Started to improve header comments for FL

git-svn-id: c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
This commit is contained in:
Julian Smart 2002-01-18 22:34:01 +00:00
parent 2fe0ef8a1e
commit e598303ae7
5 changed files with 388 additions and 164 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Name: No names yet.
// Purpose: Contrib. demo
// Name: antiflickpl.h
// Purpose: Double-buffering plugin class for reducing flicker
// Author: Aleksandras Gluchovas (@Lithuania)
// Modified by:
// Created: 23/10/98
@ -18,14 +18,18 @@
#include "wx/fl/controlbar.h"
Implements double-buffering to reduce flicker.
Bitmap and memory DC buffers are shared "resources" among all instances of
antiflicker plugins within the application.
Locking for multithreaded applications is not yet implemented.
class cbAntiflickerPlugin : public cbPluginBase
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS( cbAntiflickerPlugin )
// double-buffers are shared "resource" among all instances of
// antiflicker plugin within the application
// TODO:: locking should be implemented, for multithreaded GUIs
static wxBitmap* mpVertBuf;
static wxBitmap* mpHorizBuf;
@ -34,15 +38,16 @@ protected:
static int mRefCount;
wxDC* mpLRUBufDc; // last-reacently-used buffer
wxRect mLRUArea; // last-reacently-used area
wxDC* mpLRUBufDc; // last-recently-used buffer
wxRect mLRUArea; // last-recently-used area
// returns NULL, if sutable buffer is not present
// Finds a suitable buffer. Returns NULL if a suitable buffer is not present.
wxDC* FindSuitableBuffer( const wxRect& forArea );
// Allocates a suitable buffer.
wxDC* AllocNewBuffer( const wxRect& forArea );
wxDC& GetWindowDC();
wxDC& GetWindowDC();
wxDC& GetClientDC();
@ -52,9 +57,10 @@ public:
virtual ~cbAntiflickerPlugin();
// handlers for plugin events
// Handler for plugin event.
void OnStartDrawInArea ( cbStartDrawInAreaEvent& event );
// Handler for plugin event.
void OnFinishDrawInArea( cbFinishDrawInAreaEvent& event );

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Name: No names yet.
// Purpose: Contrib. demo
// Name: bardragpl.h
// Purpose: cbBarDragPlugin class
// Author: Aleksandras Gluchovas
// Modified by:
// Created: 23/09/98
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ protected:
wxScreenDC* mpScrDc; // created while tracking hint-rect
wxCursor* mpCurCursor;
// rectnagle shows the position/dimensions of the bar,
// rectangle shows the position/dimensions of the bar,
// if it would be docked now
wxRect mPrevHintRect;
@ -57,62 +57,108 @@ public: /*** public properties ***/
// Internal implementation function.
void AdjustHintRect( wxPoint& mousePos );
// Internal implementation function.
void ClipRectInFrame( wxRect& rect );
// Internal implementation function.
void ClipPosInFrame( wxPoint& pos );
// Internal implementation function. Finds the pane
// under the specified rectangle.
cbDockPane* HitTestPanes( wxRect& rect );
// Internal implementation function. Finds the pane
// under the specified point.
cbDockPane* HitTestPanes( wxPoint& pos );
// Internal implementation function.
bool HitsPane( cbDockPane* pPane, wxRect& rect );
// Internal implementation function.
void CalcOnScreenDims( wxRect& rect );
// Internal implementation function.
int GetDistanceToPane( cbDockPane* pPane, wxPoint& mousePos );
// Internal implementation function.
bool IsInOtherPane ( wxPoint& mousePos );
// Internal implementation function.
bool IsInClientArea( wxPoint& mousePos );
// Internal implementation function.
bool IsInClientArea( wxRect& rect );
// Internal implementation function.
void StickToPane( cbDockPane* pPane, wxPoint& mousePos );
// Internal implementation function.
void UnstickFromPane( cbDockPane* pPane, wxPoint& mousePos );
// Internal implementation function.
int GetBarWidthInPane( cbDockPane* pPane );
// Internal implementation function.
int GetBarHeightInPane( cbDockPane* pPane );
// on-screen hint-tracking related methods
// Internal implementation function.
// Start showing a visual hint while dragging.
void StartTracking();
// Internal implementation function.
// Draw the visual hint while dragging.
void DrawHintRect ( wxRect& rect, bool isInClientRect);
// Internal implementation function.
