar *m_getterName ;
const wxChar *m_adderName ;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxGenericPropertyAccessor : public wxPropertyAccessor
public :
wxGenericPropertyAccessor( const wxChar* propertyName ) ;
~wxGenericPropertyAccessor() ;
virtual void SetProperty(wxObject *object, const wxxVariant &value) const ;
virtual wxxVariant GetProperty(const wxObject *object) const ;
virtual bool HasSetter() const { return true ; }
virtual bool HasGetter() const { return true ; }
virtual bool HasAdder() const { return false ; }
virtual bool HasSetter() const { return m_setter != NULL ; }
virtual bool HasCollectionGetter() const { return m_collectionGetter != NULL ; }
virtual bool HasGetter() const { return m_getter != NULL ; }
virtual bool HasAdder() const { return m_adder != NULL ; }
virtual const wxString& GetCollectionGetterName() const
{ return m_collectionGetter->GetName() ; }
virtual const wxString& GetGetterName() const
{ return m_getter->GetName() ; }
virtual const wxString& GetSetterName() const
{ return m_setter->GetName() ; }
virtual const wxString& GetAdderName() const
{ return m_adder->GetName() ; }
virtual wxxVariant ReadValue( const wxString &value ) const ;
virtual void WriteValue( wxString& value , const wxObject *o ) const ;
private :
struct wxGenericPropertyAccessorInternal ;
wxGenericPropertyAccessorInternal* m_data ;
protected :
wxSetter *m_setter ;
wxAdder *m_adder ;
wxGetter *m_getter ;
wxCollectionGetter* m_collectionGetter ;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxGenericPropertyAccessor : public wxPropertyAccessor
public :
wxGenericPropertyAccessor( const wxString &propName ) ;
~wxGenericPropertyAccessor() ;
virtual bool HasSetter() const { return true ; }
virtual bool HasGetter() const { return true ; }
virtual bool HasAdder() const { return false ; }
virtual bool HasCollectionGetter() const { return false ; }
virtual const wxString& GetGetterName() const
{ return m_getterName ; }
virtual const wxString& GetSetterName() const
{ return m_setterName ; }
virtual void SetProperty(wxObject *object, const wxxVariant &value) const ;
virtual void GetProperty(const wxObject *object, wxxVariant &value) const ;
// Adding an element to a collection property
virtual void AddToPropertyCollection(wxObject *object, const wxxVariant &value) const
{ wxASSERT_MSG(0,wxT("AddToPropertyCollection called on a generic accessor") ) ;}
// Getting a collection property
virtual void GetPropertyCollection( const wxObject *obj, wxxVariantArray &result) const
{ wxASSERT_MSG(0,wxT("GetPropertyCollection called on a generic accessor") ) ;}
private :
struct wxGenericPropertyAccessorInternal ;
wxGenericPropertyAccessorInternal* m_data ;
wxString m_propertyName ;
wxString m_setterName ;
wxString m_getterName ;
} ;
template<class Klass, typename T>
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxPropertyAccessorT : public wxPropertyAccessor
typedef void (Klass::*setter_t)(T value);
typedef bool (Klass::*setter_bool_t)(T value);
typedef void (Klass::*setter_ref_t)(const T& value);
typedef bool (Klass::*setter_ref_bool_t)(const T& value);
typedef T (Klass::*getter_t)() const;
typedef const T& (Klass::*getter_ref_t)() const;
wxPropertyAccessorT(setter_t setter, getter_t getter, const wxChar *s, const wxChar *g)
: m_setter_bool( NULL ) , m_setter_ref_bool( NULL ) , m_setter(setter), m_setter_ref(NULL), m_getter(getter) ,m_getter_ref(NULL) {m_setterName = s;m_getterName=g ;}
wxPropertyAccessorT( getter_t getter, const wxChar *g)
: m_setter_bool( NULL ) , m_setter_ref_bool( NULL ) , m_setter(NULL), m_setter_ref(NULL), m_getter(getter) ,m_getter_ref(NULL) {m_setterName = "";m_getterName=g ;}
wxPropertyAccessorT(WX_XTI_PARAM_FIX(GetByRef*,) getter_ref_t getter, const wxChar *g)
: m_setter_bool( NULL ) , m_setter_ref_bool( NULL ) , m_setter(NULL), m_setter_ref(NULL), m_getter(NULL) ,m_getter_ref(getter) {m_setterName = "";m_getterName=g ;}
