Comment out wxHVScrolledWindow

git-svn-id: c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
This commit is contained in:
Robin Dunn 2006-03-05 04:00:08 +00:00
parent df5f8f4e3d
commit 971e47976f

View File

@ -219,254 +219,254 @@ public:
// //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// %newgroup;
// wxHVScrolledWindow
// // wxHVScrolledWindow
// First, the C++ version
class wxPyHVScrolledWindow : public wxHVScrolledWindow
wxPyHVScrolledWindow() : wxHVScrolledWindow() {}
wxPyHVScrolledWindow(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxString& name = wxPyPanelNameStr)
: wxHVScrolledWindow(parent, id, pos, size, style, name) {}
// // First, the C++ version
// %{
// class wxPyHVScrolledWindow : public wxHVScrolledWindow
// {
// public:
// wxPyHVScrolledWindow() : wxHVScrolledWindow() {}
// wxPyHVScrolledWindow(wxWindow *parent,
// wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
// const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
// const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
// long style = 0,
// const wxString& name = wxPyPanelNameStr)
// : wxHVScrolledWindow(parent, id, pos, size, style, name) {}
// Overridable virtuals
// // Overridable virtuals
// these functions must be overridden in the derived class and they should
// return the width or height of the given line in pixels
// // these functions must be overridden in the derived class and they should
// // return the width or height of the given line in pixels
// DEC_PYCALLBACK_COORD_SIZET_constpure(OnGetRowHeight);
// DEC_PYCALLBACK_COORD_SIZET_constpure(OnGetColumnWidth);
// the following functions don't need to be overridden but it may be useful
// to do if calculating the lines widths or heights is a relatively
// expensive operation as it gives the user code a possibility to calculate
// several of them at once
// OnGetRowsHeightHint() and OnGetColumnsWidthHint() are normally called
// just before OnGetRowHeight() and OnGetColumnWidth(), respectively, but
// you shouldn't rely on the latter methods being called for all lines in
// the interval specified here. It is also possible that OnGetRowHeight()
// or OnGetColumnWidth() will be called for the lines outside of this
// interval, so this is really just a hint, not a promise.
// finally note that min is inclusive, while max is exclusive, as usual
// // the following functions don't need to be overridden but it may be useful
// // to do if calculating the lines widths or heights is a relatively
// // expensive operation as it gives the user code a possibility to calculate
// // several of them at once
// //
// // OnGetRowsHeightHint() and OnGetColumnsWidthHint() are normally called
// // just before OnGetRowHeight() and OnGetColumnWidth(), respectively, but
// // you shouldn't rely on the latter methods being called for all lines in
// // the interval specified here. It is also possible that OnGetRowHeight()
// // or OnGetColumnWidth() will be called for the lines outside of this
// // interval, so this is really just a hint, not a promise.
// //
// // finally note that min is inclusive, while max is exclusive, as usual
// when the number of lines changes, we try to estimate the total width or
// height of all lines which is a rather expensive operation in terms of
// lines access, so if the user code may estimate the average height
// better/faster than we do, it should override this function to implement
// its own logic
// this function should return the best guess for the total height it may
// make
// // when the number of lines changes, we try to estimate the total width or
// // height of all lines which is a rather expensive operation in terms of
// // lines access, so if the user code may estimate the average height
// // better/faster than we do, it should override this function to implement
// // its own logic
// //
// // this function should return the best guess for the total height it may
// // make
// DEC_PYCALLBACK_COORD_const(EstimateTotalHeight);
// DEC_PYCALLBACK_COORD_const(EstimateTotalWidth);
// Also expose some other interesting protected methods
// // Also expose some other interesting protected methods
// find the index of the horizontal line we need to show at the top of the
// window such that the last (fully or partially) visible line is the given
// one
size_t FindFirstFromRight(size_t columnLast, bool fullyVisible = false)
{ return wxHVScrolledWindow::FindFirstFromRight(columnLast, fullyVisible); }
// // find the index of the horizontal line we need to show at the top of the
// // window such that the last (fully or partially) visible line is the given
// // one
// size_t FindFirstFromRight(size_t columnLast, bool fullyVisible = false)
// { return wxHVScrolledWindow::FindFirstFromRight(columnLast, fullyVisible); }
