\section{\class{wxCloseEvent}}\label{wxcloseevent} This event class contains information about window and session close events. The handler function for EVT\_CLOSE is called when the user has tried to close a a frame or dialog box using the window manager (X) or system menu (Windows). It can also be invoked by the application itself programmatically, for example by calling the \helpref{wxWindow::Close}{wxwindowclose} function. You should check whether the application is forcing the deletion of the window using \helpref{wxCloseEvent::CanVeto}{wxcloseeventcanveto}. If this is {\tt false}, you {\it must} destroy the window using \helpref{wxWindow::Destroy}{wxwindowdestroy}. If the return value is true, it is up to you whether you respond by destroying the window. If you don't destroy the window, you should call \helpref{wxCloseEvent::Veto}{wxcloseeventveto} to let the calling code know that you did not destroy the window. This allows the \helpref{wxWindow::Close}{wxwindowclose} function to return {\tt true} or {\tt false} depending on whether the close instruction was honoured or not. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxEvent}{wxevent} \wxheading{Include files} \wxheading{Event table macros} To process a close event, use these event handler macros to direct input to member functions that take a wxCloseEvent argument. \twocolwidtha{7cm} \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_CLOSE(func)}}{Process a close event, supplying the member function. This event applies to wxFrame and wxDialog classes.} \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_QUERY\_END\_SESSION(func)}}{Process a query end session event, supplying the member function. This event applies to wxApp only.} \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_END\_SESSION(func)}}{Process an end session event, supplying the member function. This event applies to wxApp only.} \end{twocollist}% \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxWindow::Close}{wxwindowclose},\rtfsp \helpref{wxApp::OnQueryEndSession}{wxapponqueryendsession},\rtfsp %% GD: OnXXX functions are not documented %%\helpref{wxApp::OnEndSession}{wxapponendsession},\rtfsp \helpref{Window deletion overview}{windowdeletionoverview} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxCloseEvent::wxCloseEvent} \func{}{wxCloseEvent}{\param{WXTYPE}{ commandEventType = 0}, \param{int}{ id = 0}} Constructor. \membersection{wxCloseEvent::CanVeto}\label{wxcloseeventcanveto} \func{bool}{CanVeto}{\void} Returns true if you can veto a system shutdown or a window close event. Vetoing a window close event is not possible if the calling code wishes to force the application to exit, and so this function must be called to check this. \membersection{wxCloseEvent::GetLoggingOff}\label{wxcloseeventgetloggingoff} \constfunc{bool}{GetLoggingOff}{\void} Returns true if the user is logging off. \membersection{wxCloseEvent::GetSessionEnding}\label{wxcloseeventgetsessionending} \constfunc{bool}{GetSessionEnding}{\void} Returns true if the session is ending. \membersection{wxCloseEvent::GetForce}\label{wxcloseeventgetforce} \constfunc{bool}{GetForce}{\void} Returns true if the application wishes to force the window to close. This will shortly be obsolete, replaced by CanVeto. \membersection{wxCloseEvent::SetCanVeto}\label{wxcloseeventsetcanveto} \func{void}{SetCanVeto}{\param{bool}{ canVeto}} Sets the 'can veto' flag. \membersection{wxCloseEvent::SetForce}\label{wxcloseeventsetforce} \constfunc{void}{SetForce}{\param{bool}{ force}} Sets the 'force' flag. \membersection{wxCloseEvent::SetLoggingOff}\label{wxcloseeventsetloggingoff} \constfunc{void}{SetLoggingOff}{\param{bool}{ loggingOff}} Sets the 'logging off' flag. \membersection{wxCloseEvent::Veto}\label{wxcloseeventveto} \func{void}{Veto}{\param{bool}{ veto = true}} Call this from your event handler to veto a system shutdown or to signal to the calling application that a window close did not happen. You can only veto a shutdown if \helpref{wxCloseEvent::CanVeto}{wxcloseeventcanveto} returns true.