% % automatically generated by HelpGen $Revision$ from % gzstream.h at 20/Aug/03 18:41:55 % % % wxGzipInputStream % \section{\class{wxGzipInputStream}}\label{wxgzipinputstream} A stream filter to decompress gzipped data. The gzip format is specified in RFC-1952. A gzip stream can contain the original filename and timestamp of the compressed data. These fields can be obtained using the \helpref{GetName()}{wxgzipinputstreamgetname} and \helpref{GetDateTime()}{wxgzipinputstreamgetdatetime} accessors. If the stream turns out not to be a gzip stream (i.e. the signature bytes 0x1f, 0x8b are not found), then the constructor unreads the bytes read and sets the stream state to {\it wxSTREAM\_EOF}. So given a possibly gzipped stream '{\it maybe\_gzipped}' you can construct a decompressed stream '{\it decompressed}' with something like: \begin{verbatim} wxGzipInputStream gzip(maybe_gzipped); wxInputStream *decompressed = &gzip; if (gzip.Eof()) decompressed = &maybe_gzipped; \end{verbatim} The stream will not read past the end of the gzip data, therefore you can read another gzip entry concatenated by creating another {\it wxGzipInputStream} on the same underlying stream. The stream is not seekable, \helpref{SeekI()}{wxinputstreamseeki} returns {\it wxInvalidOffset}. Also \helpref{GetSize()}{wxstreambasegetsize} is not supported, it always returns $0$. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxFilterInputStream}{wxfilterinputstream} \wxheading{Include files} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxGzipOutputStream}{wxgzipoutputstream}, \helpref{wxZlibInputStream}{wxzlibinputstream}, \helpref{wxInputStream}{wxinputstream}. \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxGzipInputStream::wxGzipInputStream}\label{wxgzipinputstreamwxgzipinputstream} \func{}{wxGzipInputStream}{\param{wxInputStream\& }{stream}, \param{wxMBConv\& }{conv = wxConvFile}} Constructs an object to decompress a gzipped stream. The constructor reads the gzip header. If the original file name and timestamp are present, then they can be obtained through the \helpref{GetName()}{wxgzipinputstreamgetname} and \helpref{GetDateTime()}{wxgzipinputstreamgetdatetime} accessors. The filename in the header is stored using an 8-bit character set. In a Unicode build {\it conv} is used to translate the filename into Unicode (it has no effect on the stream data). RFC-1952 specifies that the character set should be ISO-8859-1, however the default here is to use {\it wxConvFile} which more closely matches the behaviour of the gzip program. In a non-Unicode build {\it conv} is ignored. If the first two bytes are not the gzip signature, then the data is not gzipped after all. The stream state is set to {\it wxSTREAM\_EOF}, and the two bytes are unread so that the underlying stream can be read directly. \membersection{wxGzipInputStream::\destruct{wxGzipInputStream}}\label{wxgzipinputstreamdtor} \func{}{\destruct{wxGzipInputStream}}{\void} Destructor. \membersection{wxGzipInputStream::GetDateTime}\label{wxgzipinputstreamgetdatetime} \constfunc{wxDateTime}{GetDateTime}{\void} Returns the original modification time of gzipped data, as obtained from the gzip header. \membersection{wxGzipInputStream::GetName}\label{wxgzipinputstreamgetname} \constfunc{wxString}{GetName}{\void} Returns the original filename of gzipped data, with any directory components removed. % % wxGzipOutputStream % \section{\class{wxGzipOutputStream}}\label{wxgzipoutputstream} A stream filter to compress gzipped data. The gzip format is specified in RFC-1952. The stream is not seekable, \helpref{SeekO()}{wxoutputstreamseeko} returns {\it wxInvalidOffset}. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxFilterOutputStream}{wxfilteroutputstream} \wxheading{Include files} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxGzipInputStream}{wxgzipinputstream}, \helpref{wxZlibOutputStream}{wxzliboutputstream}, \helpref{wxOutputStream}{wxoutputstream}. \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxGzipOutputStream::wxGzipOutputStream}\label{wxgzipoutputstreamwxgzipoutputstream} \func{}{wxGzipOutputStream}{\param{wxOutputStream\& }{stream}, \param{const wxString\& }{originalName = wxEmptyString}, \param{const wxDateTime\& }{originalTime = wxDateTime::Now()}, \param{int }{level = -1}, \param{wxMBConv\& }{conv = wxConvFile}} If the {\it originalName} is given, then it is written to the gzip header with any directory components removed. On a Unicode build it is first converted to an 8-bit encoding using {\it conv}. RFC-1952 specifies that the character set should be ISO-8859-1, however the default here is to use {\it wxConvFile} which more closely matches the behaviour of the gzip program. In a non-Unicode build {\it conv} is ignored. {\it conv} has no effect on the stream data. If {\it originalTime} is given then it is also written to the gzip header as the timestamp. If omitted the current time is used. {\it level} is the compression level. It can be an integer between $0$ (no compression) and $9$ (most compression). $-1$ specifies that the default compression should be used, and is currently equivalent to $6$. You can also use the following constants from : \begin{verbatim} // Compression level enum { wxZ_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION = -1, wxZ_NO_COMPRESSION = 0, wxZ_BEST_SPEED = 1, wxZ_BEST_COMPRESSION = 9 } \end{verbatim} \membersection{wxGzipOutputStream::\destruct{wxGzipOutputStream}}\label{wxgzipoutputstreamdtor} \func{}{\destruct{wxGzipOutputStream}}{\void} Destructor.