The beginings of wxHtmlWindow support in the wxPython demo

git-svn-id: c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
This commit is contained in:
Robin Dunn 1999-09-13 19:31:50 +00:00
parent d426c97e9a
commit ec3e670f9f
8 changed files with 577 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ _treeList = [
('Miscellaneous Windows', ['wxGrid', 'wxSashWindow',
'wxScrolledWindow', 'wxSplitterWindow',
'wxStatusBar', 'wxToolBar', 'wxNotebook']),
'wxStatusBar', 'wxToolBar', 'wxNotebook',
('Common Dialogs', ['wxColourDialog', 'wxDirDialog', 'wxFileDialog',
'wxSingleChoiceDialog', 'wxTextEntryDialog',
@ -71,34 +72,42 @@ class wxPythonDemo(wxFrame):
# Make a File menu
self.mainmenu = wxMenuBar()
menu = wxMenu()
mID = NewId()
mID = wxNewId()
menu.Append(mID, 'E&xit', 'Get the heck outta here!')
EVT_MENU(self, mID, self.OnFileExit)
self.mainmenu.Append(menu, '&File')
# Make a Demo menu
menu = wxMenu()
for item in _treeList:
submenu = wxMenu()
for childItem in item[1]:
mID = wxNewId()
submenu.Append(mID, childItem)
EVT_MENU(self, mID, self.OnDemoMenu)
menu.AppendMenu(wxNewId(), item[0], submenu)
self.mainmenu.Append(menu, '&Demo')
# Make a Help menu
mID = NewId()
mID = wxNewId()
menu = wxMenu()
menu.Append(mID, '&About', 'wxPython RULES!!!')
EVT_MENU(self, mID, self.OnHelpAbout)
self.mainmenu.Append(menu, '&Help')
selectedDemo = None
selectedDemoName = "Nada"
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
selectedDemoName = sys.argv[1]
# Create a TreeCtrl
tID = NewId()
tID = wxNewId()
self.treeMap = {}
self.tree = wxTreeCtrl(splitter, tID)
root = self.tree.AddRoot("Overview")
for item in _treeList:
child = self.tree.AppendItem(root, item[0])
for childItem in item[1]:
theDemo = self.tree.AppendItem(child, childItem)
if childItem == selectedDemoName:
selectedDemo = theDemo
self.treeMap[childItem] = theDemo
EVT_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED (self.tree, tID, self.OnItemExpanded)
@ -142,9 +151,16 @@ class wxPythonDemo(wxFrame):
# select initial items
if selectedDemo:
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
selectedDemo = self.treeMap[sys.argv[1]]
selectedDemo = None
if selectedDemo:
def WriteText(self, text):
@ -242,13 +258,14 @@ class wxPythonDemo(wxFrame):
def OnHelpAbout(self, event):
about = wxMessageDialog(self,
"wxPython is a Python extension module that\n"
"encapsulates the wxWindows GUI classes.\n\n"
"This demo shows off some of the capabilities\n"
"of wxPython.\n\n"
" Developed by Robin Dunn",
"About wxPython", wxOK)
#about = wxMessageDialog(self,
# "wxPython is a Python extension module that\n"
# "encapsulates the wxWindows GUI classes.\n\n"
# "This demo shows off some of the capabilities\n"
# "of wxPython.\n\n"
# " Developed by Robin Dunn",
# "About wxPython", wxOK)
about = MyAboutBox(self)
@ -266,6 +283,56 @@ class wxPythonDemo(wxFrame):
self.window = self.otherWin
self.otherWin = None
def OnDemoMenu(self, event):
print event.GetId(), self.mainmenu.GetLabel(event.GetId())
selectedDemo = self.treeMap[self.mainmenu.GetLabel(event.GetId())]
selectedDemo = None
if selectedDemo:
class MyAboutBox(wxDialog):
text = '''
<body bgcolor="#AC76DE">
<center><table bgcolor="#458154" width="100%%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1">
<td align="center"><h1>wxPython %s</h1></td>
<p><b>wxPython</b> is a Python extension module that
encapsulates the wxWindows GUI classes.</p>
<p>This demo shows off some of the capabilities
of <b>wxPython</b>. Select items from the menu or tree control,
sit back and enjoy. Be sure to take a peek at the source code for each
demo item so you can learn how to use the classes yourself.</p>
<p><b>wxPython</b> is brought to you by <b>Robin Dunn</b> and<br>
<b>Total Control Software</b>, copyright 1999.</p>
<p><font size="-1">Please see <i>license.txt</i> for licensing information.</font></p>
def __init__(self, parent):
from wxPython.html import *
wxDialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, 'About wxPython')
self.html = wxHtmlWindow(self, -1, wxPoint(5,5), wxSize(400, 350))
self.html.SetPage(self.text % wx.__version__)
wxButton(self, wxID_OK, 'OK', wxPoint(5, 365)).SetDefault()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<title>ImageMap Test</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#FFFFFF">
This is test.
