///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: gdicmn.h // Purpose: Common GDI classes, types and declarations // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: // Created: 01/02/97 // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _WX_GDICMNH__ #define _WX_GDICMNH__ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(__APPLE__) #pragma interface "gdicmn.h" #endif #include "wx/setup.h" #include "wx/list.h" #include "wx/string.h" #include "wx/fontenc.h" // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // forward declarations // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLEXPORT wxBitmap; class WXDLLEXPORT wxBrush; class WXDLLEXPORT wxColour; class WXDLLEXPORT wxCursor; class WXDLLEXPORT wxFont; class WXDLLEXPORT wxIcon; class WXDLLEXPORT wxPalette; class WXDLLEXPORT wxPen; class WXDLLEXPORT wxRegion; class WXDLLEXPORT wxString; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bitmap flags enum wxBitmapType { wxBITMAP_TYPE_INVALID, // should be == 0 for compatibility! wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP_RESOURCE, wxBITMAP_TYPE_RESOURCE = wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP_RESOURCE, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO_RESOURCE, wxBITMAP_TYPE_CUR, wxBITMAP_TYPE_CUR_RESOURCE, wxBITMAP_TYPE_XBM, wxBITMAP_TYPE_XBM_DATA, wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM, wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM_DATA, wxBITMAP_TYPE_TIF, wxBITMAP_TYPE_TIF_RESOURCE, wxBITMAP_TYPE_GIF, wxBITMAP_TYPE_GIF_RESOURCE, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG_RESOURCE, wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG, wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG_RESOURCE, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNM, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNM_RESOURCE, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PCX, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PCX_RESOURCE, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PICT, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PICT_RESOURCE, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICON, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICON_RESOURCE, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANI, wxBITMAP_TYPE_IFF, wxBITMAP_TYPE_MACCURSOR, wxBITMAP_TYPE_MACCURSOR_RESOURCE, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY = 50 }; // Standard cursors enum wxStockCursor { wxCURSOR_NONE, // should be 0 wxCURSOR_ARROW, wxCURSOR_RIGHT_ARROW, wxCURSOR_BULLSEYE, wxCURSOR_CHAR, wxCURSOR_CROSS, wxCURSOR_HAND, wxCURSOR_IBEAM, wxCURSOR_LEFT_BUTTON, wxCURSOR_MAGNIFIER, wxCURSOR_MIDDLE_BUTTON, wxCURSOR_NO_ENTRY, wxCURSOR_PAINT_BRUSH, wxCURSOR_PENCIL, wxCURSOR_POINT_LEFT, wxCURSOR_POINT_RIGHT, wxCURSOR_QUESTION_ARROW, wxCURSOR_RIGHT_BUTTON, wxCURSOR_SIZENESW, wxCURSOR_SIZENS, wxCURSOR_SIZENWSE, wxCURSOR_SIZEWE, wxCURSOR_SIZING, wxCURSOR_SPRAYCAN, wxCURSOR_WAIT, wxCURSOR_WATCH, wxCURSOR_BLANK, #ifdef __WXGTK__ wxCURSOR_DEFAULT, // standard X11 cursor #endif #ifdef __WXMAC__ wxCURSOR_COPY_ARROW , // MacOS Theme Plus arrow #endif #ifdef __X__ // Not yet implemented for Windows wxCURSOR_CROSS_REVERSE, wxCURSOR_DOUBLE_ARROW, wxCURSOR_BASED_ARROW_UP, wxCURSOR_BASED_ARROW_DOWN, #endif // X11 wxCURSOR_ARROWWAIT, wxCURSOR_MAX }; #ifndef __WXGTK__ #define wxCURSOR_DEFAULT wxCURSOR_ARROW #endif // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // macros // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Useful macro for creating icons portably, for example: wxIcon *icon = new wxICON(mondrian); expands into: wxIcon *icon = new wxIcon("mondrian"); // On wxMSW wxIcon *icon = new wxIcon(mondrian_xpm); // On wxGTK */ #ifdef __WXMSW__ // Load from a resource #define wxICON(X) wxIcon(wxT(#X)) #elif defined(__WXPM__) // Load from a resource #define wxICON(X) wxIcon(wxT(#X)) #elif defined(__WXMGL__) // Initialize from an included XPM #define wxICON(X) wxIcon( (const char**) X##_xpm ) #elif defined(__WXGTK__) // Initialize from an included XPM #define wxICON(X) wxIcon( (const char**) X##_xpm ) #elif defined(__WXMAC__) // Initialize from an included XPM #define wxICON(X) wxIcon( (const char**) X##_xpm ) #elif defined(__WXMOTIF__) // Initialize from an included XPM #define wxICON(X) wxIcon( X##_xpm ) #elif defined(__WXX11__) // Initialize from an included XPM #define wxICON(X) wxIcon( X##_xpm ) #else // This will usually mean something on any platform #define