// find the index of the vertical line we need to show at the top of the
// window such that the last (fully or partially) visible line is the given
// one
size_t FindFirstFromBottom(size_t lineLast, bool fullyVisible = false)
{ return wxHVScrolledWindow::FindFirstFromBottom(lineLast, fullyVisible); }
// // find the index of the vertical line we need to show at the top of the
// // window such that the last (fully or partially) visible line is the given
// // one
// size_t FindFirstFromBottom(size_t lineLast, bool fullyVisible = false)
// { return wxHVScrolledWindow::FindFirstFromBottom(lineLast, fullyVisible); }
// get the total width or height of the lines between lineMin (inclusive)
// and lineMax (exclusive)
wxCoord GetRowsHeight(size_t lineMin, size_t lineMax) const
{ return wxHVScrolledWindow::GetRowsHeight(lineMin, lineMax); }
wxCoord GetColumnsWidth(size_t columnMin, size_t columnMax) const
{ return wxHVScrolledWindow::GetColumnsWidth(columnMin, columnMax); }
// // get the total width or height of the lines between lineMin (inclusive)
// // and lineMax (exclusive)
// wxCoord GetRowsHeight(size_t lineMin, size_t lineMax) const
// { return wxHVScrolledWindow::GetRowsHeight(lineMin, lineMax); }
// wxCoord GetColumnsWidth(size_t columnMin, size_t columnMax) const
// { return wxHVScrolledWindow::GetColumnsWidth(columnMin, columnMax); }
// };
IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxPyHVScrolledWindow, wxHVScrolledWindow);
// IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxPyHVScrolledWindow, wxHVScrolledWindow);
IMP_PYCALLBACK_COORD_SIZET_constpure(wxPyHVScrolledWindow, wxHVScrolledWindow, OnGetRowHeight);
IMP_PYCALLBACK_COORD_SIZET_constpure(wxPyHVScrolledWindow, wxHVScrolledWindow, OnGetColumnWidth);
IMP_PYCALLBACK_VOID_SIZETSIZET_const(wxPyHVScrolledWindow, wxHVScrolledWindow, OnGetRowsHeightHint);
IMP_PYCALLBACK_VOID_SIZETSIZET_const(wxPyHVScrolledWindow, wxHVScrolledWindow, OnGetColumnsWidthHint);
IMP_PYCALLBACK_COORD_const (wxPyHVScrolledWindow, wxHVScrolledWindow, EstimateTotalHeight);
IMP_PYCALLBACK_COORD_const (wxPyHVScrolledWindow, wxHVScrolledWindow, EstimateTotalWidth);
// IMP_PYCALLBACK_COORD_SIZET_constpure(wxPyHVScrolledWindow, wxHVScrolledWindow, OnGetRowHeight);
// IMP_PYCALLBACK_COORD_SIZET_constpure(wxPyHVScrolledWindow, wxHVScrolledWindow, OnGetColumnWidth);
// IMP_PYCALLBACK_VOID_SIZETSIZET_const(wxPyHVScrolledWindow, wxHVScrolledWindow, OnGetRowsHeightHint);
// IMP_PYCALLBACK_VOID_SIZETSIZET_const(wxPyHVScrolledWindow, wxHVScrolledWindow, OnGetColumnsWidthHint);
// IMP_PYCALLBACK_COORD_const (wxPyHVScrolledWindow, wxHVScrolledWindow, EstimateTotalHeight);
// IMP_PYCALLBACK_COORD_const (wxPyHVScrolledWindow, wxHVScrolledWindow, EstimateTotalWidth);
// %}
// Now define this class for SWIG
// // Now define this class for SWIG
This class is strongly influenced by wxVScrolledWindow. In fact, much of
code is line for line the same except it EXPLICITLY states which axis is
being worked on. Like wxVScrolledWindow, this class is here to provide
an easy way to implement variable line sizes. The difference is that
wxVScrolledWindow only works with vertical scrolling. This class extends
the behavior of wxVScrolledWindow to the horizontal axis in addition to the
vertical axis.
// /*
// This class is strongly influenced by wxVScrolledWindow. In fact, much of
// code is line for line the same except it EXPLICITLY states which axis is
// being worked on. Like wxVScrolledWindow, this class is here to provide
// an easy way to implement variable line sizes. The difference is that
// wxVScrolledWindow only works with vertical scrolling. This class extends
// the behavior of wxVScrolledWindow to the horizontal axis in addition to the
// vertical axis.
The scrolling is also "virtual" in the sense that line widths and heights
only need to be known for lines that are currently visible.
// The scrolling is also "virtual" in the sense that line widths and heights
// only need to be known for lines that are currently visible.
Like wxVScrolledWindow, this is a generalization of the wxScrolledWindow
class which can be only used when all horizontal lines have the same width
and all of the vertical lines have the same height. Like wxVScrolledWinow
it lacks some of wxScrolledWindow features such as scrolling another window
or only scrolling a rectangle of the window and not its entire client area.
// Like wxVScrolledWindow, this is a generalization of the wxScrolledWindow
// class which can be only used when all horizontal lines have the same width
// and all of the vertical lines have the same height. Like wxVScrolledWinow
// it lacks some of wxScrolledWindow features such as scrolling another window
// or only scrolling a rectangle of the window and not its entire client area.
