Remove event handlers wxApp::OnQueryEndSession and wxDialog::OnCharHook from docs...

git-svn-id: c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
This commit is contained in:
Ryan Norton 2005-02-07 04:52:40 +00:00
parent f05074ad60
commit 27bb69ac80
2 changed files with 0 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -443,7 +443,6 @@ work and, in fact, probably won't.
@ -472,42 +471,6 @@ Called from \helpref{OnInit}{wxapponinit} and may be used to initialize the
parser with the command line options for this application. The base class
versions adds support for a few standard options only.
\func{void}{OnQueryEndSession}{\param{wxCloseEvent\& }{event}}
This is an event handler function called when the operating system or GUI session is
about to close down. Typically, an application will try to save unsaved documents
at this point.
If \helpref{wxCloseEvent::CanVeto}{wxcloseeventcanveto} returns true, the application
is allowed to veto the shutdown by calling \helpref{wxCloseEvent::Veto}{wxcloseeventveto}.
The application might veto the shutdown after prompting for documents to be saved, and the
user has cancelled the save.
Use the EVT\_QUERY\_END\_SESSION event table macro to handle query end session events.
You should check whether the application is forcing the deletion of the window
using \helpref{wxCloseEvent::GetForce}{wxcloseeventgetforce}. If this is true,
destroy the window using \helpref{wxWindow::Destroy}{wxwindowdestroy}.
If not, it is up to you whether you respond by destroying the window.
The default handler calls \helpref{wxWindow::Close}{wxwindowclose} on the top-level window,
and vetoes the shutdown if Close returns false. This will be sufficient for many applications.
Under X, OnQueryEndSession is called in response to the `save session' event.
Under Windows, OnQueryEndSession is called in response to the WM\_QUERYENDSESSION message.
\wxheading{See also}
\func{virtual int}{OnRun}{\void}

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@ -236,20 +236,6 @@ Always returns false under Windows since dialogs cannot be iconized.
Returns true if the dialog box is modal, false otherwise.
\func{void}{OnCharHook}{\param{wxKeyEvent\&}{ event}}
This member is called to allow the window to intercept keyboard events
before they are processed by child windows.
%For more information, see \helpref{wxWindow::OnCharHook}{wxwindowoncharhook}
wxDialog implements this handler to fake a cancel command if the escape key has been
pressed. This will dismiss the dialog.
\func{void}{OnApply}{\param{wxCommandEvent\& }{event}}