wxPropertyAccessorT(WX_XTI_PARAM_FIX(SetRetBool*,) setter_bool_t setter, getter_t getter, const wxChar *s, const wxChar *g)
: m_setter_bool( setter ) , m_setter_ref_bool( NULL ) , m_setter(NULL), m_setter_ref(NULL), m_getter(getter) , m_getter_ref(NULL){m_setterName = s;m_getterName=g ;}
wxPropertyAccessorT(WX_XTI_PARAM_FIX(SetByRef*,) setter_ref_t setter, getter_t getter, const wxChar *s, const wxChar *g)
: m_setter_bool( NULL ) , m_setter_ref_bool( NULL ) , m_setter(NULL), m_setter_ref(setter), m_getter(getter) , m_getter_ref(NULL){m_setterName = s;m_getterName=g ;}
wxPropertyAccessorT(WX_XTI_PARAM_FIX(SetByRefRetBool*,) setter_ref_bool_t setter, getter_t getter, const wxChar *s, const wxChar *g)
: m_setter_bool( NULL ) , m_setter_ref_bool( setter ) , m_setter(NULL), m_setter_ref(NULL), m_getter(getter) , m_getter_ref(NULL){m_setterName = s;m_getterName=g ;}
wxPropertyAccessorT(WX_XTI_PARAM_FIX(SetAndGetByRef*,) setter_ref_t setter, getter_ref_t getter, const wxChar *s, const wxChar *g)
: m_setter_bool( NULL ) , m_setter_ref_bool( NULL ) , m_setter(NULL), m_setter_ref(setter), m_getter(NULL) , m_getter_ref(getter){m_setterName = s;m_getterName=g ;}
wxPropertyAccessorT(WX_XTI_PARAM_FIX(SetAndGetByRefRetBool*,) setter_ref_bool_t setter, getter_ref_t getter, const wxChar *s, const wxChar *g)
: m_setter_bool( NULL ) , m_setter_ref_bool( setter ) , m_setter(NULL), m_setter_ref(NULL), m_getter(NULL) , m_getter_ref(getter){m_setterName = s;m_getterName=g ;}
wxPropertyAccessorT(WX_XTI_PARAM_FIX(GetByRef*,) setter_t setter, getter_ref_t getter, const wxChar *s, const wxChar *g)
: m_setter_bool( NULL ) , m_setter_ref_bool( NULL ) , m_setter(NULL), m_setter(setter), m_getter(NULL) , m_getter_ref(getter){m_setterName = s;m_getterName=g ;}
// returns true if this accessor has a setter
bool HasSetter() const { return m_setter != NULL || m_setter_ref != NULL || m_setter_ref_bool != NULL || m_setter_bool ; }
// return true if this accessor has a getter
bool HasGetter() const { return m_getter != NULL || m_getter_ref != NULL ; }
bool HasAdder() const { return true ; }
// set the property this accessor is responsible for in an object
void SetProperty(wxObject *o, const wxxVariant &v) const
Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<Klass*>(o);
T value ;
if ( wxGetTypeInfo((T*)NULL)->GetKind() == wxT_OBJECT && v.GetTypeInfo()->GetKind() == wxT_OBJECT_PTR )
value = *v.Get<T*>();
value = v.Get<T>();
if (m_setter)
else if ( m_setter_ref )
else if ( m_setter_ref_bool )
else if ( m_setter_bool )
wxASSERT_MSG(0 , wxT("SetPropertyCalled without a valid Setter") ) ;
// gets the property this accessor is responsible for from an object
wxxVariant GetProperty(const wxObject *o) const
return wxxVariant( (wxxVariantData* ) DoGetProperty( o ) ) ;
// write the property this accessor is responsible for from an object into
// a string
void WriteValue( wxString& s , const wxObject *o ) const
DoGetProperty( o )->Write( s ) ;
// read a wxxVariant having the correct type for the property this accessor
// is responsible for from a string
wxxVariant ReadValue( const wxString &value ) const
T data ;
wxStringReadValue( value , data ) ;
return wxxVariant( data ) ;
private :
wxxVariantDataT<T>* DoGetProperty(const wxObject *o) const
const Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<const Klass*>(o);
if ( m_getter )
return new wxxVariantDataT<T>( (obj->*(m_getter))() ) ;
return new wxxVariantDataT<T>( (obj->*(m_getter_ref))() ) ;
setter_t m_setter;
setter_ref_t m_setter_ref;
setter_ref_bool_t m_setter_ref_bool ;
setter_bool_t m_setter_bool ;
getter_t m_getter;
getter_ref_t m_getter_ref ;
template<class Klass, typename CollectionType , typename AddedElementType>
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxPropertyCollectionAccessorT : public wxPropertyAccessor
