/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: dbtest.cpp // Purpose: wxWindows database demo app // Author: George Tasker // Modified by: // Created: 1998 // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) 1998 Remstar International, Inc. // Licence: wxWindows licence /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * SYNOPSIS START This sample program demonstrates the cross-platform ODBC database classes donated by the development team at Remstar International. The table this sample is based on is developer contact table, and shows some of the simple uses of the database classes wxDB and wxTable. * SYNOPSIS END */ #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation "dbtest.h" #endif #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif //__BORLANDC__ #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include #endif //WX_PRECOMP #ifdef __WXGTK__ #include "db.xpm" #endif #include /* Included strictly for reading the text file with the database parameters */ #include /* Required in the file which will get the data source connection */ #include /* Has the wxTable object from which all data objects will inherit their data table functionality */ extern DbList* WXDLLEXPORT PtrBegDbList; /* from db.cpp, used in getting back error results from db connections */ #include "dbtest.h" /* Header file for this demonstration program */ #include "listdb.h" /* Code to support the "Lookup" button on the editor dialog */ IMPLEMENT_APP(DatabaseDemoApp) extern char ListDB_Selection[]; /* Used to return the first column value for the selected line from the listDB routines */ extern char ListDB_Selection2[]; /* Used to return the second column value for the selected line from the listDB routines */ DatabaseDemoFrame *DemoFrame; /* Pointer to the main frame */ /* Pointer to the main database connection used in the program. This * pointer would normally be used for doing things as database lookups * for user login names and passwords, getting workstation settings, etc. * ---> IMPORTANT <--- * * For each database object created which uses this wxDB pointer * connection to the database, when a CommitTrans() or RollBackTrans() * will commit or rollback EVERY object which uses this wxDB pointer. * * To allow each table object (those derived from wxTable) to be * individually committed or rolled back, you MUST use a different * instance of wxDB in the constructor of the table. Doing so creates * more overhead, and will use more database connections (some DBs have * connection limits...), so use connections sparringly. * * It is recommended that one "main" database connection be created for * the entire program to use for READ-ONLY database accesses, but for each * table object which will do a CommitTrans() or RollbackTrans() that a * new wxDB object be created and used for it. */ wxDB *READONLY_DB; /* * This function will return the exact string(s) from the database engine * indicating all error conditions which have just occured during the * last call to the database engine. * * This demo uses the returned string by displaying it in a wxMessageBox. The * formatting therefore is not the greatest, but this is just a demo, not a * finished product. :-) gt * * NOTE: The value returned by this function is for temporary use only and * should be copied for long term use */ char *GetExtendedDBErrorMsg(char *ErrFile, int ErrLine) { static wxString msg; wxString tStr; if (ErrFile || ErrLine) { msg += "File: "; msg += ErrFile; msg += " Line: "; tStr.Printf("%d",ErrLine); msg += tStr.GetData(); msg += "\n"; } msg.Append ("\nODBC errors:\n"); msg += "\n"; /* Scan through each database connection displaying * any ODBC errors that have occured. */ for (DbList *pDbList = PtrBegDbList; pDbList; pDbList = pDbList->PtrNext) { // Skip over any free connections if (pDbList->Free) continue; // Display errors for this connection for (int i = 0; i < DB_MAX_ERROR_HISTORY; i++) { if (pDbList->PtrDb->errorList[i]) { msg.Append(pDbList->PtrDb->errorList[i]); if (strcmp(pDbList->PtrDb->errorList[i],"") != 0) msg.Append("\n"); } } } msg += "\n"; return (char*) (const char*) msg; } // GetExtendedDBErrorMsg bool DatabaseDemoApp::OnInit() { // Create the main frame window DemoFrame = new DatabaseDemoFrame(NULL, "wxWindows Database Demo", wxPoint(50, 50), wxSize(537, 480)); // Give it an icon DemoFrame->SetIcon(wxICON(db)); // Make a menubar wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu; file_menu->Append(FILE_CREATE, "&Create contact table"); file_menu->Append(FILE_EXIT, "E&xit"); wxMenu *edit_menu = new wxMenu; edit_menu->Append(EDIT_PARAMETERS, "&Parameters..."); wxMenu *about_menu = new wxMenu; about_menu->Append(ABOUT_DEMO, "&About"); wxMenuBar *menu_bar = new wxMenuBar; menu_bar->Append(file_menu, "&File"); menu_bar->Append(edit_menu, "&Edit"); menu_bar->Append(about_menu, "&About"); DemoFrame->SetMenuBar(menu_bar); // Initialize the ODBC Environment for Database Operations if (SQLAllocEnv(&DbConnectInf.Henv) != SQL_SUCCESS) { wxMessageBox("A problem occured while trying to get a connection to the data source","DB CONNECTION ERROR",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return NULL; } params.ODBCSource[0] = 0; params.UserName[0] = 0; params.Password[0] = 0; params.DirPath[0] = 0; FILE *paramFile; if ((paramFile = fopen(paramFilename, "r")) == NULL) { wxString tStr; tStr.Printf("Unable to open the parameter file '%s' for reading.\n\nYou must specify the data source, user name, and\npassword that will be used and save those settings.",paramFilename); wxMessageBox(tStr,"File I/O Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); DemoFrame->BuildParameterDialog(NULL); if ((paramFile = fopen(paramFilename, "r")) == NULL) return FALSE; } char buffer[1000+1]; fgets(buffer, sizeof(params.ODBCSource), paramFile); buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] = '\0'; strcpy(params.ODBCSource,buffer); fgets(buffer, sizeof(params.UserName), paramFile); buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] = '\0'; strcpy(params.UserName,buffer); fgets(buffer, sizeof(params.Password), paramFile); buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] = '\0'; strcpy(params.Password,buffer); fgets(buffer, sizeof(params.DirPath), paramFile); buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] = '\0'; strcpy(params.DirPath,buffer); fclose(paramFile); // Connect to datasource strcpy(DbConnectInf.Dsn, params.ODBCSource); // ODBC data source name (created with ODBC Administrator under Win95/NT) strcpy(DbConnectInf.Uid, params.UserName); // database username - must already exist in the data source strcpy(DbConnectInf.AuthStr, params.Password); // password database username strcpy(DbConnectInf.defaultDir,params.DirPath); // path where the table exists (needed for dBase) READONLY_DB = GetDbConnection(&DbConnectInf); if (READONLY_DB == 0) { wxMessageBox("Unable to connect to the data source.\n\nCheck the name of your data source to verify it has been correctly entered/spelled.\n\nWith some databases, the user name and password must\nbe created with full rights to the CONTACT table prior to making a connection\n(using tools provided by the database manufacturer)", "DB CONNECTION ERROR...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); DemoFrame->BuildParameterDialog(NULL); strcpy(DbConnectInf.Dsn, ""); strcpy(DbConnectInf.Uid, ""); strcpy(DbConnectInf.AuthStr, ""); wxMessageBox("Now exiting program.\n\nRestart program to try any new settings.","Notice...",wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); return(FALSE); } DemoFrame->BuildEditorDialog(); // Show the frame DemoFrame->Show(TRUE); return TRUE; } // DatabaseDemoApp::OnInit() BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(DatabaseDemoFrame, wxFrame) EVT_MENU(FILE_CREATE, DatabaseDemoFrame::OnCreate) EVT_MENU(FILE_EXIT, DatabaseDemoFrame::OnExit) EVT_MENU(EDIT_PARAMETERS, DatabaseDemoFrame::OnEditParameters) EVT_MENU(ABOUT_DEMO, DatabaseDemoFrame::OnAbout) EVT_CLOSE(DatabaseDemoFrame::OnCloseWindow) END_EVENT_TABLE() // DatabaseDemoFrame constructor DatabaseDemoFrame::DatabaseDemoFrame(wxFrame *frame, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size): wxFrame(frame, -1, title, pos, size) { // Put any code in necessary for initializing the main frame here } void DatabaseDemoFrame::OnCreate(wxCommandEvent& event) { CreateDataTable(); } void DatabaseDemoFrame::OnExit(wxCommandEvent& event) { this->Destroy(); } void DatabaseDemoFrame::OnEditParameters(wxCommandEvent& event) { if ((pEditorDlg->mode != mCreate) && (pEditorDlg->mode != mEdit)) BuildParameterDialog(this); else wxMessageBox("Cannot change database parameters while creating or editing a record","Notice...",wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); } void DatabaseDemoFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxMessageBox("wxWindows sample program for database classes\n\nContributed on 27 July 1998","About...",wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); } void DatabaseDemoFrame::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event) { // Put any additional checking necessary to make certain it is alright // to close the program here that is not done elsewhere this->Destroy(); } // DatabaseDemoFrame::OnCloseWindow() void DatabaseDemoFrame::CreateDataTable() { bool Ok = (wxMessageBox("Any data currently residing in the table will be erased.