<img src="imagemap.png" width="269" height="249" border="0" usemap="#mymap">
<map name="mymap">
<area shape="poly" coords="187,85,160,121,163,153,180,129,166,225,241,223,230,155,201,121,187,86" href="test.htm">
<area shape="circle" coords="96,89,36" href="fft.html">
<area shape="rect" coords="43,168,124,213" href="tables.htm">
<img src="imagemap.png" usemap="#mymap">

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.2 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 31 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 23 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.06 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.35 i686) [Netscape]">
<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#0000EF" VLINK="#51188E" ALINK="#FF0000">
This is TABLES
tests page...</H3>
(yes, really, see bellow:)
<BR>Click <a href="test.htm">here</a> to go to original testing page...
<BR>Click <a href="../../docs/html/man.htm">here</a> to go to manuals...
<TD WIDTH="40%" NOSAVE>Top left
<BR>(two lines expression)
<P>paragraph done</TD>
<TD NOSAVE>Top right</TD>
<TD>Bottom left</TD>
<TD>Bottom right</TD>
<P>Subsampling is shown there:
<TD>3 dflkj lkjfl dkjldkfjl flk jflkf lkjflkj ljlf ajlfj alff h khg hgj
gjg jg gjhfg fg gjh gjf jgf jgj f gjfgj kfajg&nbsp;</TD>
<P>This is "default" table - with no sizes givev:
<TD NOSAVE>lkfdsjlk fj dlfj lkfj lkjflk jlfk lk fjlk elwkf lkejflek f jlekjflkj
ljlk lk jlkf lefjl j flkj ljl lf lfj lfjl lj lwe lekf;eh kfejh lkh kjh
kjhkj hkj hkj lkh kjh kjlh kj</TD>
<TD>shortebn formo lr lk</TD>
<TD>djsf lkjlf poer oi pjr po kpk&nbsp;</TD>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.06 [en] (X11; I; Linux
2.0.35 i686) [Netscape]">
<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#006600" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#FF0000" ALINK="#000088">
<b><a href="tables.htm">click here to go to tables test page!</a></b>
<b><a href="imagemap.htm">click here to go to IMAGEMAPs test page!</a></b>
This is - - default text, now switching to
<P>center, now still ctr, now exiting</CENTER>
exited!.<A HREF="#downtown">[link to down]</A>
<P>Hello, this *is* default charset (helvetica, probably) and it is displayed
with one&nbsp; <FONT COLOR="#FF0000">COLOR CHANGE</FONT>. Of course we
can have as many color changes as we can, what about this <FONT COLOR="#FF0000">M</FONT><FONT COLOR="#FFFF00">A</FONT><FONT COLOR="#33FF33">D</FONT><B><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF"><FONT SIZE=+1>N</FONT></FONT></B>E<FONT COLOR="#999999">S</FONT><FONT COLOR="#CC33CC">S?</FONT>
<P><FONT COLOR="#000000">There was a space above.</FONT>
<HR WIDTH="100%">This was a line. <TT>(BTW we are in <B>fixed</B> font
/ <I><U>typewriter</U> font</I> right now :-)</TT>
<BR>This is in <B>BOLD</B> face. This is <I>ITALIC.</I> This is <B><I><U>E
V E R Y T H I N G</U></I></B>.
<P>Right now, <FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><FONT SIZE=+4>centered REALLY Big Text</FONT></FONT>,
how do you like (space) it?</CENTER>
<DIV ALIGN=right>RIGHT: <FONT SIZE=-2>text-2, </FONT><FONT SIZE=-1>text-1,
<FONT SIZE=+1>text+1,
</FONT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><FONT SIZE=+2>text+2,
</FONT></FONT><FONT SIZE=+3>text+3,
</FONT><FONT SIZE=+4>text+4</FONT>
<BR><U><FONT SIZE=+1>we are right now</FONT></U></DIV>
<CENTER><U><FONT SIZE=+1>we are center now</FONT></U></CENTER>
<U><FONT SIZE=+1>we are left now.</FONT></U>
<P><I><FONT COLOR="#3366FF">Blue italic text is displayed there....</FONT></I>
<HR ALIGN=LEFT SIZE=10 WIDTH="50%">This is heading one.</H1>
this is normal
This is <FONT COLOR="#33FF33">CENTERED</FONT> heading one</H1></CENTER>
<FONT COLOR="#FFFF00">Yes, hmmmmmmmmm........, right now, <TT>we should
display some tiny nice image</TT>, he?</FONT>
<BR><IMG SRC="pic.png" ALT="Testing image image" ><IMG SRC="pic2.bmp">and this is text......
<P><IMG SRC="pic.png" ALT="Testing image image" HEIGHT=200 WIDTH=327 ALIGN=CENTER>and
this is text......