If only vertical scrolling is needed, wxVScrolledWindow is recommended
because it is simpler to use (and you get to type less).
// If only vertical scrolling is needed, wxVScrolledWindow is recommended
// because it is simpler to use (and you get to type less).
There is no wxHScrolledWindow but horizontal only scrolling is implemented
easily enough with this class. If someone feels the need for such a class,
implementing it is trivial.
// There is no wxHScrolledWindow but horizontal only scrolling is implemented
// easily enough with this class. If someone feels the need for such a class,
// implementing it is trivial.
// */
// MustHaveApp(wxPyHVScrolledWindow);
%rename(HVScrolledWindow) wxPyHVScrolledWindow;
class wxPyHVScrolledWindow : public wxPanel
%pythonAppend wxPyHVScrolledWindow "self._setOORInfo(self); self._setCallbackInfo(self, VScrolledWindow)"
%pythonAppend wxPyHVScrolledWindow() ""
// %rename(HVScrolledWindow) wxPyHVScrolledWindow;
// class wxPyHVScrolledWindow : public wxPanel
// {
// public:
// %pythonAppend wxPyHVScrolledWindow "self._setOORInfo(self); self._setCallbackInfo(self, VScrolledWindow)"
// %pythonAppend wxPyHVScrolledWindow() ""
// normal ctor, no need to call Create() after this one
// note that wxVSCROLL and wxHSCROLL are always automatically added to our
// style, there is no need to specify them explicitly
wxPyHVScrolledWindow(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxString& name = wxPyPanelNameStr);
// // normal ctor, no need to call Create() after this one
// //
// // note that wxVSCROLL and wxHSCROLL are always automatically added to our
// // style, there is no need to specify them explicitly
// wxPyHVScrolledWindow(wxWindow *parent,
// wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
// const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
// const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
// long style = 0,
// const wxString& name = wxPyPanelNameStr);
%RenameCtor(PreHVScrolledWindow, wxPyHVScrolledWindow());
void _setCallbackInfo(PyObject* self, PyObject* _class);
// %RenameCtor(PreHVScrolledWindow, wxPyHVScrolledWindow());
// void _setCallbackInfo(PyObject* self, PyObject* _class);
bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxString& name = wxPyPanelNameStr);
// bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
// wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
// const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
// const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
// long style = 0,
// const wxString& name = wxPyPanelNameStr);
// operations
// ----------
// // operations
// // ----------
// set the number of lines the window contains for each axis: the derived
// class must provide the widths and heights for all lines with indices up
// to each of the one given here in its OnGetColumnWidth() and
// OnGetRowHeight()
void SetRowColumnCounts(size_t rowCount, size_t columnCount);
// // set the number of lines the window contains for each axis: the derived
// // class must provide the widths and heights for all lines with indices up
// // to each of the one given here in its OnGetColumnWidth() and
// // OnGetRowHeight()
// void SetRowColumnCounts(size_t rowCount, size_t columnCount);
// with physical scrolling on, the device origin is changed properly when
// a wxPaintDC is prepared, children are actually moved and layed out
// properly, and the contents of the window (pixels) are actually moved
void EnablePhysicalScrolling(bool scrolling = true);
// // with physical scrolling on, the device origin is changed properly when
// // a wxPaintDC is prepared, children are actually moved and layed out
// // properly, and the contents of the window (pixels) are actually moved
// void EnablePhysicalScrolling(bool scrolling = true);
// scroll to the specified line: it will become the first visible line in
// the window
// return true if we scrolled the window, false if nothing was done
bool ScrollToRow(size_t row);
bool ScrollToColumn(size_t column);
bool ScrollToRowColumn(size_t row, size_t column);
// // scroll to the specified line: it will become the first visible line in
// // the window
// //
// // return true if we scrolled the window, false if nothing was done
// bool ScrollToRow(size_t row);
// bool ScrollToColumn(size_t column);
// bool ScrollToRowColumn(size_t row, size_t column);
// scroll by the specified number of lines/pages
virtual bool ScrollRows(int rows);
virtual bool ScrollColumns(int columns);
virtual bool ScrollRowsColumns(int rows, int columns);
virtual bool ScrollRowPages(int pages);
virtual bool ScrollColumnPages(int pages);
virtual bool ScrollPages(int rowPages, int columnPages);
// // scroll by the specified number of lines/pages
// virtual bool ScrollRows(int rows);
// virtual bool ScrollColumns(int columns);
// virtual bool ScrollRowsColumns(int rows, int columns);
// virtual bool ScrollRowPages(int pages);
// virtual bool ScrollColumnPages(int pages);
// virtual bool ScrollPages(int rowPages, int columnPages);
// redraw the specified line
virtual void RefreshRow(size_t line);
virtual void RefreshColumn(size_t line);
virtual void RefreshRowColumn(size_t row, size_t column);
// // redraw the specified line
// virtual void RefreshRow(size_t line);
// virtual void RefreshColumn(size_t line);
// virtual void RefreshRowColumn(size_t row, size_t column);
// redraw all lines in the specified range (inclusive)
virtual void RefreshRows(size_t from, size_t to);
virtual void RefreshColumns(size_t from, size_t to);
virtual void RefreshRowsColumns(size_t fromRow, size_t toRow,
size_t fromColumn, size_t toColumn);
// // redraw all lines in the specified range (inclusive)
// virtual void RefreshRows(size_t from, size_t to);
// virtual void RefreshColumns(size_t from, size_t to);
// virtual void RefreshRowsColumns(size_t fromRow, size_t toRow,
// size_t fromColumn, size_t toColumn);
// return the horizontal and vertical line within a wxPoint at the
// specified (in physical coordinates) position or.