\n\nAre you sure?","Confirm",wxYES_NO|wxICON_QUESTION) == wxYES); if (!Ok) return; wxBeginBusyCursor(); bool success = TRUE; Ccontact *Contact = new Ccontact(); if (!Contact) { wxEndBusyCursor(); wxMessageBox("Error allocating memory for 'Ccontact'object.\n\nTable was not created.","Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return; } if (!Contact->CreateTable(FALSE)) { wxEndBusyCursor(); wxString tStr; tStr = "Error creating CONTACTS table.\nTable was not created.\n\n"; tStr += GetExtendedDBErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__); wxMessageBox(tStr,"ODBC Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); success = FALSE; } else { if (!Contact->CreateIndexes()) { wxEndBusyCursor(); wxString tStr; tStr = "Error creating CONTACTS indexes.\nIndexes will be unavailable.\n\n"; tStr += GetExtendedDBErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__); wxMessageBox(tStr,"ODBC Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); success = FALSE; } } while (wxIsBusy()) wxEndBusyCursor(); delete Contact; if (success) wxMessageBox("Table and index(es) were successfully created.","Notice...",wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); } // DatabaseDemoFrame::CreateDataTable() void DatabaseDemoFrame::BuildEditorDialog() { pEditorDlg = new CeditorDlg(this); if (!pEditorDlg) wxMessageBox("Unable to create the editor dialog for some reason","Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); } // DatabaseDemoFrame::BuildEditorDialog() void DatabaseDemoFrame::BuildParameterDialog(wxWindow *parent) { pParamDlg = new CparameterDlg(parent); if (!pParamDlg) wxMessageBox("Unable to create the parameter dialog for some reason","Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); } // DatabaseDemoFrame::BuildParameterDialog() /* * Constructor note: If no wxDB object is passed in, a new connection to the database * is created for this instance of Ccontact. This can be a slow process depending * on the database engine being used, and some database engines have a limit on the * number of connections (either hard limits, or license restricted) so care should * be used to use as few connections as is necessary. * IMPORTANT: Objects which share a wxDB pointer are ALL acted upon whenever a member * function of pDb is called (i.e. CommitTrans() or RollbackTrans(), so if modifying * or creating a table objects which use the same pDb, know that all the objects * will be committed or rolled back when any of the objects has this function call made. */ Ccontact::Ccontact (wxDB *pwxDB) : wxTable(pwxDB ? pwxDB : GetDbConnection(&DbConnectInf),CONTACT_TABLE_NAME,CONTACT_NO_COLS,NULL,!QUERY_ONLY,DbConnectInf.defaultDir) { // This is used to represent whether the database connection should be released // when this instance of the object is deleted. If using the same connection // for multiple instance of database objects, then the connection should only be // released when the last database instance using the connection is deleted freeDbConn = !pwxDB; SetupColumns(); } // Ccontact Constructor void Ccontact::Initialize() { Name[0] = 0; Addr1[0] = 0; Addr2[0] = 0; City[0] = 0; State[0] = 0; PostalCode[0] = 0; Country[0] = 0; JoinDate.year = 1980; JoinDate.month = 1; JoinDate.day = 1; JoinDate.hour = 0; JoinDate.minute = 0; JoinDate.second = 0; JoinDate.fraction = 0; NativeLanguage = langENGLISH; IsDeveloper = FALSE; Contributions = 0; LinesOfCode = 0L; } // Ccontact::Initialize Ccontact::~Ccontact() { if (freeDbConn) { if (!FreeDbConnection(pDb)) { wxString tStr; tStr = "Unable to Free the Ccontact data table handle\n\n"; tStr += GetExtendedDBErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__); wxMessageBox(tStr,"ODBC Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); } } } // Ccontract destructor /* * Handles setting up all the connections for the interface from the wxTable * functions to interface to the data structure used to store records in * memory, and for all the column definitions that define the table structure */ void Ccontact::SetupColumns() { // NOTE: Columns now are 8 character names, as that is all dBase can support. Longer // names can be used for other database engines SetColDefs ( 0,"NAME", DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, Name, SQL_C_CHAR, sizeof(Name), TRUE, TRUE); // Primary index SetColDefs ( 1,"ADDRESS1", DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, Addr1, SQL_C_CHAR, sizeof(Addr1), FALSE,TRUE); SetColDefs ( 2,"ADDRESS2", DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, Addr2, SQL_C_CHAR, sizeof(Addr2), FALSE,TRUE); SetColDefs ( 3,"CITY", DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, City, SQL_C_CHAR, sizeof(City), FALSE,TRUE); SetColDefs ( 4,"STATE", DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, State, SQL_C_CHAR, sizeof(State), FALSE,TRUE); SetColDefs ( 5,"POSTCODE", DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, PostalCode, SQL_C_CHAR, sizeof(PostalCode), FALSE,TRUE); SetColDefs ( 6,"COUNTRY", DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, Country, SQL_C_CHAR, sizeof(Country), FALSE,TRUE); SetColDefs ( 7,"JOINDATE", DB_DATA_TYPE_DATE, &JoinDate, SQL_C_TIMESTAMP, sizeof(JoinDate), FALSE,TRUE); SetColDefs ( 8,"IS_DEV", DB_DATA_TYPE_INTEGER, &IsDeveloper, SQL_C_BOOLEAN(IsDeveloper),sizeof(IsDeveloper), FALSE,TRUE); SetColDefs ( 9,"CONTRIBS", DB_DATA_TYPE_INTEGER, &Contributions, SQL_C_USHORT, sizeof(Contributions), FALSE,TRUE); SetColDefs (10,"LINE_CNT", DB_DATA_TYPE_INTEGER, &LinesOfCode, SQL_C_ULONG, sizeof(LinesOfCode), FALSE,TRUE); SetColDefs (11,"LANGUAGE", DB_DATA_TYPE_INTEGER, &NativeLanguage, SQL_C_ENUM, sizeof(NativeLanguage), FALSE,TRUE); } // Ccontact::SetupColumns bool Ccontact::CreateIndexes(void) { // This index could easily be accomplished with an "orderBy" clause, // but is done to show how to construct a non-primary index. wxString indexName; CidxDef idxDef[2]; bool Ok = TRUE; strcpy(idxDef[0].ColName, "IS_DEV"); idxDef[0].Ascending = TRUE; strcpy(idxDef[1].ColName, "NAME"); idxDef[1].Ascending = TRUE; indexName = CONTACT_TABLE_NAME; indexName += "_IDX1"; Ok = CreateIndex((char*) (const char*) indexName, TRUE, 2, idxDef); return Ok; } // Ccontact::CreateIndexes() /* * Having a function to do a query on the primary key (and possibly others) is * very efficient and tighter coding so that it is available where ever the object * is. Great for use with multiple tables when not using views or outer joins */ bool Ccontact::FetchByName(char *name) { whereStr.Printf("NAME = '%s'",name); where = (char*) (const char*) this->whereStr; orderBy = 0; if (!Query()) return(FALSE); // Fetch the record return(GetNext()); } // Ccontact::FetchByName() /* * * ************* DIALOGS *************** * */ /* CeditorDlg constructor * * Creates the dialog used for creating/editing/deleting/copying a Ccontact object. * This dialog actually is drawn in the main frame of the program * * An instance of Ccontact is created - "Contact" - which is used to hold the Ccontact * object that is currently being worked with. */ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CeditorDlg, wxPanel) EVT_BUTTON(-1, CeditorDlg::OnButton) END_EVENT_TABLE() CeditorDlg::CeditorDlg(wxWindow *parent) : wxPanel (parent, 1, 1, 460, 455) { // Since the ::OnCommand() function is overridden, this prevents the widget // detection in ::OnCommand() until all widgets have been initialized to prevent // uninitialized pointers from crashing the program widgetPtrsSet = FALSE; // Create the data structure and a new database connection. // (As there is not a pDb being passed in the constructor, a new database // connection is created) Contact = new Ccontact(); if (!Contact) { wxMessageBox("Unable to instantiate an instance of Ccontact","Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return; } // Check if the table exists or not. If it doesn't, ask the user if they want to // create the table. Continue trying to create the table until it exists, or user aborts while (!Contact->pDb->TableExists((char *)CONTACT_TABLE_NAME,DbConnectInf.Uid,DbConnectInf.defaultDir)) { wxString tStr; tStr.Printf("Unable to open the table '%s'.