Added docstrings

git-svn-id: c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
This commit is contained in:
Robin Dunn 2004-02-24 02:09:17 +00:00
parent f659339e93
commit 861d483291
2 changed files with 310 additions and 111 deletions

View File

@ -42,6 +42,51 @@ enum wxRelationship
"Objects of this class are stored in the wx.LayoutConstraint class as one of
eight possible constraints that a window can be involved in. You will never
need to create an instance of wx.IndividualLayoutConstraint, rather you should
use create a wx.LayoutContstraints instance and use the individual contstraints
that it contains.
Constraints are initially set to have the relationship wx.Unconstrained, which
means that their values should be calculated by looking at known constraints.
The Edge specifies the type of edge or dimension of a window.
wx.Left The left edge.
wx.Top The top edge.
wx.Right The right edge.
wx.Bottom The bottom edge.
wx.CentreX The x-coordinate of the centre of the window.
wx.CentreY The y-coordinate of the centre of the window.
The Relationship specifies the relationship that this edge or dimension has
with another specified edge or dimension. Normally, the user doesn't use these
directly because functions such as Below and RightOf are a convenience for
using the more general Set function.
wx.Unconstrained The edge or dimension is unconstrained
(the default for edges.)
wx.AsIs The edge or dimension is to be taken from the current
window position or size (the default for dimensions.)
wx.Above The edge should be above another edge.
wx.Below The edge should be below another edge.
wx.LeftOf The edge should be to the left of another edge.
wx.RightOf The edge should be to the right of another edge.
wx.SameAs The edge or dimension should be the same as another edge
or dimension.
wx.PercentOf The edge or dimension should be a percentage of another
edge or dimension.
wx.Absolute The edge or dimension should be a given absolute value.
// wxIndividualLayoutConstraint: a constraint on window position
class wxIndividualLayoutConstraint : public wxObject
@ -49,89 +94,173 @@ public:
// wxIndividualLayoutConstraint();
// ~wxIndividualLayoutConstraint();
void Set(wxRelationship rel, wxWindow *otherW, wxEdge otherE, int val = 0, int marg = wxLAYOUT_DEFAULT_MARGIN);
void , Set(wxRelationship rel, wxWindow *otherW, wxEdge otherE,
int val = 0, int marg = wxLAYOUT_DEFAULT_MARGIN),
// Sibling relationships
void LeftOf(wxWindow *sibling, int marg = 0);
void RightOf(wxWindow *sibling, int marg = 0);
void Above(wxWindow *sibling, int marg = 0);
void Below(wxWindow *sibling, int marg = 0);
void , LeftOf(wxWindow *sibling, int marg = 0),
"Sibling relationship");
void , RightOf(wxWindow *sibling, int marg = 0),
"Sibling relationship");
void , Above(wxWindow *sibling, int marg = 0),
"Sibling relationship");
void , Below(wxWindow *sibling, int marg = 0),
"Sibling relationship");
// 'Same edge' alignment
void SameAs(wxWindow *otherW, wxEdge edge, int marg = 0);
void , SameAs(wxWindow *otherW, wxEdge edge, int marg = 0),
"'Same edge' alignment");
// The edge is a percentage of the other window's edge
void PercentOf(wxWindow *otherW, wxEdge wh, int per);
void , PercentOf(wxWindow *otherW, wxEdge wh, int per),
"The edge is a percentage of the other window's edge");
// Edge has absolute value
void Absolute(int val);
void , Absolute(int val),
"Edge has absolute value");
// Dimension is unconstrained