// Erase the visual hint while dragging.
void EraseHintRect( wxRect& rect, bool isInClientRect);
// Internal implementation function.
// Stop showing the visual hint while dragging.
void FinishTracking();
// Internal implementation function.
// Draw the hint rectangle.
void DoDrawHintRect( wxRect& rect, bool isInClientRect);
// Internal implementation function.
// Converts the given rectangle from window to screen coordinates.
void RectToScr( wxRect& frameRect, wxRect& scrRect );
// Internal implementation function.
// Show the hint; called within OnMouseMove.
void ShowHint( bool prevWasInClient );
// Default constructor.
// Constructor taking a parent frame, and flag. See cbPluginBase.
cbBarDragPlugin( wxFrameLayout* pPanel, int paneMask = wxALL_PANES );
// Destructor.
virtual ~cbBarDragPlugin();
// handlers for plugin events
// Handler for plugin event.
void OnMouseMove( cbMotionEvent& event );
// Handler for plugin event.
void OnLButtonUp( cbLeftUpEvent& event );
// Handler for plugin event.
void OnLButtonDown( cbLeftDownEvent& event );
// Handler for plugin event.
void OnLDblClick( cbLeftDClickEvent& event );
// handles event, which oriniates from itself
// Handles event, which originates from itself.
void OnDrawHintRect( cbDrawHintRectEvent& event );
// Handler for plugin event.
void OnStartBarDragging( cbStartBarDraggingEvent& event );

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Name: No names yet.
// Purpose: Contrib. demo
// Name: barhintspl.h
// Purpose: cbBarHintsPlugin class declaration
// Author: Aleksandras Gluchovas
// Modified by:
// Created: 30/11/98 (my 22th birthday :-)
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
#include "wx/fl/toolwnd.h"
* Intercepts bar-decoration and sizing events, draws 3d-hints
* around fixed and flexible bars, similar to those in Microsoft DevStudio 6.x
This class intercepts bar-decoration and sizing events, and draws 3D hints
around fixed and flexible bars, similar to those in Microsoft DevStudio 6.x
class cbBarHintsPlugin : public cbPluginBase
@ -39,24 +39,33 @@ protected:
bool mDepressed;
// drawing helpers
// Helper function: draws a 3D box.
void Draw3DBox ( wxDC& dc, const wxPoint& pos, bool pressed );
// Helper function: draws a close box.
void DrawCloseBox ( wxDC& dc, const wxPoint& pos, bool pressed );
// Helper function: draws a collapse box.
void DrawCollapseBox( wxDC& dc, const wxPoint& pos,
bool atLeft, bool disabled, bool pressed );
// Helper function: draws grooves.
void DrawGrooves ( wxDC& dc, const wxPoint& pos, int length );
// Helper function: draws a hint.
void DoDrawHint( wxDC& dc, wxRect& rect, int pos, int boxOfs, int grooveOfs, bool isFixed );
// Helper function: gets the layout of a hint.
void GetHintsLayout( wxRect& rect, cbBarInfo& info,
int& boxOfs, int& grooveOfs, int& pos );
// Helper function: returns information about the hint under the given position.
int HitTestHints( cbBarInfo& info, const wxPoint& pos );
// Helper function.
void ExcludeHints( wxRect& rect, cbBarInfo& info );
// Helper function: creates close and collapse boxes.
void CreateBoxes();
@ -69,24 +78,34 @@ public:
int mXWeight; // default: 2 (width in pixels of lines which used for drawing cross)
// Default constructor.
// Constructor, taking parent frame and pane mask flag.
cbBarHintsPlugin( wxFrameLayout* pLayout, int paneMask = wxALL_PANES );
// Destructor.
// Set the number of grooves to be shown in the pane.
void SetGrooveCount( int nGrooves );
// Called to initialize this plugin.
void OnInitPlugin();
// handlers of plugin-events
// Handles a plugin event.
void OnSizeBarWindow( cbSizeBarWndEvent& event );
// Handles a plugin event.
void OnDrawBarDecorations( cbDrawBarDecorEvent& event );
// Handles a plugin event.
void OnLeftDown( cbLeftDownEvent& event );
// Handles a plugin event.
void OnLeftUp ( cbLeftUpEvent& event );
// Handles a plugin event.
void OnMotion ( cbMotionEvent& event );

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Name: No names yet.
