replace the static control in wxMessageDialog with an edit control with a vertical scrollbar if the message box is too big to fit on the screen

git-svn-id: c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
This commit is contained in:
Vadim Zeitlin 2008-09-11 10:39:49 +00:00
parent 6e42b980d9
commit 4b02d42e37
3 changed files with 309 additions and 98 deletions

View File

@ -250,10 +250,10 @@ Major new features in this release
- Added (experimental) IPv6 support to wxSocket (Arcen)
- Added (experimental) IPv6 support to wxSocket (Arcen).
- Cleaned up wxURI and made it Unicode-friendly.
- Add support for wxExecute(wxEXEC_ASYNC) in wxBase (Lukasz Michalski)
- Added wxXLocale class and xlocale-like functions using it
- Added wxXLocale class and xlocale-like functions using it.
- Allow loading message catalogs from wxFileSystem (Axel Gembe)
- Added wxMessageQueue class for inter-thread communications
- Use UTF-8 for Unicode data in wxIPC classes (Anders Larsen)
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ All (GUI):
- Added wxWindow::Show/HideWithEffect()
- Added wxWrapSizer (Arne Steinarson)
- Added wxSpinCtrlDouble (John Labenski)
- Support custom labels in wxMessageDialog/wxMessageBox in wxMSW and wxGTK.
- Support custom labels in wxMessageDialog (Gareth Simpson for wxMac version).
- Allow copying text in the log dialogs.
- Added multisample (anti-aliasing) support to wxGLCanvas (Olivier Playez).
- Initialize wx{Client,Paint,Window}DC with fonts/colours of its window.
@ -405,12 +405,11 @@ wxGTK:
- Better IconRef support (Alan Shouls).
- Added support for changing button labels in wxMessageDialog (Gareth Simpson).
- Fix duplicate (empty) help menu in non-English programs (Andreas Jacobs).
- Allow accelerators to be used with buttons too (Ryan Wilcox).
- Support resource forks in wxCopyFile() (Hank Schultz).
- Implement wxLocale::GetInfo() using CFLocale
- Added native wxCollapsiblePane
- Implement wxLocale::GetInfo() using CFLocale.
- Native wxCollapsiblePane implementation.
@ -418,11 +417,12 @@ wxMSW:
- Return the restored window size from GetSize() when window is minimized.
- wxCheckListBox now looks more native, especially under XP (Marcin Malich).
- Allow tooltips longer than 64 (up to 128) characters in wxTaskBarIcon
- Fix centering wxFileDialog and allow positioning it
- Allow centering wxMessageDialog on its parent window (troelsk)
- Show resize gripper on resizeable dialogs (Kolya Kosenko)
- Implement support for display enumeration under WinCE (Vince Harron)
- Use different Win32 class names in different wx instances (Thomas Hauk)
- Fix centering wxFileDialog and allow positioning it.
- Allow centering wxMessageDialog on its parent window (troelsk).
- Use vertical scrollbar in wxMessageDialog if it's too big to fit on screen.
- Show resize gripper on resizeable dialogs (Kolya Kosenko).
- Implement support for display enumeration under WinCE (Vince Harron).
- Use different Win32 class names in different wx instances (Thomas Hauk).
- Support multiline labels for wxCheckBox and wxToggleButton.
- Print preview is now rendered in the resolution used by printer and
accurately represents what will be printed. This fixes wxHtmlEasyPrinting

View File

@ -27,16 +27,34 @@ public:
virtual int ShowModal();
// implementation-specific
// return the font used for the text in the message box
static wxFont GetMessageFont();
// hook procedure used to adjust the message box beyond what the standard
// MessageBox() function can do for us
static WXLRESULT wxCALLBACK HookFunction(int code, WXWPARAM, WXLPARAM);
static const struct ButtonAccessors
int id;
wxString (wxMessageDialog::*getter)() const;
} ms_buttons[];
// replace the static text control with a text control in order to show
// scrollbar (and also, incidentally, allow text selection)
void ReplaceStaticWithEdit();
// adjust the button labels
// this is called from HookFunction() and our HWND is valid at this moment
void AdjustButtonLabels();
// offset all buttons starting from the first one given by dx to the right
void OffsetButtonsStartingFrom(int first, int dx);
WXHANDLE m_hook; // HHOOK used to position the message box

