///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: helpfrm.h // Purpose: wxHtmlHelpFrame // Notes: Based on htmlhelp.cpp, implementing a monolithic // HTML Help controller class, by Vaclav Slavik // Author: Harm van der Heijden and Vaclav Slavik // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) Harm van der Heijden and Vaclav Slavik // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _WX_HELPFRM_H_ #define _WX_HELPFRM_H_ #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma interface #endif #include "wx/defs.h" #if wxUSE_HTML #include "wx/html/helpdata.h" #include "wx/window.h" #include "wx/frame.h" #include "wx/config.h" #include "wx/splitter.h" #include "wx/notebook.h" #include "wx/listbox.h" #include "wx/choice.h" #include "wx/combobox.h" #include "wx/checkbox.h" #include "wx/stattext.h" #include "wx/html/htmlwin.h" #include "wx/html/htmprint.h" // style flags for the Help Frame #define wxHF_TOOLBAR 0x0001 #define wxHF_CONTENTS 0x0002 #define wxHF_INDEX 0x0004 #define wxHF_SEARCH 0x0008 #define wxHF_BOOKMARKS 0x0010 #define wxHF_OPENFILES 0x0020 #define wxHF_PRINT 0x0040 #define wxHF_DEFAULTSTYLE (wxHF_TOOLBAR | wxHF_CONTENTS | wxHF_INDEX | wxHF_SEARCH | wxHF_BOOKMARKS | wxHF_PRINT) // Command IDs : enum { wxID_HTML_PANEL = wxID_HIGHEST + 1, wxID_HTML_BACK, wxID_HTML_FORWARD, wxID_HTML_UPNODE, wxID_HTML_UP, wxID_HTML_DOWN, wxID_HTML_PRINT, wxID_HTML_OPENFILE, wxID_HTML_OPTIONS, wxID_HTML_BOOKMARKSLIST, wxID_HTML_BOOKMARKSADD, wxID_HTML_BOOKMARKSREMOVE, wxID_HTML_TREECTRL, wxID_HTML_INDEXPAGE, wxID_HTML_INDEXLIST, wxID_HTML_INDEXTEXT, wxID_HTML_INDEXBUTTON, wxID_HTML_INDEXBUTTONALL, wxID_HTML_NOTEBOOK, wxID_HTML_SEARCHPAGE, wxID_HTML_SEARCHTEXT, wxID_HTML_SEARCHLIST, wxID_HTML_SEARCHBUTTON, wxID_HTML_SEARCHCHOICE, wxID_HTML_COUNTINFO, wxID_HTML_HELPFRAME // the id of wxHtmlHelpController's helpframe } ; typedef struct { int x, y, w, h; long sashpos; bool navig_on; } wxHtmlHelpFrameCfg; class WXDLLEXPORT wxHtmlHelpFrame : public wxFrame { DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxHtmlHelpFrame) public: wxHtmlHelpFrame(wxHtmlHelpData* data = NULL) { Init(data); } wxHtmlHelpFrame(wxWindow* parent, int wxWindowID, const wxString& title = wxEmptyString, int style = wxHF_DEFAULTSTYLE, wxHtmlHelpData* data = NULL); bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title = wxEmptyString, int style = wxHF_DEFAULTSTYLE); ~wxHtmlHelpFrame(); wxHtmlHelpData* GetData() { return m_Data; } void SetTitleFormat(const wxString& format); // Sets format of title of the frame. Must contain exactly one "%s" // (for title of displayed HTML page) bool Display(const wxString& x); // Displays page x. If not found it will offect the user a choice of // searching books. // Looking for the page runs in these steps: // 1. try to locate file named x (if x is for example "doc/howto.htm") // 2. try to open starting page of book x // 3. try to find x in contents (if x is for example "How To ...") // 4. try to find x in index (if x is for example "How To ...") bool Display(const int id); // Alternative version that works with numeric ID. // (uses extension to MS format, , see docs) bool DisplayContents(); // Displays help window and focuses contents. bool DisplayIndex(); // Displays help window and focuses index. bool KeywordSearch(const wxString& keyword); // Searches for keyword. Returns TRUE and display page if found, return // FALSE otherwise // Syntax of keyword is Altavista-like: // * words are separated by spaces // (but "\"hello world\"" is only one world "hello world") // * word may be pretended by + or - // (+ : page must contain the word ; - : page can't contain the word) // * if there is no + or - before the word, + is default void UseConfig(wxConfigBase *config, const wxString& rootpath = wxEmptyString) { m_Config = config; m_ConfigRoot = rootpath; ReadCustomization(config, rootpath); } void ReadCustomization(wxConfigBase *cfg, const wxString& path = wxEmptyString); // saves custom settings into cfg config. it will use the path 'path' // if given, otherwise it will save info into currently selected path. // saved values : things set by SetFonts, SetBorders. void WriteCustomization(wxConfigBase *cfg, const wxString& path = wxEmptyString); // ... void NotifyPageChanged(); // call this to let wxHtmlHelpFrame know page changed protected: void Init(wxHtmlHelpData* data = NULL); void RefreshLists(); // Refreshes Contents and Index tabs void CreateContents(); // Adds items to m_Contents tree control void CreateIndex(); // Adds items to m_IndexList void CreateSearch(); // Add books to search choice panel virtual void AddToolbarButtons(wxToolBar *toolBar, int style); // Add custom buttons to toolbar virtual void OptionsDialog(); // Displays options dialog (fonts etc.) void OnToolbar(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnContentsSel(wxTreeEvent& event); void OnIndexSel(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnIndexFind(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnIndexAll(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSearchSel(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSearch(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnBookmarksSel(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event); // Images: enum { IMG_Book = 0, IMG_Folder, IMG_Page, IMG_RootFolder }; protected: wxHtmlHelpData* m_Data; bool m_DataCreated; // m_Data created by frame, or supplied? wxString m_TitleFormat; // title of the help frame // below are various pointers to GUI components wxHtmlWindow *m_HtmlWin; wxSplitterWindow *m_Splitter; wxNotebook *m_NavigPan; wxTreeCtrl *m_ContentsBox; wxImageList *m_ContentsImageList; wxTextCtrl *m_IndexText; wxButton *m_IndexButton; wxButton *m_IndexButtonAll; wxListBox *m_IndexList; wxTextCtrl *m_SearchText; wxButton *m_SearchButton; wxListBox *m_SearchList; wxChoice *m_SearchChoice; wxStaticText *m_IndexCountInfo; wxCheckBox *m_SearchCaseSensitive; wxCheckBox *m_SearchWholeWords; wxComboBox *m_Bookmarks; wxArrayString m_BookmarksNames, m_BookmarksPages; wxHtmlHelpFrameCfg m_Cfg; wxConfigBase *m_Config; wxString m_ConfigRoot; // pagenumbers of controls in notebook (usually 0,1,2) int m_ContentsPage; int m_IndexPage; int m_SearchPage; // lists of available fonts (used in options dialog) wxArrayString *m_NormalFonts, *m_FixedFonts; int m_FontSize; // 0,1,2 = small,medium,big wxString m_NormalFace, m_FixedFace; bool m_UpdateContents; #if wxUSE_PRINTING_ARCHITECTURE wxHtmlEasyPrinting *m_Printer; #endif wxHashTable *m_PagesHash; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; #endif // wxUSE_HTML #endif