// Purpose: Contrib. demo
// Name: cbcustom.h
// Purpose: cbSimpleCustomizationPlugin class declaration
// Author: Aleksandras Gluchovas
// Modified by:
// Created: 28/10/98
@ -18,6 +18,12 @@
#include "wx/fl/controlbar.h"
This class enables customization of a bar, popping up a
menu and handling basic customization such as floating
and horizontal/vertical alignment of the bar.
class cbSimpleCustomizationPlugin : public cbPluginBase
@ -26,18 +32,19 @@ public:
int mCustMenuItemId;
// Default constructor.
// Constructor, taking parent pane and a pane mask flag.
cbSimpleCustomizationPlugin( wxFrameLayout* pPanel, int paneMask = wxALL_PANES );
// plugin-event handlers
// Plugin event handler for cbCustomizeBarEvent.
void OnCustomizeBar( cbCustomizeBarEvent& event );
// Plugin event handler for cbCustomizeLayoutEvent.
void OnCustomizeLayout( cbCustomizeLayoutEvent& event );
// menu-event handler
// Menu event handler.
void OnMenuItemSelected( wxCommandEvent& event );

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// Name: No names yet.
// Name: controlbar.h
// Purpose: Central header file for control-bar related classes
// Author: Aleksandras Gluchovas <>
@ -92,13 +92,15 @@ enum CB_HITTEST_RESULT
// FIXME:: somehow in debug v. originall wxASSERT's are not compiled in...
// FIXME:: somehow in debug v. original wxASSERT's are not compiled in...
//#undef wxASSERT
//#define wxASSERT(x) if ( !(x) ) throw;
// helper class, used for spying for not-handled mouse events on control-bars
// and forwarding them to the frame layout
Helper class, used for spying for unhandled mouse events on control bars
and forwarding them to the frame layout.
class cbBarSpy : public wxEvtHandler
@ -109,277 +111,357 @@ public:
wxWindow* mpBarWnd;
// Default constructor.
// Constructor, taking a parent pane.
cbBarSpy( wxFrameLayout* pPanel );
// Sets the bar window.
void SetBarWindow( wxWindow* pWnd );
// overriden
// Performs special event processing.
virtual bool ProcessEvent(wxEvent& event);
/* wxFrameLayout manages containment and docking of control bars.
* which can be docked along top, bottom, righ, or left side of the
* parent frame
wxFrameLayout manages containment and docking of control bars,
which can be docked along the top, bottom, right, or left side of the
parent frame.
class wxFrameLayout : public wxEvtHandler
wxFrameLayout(void); // used only while serializing
// Default constructor, used only for serialization.
// Constructor, taking parent window, the (MDI) client of the parent if there
// is one, and flag specifying whether to activate the layout.
wxFrameLayout( wxWindow* pParentFrame,
wxWindow* pFrameClient = NULL,
bool activateNow = TRUE );
// (doesn't destroy bar windows)
// Destructor. It does not destroy the bar windows.
virtual ~wxFrameLayout();
// (by default floating of control-bars is ON)
// Enables floating behaviour. By default floating of control bars is on.
virtual void EnableFloating( bool enable = TRUE );
// Can be called after some other layout has been deactivated,
// and this one must "take over" the current contents of frame window.
// Activate can be called after some other layout has been deactivated,
// and this one must take over the current contents of the frame window.
// Effectively hooks itself to the frame window, re-displays all not-hidden
// bar-windows and repaints decorations
// Effectively hooks itself to the frame window, re-displays all non-hidden
// bar windows and repaints the decorations.
virtual void Activate();
// unhooks itself from frame window, and hides all not-hidden windows
// Deactivate unhooks itself from frame window, and hides all non-hidden windows.
