/*****************************************************************************\ * Project: CppLib: C++ library for Windows/UNIX platfroms * * File: fileconf.h - file based implementation of Config * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Language: C++ * * Platfrom: Any * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Classes: * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Author: Vadim Zeitlin zeitlin@dptmaths.ens-cachan.fr> * * adapted from earlier class by VZ & Karsten Ballüder * * History: * * 27.04.98 created * \*****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _FILECONF_H #define _FILECONF_H #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma interface "fileconf.h" #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // compile options // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // it won't compile without it anyhow #ifndef USE_WXCONFIG #error "Please define USE_WXCONFIG or remove fileconf.cpp from your makefile" #endif // USE_WXCONFIG // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxFileConfig // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* wxFileConfig derives from base Config and implements file based config class, i.e. it uses ASCII disk files to store the information. These files are alternatively called INI, .conf or .rc in the documentation. They are organized in groups or sections, which can nest (i.e. a group contains subgroups, which contain their own subgroups &c). Each group has some number of entries, which are "key = value" pairs. More precisely, the format is: # comments are allowed after either ';' or '#' (Win/UNIX standard) # blank lines (as above) are ignored # global entries are members of special (no name) top group written_for = Windows platform = Linux # the start of the group 'Foo' [Foo] # may put comments like this also # following 3 lines are entries key = value another_key = " strings with spaces in the beginning should be quoted, \ otherwise the spaces are lost" last_key = but you don't have to put " normally (nor quote them, like here) # subgroup of the group 'Foo' # (order is not important, only the name is: separator is '/', as in paths) [Foo/Bar] # entries prefixed with "!" are immutable, i.e. can't be changed if they are # set in the system-wide config file !special_key = value bar_entry = whatever [Foo/Bar/Fubar] # depth is (theoretically :-) unlimited # may have the same name as key in another section bar_entry = whatever not You have {read/write/delete}Entry functions (guess what they do) and also setCurrentPath to select current group. enum{Subgroups/Entries} allow you to get all entries in the config file (in the current group). Finally, flush() writes immediately all changed entries to disk (otherwise it would be done automatically in dtor) wxFileConfig manages not less than 2 config files for each program: global and local (or system and user if you prefer). Entries are read from both of them and the local entries override the global ones unless the latter is immutable (prefixed with '!') in which case a warning message is generated and local value is ignored. Of course, the changes are always written to local file only. @@@@ describe environment variable expansion */ class wxFileConfig : public wxConfig { public: // construct the "standard" full name for global (system-wide) and // local (user-specific) config files from the base file name. // // the following are the filenames returned by this functions: // global local // Unix /etc/file.ext ~/.file // Win %windir%\file.ext %USERPROFILE%\file.ext // // where file is the basename of szFile, ext is it's extension // or .conf (Unix) or .ini (Win) if it has none static wxString GetGlobalFileName(const char *szFile); static wxString GetLocalFileName(const char *szFile); // ctor & dtor // if strGlobal is empty, only local config file is used wxFileConfig(const wxString& strLocal, const wxString& strGlobal = ""); // dtor will save unsaved data virtual ~wxFileConfig(); // implement inherited pure virtual functions virtual void SetPath(const wxString& strPath); virtual const wxString& GetPath() const { return m_strPath; } virtual bool GetFirstGroup(wxString& str, long& lIndex); virtual bool GetNextGroup (wxString& str, long& lIndex); virtual bool GetFirstEntry(wxString& str, long& lIndex); virtual bool GetNextEntry (wxString& str, long& lIndex); virtual uint GetNumberOfEntries(bool bRecursive = FALSE) const; virtual uint GetNumberOfGroups(bool bRecursive = FALSE) const; virtual bool HasGroup(const wxString& strName) const; virtual bool HasEntry(const wxString& strName) const; virtual bool Read(wxString *pstr, const char *szKey, const char *szDefault = 0) const; virtual const char *Read(const char *szKey, const char *szDefault = 0) const; virtual bool Read(long *pl, const char *szKey, long lDefault) const; virtual long Read(const char *szKey, long lDefault) const { return wxConfig::Read(szKey, lDefault); } virtual bool Write(const char *szKey, const char *szValue); virtual