View File

@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
#include "wx/fontutil.h"
#include "wx/textbuf.h"
#include "wx/display.h"
@ -62,6 +64,16 @@ WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP(unsigned long, wxMessageDialog *,
wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual,
// the order in this array is the one in which buttons appear in the
// message box
const wxMessageDialog::ButtonAccessors wxMessageDialog::ms_buttons[] =
{ IDYES, &wxMessageDialog::GetYesLabel },
{ IDNO, &wxMessageDialog::GetNoLabel },
{ IDOK, &wxMessageDialog::GetOKLabel },
{ IDCANCEL, &wxMessageDialog::GetCancelLabel },
@ -72,6 +84,57 @@ wxMessageDialogMap& HookMap()
return s_Map;
All this code is used for adjusting the message box layout when we mess
with its contents. It's rather complicated because we try hard to avoid
assuming much about the standard layout details and so, instead of just
laying out everything ourselves (which would have been so much simpler!)
we try to only modify the existing controls positions by offsetting them
from their default ones in the hope that this will continue to work with
the future Windows versions.
// convert the given RECT from screen to client coordinates in place
void ScreenRectToClient(HWND hwnd, RECT& rc)
// map from desktop (i.e. screen) coordinates to ones of this window
// notice that a RECT is laid out as 2 consecutive POINTs so the cast is
// valid
::MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, reinterpret_cast<POINT *>(&rc), 2);
// set window position to the given rect
inline void SetWindowRect(HWND hwnd, const RECT& rc)
rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -,
// set window position expressed in screen coordinates, whether the window is
// child or top level
void MoveWindowToScreenRect(HWND hwnd, RECT rc)
ScreenRectToClient(::GetParent(hwnd), rc);
SetWindowRect(hwnd, rc);
// helper of AdjustButtonLabels(): move the given window by dx
// works for both child and top level windows
void OffsetWindow(HWND hwnd, int dx)
RECT rc = wxGetWindowRect(hwnd);
rc.left += dx;
rc.right += dx;
MoveWindowToScreenRect(hwnd, rc);
} // anonymous namespace
/* static */
@ -98,6 +161,10 @@ wxMessageDialog::HookFunction(int code, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam)
// replace the static text with an edit control if the message box is
// too big to fit the display
// update the labels if necessary: we need to do it before centering
// the dialog as this can change its size
if ( wnd->HasCustomLabels() )
@ -115,123 +182,251 @@ wxMessageDialog::HookFunction(int code, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam)
return rc;
void wxMessageDialog::ReplaceStaticWithEdit()
// check if the message box fits the display
int nDisplay = wxDisplay::GetFromWindow(this);
if ( nDisplay == wxNOT_FOUND )
nDisplay = 0;
const wxRect rectDisplay = wxDisplay(nDisplay).GetClientArea();
// helper of AdjustButtonLabels(): set window position expressed in screen
// coordinates, whether the window is child or top level
void MoveWindowToScreenRect(HWND hwnd, RECT rc)
if ( const HWND hwndParent = ::GetAncestor(hwnd, GA_PARENT) )
if ( rectDisplay.Contains(GetRect()) )
// map to parent window coordinates (notice that a RECT is laid out as
// 2 consecutive POINTs)
::MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, hwndParent,
reinterpret_cast<POINT *>(&rc), 2);
// nothing to do
rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -,
// find the static control to replace: normally there are two of them, the
// icon and the text itself so search for all of them and ignore the icon
// ones
HWND hwndStatic = ::FindWindowEx(GetHwnd(), NULL, _T("STATIC"), NULL);
if ( ::GetWindowLong(hwndStatic, GWL_STYLE) & SS_ICON )
hwndStatic = ::FindWindowEx(GetHwnd(), hwndStatic, _T("STATIC"), NULL);
if ( !hwndStatic )
wxLogDebug("Failed to find the static text control in message box.");
// set the right font for GetCharHeight() call below
// put the new edit control at the same place
RECT rc = wxGetWindowRect(hwndStatic);
ScreenRectToClient(GetHwnd(), rc);
// but make it less tall so that the message box fits on the screen: we try
// to make the message box take no more than 7/8 of the screen to leave