// NOTE:: two frame-layouts should not be active at the same time in the
// same frame window, it would cause messy overlapping of bar windows
// from both layouts
// Note: two frame layouts should not be active at the same time in the
// same frame window, since it would cause messy overlapping of bar windows
// from both layouts.
virtual void Deactivate();
// also hides the client window if presents
// Hides the bar windows, and also the client window if present.
void HideBarWindows();
// Destroys the bar windows.
virtual void DestroyBarWindows();
// passes the client window (e.g. MDI-client frame) to be controled by
// Passes the client window (e.g. MDI client window) to be controlled by
// frame layout, the size and position of which should be adjusted to be
// surrounded by controlbar panes, whenever frame is resized, or dimensions
// of control panes change
// surrounded by controlbar panes, whenever the frame is resized or the dimensions
// of control panes change.
void SetFrameClient( wxWindow* pFrameClient );
// Returns the frame client, or NULL if not present.
wxWindow* GetFrameClient();
// Returns the parent frame.
wxWindow& GetParentFrame() { return *mpFrame; }
// used by updates-managers
// Returns an array of panes. Used by update managers.
cbDockPane** GetPanesArray() { return mPanes; }
// see pane alignment types
// Returns a pane for the given alignment. See pane alignment types.
cbDockPane* GetPane( int alignment )
{ return mPanes[alignment]; }
// Adds bar information to frame-layout, appearence of layout is not refreshed
// immediately, RefreshNow() can be called if necessary.
// Adds bar information to the frame layout. The appearance of the layout is not refreshed
// immediately; RefreshNow() can be called if necessary.
// NOTES:: argument pBarWnd can by NULL, resulting bar decorations to be drawn
// around the empty rectangle (filled with default background colour).
// Argument dimInfo, can be re-used for adding any number of bars, since
// it is not used directly, instead it's members are copied. If dimensions-
// handler is present, it's instance shared (reference counted). Dimension
// handler should always be allocated on the heap!)
// Notes: the argument pBarWnd can by NULL, resulting in bar decorations to be drawn
// around the empty rectangle (filled with default background colour).
// Argument dimInfo can be reused for adding any number of bars, since
// it is not used directly - instead its members are copied. If the dimensions
// handler is present, its instance is shared (reference counted). The dimension
// handler should always be allocated on the heap.
// pBarWnd is the window to be managed.
// dimInfo contains dimension information.
// alignment is a value such as FL_ALIGN_TOP.
// rowNo is the vertical position or row in the pane (if in docked state).
// columnPos is the horizontal position within the row in pixels (if in docked state).
// name is a name by which the bar can be referred in layout customization dialogs.
// If spyEvents is TRUE, input events for the bar should be "spyed" in order
// to forward unhandled mouse clicks to the frame layout, for example to enable
// easy draggablity of toolbars just by clicking on their interior regions.
// For widgets like text/tree control this value should be FALSE,
// since there's no certain way to detect whether the event was actually handled.
// state is the initial state, such as wxCBAR_DOCKED_HORIZONTALLY,
virtual void AddBar( wxWindow* pBarWnd,
const cbDimInfo& dimInfo,
// defaults:
int alignment = FL_ALIGN_TOP,
int rowNo = 0, // vert. position - row in the pane (if docked state)
int columnPos = 0, // horiz. position in the row in pixels (if docked state)
const wxString& name="bar",// name, by which the bar could be referred
// in layout customization dialogs
bool spyEvents = FALSE, // if TRUE - input events for the bar should
// be "spyed" in order to forward not-handled
// mouse clicks to frame layout (e.g. to enable
// easy-draggablity of toolbars just by clicking
// on their interior regions). For widgets like
// text/tree control this value should be FALSE
// (since there's _no_ certain way to detect
// whether the event was actually handled...)
int rowNo = 0,
int columnPos = 0,
const wxString& name="bar",
bool spyEvents = FALSE,
// can be used for repositioning already existing bars. The given bar is first removed
// ReddockBar can be used for repositioning existing bars. The given bar is first removed
// from the pane it currently belongs to, and inserted into the pane, which "matches"
// the given recantular area. If pToPane is not NULL, bar is docked to this given pane
// to dock the bar which is floated, use wxFrameLayout::DockBar(..) method
// the given rectangular area. If pToPane is not NULL, the bar is docked to this given pane.
// To dock a bar which is floating, use the wxFrameLayout::DockBar method.
virtual bool RedockBar( cbBarInfo* pBar, const wxRect& shapeInParent,
cbDockPane* pToPane = NULL, bool updateNow = TRUE );
// methods for access and modification of bars in frame layout
// Finds the bar in the framelayout, by name.
cbBarInfo* FindBarByName( const wxString& name );
// Finds the bar in the framelayout, by window.
cbBarInfo* FindBarByWindow( const wxWindow* pWnd );
// Gets an array of bars.
