import wx #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TestPanel(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, parent, log): self.log = log wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1) b = wx.Button(self, -1, "Create and Show a MessageDialog", (50,50)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton, b) def OnButton(self, evt): dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Hello from Python and wxPython!', 'A Message Box', wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION #wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.CANCEL | wx.ICON_INFORMATION ) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def runTest(frame, nb, log): win = TestPanel(nb, log) return win #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- overview = """\


This class represents a dialog that shows a single or multi-line message, with a choice of OK, Yes, No and Cancel buttons. Additionally, various style flags can determine whether an icon is displayed, and, if so, what kind. The return value of ShowModal indicates which button was pressed. """ if __name__ == '__main__': import sys,os import run run.main(['', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])] + sys.argv[1:])