Remove lipo options, that hack is no longer needed since we are not supporting OSX 10.3 any more. Also some work to get framework builds working properly.

git-svn-id: c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
This commit is contained in:
Robin Dunn 2011-04-26 17:39:53 +00:00
parent 3fbba098a2
commit 6d6f2e7c17

View File

@ -27,6 +27,30 @@ options = None
configure_opts = None
exitWithException = True
verbose = False
def numCPUs():
Detects the number of CPUs on a system.
This approach is from detectCPUs here:
# Linux, Unix and MacOS:
if hasattr(os, "sysconf"):
if os.sysconf_names.has_key("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN"):
# Linux & Unix:
ncpus = os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
if isinstance(ncpus, int) and ncpus > 0:
return ncpus
else: # OSX:
return int(os.popen2("sysctl -n hw.ncpu")[1].read())
# Windows:
if os.environ.has_key("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"):
ncpus = int(os.environ["NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"]);
if ncpus > 0:
return ncpus
return 1 # Default
def exitIfError(code, msg):
if code != 0:
@ -44,54 +68,13 @@ def getWxRelease():
majorVersion ="wx_major_version_number=(\d+)", configureText).group(1)
minorVersion ="wx_minor_version_number=(\d+)", configureText).group(1)
return "%s.%s" % (majorVersion, minorVersion)
versionText = "%s.%s" % (majorVersion, minorVersion)
if int(minorVersion) % 2:
releaseVersion ="wx_release_number=(\d+)", configureText).group(1)
versionText += ".%s" % (releaseVersion)
def doMacLipoBuild(arch, buildDir, installDir,
cxxcompiler="g++-4.0", cccompiler="gcc-4.0", target="10.4", flags=""):
archInstallDir = installDir + "/" + arch
old_env = dict(CXX = os.environ.get('CXX'),
CC = os.environ.get('CC'),
os.environ["CXX"] = "%s -arch %s %s" % (cxxcompiler, arch, flags)
os.environ["CC"] = "%s -arch %s %s" % (cccompiler, arch, flags)
os.environ["MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = target
archArgs = ["DESTDIR=" + archInstallDir]
buildRoot = "bld-" + arch
if buildDir:
buildRoot = buildDir + "/" + buildRoot
if not os.path.exists(buildRoot):
olddir = os.getcwd()
if not options.no_config:
exitIfError(wxBuilder.configure(dir=wxRootDir, options=configure_opts), "Error running configure for "+arch)
exitIfError(, "Error building for "+arch)
exitIfError(wxBuilder.install(options=["DESTDIR=" + archInstallDir]), "Error Installing for "+arch)
if options.wxpython and os.path.exists(os.path.join(wxRootDir, contribDir)):
exitIfError(, "gizmos"), options=archArgs),
"Error building gizmos for "+arch)
exitIfError(wxBuilder.install(os.path.join(contribDir, "gizmos"), options=["DESTDIR=" + archInstallDir]),
"Error Installing gizmos for "+arch)
exitIfError(, "stc"),options=archArgs),
"Error building stc for "+arch)
exitIfError(wxBuilder.install(os.path.join(contribDir, "stc"),options=["DESTDIR=" + archInstallDir]),
"Error installing stc for "+arch)
for key, val in old_env.items():
if val:
os.environ[key] = val
del os.environ[key]
return versionText
def macFixupInstallNames(destdir, prefix, buildDir=None):
@ -106,7 +89,7 @@ def macFixupInstallNames(destdir, prefix, buildDir=None):
cmd = 'install_name_tool -id %s/lib/%s %s/lib/%s' % \
(prefix,lib, destdir+prefix,lib)
print cmd
for dep in dylibs:
if buildDir is not None:
cmd = 'install_name_tool -change %s/lib/%s %s/lib/%s %s/lib/%s' % \
@ -115,10 +98,15 @@ def macFixupInstallNames(destdir, prefix, buildDir=None):
cmd = 'install_name_tool -change %s/lib/%s %s/lib/%s %s/lib/%s' % \
(destdir+prefix,dep, prefix,dep, destdir+prefix,lib)
print cmd
def run(cmd):
global verbose
if verbose:
print "Running %s" % cmd
return exitIfError(os.system(cmd), "Error running %s" % cmd)
def main(scriptName, args):
global scriptDir
@ -134,7 +122,7 @@ def main(scriptName, args):
contribDir = os.path.join("contrib", "src")
installDir = None
VERSION = tuple([int(i) for i in getWxRelease().split('.')])