BarArrayT& GetBars();
// changes bar's docking state (see possible control bar states)
// Changes the bar's docking state (see possible control bar states).
void SetBarState( cbBarInfo* pBar, int newStatem, bool updateNow );
// Toggles the bar between visible and hidden.
void InverseVisibility( cbBarInfo* pBar );
// reflects changes in bar information structure visually
// (e.g. moves bar, changes it's dimension info, pane to which it is docked)
// Reflects changes in bar information structure visually.
// For example, moves the bar, changes its dimension information,
// or changes the pane to which it is docked.
void ApplyBarProperties( cbBarInfo* pBar );
// removes bar from layout permanently, hides it's corresponding window if present
// Removes the bar from the layout permanently, and hides its corresponding window if present.
void RemoveBar( cbBarInfo* pBar );
// recalcualtes layout of panes, and all bars/rows in each pane
// Recalculates the layout of panes, and all bars/rows in each pane.
virtual void RecalcLayout( bool repositionBarsNow = FALSE );
// Returns the client height.
int GetClientHeight();
// Returns the client width.
int GetClientWidth();
// Returns the client's rectangle.
wxRect& GetClientRect() { return mClntWndBounds; }
// NOTE:: in future ubdates-manager will become a normal plugin
// Returns a reference to the updates manager.
// Note: in future, the updates manager will become a normal plugin.
cbUpdatesManagerBase& GetUpdatesManager();
// destroys the previous manager if any, set the new one
// Destroys the previous manager if any, and sets the new one.
void SetUpdatesManager( cbUpdatesManagerBase* pUMgr );
// NOTE:: changing properties of panes, does not result immediate on-screen update
// Gets the pane properties for the given alignment.
virtual void GetPaneProperties( cbCommonPaneProperties& props, int alignment = FL_ALIGN_TOP );
// Sets the pane properties for the given alignment.
// Note: changing properties of panes does not result immediate on-screen update.
virtual void SetPaneProperties( const cbCommonPaneProperties& props,
int paneMask = wxALL_PANES );
// TODO:: margins should go into cbCommonPaneProperties in the future
// Sets the margins for the given panes.
// The margins should go into cbCommonPaneProperties in the future.
// NOTE:: this method should be called before any custom plugins are attached
// Note: this method should be called before any custom plugins are attached.
virtual void SetMargins( int top, int bottom, int left, int right,
int paneMask = wxALL_PANES );
// Sets the pane background colour.
virtual void SetPaneBackground( const wxColour& colour );
// recalculates layoute and performs on-screen update of all panes
// Recalculates layout and performs on-screen update of all panes.
void RefreshNow( bool recalcLayout = TRUE );
// event handlers
// Event handler for a size event.
void OnSize ( wxSizeEvent& event );
// Event handler for a left down button event.
void OnLButtonDown( wxMouseEvent& event );
// Event handler for a left doubleclick button event.
void OnLDblClick ( wxMouseEvent& event );
// Event handler for a left button up event.
void OnLButtonUp ( wxMouseEvent& event );
// Event handler for a right button down event.
void OnRButtonDown( wxMouseEvent& event );
// Event handler for a right button up event.
void OnRButtonUp ( wxMouseEvent& event );
// Event handler for a mouse move event.
void OnMouseMove ( wxMouseEvent& event );
/*** plugin-related methods ***/
// should be used, instead of passing the event to ProcessEvent(..) method
// of the top-plugin directly. This method checks if events are currently
// This function should be used instead of passing the event to the ProcessEvent method
// of the top-level plugin directly. This method checks if events are currently
// captured and ensures that plugin-event is routed correctly.
virtual void FirePluginEvent( cbPluginEvent& event );
// captures/releases user-input event's for the given plugin
// Input events are: mouse movement, mouse clicks, keyboard input
// Captures user input events for the given plugin.
// Input events are: mouse movement, mouse clicks, keyboard input.
virtual void CaptureEventsForPlugin ( cbPluginBase* pPlugin );
// Releases user input events for the given plugin.
// Input events are: mouse movement, mouse clicks, keyboard input
virtual void ReleaseEventsFromPlugin( cbPluginBase* pPlugin );
// called by plugins ( also captures/releases mouse in parent frame)
// Called by plugins; also captures the mouse in the parent frame.
void CaptureEventsForPane( cbDockPane* toPane );
// Called by plugins; also releases mouse in the parent frame.
void ReleaseEventsFromPane( cbDockPane* fromPane );
// returns current top-level plugin (the one which receives events first,
// with an exception if input-events are currently captured by some other plugin)
// Returns the current top-level plugin (the one that receives events first,
// except if input events are currently captured by some other plugin).
virtual cbPluginBase& GetTopPlugin();
// hooking custom plugins to frame layout
// Hooking custom plugins to frame layout.
