/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: wx/univ/slider.h // Purpose: wxSlider control for wxUniversal // Author: Vadim Zeitlin // Modified by: // Created: 09.02.01 // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) 2001 SciTech Software, Inc. (www.scitechsoft.com) // Licence: wxWindows licence /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_GCC_PRAGMA) #pragma interface "univslider.h" #endif #ifndef _WX_UNIV_SLIDER_H_ #define _WX_UNIV_SLIDER_H_ #include "wx/univ/scrthumb.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the actions supported by this control // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // our actions are the same as scrollbars #define wxACTION_SLIDER_START _T("start") // to the beginning #define wxACTION_SLIDER_END _T("end") // to the end #define wxACTION_SLIDER_LINE_UP _T("lineup") // one line up/left #define wxACTION_SLIDER_PAGE_UP _T("pageup") // one page up/left #define wxACTION_SLIDER_LINE_DOWN _T("linedown") // one line down/right #define wxACTION_SLIDER_PAGE_DOWN _T("pagedown") // one page down/right #define wxACTION_SLIDER_PAGE_CHANGE _T("pagechange")// change page by numArg #define wxACTION_SLIDER_THUMB_DRAG _T("thumbdrag") #define wxACTION_SLIDER_THUMB_MOVE _T("thumbmove") #define wxACTION_SLIDER_THUMB_RELEASE _T("thumbrelease") // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxSlider // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLEXPORT wxSlider : public wxSliderBase, public wxControlWithThumb { public: // ctors and such wxSlider(); wxSlider(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, int value, int minValue, int maxValue, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxSL_HORIZONTAL, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = wxSliderNameStr); bool Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, int value, int minValue, int maxValue, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxSL_HORIZONTAL, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = wxSliderNameStr); // implement base class pure virtuals virtual int GetValue() const; virtual void SetValue(int value); virtual void SetRange(int minValue, int maxValue); virtual int GetMin() const; virtual int GetMax() const; virtual void SetLineSize(int lineSize); virtual void SetPageSize(int pageSize); virtual int GetLineSize() const; virtual int GetPageSize() const; virtual void SetThumbLength(int lenPixels); virtual int GetThumbLength() const; virtual void SetTickFreq(int n, int WXUNUSED(dummy) = 0); virtual int GetTickFreq() const { return m_tickFreq; } // wxUniv-specific methods // ----------------------- // is this a vertical slider? bool IsVert() const { return (GetWindowStyle() & wxSL_VERTICAL) != 0; } // get the slider orientation wxOrientation GetOrientation() const { return IsVert() ? wxVERTICAL : wxHORIZONTAL; } // do we have labels? bool HasLabels() const { return ((GetWindowStyle() & wxSL_LABELS) != 0) & ((GetWindowStyle() & (wxSL_TOP|wxSL_BOTTOM|wxSL_LEFT|wxSL_RIGHT)) != 0); } // do we have ticks? bool HasTicks() const { return ((GetWindowStyle() & wxSL_TICKS) != 0) & ((GetWindowStyle() & (wxSL_TOP|wxSL_BOTTOM|wxSL_LEFT|wxSL_RIGHT|wxSL_BOTH)) != 0); } // implement wxControlWithThumb interface virtual wxWindow *GetWindow() { return this; } virtual bool IsVertical() const { return IsVert(); } virtual wxScrollThumb::Shaft HitTest(const wxPoint& pt) const; virtual wxCoord ThumbPosToPixel() const; virtual int PixelToThumbPos(wxCoord x) const; virtual void SetShaftPartState(wxScrollThumb::Shaft shaftPart, int flag, bool set = true); virtual void OnThumbDragStart(int pos); virtual void OnThumbDrag(int pos); virtual void OnThumbDragEnd(int pos); virtual void OnPageScrollStart(); virtual bool OnPageScroll(int pageInc); // for wxStdSliderButtonInputHandler wxScrollThumb& GetThumb() { return m_thumb; } protected: enum { INVALID_THUMB_VALUE = -0xffff }; // overridden base class virtuals virtual wxSize DoGetBestClientSize() const; virtual void DoDraw(wxControlRenderer *renderer); virtual wxBorder GetDefaultBorder() const { return wxBORDER_NONE; } virtual bool PerformAction(const wxControlAction& action, long numArg = 0, const wxString& strArg = wxEmptyString); // event handlers void OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event); // common part of all ctors void Init(); // normalize the value to fit in the range int NormalizeValue(int value) const; // change the value by the given increment, return true if really changed bool ChangeValueBy(int inc); // change the value to the given one bool ChangeValueTo(int value); // is the value inside the range? bool IsInRange(int value) { return (value >= m_min) && (value <= m_max); } // format the value for printing as label virtual wxString FormatValue(int value) const; // calculate max label size wxSize CalcLabelSize() const; // calculate m_rectLabel/Slider void CalcGeometry(); // get the thumb size wxSize GetThumbSize() const; // get the shaft rect (uses m_rectSlider which is supposed to be calculated) wxRect GetShaftRect() const; // calc the current thumb position using the shaft rect (if the pointer is // NULL, we calculate it here too) void CalcThumbRect(const wxRect *rectShaft, wxRect *rectThumbOut, wxRect *rectLabelOut, int value = INVALID_THUMB_VALUE) const; // return the slider rect calculating it if needed const wxRect& GetSliderRect() const; // refresh the current thumb position void RefreshThumb(); private: // get the default thumb size (without using m_thumbSize) wxSize GetDefaultThumbSize() const; // the object which manages our thumb wxScrollThumb m_thumb; // the slider range and value int m_min, m_max, m_value; // the tick frequence (default is 1) int m_tickFreq; // the line and page increments (logical units) int m_lineSize, m_pageSize; // the size of the thumb (in pixels) int m_thumbSize; // the part of the client area reserved for the label, the ticks and the // part for the slider itself wxRect m_rectLabel, m_rectTicks, m_rectSlider; // the state of the thumb (wxCONTROL_XXX constants sum) int m_thumbFlags; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxSlider) }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxStdSliderButtonInputHandler: default slider input handling // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLEXPORT wxStdSliderButtonInputHandler : public wxStdInputHandler { public: // default ctor wxStdSliderButtonInputHandler(wxInputHandler *inphand) : wxStdInputHandler(inphand) { } // base class methods virtual bool HandleKey(wxInputConsumer *consumer, const wxKeyEvent& event, bool pressed); virtual bool HandleMouse(wxInputConsumer *consumer, const wxMouseEvent& event); virtual bool HandleMouseMove(wxInputConsumer *consumer, const wxMouseEvent& event); virtual bool HandleFocus(wxInputConsumer *consumer, const wxFocusEvent& event); }; #endif // _WX_UNIV_SLIDER_H_