void Unconstrained() { relationship = wxUnconstrained; }
void , Unconstrained(),
"Dimension is unconstrained");
// Dimension is 'as is' (use current size settings)
void AsIs() { relationship = wxAsIs; }
void , AsIs(),
"Dimension is 'as is' (use current size settings)");
// Accessors
wxWindow *GetOtherWindow();
wxEdge GetMyEdge() const;
void SetEdge(wxEdge which);
void SetValue(int v);
int GetMargin();
void SetMargin(int m);
int GetValue() const;
int GetPercent() const;
int GetOtherEdge() const;
bool GetDone() const;
void SetDone(bool d);
wxRelationship GetRelationship();
void SetRelationship(wxRelationship r);
wxWindow *, GetOtherWindow(),
wxEdge , GetMyEdge() const,
void , SetEdge(wxEdge which),
void , SetValue(int v),
int , GetMargin(),
void , SetMargin(int m),
int , GetValue() const,
int , GetPercent() const,
int , GetOtherEdge() const,
bool , GetDone() const,
void , SetDone(bool d),
wxRelationship , GetRelationship(),
void , SetRelationship(wxRelationship r),
// Reset constraint if it mentions otherWin
bool ResetIfWin(wxWindow *otherW);
bool , ResetIfWin(wxWindow *otherW),
"Reset constraint if it mentions otherWin");
// Try to satisfy constraint
bool SatisfyConstraint(wxLayoutConstraints *constraints, wxWindow *win);
// Get the value of this edge or dimension, or if this
// is not determinable, -1.
int GetEdge(wxEdge which, wxWindow *thisWin, wxWindow *other) const;
bool , SatisfyConstraint(wxLayoutConstraints *constraints, wxWindow *win),
"Try to satisfy constraint");
int , GetEdge(wxEdge which, wxWindow *thisWin, wxWindow *other) const,
"Get the value of this edge or dimension, or if this\n"
"is not determinable, -1.");
"Note: constraints are now deprecated and you should use sizers instead.
Objects of this class can be associated with a window to define its layout
constraints, with respect to siblings or its parent.
The class consists of the following eight constraints of class
wx.IndividualLayoutConstraint, some or all of which should be accessed
directly to set the appropriate constraints.
* left: represents the left hand edge of the window
* right: represents the right hand edge of the window
* top: represents the top edge of the window
* bottom: represents the bottom edge of the window
* width: represents the width of the window
* height: represents the height of the window
* centreX: represents the horizontal centre point of the window
* centreY: represents the vertical centre point of the window
Most constraints are initially set to have the relationship wxUnconstrained,
which means that their values should be calculated by looking at known
constraints. The exceptions are width and height, which are set to wxAsIs to
ensure that if the user does not specify a constraint, the existing width and
height will be used, to be compatible with panel items which often have take a
default size. If the constraint is wxAsIs, the dimension will not be changed.
// wxLayoutConstraints: the complete set of constraints for a window
class wxLayoutConstraints : public wxObject
// Edge constraints
wxIndividualLayoutConstraint left;
wxIndividualLayoutConstraint top;
wxIndividualLayoutConstraint right;
wxIndividualLayoutConstraint bottom;
// Size constraints
wxIndividualLayoutConstraint width;
wxIndividualLayoutConstraint height;
// Centre constraints
wxIndividualLayoutConstraint centreX;
wxIndividualLayoutConstraint centreY;
bool, SatisfyConstraints(wxWindow *win, int *OUTPUT),