// NOTE:: when hooking one plugin on top of the other -
// use SetNextHandler(..) or similar methods
// of wxEvtHandler class to compose the chain of plugins,
// than pass the left-most handler in this chain to
// the above methods (assuming that events are delegated
// from left-most towards right-most handler)
// Note: when hooking one plugin on top of the other,
// use SetNextHandler or similar methods
// of wxEvtHandler class to compose the chain of plugins,
// than pass the left-most handler in this chain to
// the above methods (assuming that events are delegated
// from left-most towards right-most handler).
// NOTE2:: this secenario is very inconvenient and "low-level",
// use Add/Push/PopPlugin methods instead
// This secenario is very inconvenient and "low-level",
// so use the Add/Push/PopPlugin methods instead.
virtual void SetTopPlugin( cbPluginBase* pPlugin );
// similar to wxWindow's "push/pop-event-handler" methods, execept
// that plugin is *deleted* upon "popping"
// Similar to wxWindow's "push/pop-event-handler" methods, execept
// that the plugin is deleted upon "popping".
virtual void PushPlugin( cbPluginBase* pPugin );
// Similar to wxWindow's "push/pop-event-handler" methods, execept
// that the plugin is deleted upon "popping".
virtual void PopPlugin();
// Pop all plugins.
virtual void PopAllPlugins();
// default plugins are : cbPaneDrawPlugin, cbRowLayoutPlugin, cbBarDragPlugin,
// cbAntiflickerPlugin, cbSimpleCustomizePlugin
// Adds the default plugins. These are cbPaneDrawPlugin, cbRowLayoutPlugin, cbBarDragPlugin,
// cbAntiflickerPlugin, cbSimpleCustomizePlugin.
// this method is automatically invoked, if no plugins were found upon
// fireing of the first plugin-event, i.e. wxFrameLayout *CONFIGURES* itself
// This method is automatically invoked if no plugins were found upon
// firing of the first plugin-event, i.e. when wxFrameLayout configures itself.
virtual void PushDefaultPlugins();
/* "Advanced" methods for plugin-configuration using their */
/* dynamic class information (e.g. CLASSINFO(pluginClass) ) */
// An advanced methods for plugin configuration using their
// dynamic class information, for example CLASSINFO(pluginClass).
// first checks if plugin of the given class is already "hooked up",
// if not, adds it to the top of plugins chain
// First checks if the plugin of the given class is already "hooked up".
// If not, adds it to the top of the plugins chain.
virtual void AddPlugin( wxClassInfo* pPlInfo, int paneMask = wxALL_PANES );
// first checks if plugin of the givne class already hooked,
// if so, removes it, and then inserts it to the chain
// before plugin of the class given by "pNextPlInfo"
// First checks if the plugin of the given class is already hooked.
// If so, removes it, and then inserts it into the chain
// before the plugin of the class given by pNextPlInfo.
// NOTE:: this method is "handy" in some cases, where the order
// of plugin-chain could be important, e.g. one plugin overrides
// some functionallity of the other already hooked plugin,
// thefore the former should be hooked before the one
// who's functionality is being overriden
// Note: this method is handy in some cases where the order
// of the plugin-chain could be important, for example when one plugin overrides
// some functionality of another already-hooked plugin,
// so that the former plugin should be hooked before the one
// whose functionality is being overridden.
virtual void AddPluginBefore( wxClassInfo* pNextPlInfo, wxClassInfo* pPlInfo,
int paneMask = wxALL_PANES );
// checks if plugin of the given class is hooked, removes
// it if found
// @param pPlInfo class information structure for the plugin
// @note
// @see wxFrameLayout::Method
// Checks if the plugin of the given class is hooked, and removes
// it if found.
virtual void RemovePlugin( wxClassInfo* pPlInfo );
// returns NULL, if plugin of the given class is not hooked
// Finds a plugin with the given class, or returns NULL if a plugin of the given
// class is not hooked.
virtual cbPluginBase* FindPlugin( wxClassInfo* pPlInfo );
// Returns true if there is a top plugin.