\n\nTable may need to be created...?\n\n",CONTACT_TABLE_NAME); tStr += GetExtendedDBErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__); wxMessageBox(tStr,"ODBC Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); bool createTable = (wxMessageBox("Do you wish to try to create/clear the CONTACTS table?","Confirm",wxYES_NO|wxICON_QUESTION) == wxYES); if (!createTable) { delete Contact; Close(); DemoFrame->Close(); return; } else DemoFrame->CreateDataTable(); } // Tables must be "opened" before anything other than creating/deleting table can be done if (!Contact->Open()) { // Table does exist, there was some problem opening it. Currently this should // never fail, except in the case of the table not exisiting. Open() basically // only sets up variable/pointer values, other than checking for table existence. if (Contact->pDb->TableExists((char *)CONTACT_TABLE_NAME)) { wxString tStr; tStr.Printf("Unable to open the table '%s'.\n\n",CONTACT_TABLE_NAME); tStr += GetExtendedDBErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__); wxMessageBox(tStr,"ODBC Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); delete Contact; Close(); DemoFrame->Close(); return; } } // Build the dialog (void)new wxStaticBox(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_FN_GROUP, "", wxPoint(15, 1), wxSize(497, 69), 0, "FunctionGrp"); (void)new wxStaticBox(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_SEARCH_GROUP, "", wxPoint(417, 1), wxSize(95, 242), 0, "SearchGrp"); pCreateBtn = new wxButton(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_CREATE, "&Create", wxPoint(25, 21), wxSize(70, 35), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "CreateBtn"); pEditBtn = new wxButton(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_EDIT, "&Edit", wxPoint(102, 21), wxSize(70, 35), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "EditBtn"); pDeleteBtn = new wxButton(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_DELETE, "&Delete", wxPoint(179, 21), wxSize(70, 35), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "DeleteBtn"); pCopyBtn = new wxButton(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_COPY, "Cop&y", wxPoint(256, 21), wxSize(70, 35), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "CopyBtn"); pSaveBtn = new wxButton(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_SAVE, "&Save", wxPoint(333, 21), wxSize(70, 35), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "SaveBtn"); pCancelBtn = new wxButton(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_CANCEL, "C&ancel", wxPoint(430, 21), wxSize(70, 35), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "CancelBtn"); pPrevBtn = new wxButton(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_PREV, "<< &Prev", wxPoint(430, 81), wxSize(70, 35), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "PrevBtn"); pNextBtn = new wxButton(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_NEXT, "&Next >>", wxPoint(430, 121), wxSize(70, 35), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "NextBtn"); pQueryBtn = new wxButton(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_QUERY, "&Query", wxPoint(430, 161), wxSize(70, 35), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "QueryBtn"); pResetBtn = new wxButton(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_RESET, "&Reset", wxPoint(430, 200), wxSize(70, 35), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "ResetBtn"); pNameMsg = new wxStaticText(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_NAME_MSG, "Name:", wxPoint(17, 80), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "NameMsg"); pNameTxt = new wxTextCtrl(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_NAME_TEXT, "", wxPoint(17, 97), wxSize(308, 25), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "NameTxt"); pNameListBtn = new wxButton(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_LOOKUP, "&Lookup", wxPoint(333, 99), wxSize(70, 24), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "LookupBtn"); pAddress1Msg = new wxStaticText(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_ADDRESS1_MSG, "Address:", wxPoint(17, 130), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "Address1Msg"); pAddress1Txt = new wxTextCtrl(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_ADDRESS2_TEXT, "", wxPoint(17, 147), wxSize(308, 25), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "Address1Txt"); pAddress2Msg = new wxStaticText(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_ADDRESS2_MSG, "Address:", wxPoint(17, 180), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "Address2Msg"); pAddress2Txt = new wxTextCtrl(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_ADDRESS2_TEXT, "", wxPoint(17, 197), wxSize(308, 25), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "Address2Txt"); pCityMsg = new wxStaticText(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_CITY_MSG, "City:", wxPoint(17, 230), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "CityMsg"); pCityTxt = new wxTextCtrl(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_CITY_TEXT, "", wxPoint(17, 247), wxSize(225, 25), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "CityTxt"); pStateMsg = new wxStaticText(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_STATE_MSG, "State:", wxPoint(250, 230), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "StateMsg"); pStateTxt = new wxTextCtrl(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_STATE_TEXT, "", wxPoint(250, 247), wxSize(153, 25), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "StateTxt"); pCountryMsg = new wxStaticText(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_COUNTRY_MSG, "Country:", wxPoint(17, 280), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "CountryMsg"); pCountryTxt = new wxTextCtrl(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_COUNTRY_TEXT, "", wxPoint(17, 297), wxSize(225, 25), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "CountryTxt"); pPostalCodeMsg = new wxStaticText(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_POSTAL_MSG, "Postal Code:", wxPoint(250, 280), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "PostalCodeMsg"); pPostalCodeTxt = new wxTextCtrl(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_POSTAL_TEXT, "", wxPoint(250, 297), wxSize(153, 25), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "PostalCodeTxt"); wxString choice_strings[5]; choice_strings[0] = "English"; choice_strings[1] = "French"; choice_strings[2] = "German"; choice_strings[3] = "Spanish"; choice_strings[4] = "Other"; pNativeLangChoice = new wxChoice(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_LANG_CHOICE, wxPoint(17, 346), wxSize(277, -1), 5, choice_strings); pNativeLangMsg = new wxStaticText(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_LANG_MSG, "Native language:", wxPoint(17, 330), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "NativeLangMsg"); wxString radio_strings[2]; radio_strings[0] = "No"; radio_strings[1] = "Yes"; pDeveloperRadio = new wxRadioBox(this,EDITOR_DIALOG_DEVELOPER,"Developer:",wxPoint(303,330),wxSize(-1,-1),2,radio_strings,2,wxHORIZONTAL); pJoinDateMsg = new wxStaticText(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_JOIN_MSG, "Date joined:", wxPoint(17, 380), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "JoinDateMsg"); pJoinDateTxt = new wxTextCtrl(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_JOIN_TEXT, "", wxPoint(17, 397), wxSize(150, 25), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "JoinDateTxt"); pContribMsg = new wxStaticText(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_CONTRIB_MSG, "Contributions:", wxPoint(175, 380), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "ContribMsg"); pContribTxt = new wxTextCtrl(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_CONTRIB_TEXT, "", wxPoint(175, 397), wxSize(120, 25), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "ContribTxt"); pLinesMsg = new wxStaticText(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_LINES_MSG, "Lines of code:", wxPoint(303, 380), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "LinesMsg"); pLinesTxt = new wxTextCtrl(this, EDITOR_DIALOG_LINES_TEXT, "", wxPoint(303, 397), wxSize(100, 25), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "LinesTxt"); // Now that all the widgets on the panel are created, its safe to allow ::OnCommand() to // handle all widget processing widgetPtrsSet = TRUE; // Setup the orderBy and where clauses to return back a single record as the result set, // as there will only be one record being shown on the dialog at a time, this optimizes // network traffic by only returning a one row result Contact->orderBy = "NAME"; // field name to sort by // The wxString "whereStr" is not a member of the wxTable object, it is a member variable // specifically in the Ccontact class. It is used here for simpler construction of a varying // length string, and then after the string is built, the wxTable member variable "where" is // assigned the pointer to the constructed string. // // The constructed where clause below has a sub-query within it "SELECT MIN(NAME) FROM %s" // to achieve a single row (in this case the first name in alphabetical order). // commented out because PostgreSQL can't do this if (Contact->pDb->Dbms() != dbmsPOSTGRES) { Contact->whereStr.sprintf("NAME = (SELECT MIN(NAME) FROM %s)",Contact->tableName); // NOTE: (const char*) returns a pointer which may not be valid later, so this is short term use only Contact->where = (char*) (const char*) Contact->whereStr; } else Contact->where = 0; // Perform the Query to get the result set. // NOTE: If there are no rows returned, that is a valid result, so Query() would return TRUE. // Only if there is a database error will Query() come back as FALSE if (!Contact->Query()) { wxString tStr; tStr = "ODBC error during Query()\n\n"; tStr += GetExtendedDBErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__); wxMessageBox(tStr,"ODBC Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); GetParent()->Close(); return; } // Since Query succeeded, now get the row that was returned if (!Contact->GetNext()) // If the GetNext() failed at this point, then there are no rows to retrieve, // so clear the values in the members of "Contact" so that PutData() blanks the // widgets on the dialog Contact->Initialize(); SetMode(mView); PutData(); Show(TRUE); } // CeditorDlg constructor void CeditorDlg::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event) { // Clean up time if ((mode != mCreate) && (mode != mEdit)) { if (Contact) delete Contact; this->Destroy(); } else { wxMessageBox("Must finish processing the current record being created/modified before exiting","Notice...",wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); event.Veto(); } } // CeditorDlg::OnCloseWindow() void CeditorDlg::OnButton( wxCommandEvent &event ) { wxWindow *win = (wxWindow*) event.GetEventObject(); OnCommand( *win, event ); } void CeditorDlg::OnCommand(wxWindow& win, wxCommandEvent& event) { wxString widgetName; widgetName = win.GetName(); if (!widgetPtrsSet) return; if (widgetName == pCreateBtn->GetName()) { Contact->Initialize(); PutData(); SetMode( mCreate ); pNameTxt->SetValue(""); pNameTxt->SetFocus(); return; } if (widgetName == pEditBtn->GetName()) { saveName = Contact->Name; SetMode( mEdit ); pNameTxt->SetFocus(); return; } if (widgetName == pCopyBtn->GetName()) { SetMode(mCreate); pNameTxt->SetValue(""); pNameTxt->SetFocus(); return; } if (widgetName == pDeleteBtn->GetName()) { bool Ok = (wxMessageBox("Are you sure?","Confirm",wxYES_NO|wxICON_QUESTION) == wxYES); if (!Ok) return; if (Ok && Contact->Delete()) { // NOTE: Deletions are not finalized until a CommitTrans() is performed. // If the commit were not performed, the program will continue to // show the table contents as if they were deleted until this instance // of Ccontact is deleted. If the Commit wasn't performed, the // database will automatically Rollback the changes when the database // connection is terminated Contact->pDb->CommitTrans(); // Try to get the row that followed the just deleted row in the orderBy sequence if (!GetNextRec()) { // There was now row (in sequence) after the just deleted row, so get the // row which preceded the just deleted row if (!GetPrevRec()) { // There are now no rows remaining, so clear the dialog widgets Contact->Initialize(); PutData(); } } SetMode(mode); // force reset of button enable/disable } else // Delete failed Contact->pDb->RollbackTrans(); SetMode(mView); return; } if (widgetName == pSaveBtn->GetName()) { Save(); return; } if (widgetName == pCancelBtn->GetName()) { bool Ok = (wxMessageBox("Are you sure?","Confirm",wxYES_NO|wxICON_QUESTION) == wxYES); if (!Ok) return; if (!strcmp((const char*) saveName,"")) { Contact->Initialize(); PutData(); SetMode(mView); return; } else { // Requery previous record if (Contact->FetchByName((char*) (const char*) saveName)) { PutData(); SetMode(mView); return; } } // Previous record not available, retrieve first record in table if (Contact->pDb->Dbms() != dbmsPOSTGRES) { // PostgreSQL can't do this Contact->whereStr = "NAME = (SELECT MIN(NAME) FROM "; Contact->whereStr += Contact->tableName; Contact->whereStr += ")"; Contact->where = (char*) (const char*) Contact->whereStr; } else Contact->where = 0; if (!Contact->Query()) { wxString tStr; tStr = "ODBC error during Query()\n\n"; tStr += GetExtendedDBErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__); wxMessageBox(tStr,"ODBC Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); SetMode(mView); return; } if (Contact->GetNext()) // Successfully read first record { PutData(); SetMode(mView); return; } // No contacts are available, clear dialog Contact->Initialize(); PutData(); SetMode(mView); return; } // Cancel Button if (widgetName == pPrevBtn->GetName()) { if (!GetPrevRec()) wxBell(); return; } // Prev Button if (widgetName == pNextBtn->GetName()) { if (!GetNextRec()) wxBell(); return; } // Next Button if (widgetName == pQueryBtn->GetName()) { // Display the query dialog box char qryWhere[DB_MAX_WHERE_CLAUSE_LEN+1]; strcpy(qryWhere, (const char*) Contact->qryWhereStr); char *tblName[] = {(char *)CONTACT_TABLE_NAME, 0}; new CqueryDlg(GetParent(), Contact->pDb, tblName, qryWhere); // Query the first record in the new record set and // display it, if the query string has changed. if (strcmp(qryWhere, (const char*) Contact->qryWhereStr)) { // commented out because PostgreSQL can't do this Contact->whereStr = ""; //Contact->orderBy = "NAME"; //Contact->whereStr = "NAME = (SELECT MIN(NAME) FROM "; //Contact->whereStr += CONTACT_TABLE_NAME; // Append the query where string (if there is one) Contact->qryWhereStr = qryWhere; if (strlen(qryWhere)) { Contact->whereStr += " WHERE "; Contact->whereStr += Contact->qryWhereStr; } // Close the expression with a right paren // Contact->whereStr += ")"; // Requery the table Contact->where = (char*) (const char*) Contact->whereStr; if (!Contact->Query()) { wxString tStr; tStr = "ODBC error during Query()\n\n"; tStr += GetExtendedDBErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__); wxMessageBox(tStr,"ODBC Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return; } // Display the first record from the query set if (!Contact->GetNext()) Contact->Initialize(); PutData(); } // Enable/Disable the reset button pResetBtn->Enable(!Contact->qryWhereStr.IsEmpty()); return; } // Query button if (widgetName == pResetBtn->GetName()) { // Clear the additional where criteria established by the query feature Contact->qryWhereStr = ""; // Query the first record in the table Contact->orderBy = "NAME"; // commented out because PostgreSQL can't do this //Contact->whereStr = "NAME = (SELECT MIN(NAME) FROM "; //Contact->whereStr += CONTACT_TABLE_NAME; //Contact->whereStr += ")"; Contact->where = (char*) (const char*) Contact->whereStr; if (!Contact->Query()) { wxString tStr; tStr = "ODBC error during Query()\n\n"; tStr += GetExtendedDBErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__); wxMessageBox(tStr,"ODBC Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return; } if (!Contact->GetNext()) Contact->Initialize(); PutData(); pResetBtn->Enable(FALSE); return; } // Reset button if (widgetName == pNameListBtn->GetName()) { new ClookUpDlg(/* wxWindow *parent */ this, /* char *windowTitle */ "Select contact name", /* char *tableName */ (char *) CONTACT_TABLE_NAME, /* char *dispCol1 */ "NAME", /* char *dispCol2 */ "JOINDATE", /* char *where */ "", /* char *orderBy */ "NAME", /* bool distinctValues */ TRUE); if (ListDB_Selection && strlen(ListDB_Selection)) { wxString w = "NAME = '"; w += ListDB_Selection; w += "'"; GetRec((char*) (const char*) w); } return; } } // CeditorDlg::OnCommand() void CeditorDlg::FieldsEditable() { pNameTxt->Enable((mode == mCreate) || (mode == mEdit)); pAddress1Txt->Enable((mode == mCreate) || (mode == mEdit)); pAddress2Txt->Enable((mode == mCreate) || (mode == mEdit)); pCityTxt->Enable((mode == mCreate) || (mode == mEdit)); pStateTxt->Enable((mode == mCreate) || (mode == mEdit)); pPostalCodeTxt->Enable((mode == mCreate) || (mode == mEdit)); pCountryTxt->Enable((mode == mCreate) || (mode == mEdit)); pJoinDateTxt->Enable((mode == mCreate) || (mode == mEdit)); pContribTxt->Enable((mode == mCreate) || (mode == mEdit)); pLinesTxt->Enable((mode == mCreate) || (mode == mEdit)); pNativeLangChoice->Enable((mode == mCreate) || (mode == mEdit)); pDeveloperRadio->Enable((mode == mCreate) || (mode == mEdit)); } // CeditorDlg::FieldsEditable() void CeditorDlg::SetMode(enum DialogModes m) { bool edit = FALSE; mode = m; switch (mode) { case mCreate: case mEdit: edit = TRUE; break; case mView: case mSearch: edit = FALSE; break; default: break; }; if (widgetPtrsSet) { pCreateBtn->Enable( !edit ); pEditBtn->Enable( !edit && (strcmp(Contact->Name,"")!=0) ); pDeleteBtn->Enable( !edit && (strcmp(Contact->Name,"")!=0) ); pCopyBtn->Enable( !edit && (strcmp(Contact->Name,"")!=0) ); pSaveBtn->Enable( edit ); pCancelBtn->Enable( edit ); pPrevBtn->Enable( !edit ); pNextBtn->Enable( !edit ); pQueryBtn->Enable( !edit ); pResetBtn->Enable( !edit && !Contact->qryWhereStr.IsEmpty() ); pNameListBtn->Enable( !edit ); } FieldsEditable(); } // CeditorDlg::SetMode() bool CeditorDlg::PutData() { wxString tStr; pNameTxt->SetValue(Contact->Name); pAddress1Txt->SetValue(Contact->Addr1); pAddress2Txt->SetValue(Contact->Addr2); pCityTxt->SetValue(Contact->City); pStateTxt->SetValue(Contact->State); pCountryTxt->SetValue(Contact->Country); pPostalCodeTxt->SetValue(Contact->PostalCode); tStr.Printf("%d/%d/%d",Contact->JoinDate.month,Contact->JoinDate.day,Contact->JoinDate.year); pJoinDateTxt->SetValue(tStr); tStr.Printf("%d",Contact->Contributions); pContribTxt->SetValue(tStr); tStr.Printf("%lu",Contact->LinesOfCode); pLinesTxt->SetValue(tStr); pNativeLangChoice->SetSelection(Contact->NativeLanguage); pDeveloperRadio->SetSelection(Contact->IsDeveloper); return TRUE; } // Ceditor::PutData() /* * Reads the data out of all the widgets on the dialog. Some data evaluation is done * to ensure that there is a name entered and that the date field is valid. * * A return value of TRUE means that valid data was retrieved from the dialog, otherwise * invalid data was found (and a message was displayed telling the user what to fix), and * the data was not placed into the appropraite fields of Ccontact */ bool CeditorDlg::GetData() { // Validate that the data currently entered into the widgets is valid data wxString tStr; tStr = pNameTxt->GetValue(); if (!strcmp((const char*) tStr,"")) { wxMessageBox("A name is required for entry into the contact table","Notice...",wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); return FALSE; } bool invalid = FALSE; int mm,dd,yyyy; int first, second; tStr = pJoinDateTxt->GetValue(); if (tStr.Freq('/') != 2) invalid = TRUE; // Find the month, day, and year tokens if (!invalid) { first = tStr.First('/'); second = tStr.Last('/'); mm = atoi(tStr.SubString(0,first)); dd = atoi(tStr.SubString(first+1,second)); yyyy = atoi(tStr.SubString(second+1,tStr.Length()-1)); invalid = !(mm && dd && yyyy); } // Force Year 2000 compliance if (!invalid && (yyyy < 1000)) invalid = TRUE; // Check the token ranges for validity if (!invalid) { if (yyyy > 9999) invalid = TRUE; else if ((mm < 1) || (mm > 12)) invalid = TRUE; else { if (dd < 1) invalid = TRUE; else { int days[12] = {31,28,31,30,31,30, 31,31,30,31,30,31}; if (dd > days[mm-1]) { invalid = TRUE; if ((dd == 29) && (mm == 2)) { if (((yyyy % 4) == 0) && (((yyyy % 100) != 0) || ((yyyy % 400) == 0))) invalid = FALSE; } } } } } if (!invalid) { Contact->JoinDate.month = mm; Contact->JoinDate.day = dd; Contact->JoinDate.year = yyyy; } else { wxMessageBox("Improper date format. Please check the date\nspecified and try again.\n\nNOTE: Dates are in american format (MM/DD/YYYY)","Notice...",wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); return FALSE; } tStr = pNameTxt->GetValue(); strcpy(Contact->Name,(const char*) tStr); strcpy(Contact->Addr1,pAddress1Txt->GetValue()); strcpy(Contact->Addr2,pAddress2Txt->GetValue()); strcpy(Contact->City,pCityTxt->GetValue()); strcpy(Contact->State,pStateTxt->GetValue()); strcpy(Contact->Country,pCountryTxt->GetValue()); strcpy(Contact->PostalCode,pPostalCodeTxt->GetValue()); Contact->Contributions = atoi(pContribTxt->GetValue()); Contact->LinesOfCode = atol(pLinesTxt->GetValue()); Contact->NativeLanguage = (enum Language) pNativeLangChoice->GetSelection(); Contact->IsDeveloper = pDeveloperRadio->GetSelection() > 0; return TRUE; } // CeditorDlg::GetData() /* * Retrieve data from the dialog, verify the validity of the data, and if it is valid, * try to insert/update the data to the table based on the current 'mode' the dialog * is set to. * * A return value of TRUE means the insert/update was completed successfully, a return * value of FALSE means that Save() failed. If returning FALSE, then this function * has displayed a detailed error message for the user. */ bool CeditorDlg::Save() { bool failed = FALSE; // Read the data in the widgets of the dialog to get the user's data if (!GetData()) failed = TRUE; // Perform any other required validations necessary before saving if (!failed) { wxBeginBusyCursor(); if (mode == mCreate) { RETCODE result = Contact->Insert(); failed = (result != DB_SUCCESS); if (failed) { // Some errors may be expected, like a duplicate key, so handle those instances with // specific error messages. if (result == DB_ERR_INTEGRITY_CONSTRAINT_VIOL) { wxString tStr; tStr = "A duplicate key value already exists in the table.\nUnable to save record\n\n"; tStr += GetExtendedDBErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__); wxMessageBox(tStr,"ODBC Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); } else { // Some other unexpexted error occurred wxString tStr; tStr = "Database insert failed\n\n"; tStr += GetExtendedDBErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__); wxMessageBox(tStr,"ODBC Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); } } } else // mode == mEdit { if (!Contact->Update()) { wxString tStr; tStr = "Database update failed\n\n"; tStr += GetExtendedDBErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__); wxMessageBox(tStr,"ODBC Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); failed = TRUE; } } if (!failed) { Contact->pDb->CommitTrans(); SetMode(mView); // Sets the dialog mode back to viewing after save is successful } else Contact->pDb->RollbackTrans(); wxEndBusyCursor(); } return !failed; } // CeditorDlg::Save() /* * Where this program is only showing a single row at a time in the dialog, * a special where clause must be built to find just the single row which, * in sequence, would follow the currently displayed row. */ bool CeditorDlg::GetNextRec() { wxString w; if (Contact->pDb->Dbms() != dbmsPOSTGRES) { // PostgreSQL can't do this w = "NAME = (SELECT MIN(NAME) FROM "; w += Contact->tableName; w += " WHERE NAME > '"; } else w = "(NAME > '"; w += Contact->Name; w += "'"; // If a query where string is currently set, append that criteria if (!Contact->qryWhereStr.IsEmpty()) { w += " AND ("; w += Contact->qryWhereStr; w += ")"; } w += ")"; return(GetRec((char*) (const char*) w)); } // CeditorDlg::GetNextRec() /* * Where this program is only showing a single row at a time in the dialog, * a special where clause must be built to find just the single row which, * in sequence, would precede the currently displayed row. */ bool CeditorDlg::GetPrevRec() { wxString w; if (Contact->pDb->Dbms() != dbmsPOSTGRES) { // PostgreSQL can't do this w = "NAME = (SELECT MAX(NAME) FROM "; w += Contact->tableName; w += " WHERE NAME < '"; } else w = "(NAME < '"; w += Contact->Name; w += "'"; // If a query where string is currently set, append that criteria if (!Contact->qryWhereStr.IsEmpty()) { w += " AND ("; w += Contact->qryWhereStr; w += ")"; } w += ")"; return(GetRec((char*) (const