View File

@ -21,45 +21,57 @@ MAKE_CONST_WXSTRING(ControlNameStr);
// This is the base class for a control or 'widget'.
// A control is generally a small window which processes user input and/or
// displays one or more item of data.
"This is the base class for a control or 'widget'.
A control is generally a small window which processes user input and/or
displays one or more item of data.");
class wxControl : public wxWindow
%pythonAppend wxControl "self._setOORInfo(self)"
%pythonAppend wxControl() ""
wxControl(wxWindow *parent,
wxControl(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint& pos=wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size=wxDefaultSize,
long style=0,
const wxValidator& validator=wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name=wxPyControlNameStr);
const wxString& name=wxPyControlNameStr),
"Create a Control. Normally you should only call this from a\n"
"subclass' __init__ as a plain old wx.Control is not very useful.");
"Precreate a Control control for 2-phase creation",
bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint& pos=wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size=wxDefaultSize,
long style=0,
const wxValidator& validator=wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name=wxPyControlNameStr);
// Simulates the effect of the user issuing a command to the item. See
// wxCommandEvent.
void Command(wxCommandEvent& event);
// Return a control's text.
wxString GetLabel();
// Sets the item's text.
void SetLabel(const wxString& label);
bool , Create(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint& pos=wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size=wxDefaultSize,
long style=0,
const wxValidator& validator=wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name=wxPyControlNameStr),
"Do the 2nd phase and create the GUI control.");
void , Command(wxCommandEvent& event),
"Simulates the effect of the user issuing a command to the\n"
"item. See wxCommandEvent.");
wxString , GetLabel(),
"Return a control's text.");
void , SetLabel(const wxString& label),
"Sets the item's text.");
@ -67,23 +79,33 @@ public:
// wxItemContainer defines an interface which is implemented by all controls
// which have string subitems each of which may be selected.
// Examples: wxListBox, wxCheckListBox, wxChoice and wxComboBox (which
// implements an extended interface deriving from this one)
"wx.ItemContainer defines an interface which is implemented by all
controls which have string subitems, each of which may be
selected, such as wx.ListBox, wx.CheckListBox, wx.Choice and
wx.ComboBox (which implements an extended interface deriving from
this one)
It defines the methods for accessing the control's items and
although each of the derived classes implements them differently,
they still all conform to the same interface.
The items in a wx.ItemContainer have (non empty) string labels
and, optionally, client data associated with them.
class wxItemContainer
// wxItemContainer() { m_clientDataItemsType = wxClientData_None; } ** It's an ABC
// int Append(const wxString& item)
// int Append(const wxString& item, void *clientData)
// int Append(const wxString& item, wxClientData *clientData)
%extend {
// Adds the item to the control, associating the given data with the
// item if not None.
"Adds the item to the control, associating the given data with the\n"
"item if not None. The return value is the index of the newly\n"
"added item which may be different from the last one if the\n"
"control is sorted (e.g. has wx.LB_SORT or wx.CB_SORT style).");
int Append(const wxString& item, PyObject* clientData=NULL) {
if (clientData) {
wxPyClientData* data = new wxPyClientData(clientData);
@ -93,13 +115,18 @@ public:
// append several items at once to the control
%name(AppendItems) void Append(const wxArrayString& strings);
void , Append(const wxArrayString& strings),
"Apend several items at once to the control. Notice that calling\n"
"this method may be much faster than appending the items one by\n"
"one if you need to add a lot of items.",
// int Insert(const wxString& item, int pos)
// int Insert(const wxString& item, int pos, void *clientData);
// int Insert(const wxString& item, int pos, wxClientData *clientData);
%extend {
"Insert an item into the control before the item at the pos index,\n"
"optionally associating some data object with the item.");
int Insert(const wxString& item, int pos, PyObject* clientData=NULL) {
if (clientData) {
wxPyClientData* data = new wxPyClientData(clientData);
@ -110,30 +137,67 @@ public:
// deleting items
virtual void Clear();
virtual void Delete(int n);
virtual void , Clear(),
"Removes all items from the control.");
virtual void , Delete(int n),
"Deletes the item at the zero-based index 'n' from the control.\n"
"Note that it is an error (signalled by a PyAssertionError\n"
"exception if enabled) to remove an item with the index negative\n"
"or greater or equal than the number of items in the control.");
// accessing strings
virtual int GetCount() const;
bool IsEmpty() const;
virtual wxString GetString(int n) const;
wxArrayString GetStrings() const;
virtual void SetString(int n, const wxString& s);
virtual int FindString(const wxString& s) const;
virtual int , GetCount() const,
"Returns the number of items in the control.");
bool , IsEmpty() const,
"Returns True if the control is empty or False if it has some items.");
virtual wxString , GetString(int n) const,
"Returns the label of the item with the given index.");
wxArrayString , GetStrings() const,
virtual void , SetString(int n, const wxString& s),
"Sets the label for the given item.");
virtual int , FindString(const wxString& s) const,
"Finds an item whose label matches the given string. Returns the\n"
"zero-based position of the item, or wx.NOT_FOUND if the string\n"
"was not found.");
// selection
virtual void Select(int n);
virtual int GetSelection() const;
virtual void , Select(int n),
"Sets the item at index 'n' to be the selected item.");
wxString GetStringSelection() const;
%pythoncode { SetSelection = Select }
virtual int , GetSelection() const,
"Returns the index of the selected item or wx.NOT_FOUND if no item is selected.");
wxString , GetStringSelection() const,
"Returns the label of the selected item or an empty string if no item is selected.");
// client data stuff
%extend {
// Returns the client data associated with the given item, (if any.)
"Returns the client data associated with the given item, (if any.)");
PyObject* GetClientData(int n) {
wxPyClientData* data = (wxPyClientData*)self->GetClientObject(n);
if (data) {
@ -145,7 +209,8 @@ public:
// Associate the given client data with the item at position n.
"Associate the given client data with the item at position n.");
void SetClientData(int n, PyObject* clientData) {
wxPyClientData* data = new wxPyClientData(clientData);
self->SetClientObject(n, data);
@ -158,6 +223,11 @@ public:
"wx.ControlWithItems combines the wx.ItemContainer class with the
wx.Control class, and is used for the base class of various
controls that have items.");
class wxControlWithItems : public wxControl, public wxItemContainer