typedef void (Klass::*adder_t)(AddedElementType value);
typedef CollectionType (Klass::*getter_t)() const;
typedef const CollectionType& (Klass::*getter_ref_t)() const;
wxPropertyCollectionAccessorT(adder_t adder, getter_t getter, const wxChar *a, const wxChar *g)
: m_getter(getter), m_adder(adder) , m_getter_ref( NULL ) { m_adderName = a;m_getterName=g ;}
wxPropertyCollectionAccessorT(adder_t adder, getter_ref_t getter, const wxChar *a, const wxChar *g)
: m_getter(NULL), m_adder(adder) , m_getter_ref( getter ) { m_adderName = a;m_getterName=g ;}
~wxPropertyCollectionAccessorT() {}
// returns true if this accessor has a setter
bool HasSetter() const { return false ;}
// return true if this accessor has a getter
bool HasGetter() const { return m_getter != NULL ;}
// return true if this accessor has a getter
bool HasAdder() const { return m_adder != NULL ;}
// set the property this accessor is responsible for in an object
void AddToPropertyCollection(wxObject *o, const wxxVariant &v) const
Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<Klass*>(o);
AddedElementType value ;
if ( wxGetTypeInfo((AddedElementType*)NULL)->GetKind() == wxT_OBJECT && v.GetTypeInfo()->GetKind() == wxT_OBJECT_PTR )
value = *v.Get<AddedElementType*>();
value = v.Get<AddedElementType>();
if (m_adder)
wxASSERT_MSG(0 , wxT("SetPropertyCalled without a valid Setter") ) ;
// gets the property this accessor is responsible for from an object
wxxVariantArray GetPropertyCollection(const wxObject *o) const
const Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<const Klass*>(o);
wxxVariantArray result ;
CollectionType::compatibility_iterator current = (obj->*(m_getter_ref))().GetFirst() ;
while (current)
result.Add( new wxxVariant(current->GetData()) ) ;
current = current->GetNext();
return result ;
// set the property this accessor is responsible for in an object
void SetProperty(wxObject *WXUNUSED(o), const wxxVariant &WXUNUSED(v)) const
wxASSERT_MSG(0,wxT("SetProperty called on Collection Property")) ;
// gets the property this accessor is responsible for from an object
wxxVariant GetProperty(const wxObject *WXUNUSED(o)) const
wxASSERT_MSG(0,wxT("GetProperty called on Collection Property")) ;
return wxxVariant() ;
// write the property this accessor is responsible for from an object into
// a string
void WriteValue( wxString& s , const wxObject *o ) const
wxASSERT_MSG(0,wxT("WriteValue called on Collection Property")) ;
// read a wxxVariant having the correct type for the property this accessor
// is responsible for from a string
wxxVariant ReadValue( const wxString &value ) const
wxASSERT_MSG(0,wxT("ReadValue called on Collection Property")) ;
return wxxVariant() ;
private :
getter_t m_getter;
getter_ref_t m_getter_ref ;
adder_t m_adder;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxPropertyInfo
public :
@ -843,78 +817,44 @@ private :
return first ; }
#define WX_PROPERTY( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \
static wxPropertyAccessorT<class_t , type> _accessor##name( &setter , &getter , #setter , #getter ) ; \
WX_SETTER( name , setter ) \
static wxSetter##name _setter##name ; \
WX_GETTER( name , getter ) \
static wxGetter##name _getter##name ; \
static wxPropertyAccessor _accessor##name( &_setter##name , &_getter##name , NULL , NULL ) ; \
static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , wxGetTypeInfo( (type*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name , wxxVariant(defaultValue) ) ;
#define WX_READONLY_PROPERTY( name , type , getter ,defaultValue ) \
WX_GETTER( name , getter ) \
static wxGetter##name _getter##name ; \
static wxPropertyAccessor _accessor##name( NULL , &_getter##name , NULL , NULL ) ; \
static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , wxGetTypeInfo( (type*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name , wxxVariant(defaultValue) ) ;
