Added wxAutomationObject documentation, changed some BC++ makefiles

git-svn-id: c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
This commit is contained in:
Julian Smart 1998-12-08 18:59:52 +00:00
parent d4fce50a5a
commit 2b556e9adf
11 changed files with 228 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -110,6 +110,15 @@ samples/joytest/*.bmp

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@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ zip32 -@ %dest\ < %src\distrib\msw\docsrc.rsp
zip32 -@ %dest\ < %src\distrib\msw\wx_hlp.rsp
zip32 -@ %dest\ < %src\distrib\msw\wx_html.rsp
zip32 -@ %dest\ < %src\distrib\msw\wx_pdf.rsp
zip32 -@ %dest\ < %src\distrib\msw\wx_word.rsp
zip32 -@ %dest\ < %src\distrib\msw\vc.rsp

docs/latex/wx/autoobj.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
The {\bf wxAutomationObject} class represents an OLE automation object containing a single data member,
an IDispatch pointer. It contains a number of functions that make it easy to perform
automation operations, and set and get properties. The class makes heavy use of the \helpref{wxVariant}{wxvariant} class.
The usage of these classes is quite close to OLE automation usage in Visual Basic. The API is
high-level, and the application can specify multiple properties in a single string. The following example
gets the current Excel instance, and if it exists, makes the active cell bold.
wxAutomationObject excelObject;
if (excelObject.GetInstance("Excel.Application"))
excelObject.PutProperty("ActiveCell.Font.Bold", TRUE);
Note that this class works under Windows only, and currently only for Visual C++.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{See also}
\func{}{wxAutomationObject}{\param{WXIDISPATCH*}{ dispatchPtr = NULL}}
Constructor, taking an optional IDispatch pointer which will be released when the
object is deleted.
Destructor. If the internal IDispatch pointer is non-null, it will be released.
\constfunc{wxVariant}{CallMethod}{\param{const wxString\&}{ method}, \param{int}{ noArgs},
\param{wxVariant }{args[]}}
\constfunc{wxVariant}{CallMethod}{\param{const wxString\&}{ method}, \param{...}{}}
Calls an automation method for this object. The first form takes a method name, number of
arguments, and an array of variants. The second form takes a method name and zero to six
constant references to variants. Since the variant class has constructors for the basic
data types, and C++ provides temporary objects automatically, both of the following lines
are syntactically valid:
wxVariant res = obj.CallMethod("Sum", wxVariant(1.2), wxVariant(3.4));
wxVariant res = obj.CallMethod("Sum", 1.2, 3.4);
Note that {\it method} can contain dot-separated property names, to save the application
needing to call GetProperty several times using several temporary objects. For example:
object.CallMethod("ActiveCell.Font.ShowDialog", "My caption");
\constfunc{bool}{ConvertOleToVariant}{\param{const VARIANTARG\&}{ oleVariant}, \param{const wxVariant\&}{ variant}}
Converts the given VARIANTARG object to a wxVariant. IDispatch pointers are converted to the ``void*" type.
\constfunc{bool}{ConvertVariantToOle}{\param{const wxVariant\&}{ variant}, \param{VARIANTARG\&}{ oleVariant}}
Converts the given wxVariant object to a VARIANTARG. The ``void*" type is assumed to be an
IDispatch pointer.
\constfunc{bool}{CreateInstance}{\param{const wxString\&}{ classId}}
Creates a new object based on the class id, returning TRUE if the object was successfully created,
or FALSE if not.
Gets the IDispatch pointer.
\constfunc{bool}{GetInstance}{\param{const wxString\&}{ classId}}
Retrieves the current object associated with a class id, and attaches the IDispatch pointer
to this object. Returns TRUE if a pointer was succesfully retrieved, FALSE otherwise.
Note that this cannot cope with two instances of a given OLE object being active simultaneously,
such as two copies of Excel running. Which object is referenced cannot currently be specified.
\constfunc{bool}{GetObject}{\param{wxAutomationObject\&}{obj} \param{const wxString\&}{ property},
\param{int}{ noArgs = 0}, \param{wxVariant }{args[] = NULL}}
Retrieves a property from this object, assumed to be a dispatch pointer, and initialises {\it obj} with it.
To avoid having to deal with IDispatch pointers directly, use this function in preference
to \helpref{wxAutomationObject::GetProperty}{wxautomationobjectgetproperty} when retrieving objects
from other objects.
Note that an IDispatch pointer is stored as a void* pointer in wxVariant objects.
\wxheading{See also}
\constfunc{wxVariant}{GetProperty}{\param{const wxString\&}{ property}, \param{int}{ noArgs},
\param{wxVariant }{args[]}}
\constfunc{wxVariant}{GetProperty}{\param{const wxString\&}{ property}, \param{...}{}}
Gets a property value from this object. The first form takes a property name, number of
arguments, and an array of variants. The second form takes a property name and zero to six
constant references to variants. Since the variant class has constructors for the basic
data types, and C++ provides temporary objects automatically, both of the following lines
are syntactically valid:
wxVariant res = obj.GetProperty("Range", wxVariant("A1"));
wxVariant res = obj.GetProperty("Range", "A1");
Note that {\it property} can contain dot-separated property names, to save the application
needing to call GetProperty several times using several temporary objects.
\constfunc{bool}{Invoke}{\param{const wxString\&}{ member}, \param{int}{ action},
\param{wxVariant\& }{retValue}, \param{int}{ noArgs}, \param{wxVariant}{ args[]},
\param{const wxVariant*}{ ptrArgs[] = 0}}
This function is a low-level implementation that allows access to the IDispatch Invoke function.
It is not meant to be called directly by the application, but is used by other convenience functions.
\docparam{member}{The member function or property name.}
\docparam{action}{Bitlist: may contain DISPATCH\_PROPERTYPUT, DISPATCH\_PROPERTYPUTREF,
\docparam{retValue}{Return value (ignored if there is no return value)}.
\docparam{noArgs}{Number of arguments in {\it args} or {\it ptrArgs}.}
\docparam{args}{If non-null, contains an array of variants.}
\docparam{ptrArgs}{If non-null, contains an array of constant pointers to variants.}
\wxheading{Return value}
TRUE if the operation was successful, FALSE otherwise.
Two types of argument array are provided, so that when possible pointers are used for efficiency.
\constfunc{bool}{PutProperty}{\param{const wxString\&}{ property}, \param{int}{ noArgs},
\param{wxVariant }{args[]}}
\func{bool}{PutProperty}{\param{const wxString\&}{ property}, \param{...}{}}
Puts a property value into this object. The first form takes a property name, number of
arguments, and an array of variants. The second form takes a property name and zero to six
constant references to variants. Since the variant class has constructors for the basic
data types, and C++ provides temporary objects automatically, both of the following lines
are syntactically valid:
obj.PutProperty("Value", wxVariant(23));
obj.PutProperty("Value", 23);
Note that {\it property} can contain dot-separated property names, to save the application
needing to call GetProperty several times using several temporary objects.
\func{void}{SetDispatchPtr}{\param{WXIDISPATCH*}{ dispatchPtr}}
Sets the IDispatch pointer. This function does not check if there is already an IDispatch pointer.
You may need to cast from IDispatch* to WXIDISPATCH* when calling this function.