// some space above and below it
const int hText = (7*rectDisplay.height)/8 -
2*::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFIXEDFRAME) +
::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) +
5*GetCharHeight() // buttons + margins
const int dh = (rc.bottom - - hText; // vertical space we save
rc.bottom -= dh;
// and it also must be wider as it needs a vertical scrollbar (in order
// to preserve the word wrap, otherwise the number of lines would change
// and we want the control to look as similar as possible to the original)
// NB: you would have thought that 2*SM_CXEDGE would be enough but it
// isn't, somehow, and the text control breaks lines differently from
// the static one so fudge by adding some extra space
const int dw = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL) +
rc.right += dw;
// chop of the trailing new line(s) from the message box text, they are
// ignored by the static control but result in extra lines and hence extra
// scrollbar position in the edit one
wxString text(wxGetWindowText(hwndStatic));
for ( wxString::iterator i = text.end() - 1; i != text.begin(); --i )
if ( *i != '\n' )
text.erase(i + 1, text.end());
// do create the new control
HWND hwndEdit = ::CreateWindow
rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -,
if ( !hwndEdit )
wxLogDebug("Creation of replacement edit control failed in message box");
// copy the font from the original control
LRESULT hfont = ::SendMessage(hwndStatic, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0);
::SendMessage(hwndEdit, WM_SETFONT, hfont, 0);
// and get rid of it
// shrink and centre the message box vertically and widen it box to account
// for the extra scrollbar
RECT rcBox = wxGetWindowRect(GetHwnd());
const int hMsgBox = rcBox.bottom - - dh; = (rectDisplay.height - hMsgBox)/2;
rcBox.bottom = + hMsgBox + (rectDisplay.height - hMsgBox)%2;
rcBox.left -= dw/2;
rcBox.right += dw - dw/2;
SetWindowRect(GetHwnd(), rcBox);
// and adjust all the buttons positions
for ( unsigned n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(ms_buttons); n++ )
const HWND hwndBtn = ::GetDlgItem(GetHwnd(), ms_buttons[n].id);
if ( !hwndBtn )
continue; // it's ok, not all buttons are always present
RECT rc = wxGetWindowRect(hwndBtn); -= dh;
rc.bottom -= dh;
rc.left += dw/2;
rc.right += dw/2;
MoveWindowToScreenRect(hwndBtn, rc);
// helper of AdjustButtonLabels(): move the given window by dx
// works for both child and top level windows
void OffsetWindow(HWND hwnd, int dx)
RECT rc = wxGetWindowRect(hwnd);
rc.left += dx;
rc.right += dx;
MoveWindowToScreenRect(hwnd, rc);
} // anonymous namespace
void wxMessageDialog::AdjustButtonLabels()
// changing the button labels is the easy part but we also need to ensure
// that the buttons are big enough for the label strings and increase their
// size (and hence the size of the message box itself) if they are not
// size (and maybe the size of the message box itself) if they are not
// TODO-RTL: check whether this works correctly in RTL
// the order in this array is the one in which buttons appear in the
// message box
const static struct ButtonAccessors
int id;
wxString (wxMessageDialog::*getter)() const;
buttons[] =
{ IDYES, &wxMessageDialog::GetYesLabel },
{ IDNO, &wxMessageDialog::GetNoLabel },
{ IDOK, &wxMessageDialog::GetOKLabel },
{ IDCANCEL, &wxMessageDialog::GetCancelLabel },
// this contains the amount by which we increased the message box width
int dx = 0;
const NONCLIENTMETRICS& ncm = wxMSWImpl::GetNonClientMetrics();
const wxFont fontMsgBox(wxNativeFontInfo(ncm.lfMessageFont));
// we want to use this font in GetTextExtent() calls below but we don't
// want to send WM_SETFONT to the message box, who knows how is it going to
// react to it (right now it doesn't seem to do anything but what if this
// changes)
for ( unsigned n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(buttons); n++ )
// first iteration: find the widest button and update the buttons labels
int wBtnOld = 0, // current buttons width
wBtnNew = 0; // required new buttons width
RECT rcBtn; // stores the button height and y positions
unsigned numButtons = 0; // total number of buttons in the message box
unsigned n;
for ( n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(ms_buttons); n++ )