char*)w)); } // CeditorDlg::GetPrevRec() /* * This function is here to avoid duplicating this same code in both the * GetPrevRec() and GetNextRec() functions */ bool CeditorDlg::GetRec(char *whereStr) { Contact->where = whereStr; Contact->orderBy = "NAME"; if (!Contact->Query()) { wxString tStr; tStr = "ODBC error during Query()\n\n"; tStr += GetExtendedDBErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__); wxMessageBox(tStr,"ODBC Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return(FALSE); } if (Contact->GetNext()) { PutData(); return(TRUE); } else return(FALSE); } // CeditorDlg::GetRec() /* * CparameterDlg constructor */ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CparameterDlg, wxDialog) EVT_BUTTON(PARAMETER_DIALOG_SAVE, CparameterDlg::OnButton) EVT_BUTTON(PARAMETER_DIALOG_CANCEL, CparameterDlg::OnButton) EVT_CLOSE(CparameterDlg::OnCloseWindow) END_EVENT_TABLE() CparameterDlg::CparameterDlg(wxWindow *parent) : wxDialog (parent, PARAMETER_DIALOG, "ODBC parameter settings", wxPoint(-1, -1), wxSize(400, 325)) { // Since the ::OnCommand() function is overridden, this prevents the widget // detection in ::OnCommand() until all widgets have been initialized to prevent // uninitialized pointers from crashing the program widgetPtrsSet = FALSE; pParamODBCSourceMsg = new wxStaticText(this, PARAMETER_DIALOG_SOURCE_MSG, "ODBC data sources:", wxPoint(10, 10), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "ParamODBCSourceMsg"); pParamODBCSourceList = new wxListBox(this, PARAMETER_DIALOG_SOURCE_LISTBOX, wxPoint(10, 29), wxSize(285, 150), 0, 0, wxLB_SINGLE|wxLB_ALWAYS_SB, wxDefaultValidator, "ParamODBCSourceList"); pParamUserNameMsg = new wxStaticText(this, PARAMETER_DIALOG_NAME_MSG, "Database user name:", wxPoint(10, 193), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "ParamUserNameMsg"); pParamUserNameTxt = new wxTextCtrl(this, PARAMETER_DIALOG_NAME_TEXT, "", wxPoint(10, 209), wxSize(140, 25), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "ParamUserNameTxt"); pParamPasswordMsg = new wxStaticText(this, PARAMETER_DIALOG_PASSWORD_MSG, "Password:", wxPoint(156, 193), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "ParamPasswordMsg"); pParamPasswordTxt = new wxTextCtrl(this, PARAMETER_DIALOG_PASSWORD_TEXT, "", wxPoint(156, 209), wxSize(140, 25), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "ParamPasswordTxt"); pParamDirPathMsg = new wxStaticText(this, PARAMETER_DIALOG_DIRPATH_MSG, "Directory:", wxPoint(10, 243), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "ParamDirPathMsg"); pParamDirPathTxt = new wxTextCtrl(this, PARAMETER_DIALOG_DIRPATH_TEXT, "", wxPoint(10, 259), wxSize(140, 25), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "ParamDirPathTxt"); pParamSaveBtn = new wxButton(this, PARAMETER_DIALOG_SAVE, "&Save", wxPoint(310, 21), wxSize(70, 35), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "ParamSaveBtn"); pParamCancelBtn = new wxButton(this, PARAMETER_DIALOG_CANCEL, "C&ancel", wxPoint(310, 66), wxSize(70, 35), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "ParamCancelBtn"); // Now that all the widgets on the panel are created, its safe to allow ::OnCommand() to // handle all widget processing widgetPtrsSet = TRUE; saved = FALSE; savedParamSettings = wxGetApp().params; Centre(wxBOTH); PutData(); ShowModal(); } // CparameterDlg constructor void CparameterDlg::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event) { // Put any additional checking necessary to make certain it is alright // to close the program here that is not done elsewhere if (!saved) { bool Ok = (wxMessageBox("No changes have been saved.\n\nAre you sure you wish exit the parameter screen?","Confirm",wxYES_NO|wxICON_QUESTION) == wxYES); if (!Ok) { event.Veto(); return; } wxGetApp().params = savedParamSettings; } if (GetParent() != NULL) GetParent()->SetFocus(); this->Destroy(); } // Cparameter::OnCloseWindow() void CparameterDlg::OnButton( wxCommandEvent &event ) { wxWindow *win = (wxWindow*) event.GetEventObject(); OnCommand( *win, event ); } void CparameterDlg::OnCommand(wxWindow& win, wxCommandEvent& event) { wxString widgetName; widgetName = win.GetName(); if (!widgetPtrsSet) return; if (widgetName == pParamSaveBtn->GetName()) { if (Save()) { wxString tStr; tStr = "Database parameters have been saved."; if (GetParent() != NULL) // The parameter dialog was not called during startup due to a missing cfg file tStr += "\nNew parameters will take effect the next time the program is started."; wxMessageBox(tStr,"Notice...",wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); saved = TRUE; Close(); } return; } if (widgetName == pParamCancelBtn->GetName()) { Close(); return; } } // CparameterDlg::OnCommand() bool CparameterDlg::PutData() { // Fill the data source list box FillDataSourceList(); // Fill in the fields from the params object if (wxGetApp().params.ODBCSource && wxStrlen(wxGetApp().params.ODBCSource)) pParamODBCSourceList->SetStringSelection(wxGetApp().params.ODBCSource); pParamUserNameTxt->SetValue(wxGetApp().params.UserName); pParamPasswordTxt->SetValue(wxGetApp().params.Password); pParamDirPathTxt->SetValue(wxGetApp().params.DirPath); return TRUE; } // CparameterDlg::PutData() bool CparameterDlg::GetData() { wxString tStr; if (pParamODBCSourceList->GetStringSelection()) { tStr = pParamODBCSourceList->GetStringSelection(); if (tStr.Length() > (sizeof(wxGetApp().params.ODBCSource)-1)) { wxString errmsg; errmsg.Printf("ODBC Data source name is longer than the data structure to hold it.\n'Cparameter.ODBCSource' must have a larger character array\nto handle a data source with this long of a name\n\nThe data source currently selected is %d characters long.",tStr.Length()); wxMessageBox(errmsg,"Internal program error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return FALSE; } strcpy(wxGetApp().params.ODBCSource, tStr); } else return FALSE; tStr = pParamUserNameTxt->GetValue(); if (tStr.Length() > (sizeof(wxGetApp().params.UserName)-1)) { wxString errmsg; errmsg.Printf("User name is longer than the data structure to hold it.\n'Cparameter.UserName' must have a larger character array\nto handle a data source with this long of a name\n\nThe user name currently specified is %d characters long.",tStr.Length()); wxMessageBox(errmsg,"Internal program error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return FALSE; } strcpy(wxGetApp().params.UserName, tStr); tStr = pParamPasswordTxt->GetValue(); if (tStr.Length() > (sizeof(wxGetApp().params.Password)-1)) { wxString errmsg; errmsg.Printf("Password is longer than the data structure to hold it.\n'Cparameter.Password' must have a larger character array\nto handle a data source with this long of a name\n\nThe password currently specified is %d characters long.",tStr.Length()); wxMessageBox(errmsg,"Internal program error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return FALSE; } strcpy(wxGetApp().params.Password,tStr); tStr = pParamDirPathTxt->GetValue(); tStr.Replace("\\","/"); if (tStr.Length() > (sizeof(wxGetApp().params.DirPath)-1)) { wxString errmsg; errmsg.Printf("DirPath is longer than the data structure to hold it.\n'Cparameter.DirPath' must have a larger character array\nto handle a data source with this long of a name\n\nThe password currently specified is %d characters long.",tStr.Length()); wxMessageBox(errmsg,"Internal program error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return FALSE; } strcpy(wxGetApp().params.DirPath,tStr); return TRUE; } // CparameterDlg::GetData() bool CparameterDlg::Save() { Cparameters saveParams = wxGetApp().params; if (!GetData()) { wxGetApp().params = saveParams; return FALSE; } FILE *paramFile; if ((paramFile = fopen(paramFilename, "wt")) == NULL) { wxString tStr; tStr.Printf("Unable to write/overwrite '%s'.",paramFilename); wxMessageBox(tStr,"File I/O Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return FALSE; } fputs(wxGetApp().params.ODBCSource, paramFile); fputc('\n', paramFile); fputs(wxGetApp().params.UserName, paramFile); fputc('\n', paramFile); fputs(wxGetApp().params.Password, paramFile); fputc('\n', paramFile); fputs(wxGetApp().params.DirPath, paramFile); fputc('\n', paramFile); fclose(paramFile); return TRUE; } // CparameterDlg::Save() void CparameterDlg::FillDataSourceList() { char Dsn[SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH + 1]; char DsDesc[255]; wxStringList strList; while(GetDataSource(DbConnectInf.Henv, Dsn, SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH+1, DsDesc, 255)) strList.Add(Dsn); strList.Sort(); strList.Add(""); char **p = strList.ListToArray(); for (int i = 0; strlen(p[i]); i++) pParamODBCSourceList->Append(p[i]); } // CparameterDlg::CparameterDlg::FillDataSourceList() BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CqueryDlg, wxDialog) EVT_BUTTON(-1, CqueryDlg::OnButton) EVT_CLOSE(CqueryDlg::OnCloseWindow) END_EVENT_TABLE() // CqueryDlg() constructor CqueryDlg::CqueryDlg(wxWindow *parent, wxDB *pDb, char *tblName[], char *pWhereArg) : wxDialog (parent, QUERY_DIALOG, "Query", wxPoint(-1, -1), wxSize(480, 360)) { wxBeginBusyCursor(); colInf = 0; dbTable = 0; masterTableName = tblName[0]; widgetPtrsSet = FALSE; pDB = pDb; // Initialize the WHERE clause from the string passed in pWhere = pWhereArg; // Save a pointer to the output buffer if (strlen(pWhere) > DB_MAX_WHERE_CLAUSE_LEN) // Check the length of the buffer passed in { wxString s; s.Printf("Maximum where clause length exceeded.