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git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@34778 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
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Václav Slavík 2005-06-29 21:39:21 +00:00
parent e25a94ace8
commit 49e7b7a26e

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@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ void MyAutoTimedScrollingWindow::OnScroll(wxScrollWinEvent& event)
const int MyAutoTimedScrollingWindow::sm_lineCnt = 125;
const int MyAutoTimedScrollingWindow::sm_lineLen = 79;
const wxChar* MyAutoTimedScrollingWindow::sm_testData =
_T("162 Cult of the genius out of vanity. Because we think well of ourselves, but ")
_T("162 Cult of the genius out of vanity. Because we think well of ourselves, but ")
_T("nonetheless never suppose ourselves capable of producing a painting like one of ")
_T("Raphael's or a dramatic scene like one of Shakespeare's, we convince ourselves ")
_T("that the capacity to do so is quite extraordinarily marvelous, a wholly ")
@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ _T("uncommon accident, or, if we are still religiously inclined, a mercy from on
_T("high. Thus our vanity, our self-love, promotes the cult of the genius: for only ")
_T("if we think of him as being very remote from us, as a miraculum, does he not ")
_T("aggrieve us (even Goethe, who was without envy, called Shakespeare his star of ")
_T("the most distant heights [\"William! Stern der schönsten Ferne\": from Goethe's, ")
_T("the most distant heights [\"William! Stern der schonsten Ferne\": from Goethe's, ")
_T("\"Between Two Worlds\"]; in regard to which one might recall the lines: \"the ")
_T("stars, these we do not desire\" [from Goethe's, \"Comfort in Tears\"]). But, aside ")
_T("from these suggestions of our vanity, the activity of the genius seems in no ")
@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ _T("incentives, who never tire of combining together the means available to them
_T("Genius too does nothing except learn first how to lay bricks then how to build, ")
_T("except continually seek for material and continually form itself around it. ")
_T("Every activity of man is amazingly complicated, not only that of the genius: ")
_T("but none is a \"miracle.\" Whence, then, the belief that genius exists only in ")
_T("but none is a \"miracle.\" Whence, then, the belief that genius exists only in ")
_T("the artist, orator and philosopher? that only they have \"intuition\"? (Whereby ")
_T("they are supposed to possess a kind of miraculous eyeglass with which they can ")
_T("see directly into \"the essence of the thing\"!) It is clear that people speak of ")
@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ _T("with genius and why men of science do not. In reality, this evaluation of th
_T("former and undervaluation of the latter is only a piece of childishness in the ")
_T("realm of reason. ")
_T("163 The serious workman. Do not talk about giftedness, inborn talents! One can ")
_T("163 The serious workman. Do not talk about giftedness, inborn talents! One can ")
_T("name great men of all kinds who were very little gifted. The acquired ")
_T("greatness, became \"geniuses\" (as we put it), through qualities the lack of ")
_T("which no one who knew what they were would boast of: they all possessed that ")
@ -990,15 +990,15 @@ _T("everything that will produce an artistic effect when it is well described, o
_T("should, finally, reflect on the motives of human actions, disdain no signpost ")
_T("to instruction about them and be a collector of these things by day and night. ")
_T("One should continue in this many-sided exercise some ten years: what is then ")
_T("created in the workshop, however, will be fit to go out into the world. What, ")
_T("created in the workshop, however, will be fit to go out into the world. What, ")
_T("however, do most people do? They begin, not with the parts, but with the whole. ")
_T("Perhaps they chance to strike a right note, excite attention and from then on ")
_T("strike worse and worse notes, for good, natural reasons. Sometimes, when the ")
_T("strike worse and worse notes, for good, natural reasons. Sometimes, when the ")
_T("character and intellect needed to formulate such a life-plan are lacking, fate ")
_T("and need take their place and lead the future master step by step through all ")
_T("the stipulations of his trade. ")
_T("164 Peril and profit in the cult of the genius. The belief in great, superior, ")
_T("164 Peril and profit in the cult of the genius. The belief in great, superior, ")
_T("fruitful spirits is not necessarily, yet nonetheless is very frequently ")
_T("associated with that religious or semi-religious superstition that these ")
_T("spirits are of supra-human origin and possess certain miraculous abilities by ")
@ -1041,7 +1041,7 @@ _T("they render men will-less and sweep them away into the delusion that the ")
_T("leaders they are following are supra-natural. Indeed, it elevates and inspires ")
_T("men to believe that someone is in possession of supra-natural powers: to this ")
_T("extent Plato was right to say [Plato: Phaedrus, 244a] that madness has brought ")
_T("the greatest of blessings upon mankind. In rare individual cases this portion ")
_T("the greatest of blessings upon mankind. In rare individual cases this portion ")
_T("of madness may, indeed, actually have been the means by which such a nature, ")
_T("excessive in all directions, was held firmly together: in the life of ")
_T("individuals, too, illusions that are in themselves poisons often play the role ")