VERSION = tuple([int(i) for i in getWxRelease().split('.')[:2]])
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
contribDir = os.path.join(wxRootDir, "contrib", "build")
@ -149,11 +137,12 @@ def main(scriptName, args):
"debug" : (False, "Build the library in debug symbols"),
"builddir" : ("", "Directory where the build will be performed for autoconf builds."),
"prefix" : ("", "Configured prefix to use for autoconf builds. Defaults to installdir if set."),
"j" : (repr(numCPUs()), "Number of jobs to run at one time."),
"install" : (False, "Install the toolkit to the installdir directory, or the default dir."),
"installdir" : ("", "Directory where built wxWidgets will be installed"),
"mac_distdir": (None, "If set on Mac, will create an installer package in the specified dir."),
"mac_universal_binary" : (False, "Build Mac version as a universal binary"),
"mac_arch" : ("", "Build just the specified architecture on Mac"),
"mac_lipo" : (False, "EXPERIMENTAL: Create a universal binary by merging a PPC and Intel build together."),
"mac_framework" : (False, "Install the Mac build as a framework"),
"no_config" : (False, "Turn off configure step on autoconf builds"),
"config_only": (False, "Only run the configure step and then exit"),
@ -182,7 +171,7 @@ def main(scriptName, args):
# compiler / build system specific args
buildDir = options.builddir
args = None
args = []
installDir = options.installdir
prefixDir = options.prefix
@ -199,9 +188,6 @@ def main(scriptName, args):
if options.debug:
if options.mac_universal_binary:
if options.cocoa:
@ -259,24 +245,33 @@ def main(scriptName, args):
if options.rebake:
retval = os.system("make -f")
retval = run("make -f")
exitIfError(retval, "Error running")
if options.mac_framework:
# Framework build is always a universal binary
options.mac_lipo = True
name = "wx"
options.mac_universal_binary = True
name = "wxOSX"
if options.osx_cocoa:
name += "OSXCocoa"
installDir = "/Library/Frameworks/%s.framework/Versions/%s" % (name, getWxRelease())
configure_opts.append("--prefix=" + installDir)
name += "Cocoa"
name += "Carbon"
prefixDir = "/Library/Frameworks/%s.framework/Versions/%s" % (name, getWxRelease())
# framework builds always need to be monolithic
if not "--enable-monolithic" in configure_opts:
if installDir and not prefixDir:
prefixDir = installDir
if prefixDir:
configure_opts.append("--prefix=" + prefixDir)
if options.mac_universal_binary:
print "Configure options: " + `configure_opts`
wxBuilder = builder.AutoconfBuilder()
if not options.no_config and not options.clean and not options.mac_lipo:
if not options.no_config and not options.clean:
olddir = os.getcwd()
if buildDir:
@ -379,48 +374,9 @@ def main(scriptName, args):
isLipo = False
if options.mac_lipo:
if options.mac_universal_binary:
print "WARNING: Cannot specify both mac_lipo and mac_universal_binary, as they conflict."
print " Using mac_universal_binary..."
isLipo = True
# TODO: Add 64-bit when we're building OS X Cocoa
# 2.8, use gcc 3.3 on PPC for 10.3 support, but only when building ...
macVersion = platform.mac_ver()[0]
isLeopard = macVersion.find("10.5") != -1
if not isLeopard and os.path.exists(os.path.join(wxRootDir, contribDir)):
# Building wx 2.8 so make the ppc build compatible with Panther
doMacLipoBuild("ppc", buildDir, installDir, cxxcompiler="g++-3.3", cccompiler="gcc-3.3",
target="10.3", flags="-DMAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED=1040")
doMacLipoBuild("ppc", buildDir, installDir)
doMacLipoBuild("i386", buildDir, installDir)
