\section{\class{wxClipboard}}\label{wxclipboard} There is one wxClipboard object referenced by the pointer wxTheClipboard, initialized by calling \helpref{wxInitClipboard}{wxinitclipboard}. Under X, clipboard manipulation must be done by using this class, and such code will work under MS Windows also. Under MS Windows, you have the alternative of using the normal clipboard functions. The documentation for this class will be expanded in due course. At present, wxClipboard is only used in the wxMediaWindow add-on library. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxClipboardClient}{wxclipboardclient}, \helpref{wxInitClipboard}{wxinitclipboard}. \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxClipboard::GetClipboardClient} \func{wxClipboardClient *}{GetClipboardClient}{\void} Get the clipboard client directly. Will be NULL if clipboard data is a string, or if some other application owns the clipboard. This can be useful for shortcutting data translation, if the clipboard user can check for a specific client. \membersection{wxClipboard::GetClipboardData} \func{char*}{GetClipboardData}{\param{const wxString\& }{format}, \param{long *}{length}, \param{long}{ time}} Get data from the clipboard. \membersection{wxClipboard::GetClipboardString} \func{wxString}{GetClipboardString}{\param{long}{ time}} Get the data from the clipboard in the format ``TEXT". \membersection{wxClipboard::SetClipboardClient} \func{void}{SetClipboardClient}{\param{wxClipboardClient *}{client}, \param{long}{ time}} Set the clipboard data owner. \membersection{wxClipboard::SetClipboardString} \func{void}{SetClipboardString}{\param{const wxString\& }{data}, \param{long}{ time}} Set the clipboard string; does not require a client. \section{\class{wxClipboardClient}}\label{wxclipboardclient} Implemented under X and MS Windows, a clipboard client holds data belonging to the clipboard. For plain text, a client is not necessary. wxClipboardClient is an abstract class for which the virtual functions BeingReplaced and GetData must be overridden. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxClipboard}{wxclipboard}, \helpref{wxInitClipboard}{wxinitclipboard}. \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxClipboardClient::formats} \member{wxStringList}{formats} This list should be filled in with strings indicating the formats this client can provide. Almost all clients will provide``TEXT". Format names should be 4 characters long, so things will work out on the Macintosh. \membersection{wxClipboardClient::BeingReplaced} \func{void}{BeingReplaced}{\void} This method is called when the client is losing the selection. \membersection{wxClipboardClient::GetData} \func{char*}{GetData}{\param{const wxString\& }{format}, \param{long *}{size}} This method is called when someone wants the data this client is supplying to the clipboard. {\it format} is a string indicating the format of the data - one of the strings from the ``formats" list. {\it size} should be filled with the size of the resulting data. In the case of text, {\it size} does not count the NULL terminator.