bool Write(const char *szKey, long lValue); virtual bool Flush(bool bCurrentOnly = FALSE); virtual bool DeleteEntry(const char *szKey, bool bGroupIfEmptyAlso); virtual bool DeleteGroup(const char *szKey); virtual bool DeleteAll(); public: // fwd decl class ConfigGroup; class ConfigEntry; // we store all lines of the local config file as a linked list in memory class LineList { public: // ctor LineList(const wxString& str, LineList *pNext = NULL) : m_strLine(str) { SetNext(pNext); SetPrev(NULL); } // LineList *Next() const { return m_pNext; } LineList *Prev() const { return m_pPrev; } void SetNext(LineList *pNext) { m_pNext = pNext; } void SetPrev(LineList *pPrev) { m_pPrev = pPrev; } // void SetText(const wxString& str) { m_strLine = str; } const wxString& Text() const { return m_strLine; } private: wxString m_strLine; // line contents LineList *m_pNext, // next node *m_pPrev; // previous one }; // functions to work with this list LineList *LineListAppend(const wxString& str); LineList *LineListInsert(const wxString& str, LineList *pLine); // NULL => Prepend() void LineListRemove(LineList *pLine); bool LineListIsEmpty(); private: // put the object in the initial state void Init(); // parse the whole file void Parse(wxTextFile& file, bool bLocal); // the same as SetPath("/") void SetRootPath(); // member variables // ---------------- LineList *m_linesHead, // head of the linked list *m_linesTail; // tail wxString m_strLocalFile, // local file name passed to ctor m_strGlobalFile; // global wxString m_strPath; // current path (not '/' terminated) ConfigGroup *m_pRootGroup, // the top (unnamed) group *m_pCurrentGroup; // the current group //protected: --- if wxFileConfig::ConfigEntry is not public, functions in // ConfigGroup such as Find/AddEntry can't return "ConfigEntry *" public: WX_DEFINE_SORTED_ARRAY(ConfigEntry *, ArrayEntries); WX_DEFINE_SORTED_ARRAY(ConfigGroup *, ArrayGroups); class ConfigEntry { private: ConfigGroup *m_pParent; // group that contains us wxString m_strName, // entry name m_strValue; // value bool m_bDirty, // changed since last read? m_bImmutable; // can be overriden locally? int m_nLine; // used if m_pLine == NULL only LineList *m_pLine; // pointer to our line in the linked list // or NULL if it was found in global file public: ConfigEntry(ConfigGroup *pParent, const wxString& strName, int nLine); // simple accessors const wxString& Name() const { return m_strName; } const wxString& Value() const { return m_strValue; } ConfigGroup *Group() const { return m_pParent; } bool IsDirty() const { return m_bDirty; } bool IsImmutable() const { return m_bImmutable; } bool IsLocal() const { return m_pLine != 0; } int Line() const { return m_nLine; } LineList *GetLine() const { return m_pLine; } // modify entry attributes void SetValue(const wxString& strValue, bool bUser = TRUE); void SetDirty(); void SetLine(LineList *pLine); }; class ConfigGroup { private: wxFileConfig *m_pConfig; // config object we belong to ConfigGroup *m_pParent; // parent group (NULL for root group) ArrayEntries m_aEntries; // entries in this group ArrayGroups m_aSubgroups; // subgroups wxString m_strName; // group's name bool m_bDirty; // if FALSE => all subgroups are not dirty LineList *m_pLine; // pointer to our line in the linked list ConfigEntry *m_pLastEntry; // last entry of this group in the local file ConfigGroup *m_pLastGroup; // last subgroup public: // ctor ConfigGroup(ConfigGroup *pParent, const wxString& strName, wxFileConfig *); // dtor deletes all entries and subgroups also ~ConfigGroup(); // simple accessors const wxString& Name() const { return m_strName; } ConfigGroup *Parent() const { return m_pParent; } wxFileConfig *Config() const { return m_pConfig; } bool IsDirty() const { return m_bDirty; } bool IsEmpty() const { return Entries().IsEmpty() && Groups().IsEmpty(); } const ArrayEntries& Entries() const { return m_aEntries; } const ArrayGroups& Groups() const { return m_aSubgroups; } // find entry/subgroup (NULL if not found) ConfigGroup *FindSubgroup(const char *szName) const; ConfigEntry *FindEntry (const char *szName) const; // delete entry/subgroup, return FALSE if doesn't exist bool DeleteSubgroup(const char *szName); bool DeleteEntry(const char *szName); // create new entry/subgroup returning pointer to newly created element ConfigGroup *AddSubgroup(const wxString& strName); ConfigEntry *AddEntry (const wxString& strName, int nLine = NOT_FOUND); // will also recursively set parent's dirty flag void SetDirty(); void SetLine(LineList *pLine); // the new entries in this subgroup will be inserted after the last subgroup // or, if there is none, after the last entry void SetLastEntry(ConfigEntry *pLastEntry) { m_pLastEntry = pLastEntry; } void SetLastGroup(ConfigGroup *pLastGroup) { m_pLastGroup = pLastGroup; } wxString GetFullName() const; // get the last line belonging to an entry/subgroup of this group LineList *GetGroupLine(); LineList *GetLastEntryLine(); LineList *GetLastGroupLine(); }; }; #endif //_FILECONF_H