<BR><A HREF="pic.png"><IMG SRC="pic.png" ALT="Testing image image" HEIGHT=160 WIDTH=100 ALIGN=TEXTTOP></A> (try clicking on the image :-) and
this is text......
item 1</LI>
item 2</LI>
nested item</LI>
nested item 2</LI>
item 3</LI>
item one</LI>
item two</LI>
nsted item</LI>
last numbered item</LI>
Heading 1</H1>
<I>Italic text now...</I>
<I>Heading 2</I></H2>
<I>and now?</I>
Heading 3</H3>
Heading 4</H4>
Heading 5</H5>
Heading 6</H6>
And this is normal text, once again :-)
<P>And yes, we're in <FONT SIZE=+4>HTML DOCUMENT</FONT>
<P>This is <A NAME="downtown"></a>centered paragraph</CENTER>
<P>This is new par?
<P><B>We switched to BOLD</B>
<P><B>This is new paragraph</B> Bold is off now.
<P>new par
<P>&nbsp; -----------
<P><FONT SIZE=-2>Hello</FONT>
<OL><FONT SIZE=-2>this is standalone :-)</FONT>
<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf
jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl
fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga
kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.</FONT></LI>
<FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo
TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT></LI>
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE=+0><B>(blockquote)</B>two two two two two two twotwo
TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT>
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE=+0>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE>
<FONT SIZE=+0>two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE>
<FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
twotwo TWO</FONT>
<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item nyumber 3.</FONT></LI>
<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf
jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl
fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga
kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.</FONT></LI>
<FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo
TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two
two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two
two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two
two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two
two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT></LI>
<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item nyumber 3.</FONT></LI>
<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf
jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl
fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga
kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.</FONT></LI>
<FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo
TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two
two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two
two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two
two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two
two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT></LI>
<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item nyumber 3.</FONT></LI>
<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf
jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl
fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga
kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.</FONT></LI>
<FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo
TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two
two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two
two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two
two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two
two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT></LI>
<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item nyumber 3.</FONT></LI>
<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf
jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl
fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga
kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.</FONT></LI>
<FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo
TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO</FONT></LI>
<P><BR><FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two
two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two
two twotwo TWO</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=-2>two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two
two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
twotwo TWO</FONT>
<FONT SIZE=-2>This is item nyumber 3.</FONT></LI>
Now, you will see some PRE text:<p>
<PRE>// This is sample C++ code:
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; printf("Go away, man!\n");
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; i = 666;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; printf("\n\n\nCRASH\n&nbsp; DOWN NOW. . .&nbsp; \n");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
from wxPython.wx import *
from wxPython.html import *
from wxPython.lib.sizers import *
# This shows how to catch the OnLinkClicked non-event. (It's a virtual
# method in the C++ code...)
class MyHtmlWindow(wxHtmlWindow):
def __init__(self, parent, id, log):
wxHtmlWindow.__init__(self, parent, id)
self.log = log
def OnLinkClicked(self, link):
self.log.WriteText('OnLinkClicked: %s\n' % link)
# Virtuals in the base class have been renamed with base_ on the font.
class TestHtmlPanel(wxPanel):
def __init__(self, parent, frame, log):
wxPanel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
self.log = log
self.frame = frame
self.html = MyHtmlWindow(self, -1, log)
self.html.SetRelatedFrame(frame, "wxPython: (A Demonstration) -- %s")
self.html.SetRelatedStatusBar(0) = box.wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL), 1)
subbox = wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL)
btn = wxButton(self, 1201, "Show Default")
EVT_BUTTON(self, 1201, self.OnShowDefault)
subbox.Add(btn, 1)
btn = wxButton(self, 1202, "Load File")
EVT_BUTTON(self, 1202, self.OnLoadFile)
subbox.Add(btn, 1)
btn = wxButton(self, 1203, "With Widgets")
EVT_BUTTON(self, 1203, self.OnWithWidgets)
subbox.Add(btn, 1)
btn = wxButton(self, 1204, "Back")
EVT_BUTTON(self, 1204, self.OnBack)
subbox.Add(btn, 1)
btn = wxButton(self, 1205, "Forward")
EVT_BUTTON(self, 1205, self.OnForward)
subbox.Add(btn, 1)
def OnSize(self, event):
size = self.GetClientSize()
def OnShowDefault(self, event):
def OnLoadFile(self, event):
def OnWithWidgets(self, event):
def OnBack(self, event):
if not self.html.HistoryBack():
wxMessageBox("No more items in history!")
def OnForward(self, event):
if not self.html.HistoryForward():
wxMessageBox("No more items in history!")
def runTest(frame, nb, log):
win = TestHtmlPanel(nb, frame, log)
return win
overview = """\
wxHtmlWindow is capable of parsing and rendering most simple HTML tags.
It is not intended to be a high-end HTML browser. If you're looking for something like that try - there's a chance you'll be able to make their widget wxWindows-compatible. I'm sure everyone will enjoy your work in that case...