\section{\class{wxEvent}}\label{wxevent} An event is a structure holding information about an event passed to a callback or member function. {\bf wxEvent} used to be a multipurpose event object, and is an abstract base class for other event classes (see below). \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{Include files} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxCommandEvent}{wxcommandevent},\rtfsp \helpref{wxMouseEvent}{wxmouseevent} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxEvent::wxEvent} \func{}{wxEvent}{\param{int }{id = 0}} Constructor. Should not need to be used directly by an application. \membersection{wxEvent::m\_eventHandle} \member{char*}{m\_eventHandle} Handle of an underlying windowing system event handle, such as XEvent. Not guaranteed to be instantiated. \membersection{wxEvent::m\_eventObject} \member{wxObject*}{m\_eventObject} The object (usually a window) that the event was generated from, or should be sent to. \membersection{wxEvent::m\_eventType} \member{WXTYPE}{m\_eventType} The type of the event, such as wxEVENT\_TYPE\_BUTTON\_COMMAND. \membersection{wxEvent::m\_id} \member{int}{m\_id} Identifier for the window. \membersection{wxEvent::m\_skipped} \member{bool}{m\_skipped} Set to TRUE by {\bf Skip} if this event should be skipped. \membersection{wxEvent::m\_timeStamp} \member{long}{m\_timeStamp} Timestamp for this event. \membersection{wxEvent::GetEventObject} \func{wxObject*}{GetEventObject}{\void} Returns the object associated with the event, if any. \membersection{wxEvent::GetEventType} \func{WXTYPE}{GetEventType}{\void} Returns the identifier of the given event type, such as wxEVENT\_TYPE\_BUTTON\_COMMAND. \membersection{wxEvent::GetId} \func{int}{GetId}{\void} Returns the identifier associated with this event, such as a button command id. \membersection{wxEvent::GetObjectType} \func{WXTYPE}{GetObjectType}{\void} Returns the type of the object associated with the event, such as wxTYPE\_BUTTON. \membersection{wxEvent::GetSkipped} \func{bool}{GetSkipped}{\void} Returns TRUE if the event handler should be skipped, FALSE otherwise. \membersection{wxEvent::GetTimestamp} \func{long}{GetTimestamp}{\void} Gets the timestamp for the event. \membersection{wxEvent::SetEventObject} \func{void}{SetEventObject}{\param{wxObject* }{object}} Sets the originating object. \membersection{wxEvent::SetEventType} \func{void}{SetEventType}{\param{WXTYPE }{typ}} Sets the event type. \membersection{wxEvent::SetId} \func{void}{SetId}{\param{int}{ id}} Sets the identifier associated with this event, such as a button command id. \membersection{wxEvent::SetTimestamp} \func{void}{SetTimestamp}{\param{long }{timeStamp}} Sets the timestamp for the event. Sets the originating object. \membersection{wxEvent::Skip}\label{wxeventskip} \func{void}{Skip}{\param{bool}{ skip = TRUE}} Called by an event handler to tell the event system that the event handler should be skipped, and the next valid handler used instead.