View File

@ -330,6 +330,7 @@ product.
\twocolitem{\helpref{wxAcceleratorTable}{wxacceleratortable}}{Accelerator table}
\twocolitem{\helpref{wxApp}{wxapp}}{Application class}
\twocolitem{\helpref{wxAutomationObject}{wxautomationobject}}{OLE automation class}
\twocolitem{\helpref{wxConfig}{wxconfigbase}}{Classes for configuration reading/writing}
\twocolitem{\helpref{wxHelpController}{wxhelpcontroller}}{Family of classes for controlling help windows}
\twocolitem{\helpref{wxLayoutAlgorithm}{wxlayoutalgorithm}}{An alternative window layout facility}

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ $$\image{14cm;0cm}{}$$
\input accel.tex
\input activevt.tex
\input app.tex
\input autoobj.tex
\input button.tex
\input bitmap.tex
\input bbutton.tex

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@ -159,4 +159,4 @@ Notes
and it's also on the wxWindows CD-ROM.
and it's also on the wxWindows CD-ROM under Packages.

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ OGLINC = $(OGLDIR)\src
OGLLIB = $(WXDIR)\lib\ogl.lib
WXLIB = $(WXDIR)\lib\wx32.lib
LIBS=$(WXLIB) $(OGLLIB) cw32 import32
LIBS=$(WXLIB) $(OGLLIB) cw32 import32 ole2w32

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ WXUSINGDLL=1
!include $(WXDIR)\src\makeb32.env
LIBS=$(WXLIB) cw32 import32
LIBS=$(WXLIB) cw32 import32 ole2w32
!ifndef DEBUG

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ WXLIB = $(WXDIR)\lib\wx32.lib
WXINC = $(WXDIR)\include\msw
WXBASESRC = $(WXDIR)\src\base
WXBASEINC = $(WXDIR)\include\base
LIBS=$(WXLIB) cw32 import32
LIBS=$(WXLIB) cw32 import32 ole2w32
!ifndef DEBUG

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ WXINC = $(WXDIR)\include
LIBS=$(WXLIB)\wx32.lib $(LIBTARGET) cw32 import32
LIBS=$(WXLIB)\wx32.lib $(LIBTARGET) cw32 import32 ole2w32
!ifndef DEBUG

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ WXINC = $(WXDIR)\include
LIBS=$(WXLIB)\wx32.lib $(LIBTARGET) cw32 import32
LIBS=$(WXLIB)\wx32.lib $(LIBTARGET) cw32 import32 ole2w32
!ifndef DEBUG