This is a preliminary ARM64 platform support for wxWidgets at "it
compiles" stage. This will allow building and testing wxWidgets based
apps for oncoming Windows 10 ARM64.
- Visual Studio 2017 Update 4 or later with Visual C++ compilers and
libraries for ARM64 component installed
1. Open command prompt.
2. Change directory to build\msw subfolder.
3. Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsamd64_arm64.bat" once.
4. Use `nmake TARGET_CPU=ARM64 ...` to build required flavor of wxWidget
1. Building of *.sln/*.vcxproj files does not support ARM64 yet. This
requires to hardcode Windows SDK to 10.0.15063.0 or later in
*.vcxproj files, which would render them non-compilable in older
Visual Studio versions. Microsoft is aware of this issue and is
planning a fix in the next version of Visual Studio.
2. wxmsw31ud_gl.dll does not build yet. Awaiting Microsoft to deliver
missing opengl32.lib for ARM64. Please, specify USE_OPENGL=0.
Allow using wxZlib{Input,Output}Stream too, meaning that the sample can
now also work with .gz files, handling them as a degenerate (because
containing only a single file) special case of archives.
The changes here -- which should be viewed ignoring whitespace to be
actually readable -- don't modify the existing code and just add the
possibility to use a wxFilterClassFactory if there is no
wxArchiveClassFactory corresponding to the specified file extension.
This sample shows usage of wxArchiveStream and wxArchiveFactory.
It also allows for easy testing of wxArchiveStream implementations
outside of the unit tests.