\section{\class{wxDocTemplate}}\label{wxdoctemplate} The wxDocTemplate class is used to model the relationship between a document class and a view class. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxDocTemplate overview}{wxdoctemplateoverview}, \helpref{wxDocument}{wxdocument}, \helpref{wxView}{wxview} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxDocTemplate::m\_defaultExt} \member{wxString}{m\_defaultExt} The default extension for files of this type. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::m\_description} \member{wxString}{m\_description} A short description of this template. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::m\_directory} \member{wxString}{m\_directory} The default directory for files of this type. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::m\_docClassInfo} \member{wxClassInfo* }{m\_docClassInfo} Run-time class information that allows document instances to be constructed dynamically. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::m\_docTypeName} \member{wxString}{m\_docTypeName} The named type of the document associated with this template. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::m\_documentManager} \member{wxDocTemplate*}{m\_documentManager} A pointer to the document manager for which this template was created. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::m\_fileFilter} \member{wxString}{m\_fileFilter} The file filter (such as \verb$*.txt$) to be used in file selector dialogs. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::m\_flags} \member{long}{m\_flags} The flags passed to the constructor. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::m\_viewClassInfo} \member{wxClassInfo*}{m\_viewClassInfo} Run-time class information that allows view instances to be constructed dynamically. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::m\_viewTypeName} \member{wxString}{m\_viewTypeName} The named type of the view associated with this template. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::wxDocTemplate} \func{}{wxDocTemplate}{\param{wxDocManager* }{manager}, \param{const wxString\& }{descr}, \param{const wxString\& }{filter}, \param{const wxString\& }{dir}, \param{const wxString\& }{ext}, \param{const wxString\& }{docTypeName}, \param{const wxString\& }{viewTypeName}, \param{wxClassInfo* }{docClassInfo = NULL}, \param{wxClassInfo* }{viewClassInfo = NULL}, \param{long}{ flags = wxDEFAULT\_TEMPLATE\_FLAGS}} Constructor. Create instances dynamically near the start of your application after creating a wxDocManager instance, and before doing any document or view operations. {\it manager} is the document manager object which manages this template. {\it descr} is a short description of what the template is for. This string will be displayed in the file filter list of Windows file selectors. {\it filter} is an appropriate file filter such as \verb$*.txt$. {\it dir} is the default directory to use for file selectors. {\it ext} is the default file extension (such as txt). {\it docTypeName} is a name that should be unique for a given type of document, used for gathering a list of views relevant to a particular document. {\it viewTypeName} is a name that should be unique for a given view. {\it docClassInfo} is a pointer to the run-time document class information as returned by the CLASSINFO macro, e.g. CLASSINFO(MyDocumentClass). If this is not supplied, you will need to derive a new wxDocTemplate class and override the CreateDocument member to return a new document instance on demand. {\it viewClassInfo} is a pointer to the run-time view class information as returned by the CLASSINFO macro, e.g. CLASSINFO(MyViewClass). If this is not supplied, you will need to derive a new wxDocTemplate class and override the CreateView member to return a new view instance on demand. {\it flags} is a bit list of the following: \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt \item wxTEMPLATE\_VISIBLE The template may be displayed to the user in dialogs. \item wxTEMPLATE\_INVISIBLE The template may not be displayed to the user in dialogs. \item wxDEFAULT\_TEMPLATE\_FLAGS Defined as wxTEMPLATE\_VISIBLE. \end{itemize} \membersection{wxDocTemplate::\destruct{wxDocTemplate}} \func{void}{\destruct{wxDocTemplate}}{\void} Destructor. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::CreateDocument} \func{wxDocument *}{CreateDocument}{\param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{long}{ flags = 0}} Creates a new instance of the associated document class. If you have not supplied a wxClassInfo parameter to the template constructor, you will need to override this function to return an appropriate document instance. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::CreateView} \func{wxView *}{CreateView}{\param{wxDocument *}{doc}, \param{long}{ flags = 0}} Creates a new instance of the associated view class. If you have not supplied a wxClassInfo parameter to the template constructor, you will need to override this function to return an appropriate view instance. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::GetDefaultExtension} \func{wxString}{GetDefaultExtension}{\void} Returns the default file extension for the document data, as passed to the document template constructor. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::GetDescription} \func{wxString}{GetDescription}{\void} Returns the text description of this template, as passed to the document template constructor. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::GetDirectory} \func{wxString}{GetDirectory}{\void} Returns the default directory, as passed to the document template constructor. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::GetDocumentManager} \func{wxDocManager *}{GetDocumentManager}{\void} Returns a pointer to the document manager instance for which this template was created. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::GetDocumentName} \func{wxString}{GetDocumentName}{\void} Returns the document type name, as passed to the document template constructor. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::GetFileFilter} \func{wxString}{GetFileFilter}{\void} Returns the file filter, as passed to the document template constructor. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::GetFlags} \func{long}{GetFlags}{\void} Returns the flags, as passed to the document template constructor. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::GetViewName} \func{wxString}{GetViewName}{\void} Returns the view type name, as passed to the document template constructor. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::IsVisible} \func{bool}{IsVisible}{\void} Returns TRUE if the document template can be shown in user dialogs, FALSE otherwise. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::SetDefaultExtension} \func{void}{SetDefaultExtension}{\param{const wxString\& }{ext}} Sets the default file extension. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::SetDescription} \func{void}{SetDescription}{\param{const wxString\& }{descr}} Sets the template description. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::SetDirectory} \func{void}{SetDirectory}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}} Sets the default directory. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::SetDocumentManager} \func{void}{SetDocumentManager}{\param{wxDocManager *}{manager}} Sets the pointer to the document manager instance for which this template was created. Should not be called by the application. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::SetFileFilter} \func{void}{SetFileFilter}{\param{const wxString\& }{filter}} Sets the file filter. \membersection{wxDocTemplate::SetFlags} \func{void}{SetFlags}{\param{long }{flags}} Sets the internal document template flags (see the constructor description for more details).