""" sorry no documentation... Christopher J. Fama """ from wxPython.wx import * from wxPython.html import * class wxPyClickableHtmlWindow(wxHtmlWindow): """ Class for a wxHtmlWindow which responds to clicks on links by opening a browser pointed at that link, and to shift-clicks by copying the link to the clipboard. """ def __init__(self,parent,ID,**kw): apply(wxHtmlWindow.__init__,(self,parent,ID),kw) def OnLinkClicked(self,link): self.link = wxTextDataObject(link.GetHref()) if link.GetEvent().ShiftDown(): if wxTheClipboard.Open(): wxTheClipboard.SetData(self.link) wxTheClipboard.Close() else: dlg = wxMessageDialog(self,"Couldn't open clipboard!\n",wxOK) wxBell() dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() else: if 0: # Chris's original code... if sys.platform not in ["windows",'nt'] : #TODO: A MORE APPROPRIATE COMMAND LINE FOR Linux #[or rather, non-Windows platforms... as of writing, #this MEANS Linux, until wxPython for wxMac comes along...] command = "/usr/bin/netscape" else: command = "start" command = "%s \"%s\"" % (command, self.link.GetText ()) os.system (command) else: # My alternative import webbrowser webbrowser.open(link.GetHref())