#define WX_PROPERTY_COLLECTION( name , colltype , addelemtype , adder , getter ) \
static wxPropertyCollectionAccessorT<class_t , colltype , addelemtype > _accessor##name( &adder , &getter , #adder , #getter ) ; \
static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , wxGetTypeInfo( (colltype*) NULL ) ,wxGetTypeInfo( (addelemtype*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name ) ;
WX_ADDER( name , adder ) \
static wxAdder##name _adder##name ; \
WX_COLLECTION_GETTER( name , getter ) \
static wxCollectionGetter##name _collectionGetter##name ; \
static wxPropertyAccessor _accessor##name( NULL , NULL ,&_adder##name , &_collectionGetter##name ) ; \
static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , wxGetTypeInfo( (colltype*) NULL ) ,wxGetTypeInfo( (addelemtype*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name ) ;
#define WX_READONLY_PROPERTY_COLLECTION( name , colltype , addelemtype , getter ) \
static wxPropertyCollectionAccessorT<class_t , colltype , addelemtype > _accessor##name( NULL , &getter , "" , #getter ) ; \
static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , wxGetTypeInfo( (colltype*) NULL ) ,wxGetTypeInfo( (addelemtype*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name ) ;
#define WX_PROPERTY_SET_RET_BOOL( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \
static wxPropertyAccessorT<class_t , type> _accessor##name( (wxPropertyAccessor::SetRetBool*)NULL , &setter , &getter , #setter , #getter ) ; \
static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , wxGetTypeInfo( (type*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name , wxxVariant(defaultValue) ) ;
#define WX_PROPERTY_SET_BY_REF( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \
static wxPropertyAccessorT<class_t , type> _accessor##name( (wxPropertyAccessor::SetByRef*)NULL, &setter , &getter , #setter , #getter ) ; \
static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , wxGetTypeInfo( (type*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name , wxxVariant(defaultValue) ) ;
#define WX_PROPERTY_SET_BY_REF_RET_BOOL( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \
static wxPropertyAccessorT<class_t , type> _accessor##name( (wxPropertyAccessor::SetByRefRetBool*)NULL, &setter , &getter , #setter , #getter ) ; \
static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , wxGetTypeInfo( (type*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name , wxxVariant(defaultValue) ) ;
#define WX_PROPERTY_SET_AND_GET_BY_REF_RET_BOOL( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \
static wxPropertyAccessorT<class_t , type> _accessor##name( (wxPropertyAccessor::SetAndGetByRefRetBool*)NULL, &setter , &getter , #setter , #getter ) ; \
static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , wxGetTypeInfo( (type*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name , wxxVariant(defaultValue) ) ;
#define WX_READONLY_PROPERTY( name , type , getter ,defaultValue ) \
static wxPropertyAccessorT<class_t , type> _accessor##name( &getter , #getter ) ; \
static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , wxGetTypeInfo( (type*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name , wxxVariant(defaultValue) ) ;
#define WX_READONLY_PROPERTY_GET_BY_REF( name , type , getter ,defaultValue ) \
static wxPropertyAccessorT<class_t , type> _accessor##name( (wxPropertyAccessor::GetByRef*)NULL , &getter , #getter ) ; \
static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , wxGetTypeInfo( (type*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name , wxxVariant(defaultValue) ) ;
#define WX_PROPERTY( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \
static wxPropertyAccessorT<class_t , type> _accessor##name( &setter , &getter , #setter , #getter ) ; \