wxICON(X) wxIcon(wxT(#X)) #endif // platform /* Another macro: this one is for portable creation of bitmaps. We assume that under Unix bitmaps live in XPMs and under Windows they're in ressources. */ #if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__WXPM__) #define wxBITMAP(name) wxBitmap(wxT(#name), wxBITMAP_TYPE_RESOURCE) #elif defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXMOTIF__) || defined(__WXX11__) || defined(__WXMAC__) || defined(__WXMGL__) || defined(__WXCOCOA__) // Initialize from an included XPM #define wxBITMAP(name) wxBitmap( (const char**) name##_xpm ) #else // other platforms #define wxBITMAP(name) wxBitmap(name##_xpm, wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM) #endif // platform // =========================================================================== // classes // =========================================================================== // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxSize // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLEXPORT wxSize { public: // members are public for compatibility, don't use them directly. int x, y; // constructors wxSize() : x(0), y(0) { } wxSize(int xx, int yy) : x(xx), y(yy) { } // no copy ctor or assignment operator - the defaults are ok bool operator==(const wxSize& sz) const { return x == sz.x && y == sz.y; } bool operator!=(const wxSize& sz) const { return x != sz.x || y != sz.y; } // FIXME are these really useful? If they're, we should have += &c as well wxSize operator+(const wxSize& sz) { return wxSize(x + sz.x, y + sz.y); } wxSize operator-(const wxSize& sz) { return wxSize(x - sz.x, y - sz.y); } // accessors void Set(int xx, int yy) { x = xx; y = yy; } void SetWidth(int w) { x = w; } void SetHeight(int h) { y = h; } int GetWidth() const { return x; } int GetHeight() const { return y; } // compatibility int GetX() const { return x; } int GetY() const { return y; } }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Point classes: with real or integer coordinates // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLEXPORT wxRealPoint { public: double x; double y; wxRealPoint() : x(0.0), y(0.0) { } wxRealPoint(double xx, double yy) : x(xx), y(yy) { } wxRealPoint operator+(const wxRealPoint& pt) const { return wxRealPoint(x + pt.x, y + pt.y); } wxRealPoint operator-(const wxRealPoint& pt) const { return wxRealPoint(x - pt.x, y - pt.y); } bool operator==(const wxRealPoint& pt) const { return x == pt.x && y == pt.y; } bool operator!=(const wxRealPoint& pt) const { return x != pt.x || y != pt.y; } }; class WXDLLEXPORT wxPoint { public: int x, y; wxPoint() : x(0), y(0) { } wxPoint(int xx, int yy) : x(xx), y(yy) { } // no copy ctor or assignment operator - the defaults are ok // comparison bool operator==(const wxPoint& p) const { return x == p.x && y == p.y; } bool operator!=(const wxPoint& p) const { return !(*this == p); } // arithmetic operations (component wise) wxPoint operator+(const wxPoint& p) const { return wxPoint(x + p.x, y + p.y); } wxPoint operator-(const wxPoint& p) const { return wxPoint(x - p.x, y - p.y); } wxPoint& operator+=(const wxPoint& p) { x += p.x; y += p.y; return *this; } wxPoint& operator-=(const wxPoint& p) { x -= p.x; y -= p.y; return *this; } }; #if WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY #define wxIntPoint wxPoint #define wxRectangle wxRect #endif // WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxRect // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLEXPORT wxRect { public: wxRect() : x(0), y(0), width(0), height(0) { } wxRect(int xx, int yy, int ww, int hh) : x(xx), y(yy), width(ww), height(hh) { } wxRect(const wxPoint& topLeft, const wxPoint& bottomRight); wxRect(const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size); // default copy ctor and assignment operators ok int GetX() const { return x; } void SetX(int xx) { x = xx; } int GetY() const { return y; } void SetY(int yy) { y = yy; } int GetWidth() const { return width; } void SetWidth(int w) { width = w; } int GetHeight() const { return height; } void SetHeight(int h) { height = h; } wxPoint GetPosition() const { return wxPoint(x, y); } void SetPosition( const wxPoint &p ) { x = p.x; y = p.y; } wxSize GetSize() const { return wxSize(width, height); } void SetSize( const wxSize &s ) { width = s.GetWidth(); height = s.GetHeight(); } int GetLeft() const { return x; } int GetTop() const { return y; } int GetBottom() const { return y + height - 1; } int GetRight() const { return x + width - 1; } void SetLeft(int left) { x = left; } void SetRight(int right) { width = right - x + 1; } void SetTop(int top) { y = top; } void SetBottom(int bottom) { height = bottom - y + 1; } // operations with rect wxRect& Inflate(wxCoord dx, wxCoord dy); wxRect& Inflate(wxCoord d) { return Inflate(d, d); } wxRect Inflate(wxCoord dx, wxCoord dy) const { wxRect r = *this; r.Inflate(dx, dy); return r; } wxRect& Deflate(wxCoord dx, wxCoord dy) { return Inflate(-dx, -dy); } wxRect& Deflate(wxCoord d) { return Inflate(-d); } wxRect Deflate(wxCoord dx, wxCoord dy) const { wxRect r = *this; r.Deflate(dx, dy); return r; } void Offset(wxCoord dx, wxCoord dy) { x += dx; y += dy; } void Offset(const wxPoint& pt) { Offset(pt.x, pt.y); } wxRect& Intersect(const wxRect& rect); wxRect Intersect(const wxRect& rect) const { wxRect r = *this; r.Intersect(rect); return r; } wxRect operator+(const wxRect& rect) const; wxRect& operator+=(const wxRect& rect); // compare rectangles bool operator==(const wxRect& rect) const; bool operator!=(const wxRect& rect) const { return !(*this == rect); } // return TRUE if the point is (not strcitly) inside the rect bool Inside(int x, int y) const; bool Inside(const wxPoint& pt) const { return Inside(pt.x, pt.y); } // return TRUE if the rectangles have a non empty intersection bool Intersects(const wxRect& rect) const; public: int x, y, width, height; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Management of pens, brushes and fonts // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef wxInt8 wxDash; class WXDLLEXPORT wxPenList : public wxList { // DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxPenList) public: wxPenList() { } virtual ~wxPenList(); void AddPen(wxPen *pen); void RemovePen(wxPen *pen); wxPen *FindOrCreatePen(const wxColour& colour, int width, int style); }; class WXDLLEXPORT wxBrushList : public wxList { // DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxBrushList) public: wxBrushList() { } virtual ~wxBrushList(); void AddBrush(wxBrush *brush); void RemoveBrush(wxBrush *brush); wxBrush *FindOrCreateBrush(const wxColour& colour, int style); }; class WXDLLEXPORT wxFontList : public wxList { // DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxFontList) public: wxFontList() { } virtual ~wxFontList(); void AddFont(wxFont *font); void RemoveFont(wxFont *font); wxFont *FindOrCreateFont(int pointSize, int family, int style, int weight, bool underline = FALSE, const wxString& face = wxEmptyString, wxFontEncoding encoding = wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT); }; class WXDLLEXPORT wxStringToColourHashMap; class WXDLLEXPORT wxColourDatabase { // DECLARE_CLASS(wxColourDatabase) public: wxColourDatabase(); virtual ~wxColourDatabase() ; // Not const because it may add a name to the database wxColour *FindColour(const wxString& colour) ; wxColour *FindColourNoAdd(const wxString& colour) const; wxString FindName(const wxColour& colour) const; void Initialize(); #ifdef __WXPM__ // PM keeps its own type of colour table long* m_palTable; size_t m_nSize; #endif private: wxColour* FindColour(const wxString& colour, bool add); wxStringToColourHashMap* m_map; }; class WXDLLEXPORT wxBitmapList : public wxList { // DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxBitmapList) public: wxBitmapList(); virtual ~wxBitmapList(); void AddBitmap(wxBitmap *bitmap); void RemoveBitmap(wxBitmap *bitmap); }; class WXDLLEXPORT wxResourceCache: public wxList { public: wxResourceCache() { } #if !wxUSE_STL wxResourceCache(const unsigned int keyType) : wxList(keyType) { } #endif virtual ~wxResourceCache(); private: // DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxResourceCache) }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // global variables // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Lists of GDI objects WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxPenList*) wxThePenList; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxBrushList*) wxTheBrushList; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxFontList*) wxTheFontList; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxBitmapList*) wxTheBitmapList; // Stock objects WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxFont*) wxNORMAL_FONT; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxFont*) wxSMALL_FONT; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxFont*) wxITALIC_FONT; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxFont*) wxSWISS_FONT; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxPen*) wxRED_PEN; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxPen*) wxCYAN_PEN; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxPen*) wxGREEN_PEN; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxPen*) wxBLACK_PEN; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxPen*) wxWHITE_PEN; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxPen*) wxTRANSPARENT_PEN; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxPen*) wxBLACK_DASHED_PEN; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxPen*) wxGREY_PEN; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxPen*) wxMEDIUM_GREY_PEN; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxPen*) wxLIGHT_GREY_PEN; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxBrush*) wxBLUE_BRUSH; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxBrush*) wxGREEN_BRUSH; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxBrush*) wxWHITE_BRUSH; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxBrush*) wxBLACK_BRUSH; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxBrush*) wxGREY_BRUSH; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxBrush*) wxMEDIUM_GREY_BRUSH; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxBrush*) wxLIGHT_GREY_BRUSH; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxBrush*) wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxBrush*) wxCYAN_BRUSH; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxBrush*) wxRED_BRUSH; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxColour*) wxBLACK; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxColour*) wxWHITE; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxColour*) wxRED; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxColour*) wxBLUE; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxColour*) wxGREEN; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxColour*) wxCYAN; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxColour*) wxLIGHT_GREY; // 'Null' objects WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxBitmap) wxNullBitmap; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxIcon) wxNullIcon; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxCursor) wxNullCursor; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxPen) wxNullPen; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxBrush) wxNullBrush; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxPalette) wxNullPalette; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxFont) wxNullFont; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxColour) wxNullColour; // Stock cursors types WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxCursor*) wxSTANDARD_CURSOR; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxCursor*) wxHOURGLASS_CURSOR; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxCursor*) wxCROSS_CURSOR; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxColourDatabase*) wxTheColourDatabase; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern const wxChar*) wxPanelNameStr; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern const wxSize) wxDefaultSize; WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern const wxPoint) wxDefaultPosition; // The list of objects which should be deleted WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxList) wxPendingDelete; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // global functions // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // resource management extern void WXDLLEXPORT wxInitializeStockObjects(); extern void WXDLLEXPORT wxInitializeStockLists(); extern void WXDLLEXPORT wxDeleteStockObjects(); extern void WXDLLEXPORT wxDeleteStockLists(); // is the display colour (or monochrome)? extern bool WXDLLEXPORT wxColourDisplay(); // Returns depth of screen extern int WXDLLEXPORT wxDisplayDepth(); #define wxGetDisplayDepth wxDisplayDepth // get the display size extern void WXDLLEXPORT wxDisplaySize(int *width, int *height); extern wxSize WXDLLEXPORT wxGetDisplaySize(); extern void WXDLLEXPORT wxDisplaySizeMM(int *width, int *height); extern wxSize WXDLLEXPORT wxGetDisplaySizeMM(); // Get position and size of the display workarea extern void WXDLLEXPORT wxClientDisplayRect(int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height); extern wxRect WXDLLEXPORT wxGetClientDisplayRect(); // set global cursor extern void WXDLLEXPORT wxSetCursor(const wxCursor& cursor); #endif // _WX_GDICMNH__