const HWND hwndBtn = ::GetDlgItem(GetHwnd(), buttons[n].id);
const HWND hwndBtn = ::GetDlgItem(GetHwnd(), ms_buttons[n].id);
if ( !hwndBtn )
continue; // it's ok, not all buttons are always present
const wxString label = (this->*buttons[n].getter)();
const wxString label = (this->*ms_buttons[n].getter)();
const wxSize sizeLabel = wxWindowBase::GetTextExtent(label);
// check if the button is big enough for this label
RECT rc = wxGetWindowRect(hwndBtn);
const int widthOld = rc.right - rc.left;
const int widthNew = wxMSWButton::GetFittingSize(this, sizeLabel).x;
const int dw = widthNew - widthOld;
if ( dw > 0 )
const RECT rc = wxGetWindowRect(hwndBtn);
if ( !wBtnOld )
// we need to resize the button
rc.right += dw;
MoveWindowToScreenRect(hwndBtn, rc);
// initialize wBtnOld using the first button width, all the other
// ones should have the same one
wBtnOld = rc.right - rc.left;
// and also move all the other buttons
for ( unsigned m = n + 1; m < WXSIZEOF(buttons); m++ )
const HWND hwndBtnNext = ::GetDlgItem(GetHwnd(), buttons[m].id);
if ( hwndBtnNext )
OffsetWindow(hwndBtnNext, dw);
dx += dw;
rcBtn = rc; // remember for use below when we reposition the buttons
wxASSERT_MSG( wBtnOld == rc.right - rc.left,
"all buttons are supposed to be of same width" );
const int widthNeeded = wxMSWButton::GetFittingSize(this, sizeLabel).x;
if ( widthNeeded > wBtnNew )
wBtnNew = widthNeeded;
::SetWindowText(hwndBtn, label.wx_str());
if ( wBtnNew <= wBtnOld )
// all buttons fit, nothing else to do
// resize the message box itself if needed
if ( dx )
OffsetWindow(GetHwnd(), dx);
// resize the message box to be wider if needed
const int wBoxOld = wxGetClientRect(GetHwnd()).right;
// surprisingly, we don't need to resize the static text control, it seems
// to adjust itself to the new size, at least under Windows 2003
// (TODO: test if this happens on older Windows versions)
const int CHAR_WIDTH = GetCharWidth();
const int MARGIN_OUTER = 2*CHAR_WIDTH; // margin between box and buttons
const int MARGIN_INNER = CHAR_WIDTH; // margin between buttons
RECT rcBox = wxGetWindowRect(GetHwnd());
const int wAllButtons = numButtons*(wBtnNew + MARGIN_INNER) - MARGIN_INNER;
int wBoxNew = 2*MARGIN_OUTER + wAllButtons;
if ( wBoxNew > wBoxOld )
const int dw = wBoxNew - wBoxOld;
rcBox.left -= dw/2;
rcBox.right += dw - dw/2;
SetWindowRect(GetHwnd(), rcBox);
// surprisingly, we don't need to resize the static text control, it
// seems to adjust itself to the new size, at least under Windows 2003
// (TODO: test if this happens on older Windows versions)
else // the current width is big enough
wBoxNew = wBoxOld;
// finally position all buttons
// notice that we have to take into account the difference between window
// and client width
rcBtn.left = (rcBox.left + rcBox.right - wxGetClientRect(GetHwnd()).right +
wBoxNew - wAllButtons) / 2;
rcBtn.right = rcBtn.left + wBtnNew;
for ( n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(ms_buttons); n++ )
const HWND hwndBtn = ::GetDlgItem(GetHwnd(), ms_buttons[n].id);
if ( !hwndBtn )
MoveWindowToScreenRect(hwndBtn, rcBtn);
rcBtn.left += wBtnNew + MARGIN_INNER;
rcBtn.right += wBtnNew + MARGIN_INNER;
#endif // wxUSE_MSGBOX_HOOK
/* static */
wxFont wxMessageDialog::GetMessageFont()
const NONCLIENTMETRICS& ncm = wxMSWImpl::GetNonClientMetrics();
return wxNativeFontInfo(ncm.lfMessageFont);
int wxMessageDialog::ShowModal()
@ -309,15 +504,13 @@ int wxMessageDialog::ShowModal()
#endif // wxUSE_UNICODE
// install the hook if we need to position the dialog in a non-default way
// or change the labels
if ( (wxStyle & wxCENTER) || HasCustomLabels() )
const DWORD tid = ::GetCurrentThreadId();
m_hook = ::SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT,
&wxMessageDialog::HookFunction, NULL, tid);
HookMap()[tid] = this;
// install the hook in any case as we don't know in advance if the message
// box is not going to be too big (requiring the replacement of the static
// control with an edit one)
const DWORD tid = ::GetCurrentThreadId();
m_hook = ::SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT,
&wxMessageDialog::HookFunction, NULL, tid);
HookMap()[tid] = this;
#endif // wxUSE_MSGBOX_HOOK
// do show the dialog