# Use lipo to merge together all binaries in the install dirs, and it
# also copies all other files and links it finds to the new destination.
result = os.system("python %s/distrib/scripts/mac/ %s %s %s" %
(wxRootDir, installDir+"/ppc", installDir+"/i386", installDir))
# tweak the wx-config script
fname = os.path.abspath(installDir + '/bin/wx-config')
data = open(fname).read()
data = data.replace('ppc/', '')
data = data.replace('i386/', '')
open(fname, 'w').write(data)
shutil.rmtree(installDir + "/ppc")
shutil.rmtree(installDir + "/i386")
if not isLipo:
if options.extra_make:
args.append("-j" + options.j)
exitIfError(, options=args), "Error building")
if options.wxpython and os.path.exists(contribDir):
@ -447,27 +403,32 @@ def main(scriptName, args):
reallib = "lib/" + os.readlink(reallib)
print "reallib is %s" % reallib
os.system("mv -f %s lib/%s.dylib" % (reallib, frameworkname))
run("mv -f %s lib/%s.dylib" % (reallib, frameworkname))
for link in links:
os.system("ln -s -f %s.dylib %s" % (frameworkname, link))
run("ln -s -f %s.dylib %s" % (frameworkname, link))
frameworkRootDir = prefixDir
if installDir:
print "installDir = %s" % installDir
frameworkRootDir = installDir + prefixDir
build_string = ""
if options.debug:
build_string = "d"
version = commands.getoutput("bin/wx-config --release")
basename = commands.getoutput("bin/wx-config --basename")
configname = commands.getoutput("bin/wx-config --selected-config")
os.system("ln -s -f bin Resources")
run("ln -s -f bin Resources")
# we make wx the "actual" library file and link to it from libwhatever.dylib
# so that things can link to wx and survive minor version changes
renameLibrary("lib/lib%s-%s.dylib" % (basename, version), "wx")
os.system("ln -s -f lib/wx.dylib wx")
run("ln -s -f lib/wx.dylib wx")
os.system("ln -s -f include/wx Headers")
run("ln -s -f include/wx Headers")
for lib in ["GL", "STC", "Gizmos", "Gizmos_xrc"]:
libfile = "lib/lib%s_%s-%s.dylib" % (basename, lib.lower(), version)
@ -476,13 +437,13 @@ def main(scriptName, args):
if not os.path.exists(frameworkDir):
renameLibrary(libfile, "wx" + lib)
os.system("ln -s -f ../../../%s %s/wx%s" % (libfile, frameworkDir, lib))
run("ln -s -f ../../../%s %s/wx%s" % (libfile, frameworkDir, lib))
for lib in glob.glob("lib/*.dylib"):
if not os.path.islink(lib):
corelibname = "lib/lib%s-%s.0.dylib" % (basename, version)
os.system("install_name_tool -id %s %s" % (os.path.join(installDir, lib), lib))
os.system("install_name_tool -change %s %s %s" % (os.path.join(installDir, "i386", corelibname), os.path.join(installDir, corelibname), lib))
run("install_name_tool -id %s %s" % (os.path.join(prefixDir, lib), lib))
run("install_name_tool -change %s %s %s" % (os.path.join(frameworkRootDir, corelibname), os.path.join(prefixDir, corelibname), lib))
@ -504,27 +465,56 @@ def main(scriptName, args):
framework_header.write(header_template % headers)
os.system("ln -s -f %s wx" % header_dir)
os.system("ln -s -f ../../../lib/wx/include/%s/wx/setup.h wx/setup.h" % configname)
run("ln -s -f %s wx" % header_dir)
run("ln -s -f ../../../lib/wx/include/%s/wx/setup.h wx/setup.h" % configname)
os.chdir(os.path.join(installDir, "..", ".."))
os.system("ln -s -f %s Versions/Current" % os.path.basename(installDir))
os.system("ln -s -f Versions/Current/Headers Headers")
os.system("ln -s -f Versions/Current/Resources Resources")
os.system("ln -s -f Versions/Current/wx wx")
os.chdir(os.path.join(frameworkRootDir, "..", ".."))
run("ln -s -f %s Versions/Current" % getWxRelease())
run("ln -s -f Versions/Current/Headers Headers")
run("ln -s -f Versions/Current/Resources Resources")
run("ln -s -f Versions/Current/wx wx")
# sanity check to ensure the symlink works
run("cd Versions/Current")
run("cd ../..")
# adjust the install_name if needed TODO: skip this for framework builds?
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin") and \
options.install and \
options.installdir and \
not options.wxpython: # wxPython's build will do this later if needed
prefix = options.prefix
if not prefix:
prefix = '/usr/local'
macFixupInstallNames(options.installdir, prefix)#, buildDir)
if not prefixDir:
prefixDir = '/usr/local'
macFixupInstallNames(options.installdir, prefixDir)#, buildDir)
# make a package if a destdir was set.
if options.mac_framework and \
options.installdir and \
if os.path.exists(options.mac_distdir):
packagedir = os.path.join(options.mac_distdir, "packages")
basename = os.path.basename(prefixDir.split(".")[0])
packageName = basename + "-" + getWxRelease()
packageMakerPath = "/Developer/usr/bin/packagemaker "
args = []
args.append("--root %s" % options.installdir)
args.append("--id org.wxwidgets.%s" % basename.lower())
args.append("--title %s" % packageName)
args.append("--version %s" % getWxRelease())
args.append("--out %s" % os.path.join(packagedir, packageName + ".pkg"))
cmd = packageMakerPath + ' '.join(args)
print "cmd = %s" % cmd
run('hdiutil create -srcfolder %s -volname "%s" -imagekey zlib-level=9 %s.dmg' % (packagedir, packageName, packageName))
if __name__ == '__main__':
exitWithException = False # use sys.exit instead