bool HasTopPlugin();
@ -460,62 +542,115 @@ public: /* protected really (accessed only by plugins) */
// refrence to custom updates manager
cbUpdatesManagerBase* mpUpdatesMgr;
// called to set calculated layout to window objects
// Called to apply the calculated layout to window objects.
void PositionClientWindow();
// Called to apply the calculated layout to window objects.
void PositionPanes();
// Creates the cursors.
void CreateCursors();
// Applies the calculated layout to a floating bar.
void RepositionFloatedBar( cbBarInfo* pBar );
// Applies the state to the window objects.
void DoSetBarState( cbBarInfo* pBar );
// The purpose of this function is unknown.
bool LocateBar( cbBarInfo* pBarInfo,
cbRowInfo** ppRow,
cbDockPane** ppPane );
// Returns TRUE if the position is within the given pane.
bool HitTestPane( cbDockPane* pPane, int x, int y );
// Returns the pane for which the rectangle hit test succeeds, giving
// preference to the given pane if supplied.
cbDockPane* HitTestPanes( const wxRect& rect, cbDockPane* pCurPane );
// returns panes, to which the given bar belongs
// Returns the pane to which the given bar belongs.
cbDockPane* GetBarPane( cbBarInfo* pBar );
// delegated from "bar-spy"
// Delegated from "bar-spy".
void ForwardMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event,
cbDockPane* pToPane,
int eventType );
// Routes the mouse event to the appropriate pane.
void RouteMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event, int pluginEvtType );
// Shows all floated windows.
void ShowFloatedWindows( bool show );
// Unhooks the layout from the frame.
void UnhookFromFrame();
// Hooks the layout up to the frame (pushes the layout onto the
// frame's event handler stack).
void HookUpToFrame();
// NOTE:: reparenting of windows may NOT work on all platforms
// (reparenting allows control-bars to be floated)
// Returns TRUE if the platform allows reparenting. This may not return TRUE
// for all platforms. Reparenting allows control bars to be floated.
bool CanReparent();
// Reparents pChild to have parent pNewParent.
void ReparentWindow( wxWindow* pChild, wxWindow* pNewParent );
// Returns the previous client window rectangle.
wxRect& GetPrevClientRect() { return mPrevClntWndBounds; }
// Handles paint events, calling PaintPane for each pane.
void OnPaint( wxPaintEvent& event );
// Handles background erase events. Currently does nothing.
void OnEraseBackground( wxEraseEvent& event );
// Handles focus kill events. Currently does nothing.
void OnKillFocus( wxFocusEvent& event );
// Handles focus set events. Currently does nothing.
void OnSetFocus( wxFocusEvent& event );
// Handles activation events. Currently does nothing.
void OnActivate( wxActivateEvent& event );
// Handles idle events.
void OnIdle( wxIdleEvent& event );
// factory method
// Returns a new cbGCUpdatesMgr object.
virtual cbUpdatesManagerBase* CreateUpdatesManager();
/* structure, which is present in each item of layout,
* it used by any specific updates-manager to store
* auxilary information to be used by it's specific
* updating algorithm
A structure that is present in each item of layout,
used by any particular updates-manager to store
auxiliary information to be used by its updating algorithm.
class cbUpdateMgrData : public wxObject
@ -528,23 +663,34 @@ public:
wxObject* mpCustomData; // any custom data stored by specific updates mgr.
cbUpdateMgrData(); // is-dirty flag is set TRUE initially
// Default constructor. Is-dirty flag is set TRUE initially.
// Store the item state.
void StoreItemState( const wxRect& boundsInParent );
// Set the dirty flag.
void SetDirty( bool isDirty = TRUE );
// Set custom data.
void SetCustomData( wxObject* pCustomData );
// Returns the is-dirty flag.
inline bool IsDirty() { return mIsDirty; }
/* Abstract interface for bar-size handler classes.
* These objects receive notifications, whenever the docking
* state of the bar is changed, thus they have a possibility
* to adjust the values in cbDimInfo::mSizes accordingly.
* Specific handlers can be hooked to specific types of bars.
Abstract interface for bar-size handler classes.
These objects receive notifications whenever the docking
state of the bar is changed, thus they provide the possibility
to adjust the values in cbDimInfo::mSizes accordingly.
Specific handlers can be hooked up to specific types of bar.
class cbBarDimHandlerBase : public wxObject