\nLength must be less than %d", DB_MAX_WHERE_CLAUSE_LEN+1); wxMessageBox(s,"Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); Close(); return; } pQueryCol1Msg = new wxStaticText(this, QUERY_DIALOG_COL_MSG, "Column 1:", wxPoint(10, 10), wxSize(69, 16), 0, "QueryCol1Msg"); pQueryCol1Choice = new wxChoice(this, QUERY_DIALOG_COL_CHOICE, wxPoint(10, 27), wxSize(250, 27), 0, 0, 0, wxDefaultValidator, "QueryCol1Choice"); pQueryNotMsg = new wxStaticText(this, QUERY_DIALOG_NOT_MSG, "NOT", wxPoint(268, 10), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "QueryNotMsg"); pQueryNotCheck = new wxCheckBox(this, QUERY_DIALOG_NOT_CHECKBOX, "", wxPoint(275, 37), wxSize(20, 20), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "QueryNotCheck"); wxString choice_strings[9]; choice_strings[0] = "="; choice_strings[1] = "<"; choice_strings[2] = ">"; choice_strings[3] = "<="; choice_strings[4] = ">="; choice_strings[5] = "Begins"; choice_strings[6] = "Contains"; choice_strings[7] = "Like"; choice_strings[8] = "Between"; pQueryOperatorMsg = new wxStaticText(this, QUERY_DIALOG_OP_MSG, "Operator:", wxPoint(305, 10), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "QueryOperatorMsg"); pQueryOperatorChoice = new wxChoice(this, QUERY_DIALOG_OP_CHOICE, wxPoint(305, 27), wxSize(80, 27), 9, choice_strings, 0, wxDefaultValidator, "QueryOperatorChoice"); pQueryCol2Msg = new wxStaticText(this, QUERY_DIALOG_COL2_MSG, "Column 2:", wxPoint(10, 65), wxSize(69, 16), 0, "QueryCol2Msg"); pQueryCol2Choice = new wxChoice(this, QUERY_DIALOG_COL2_CHOICE, wxPoint(10, 82), wxSize(250, 27), 0, 0, 0, wxDefaultValidator, "QueryCol2Choice"); pQuerySqlWhereMsg = new wxStaticText(this, QUERY_DIALOG_WHERE_MSG, "SQL where clause:", wxPoint(10, 141), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "QuerySqlWhereMsg"); pQuerySqlWhereMtxt = new wxTextCtrl(this, QUERY_DIALOG_WHERE_TEXT, "", wxPoint(10, 159), wxSize(377, 134), wxTE_MULTILINE, wxDefaultValidator, "QuerySqlWhereMtxt"); pQueryAddBtn = new wxButton(this, QUERY_DIALOG_ADD, "&Add", wxPoint(406, 24), wxSize(56, 26), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "QueryAddBtn"); pQueryAndBtn = new wxButton(this, QUERY_DIALOG_AND, "A&nd", wxPoint(406, 58), wxSize(56, 26), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "QueryAndBtn"); pQueryOrBtn = new wxButton(this, QUERY_DIALOG_OR, "&Or", wxPoint(406, 92), wxSize(56, 26), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "QueryOrBtn"); pQueryLParenBtn = new wxButton(this, QUERY_DIALOG_LPAREN, "(", wxPoint(406, 126), wxSize(26, 26), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "QueryLParenBtn"); pQueryRParenBtn = new wxButton(this, QUERY_DIALOG_RPAREN, ")", wxPoint(436, 126), wxSize(26, 26), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "QueryRParenBtn"); pQueryDoneBtn = new wxButton(this, QUERY_DIALOG_DONE, "&Done", wxPoint(406, 185), wxSize(56, 26), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "QueryDoneBtn"); pQueryClearBtn = new wxButton(this, QUERY_DIALOG_CLEAR, "C&lear", wxPoint(406, 218), wxSize(56, 26), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "QueryClearBtn"); pQueryCountBtn = new wxButton(this, QUERY_DIALOG_COUNT, "&Count", wxPoint(406, 252), wxSize(56, 26), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "QueryCountBtn"); pQueryValue1Msg = new wxStaticText(this, QUERY_DIALOG_VALUE1_MSG, "Value:", wxPoint(277, 66), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "QueryValue1Msg"); pQueryValue1Txt = new wxTextCtrl(this, QUERY_DIALOG_VALUE1_TEXT, "", wxPoint(277, 83), wxSize(108, 25), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "QueryValue1Txt"); pQueryValue2Msg = new wxStaticText(this, QUERY_DIALOG_VALUE2_MSG, "AND", wxPoint(238, 126), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "QueryValue2Msg"); pQueryValue2Txt = new wxTextCtrl(this, QUERY_DIALOG_VALUE2_TEXT, "", wxPoint(277, 120), wxSize(108, 25), 0, wxDefaultValidator, "QueryValue2Txt"); pQueryHintGrp = new wxStaticBox(this, QUERY_DIALOG_HINT_GROUP, "", wxPoint(10, 291), wxSize(377, 40), 0, "QueryHintGrp"); pQueryHintMsg = new wxStaticText(this, QUERY_DIALOG_HINT_MSG, "", wxPoint(16, 306), wxSize(-1, -1), 0, "QueryHintMsg"); widgetPtrsSet = TRUE; // Initialize the dialog wxString qualName; pQueryCol2Choice->Append("VALUE -->"); colInf = pDB->GetColumns(tblName); if (!colInf) { wxEndBusyCursor(); wxString tStr; tStr = "ODBC error during GetColumns()\n\n"; tStr += GetExtendedDBErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__); wxMessageBox(tStr,"ODBC Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return; } for (int i = 0; colInf[i].colName && strlen(colInf[i].colName); i++) { // If there is more than one table being queried, qualify // the column names with the table name prefix. if (tblName[1] && strlen(tblName[1])) { qualName.Printf("%s.%s", colInf[i].tableName, colInf[i].colName); pQueryCol1Choice->Append(qualName); pQueryCol2Choice->Append(qualName); } else // Single table query, append just the column names { pQueryCol1Choice->Append(colInf[i].colName); pQueryCol2Choice->Append(colInf[i].colName); } } pQueryCol1Choice->SetSelection(0); pQueryCol2Choice->SetSelection(0); pQueryOperatorChoice->SetSelection(0); pQueryValue2Msg->Show(FALSE); pQueryValue2Txt->Show(FALSE); pQueryHintMsg->SetLabel(langQRY_EQ); pQuerySqlWhereMtxt->SetValue(pWhere); wxEndBusyCursor(); // Display the dialog window Centre(wxBOTH); ShowModal(); } // CqueryDlg() constructor void CqueryDlg::OnButton( wxCommandEvent &event ) { wxWindow *win = (wxWindow*) event.GetEventObject(); OnCommand( *win, event ); } void CqueryDlg::OnCommand(wxWindow& win, wxCommandEvent& event) { // Widget pointers won't be set when the dialog is constructed. // Control is passed through this function once for each widget on // a dialog as the dialog is constructed. if (!widgetPtrsSet) return; wxString widgetName = win.GetName(); // Operator choice box if (widgetName == pQueryOperatorChoice->GetName()) { // Set the help text switch((qryOp) pQueryOperatorChoice->GetSelection()) { case qryOpEQ: pQueryHintMsg->SetLabel(langQRY_EQ); break; case qryOpLT: pQueryHintMsg->SetLabel(langQRY_LT); break; case qryOpGT: pQueryHintMsg->SetLabel(langQRY_GT); break; case qryOpLE: pQueryHintMsg->SetLabel(langQRY_LE); break; case qryOpGE: pQueryHintMsg->SetLabel(langQRY_GE); break; case qryOpBEGINS: pQueryHintMsg->SetLabel(langQRY_BEGINS); break; case qryOpCONTAINS: pQueryHintMsg->SetLabel(langQRY_CONTAINS); break; case qryOpLIKE: pQueryHintMsg->SetLabel(langQRY_LIKE); break; case qryOpBETWEEN: pQueryHintMsg->SetLabel(langQRY_BETWEEN); break; } // Hide the value2 widget pQueryValue2Msg->Show(FALSE); // BETWEEN will show this widget pQueryValue2Txt->Show(FALSE); // BETWEEN will show this widget // Disable the NOT operator for <, <=, >, >= switch((qryOp) pQueryOperatorChoice->GetSelection()) { case qryOpLT: case qryOpGT: case qryOpLE: case qryOpGE: pQueryNotCheck->SetValue(0); pQueryNotCheck->Enable(FALSE); break; default: pQueryNotCheck->Enable(TRUE); break; } // Manipulate the dialog to handle the selected operator switch((qryOp) pQueryOperatorChoice->GetSelection()) { case qryOpEQ: case qryOpLT: case qryOpGT: case qryOpLE: case qryOpGE: pQueryCol2Choice->Enable(TRUE); if (pQueryCol2Choice->GetSelection()) // Column name is highlighted { pQueryValue1Msg->Show(FALSE); pQueryValue1Txt->Show(FALSE); } else // "Value" is highlighted { pQueryValue1Msg->Show(TRUE); pQueryValue1Txt->Show(TRUE); pQueryValue1Txt->SetFocus(); } break; case qryOpBEGINS: case qryOpCONTAINS: case