// // return the horizontal and vertical line within a wxPoint at the
// // specified (in physical coordinates) position or.
// wxNOT_FOUND in either or both axes if no line is present at the
// requested coordinates, i.e. if it is past the last lines
%Rename(HitTestXY, wxPoint, HitTest(wxCoord x, wxCoord y) const);
wxPoint HitTest(const wxPoint& pt) const;
// // wxNOT_FOUND in either or both axes if no line is present at the
// // requested coordinates, i.e. if it is past the last lines
// %Rename(HitTestXY, wxPoint, HitTest(wxCoord x, wxCoord y) const);
// wxPoint HitTest(const wxPoint& pt) const;
// recalculate all our parameters and redisplay all lines
virtual void RefreshAll();
// // recalculate all our parameters and redisplay all lines
// virtual void RefreshAll();
// accessors
// ---------
// // accessors
// // ---------
// get the number of lines this window contains (previously set by
// SetLineCount())
size_t GetRowCount() const;
size_t GetColumnCount() const;
wxSize GetRowColumnCounts() const;
// // get the number of lines this window contains (previously set by
// // SetLineCount())
// size_t GetRowCount() const;
// size_t GetColumnCount() const;
// wxSize GetRowColumnCounts() const;
// get the first currently visible line/lines
size_t GetVisibleRowsBegin() const;
size_t GetVisibleColumnsBegin() const;
wxPoint GetVisibleBegin() const;
// // get the first currently visible line/lines
// size_t GetVisibleRowsBegin() const;
// size_t GetVisibleColumnsBegin() const;
// wxPoint GetVisibleBegin() const;
// get the last currently visible line/lines
size_t GetVisibleRowsEnd() const;
size_t GetVisibleColumnsEnd() const;
wxPoint GetVisibleEnd() const;
// // get the last currently visible line/lines
// size_t GetVisibleRowsEnd() const;
// size_t GetVisibleColumnsEnd() const;
// wxPoint GetVisibleEnd() const;
// is this line currently visible?
bool IsRowVisible(size_t row) const;
bool IsColumnVisible(size_t column) const;
bool IsVisible(size_t row, size_t column) const;
// // is this line currently visible?
// bool IsRowVisible(size_t row) const;
// bool IsColumnVisible(size_t column) const;
// bool IsVisible(size_t row, size_t column) const;
// find the index of the horizontal line we need to show at the top of the
// window such that the last (fully or partially) visible line is the given
// one
size_t FindFirstFromRight(size_t columnLast, bool fullyVisible = false);
// // find the index of the horizontal line we need to show at the top of the
// // window such that the last (fully or partially) visible line is the given
// // one
// size_t FindFirstFromRight(size_t columnLast, bool fullyVisible = false);
// find the index of the vertical line we need to show at the top of the
// window such that the last (fully or partially) visible line is the given
// one
size_t FindFirstFromBottom(size_t lineLast, bool fullyVisible = false);
// // find the index of the vertical line we need to show at the top of the
// // window such that the last (fully or partially) visible line is the given
// // one
// size_t FindFirstFromBottom(size_t lineLast, bool fullyVisible = false);
// get the total width or height of the lines between lineMin (inclusive)
// and lineMax (exclusive)
wxCoord GetRowsHeight(size_t lineMin, size_t lineMax) const;
wxCoord GetColumnsWidth(size_t columnMin, size_t columnMax) const;
// // get the total width or height of the lines between lineMin (inclusive)
// // and lineMax (exclusive)
// wxCoord GetRowsHeight(size_t lineMin, size_t lineMax) const;
// wxCoord GetColumnsWidth(size_t columnMin, size_t columnMax) const;
// };