static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , wxGetTypeInfo( (type*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name , wxxVariant(defaultValue) ) ;
WX_COLLECTION_GETTER( name , getter ) \
static wxCollectionGetter##name _collectionGetter##name ; \
static wxPropertyAccessor _accessor##name( NULL , NULL , NULL , &_collectionGetter##name ) ; \
static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , wxGetTypeInfo( (colltype*) NULL ) ,wxGetTypeInfo( (addelemtype*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name ) ;
#define WX_PROPERTY_COLLECTION( name , colltype , addelemtype , adder , getter ) \
static wxPropertyCollectionAccessorT<class_t , colltype , addelemtype > _accessor##name( &adder , &getter , #adder , #getter ) ; \
static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , wxGetTypeInfo( (colltype*) NULL ) ,wxGetTypeInfo( (addelemtype*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name ) ;
#define WX_READONLY_PROPERTY_COLLECTION( name , colltype , addelemtype , getter ) \
static wxPropertyCollectionAccessorT<class_t , colltype , addelemtype > _accessor##name( NULL , &getter , "" , #getter ) ; \
static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , wxGetTypeInfo( (colltype*) NULL ) ,wxGetTypeInfo( (addelemtype*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name ) ;
static wxPropertyCollectionAccessorT<class_t , colltype , addelemtype > _accessor##name( &getter , #getter ) ; \
static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , wxGetTypeInfo( (colltype*) NULL ) ,wxGetTypeInfo( (addelemtype*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name ) ;
#define WX_PROPERTY_SET_RET_BOOL( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \
WX_PROPERTY( name , type , setter , getter , defaultValue )
#define WX_PROPERTY_SET_BY_REF( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \
WX_PROPERTY( name , type , setter , getter , defaultValue )
#define WX_PROPERTY_SET_BY_REF_RET_BOOL( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \
WX_PROPERTY( name , type , setter , getter , defaultValue )
#define WX_PROPERTY_SET_AND_GET_BY_REF_RET_BOOL( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \
WX_PROPERTY( name , type , setter , getter , defaultValue )
#define WX_READONLY_PROPERTY( name , type , getter ,defaultValue ) \
static wxPropertyAccessorT<class_t , type> _accessor##name( &getter , #getter ) ; \
static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , wxGetTypeInfo( (type*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name , wxxVariant(defaultValue) ) ;
#define WX_READONLY_PROPERTY_GET_BY_REF( name , type , getter ,defaultValue ) \
WX_READONLY_PROPERTY( name , type , getter , defaultValue )
#define WX_DELEGATE( name , eventType , eventClass ) \
@ -1577,4 +1517,27 @@ wxPropertyInfo *name::GetPropertiesStatic() { return (wxPropertyInfo*) NULL ; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Collection Support
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<typename collection_t> void wxListCollectionToVariantArray( const collection_t& coll , wxxVariantArray &value )
collection_t::compatibility_iterator current = coll.GetFirst() ;
while (current)
value.Add( new wxxVariant(current->GetData()) ) ;
current = current->GetNext();
template<typename collection_t> void wxArrayCollectionToVariantArray( const collection_t& coll , wxxVariantArray &value )
for( int i = 0 ; i < coll.GetCount() ; i++ )
value.Add( new wxxVariant(coll[i]) ) ;

View File

@ -252,9 +252,9 @@ public:
private :
int ReadComponent(wxXmlNode *parent, wxDepersister *callbacks);
// accessor is only used as a temporary measure
// read the content of this node (simple type) and return the corresponding value
wxxVariant ReadValue(wxXmlNode *Node,
wxPropertyAccessor *accessor );
const wxTypeInfo *type );
wxXmlNode * m_parent ;