qryOpLIKE: pQueryCol2Choice->SetSelection(0); pQueryCol2Choice->Enable(FALSE); pQueryValue1Msg->Show(TRUE); pQueryValue1Txt->Show(TRUE); pQueryValue1Txt->SetFocus(); break; case qryOpBETWEEN: pQueryCol2Choice->SetSelection(0); pQueryCol2Choice->Enable(FALSE); pQueryValue2Msg->Show(TRUE); pQueryValue2Txt->Show(TRUE); pQueryValue1Msg->Show(TRUE); pQueryValue1Txt->Show(TRUE); pQueryValue1Txt->SetFocus(); break; } return; } // Operator choice box // Column 2 choice if (widgetName == pQueryCol2Choice->GetName()) { if (pQueryCol2Choice->GetSelection()) // Column name is highlighted { pQueryValue1Msg->Show(FALSE); pQueryValue1Txt->Show(FALSE); } else // "Value" is highlighted { pQueryValue1Msg->Show(TRUE); pQueryValue1Txt->Show(TRUE); pQueryValue1Txt->SetFocus(); } return; } // Column 2 choice // Add button if (widgetName == pQueryAddBtn->GetName()) { ProcessAddBtn(); return; } // Add button // And button if (widgetName == pQueryAndBtn->GetName()) { AppendToWhere(" AND\n"); return; } // And button // Or button if (widgetName == pQueryOrBtn->GetName()) { AppendToWhere(" OR\n"); return; } // Or button // Left Paren button if (widgetName == pQueryLParenBtn->GetName()) { AppendToWhere("("); return; } // Left Paren button // Right paren button if (widgetName == pQueryRParenBtn->GetName()) { AppendToWhere(")"); return; } // Right Paren button // Done button if (widgetName == pQueryDoneBtn->GetName()) { // Be sure the where clause will not overflow the output buffer if (strlen(pQuerySqlWhereMtxt->GetValue()) > DB_MAX_WHERE_CLAUSE_LEN) { wxString s; s.Printf("Maximum where clause length exceeded.\nLength must be less than %d", DB_MAX_WHERE_CLAUSE_LEN+1); wxMessageBox(s,"Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return; } // Validate the where clause for things such as matching parens if (!ValidateWhereClause()) return; // Copy the where clause to the output buffer and exit strcpy(pWhere, pQuerySqlWhereMtxt->GetValue()); Close(); return; } // Done button // Clear button if (widgetName == pQueryClearBtn->GetName()) { bool Ok = (wxMessageBox("Are you sure you wish to clear the Query?","Confirm",wxYES_NO|wxICON_QUESTION) == wxYES); if (Ok) pQuerySqlWhereMtxt->SetValue(""); return; } // Clear button // Count button if (widgetName == pQueryCountBtn->GetName()) { wxBeginBusyCursor(); ProcessCountBtn(); wxEndBusyCursor(); return; } // Count button } // CqueryDlg::OnCommand void CqueryDlg::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event) { // Clean up if (colInf) { delete [] colInf; colInf = 0; } if (dbTable) { delete dbTable; dbTable = 0; } GetParent()->SetFocus(); while (wxIsBusy()) wxEndBusyCursor(); this->Destroy(); } // CqueryDlg::OnCloseWindow() /* bool CqueryDlg::SetWidgetPtrs() { bool abort = FALSE; abort = abort || !(pQueryCol1Choice = (wxChoice *)GetWidgetPtr("QueryCol1Choice",this)); abort = abort || !(pQueryNotCheck = (wxCheckBox *)GetWidgetPtr("QueryNotCheck",this)); abort = abort || !(pQueryOperatorChoice = (wxChoice *)GetWidgetPtr("QueryOperatorChoice",this)); abort = abort || !(pQueryCol2Choice = (wxChoice *)GetWidgetPtr("QueryCol2Choice",this)); abort = abort || !(pQueryValue1Txt = (wxTextCtrl *)GetWidgetPtr("QueryValue1Txt",this)); abort = abort || !(pQueryValue2Txt = (wxTextCtrl *)GetWidgetPtr("QueryValue2Txt",this)); abort = abort || !(pQuerySqlWhereMtxt = (wxMultiText *)GetWidgetPtr("QuerySqlWhereMtxt",this)); abort = abort || !(pQueryAddBtn = (wxButton *)GetWidgetPtr("QueryAddBtn",this)); abort = abort || !(pQueryAndBtn = (wxButton *)GetWidgetPtr("QueryAndBtn",this)); abort = abort || !(pQueryOrBtn = (wxButton *)GetWidgetPtr("QueryOrBtn",this)); abort = abort || !(pQueryLParenBtn = (wxButton *)GetWidgetPtr("QueryLParenBtn",this)); abort = abort || !(pQueryRParenBtn = (wxButton *)GetWidgetPtr("QueryRParenBtn",this)); abort = abort || !(pQueryDoneBtn = (wxButton *)GetWidgetPtr("QueryDoneBtn",this)); abort = abort || !(pQueryClearBtn = (wxButton *)GetWidgetPtr("QueryClearBtn",this)); abort = abort || !(pQueryCountBtn = (wxButton *)GetWidgetPtr("QueryCountBtn",this)); abort = abort || !(pQueryHelpBtn = (wxButton *)GetWidgetPtr("QueryHelpBtn",this)); abort = abort || !(pQueryHintMsg = (wxStaticText *)GetWidgetPtr("QueryHintMsg",this)); pFocusTxt = NULL; return(widgetPtrsSet = !abort); } // CqueryDlg::SetWidgetPtrs */ void CqueryDlg::AppendToWhere(char *s) { wxString whereStr = pQuerySqlWhereMtxt->GetValue(); whereStr += s; pQuerySqlWhereMtxt->SetValue(whereStr); } // CqueryDlg::AppendToWhere() void CqueryDlg::ProcessAddBtn() { qryOp oper = (qryOp) pQueryOperatorChoice->GetSelection(); // Verify that eveything is filled in correctly if (pQueryCol2Choice->GetSelection() == 0) // "Value" is selected { // Verify that value 1 is filled in if (strlen(pQueryValue1Txt->GetValue()) == 0) { wxBell(); pQueryValue1Txt->SetFocus(); return; } // For the BETWEEN operator, value 2 must be filled in as well if (oper == qryOpBETWEEN && strlen(pQueryValue2Txt->GetValue()) == 0) { wxBell(); pQueryValue2Txt->SetFocus(); return; } } // Build the expression and append it to the where clause window wxString s = pQueryCol1Choice->GetStringSelection(); if (pQueryNotCheck->GetValue() && (oper != qryOpEQ)) s += " NOT"; switch(oper) { case qryOpEQ: if (pQueryNotCheck->GetValue()) // NOT box is checked s += " <>"; else s += " ="; break; case qryOpLT: s += " <"; break; case qryOpGT: s += " >"; break; case qryOpLE: s += " <="; break; case qryOpGE: s += " >="; break; case qryOpBEGINS: case qryOpCONTAINS: case qryOpLIKE: s += " LIKE"; break; case qryOpBETWEEN: s += " BETWEEN"; break; } s += " "; int col1Idx = pQueryCol1Choice->GetSelection(); bool quote = FALSE; if (colInf[col1Idx].sqlDataType == SQL_VARCHAR || oper == qryOpBEGINS || oper == qryOpCONTAINS || oper == qryOpLIKE) quote = TRUE; if (pQueryCol2Choice->GetSelection()) // Column name s += pQueryCol2Choice->GetStringSelection(); else // Column 2 is a "value" { if (quote) s += "'"; if (oper == qryOpCONTAINS) s += "%"; s += pQueryValue1Txt->GetValue(); if (oper == qryOpCONTAINS || oper == qryOpBEGINS) s += "%"; if (quote) s += "'"; } if (oper == qryOpBETWEEN) { s += " AND "; if (quote) s += "'"; s += pQueryValue2Txt->GetValue(); if (quote) s += "'"; } AppendToWhere((char*) (const char*) s); } // CqueryDlg::ProcessAddBtn() void CqueryDlg::ProcessCountBtn() { if (!ValidateWhereClause()) return; if (dbTable == 0) // wxTable object needs to be created and opened { if (!(dbTable = new wxTable(pDB, masterTableName, 0, NULL, !QUERY_ONLY, DbConnectInf.defaultDir))) { wxMessageBox("Memory allocation failed creating a wxTable object.","Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return; } if (!dbTable->Open()) { wxString tStr; tStr = "ODBC error during Open()\n\n"; tStr += GetExtendedDBErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__); wxMessageBox(tStr,"ODBC Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return; } } // Count() with WHERE clause dbTable->where = (char*) (const char*) pQuerySqlWhereMtxt->GetValue(); ULONG whereCnt = dbTable->Count(); // Count() of all records in the table dbTable->where = 0; ULONG totalCnt = dbTable->Count(); if (whereCnt > 0 || totalCnt == 0) { wxString tStr; tStr.Printf("%lu of %lu records match the query criteria.",whereCnt,totalCnt); wxMessageBox(tStr,"Notice...",wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); } else { wxString tStr; tStr.Printf("%lu of %lu records match the query criteria.\n\nEither the criteria entered produced a result set\nwith no records, or there was a syntactical error\nin the clause you entered.\n\nPress the details button to see if any database errors were reported.",whereCnt,totalCnt); wxMessageBox(tStr,"Notice...",wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); } // After a wxMessageBox, the focus does not necessarily return to the // window which was the focus when the message box popped up, so return // focus to the Query dialog for certain SetFocus(); } // CqueryDlg::ProcessCountBtn() bool CqueryDlg::ValidateWhereClause() { wxString where = pQuerySqlWhereMtxt->GetValue(); if (where.Freq('(') != where.Freq(')')) { wxMessageBox("There are mismatched parenthesis in the constructed where clause","Error...",wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return(FALSE); } // After a wxMessageBox, the focus does not necessarily return to the // window which was the focus when the message box popped up, so return // focus to the Query dialog for certain SetFocus(); return(TRUE); } // CqueryDlg::ValidateWhereClause()