///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: toolbar.cpp // Purpose: wxToolBar sample // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: // Created: 04/01/98 // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ============================================================================ // declarations // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h". #include #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include #endif #include #include #include #include // define this to 1 to use wxToolBarSimple instead of the native one #define USE_GENERIC_TBAR 0 // define this to use XPMs everywhere (by default, BMPs are used under Win) #ifdef __WXMSW__ #define USE_XPM_BITMAPS 0 #else #define USE_XPM_BITMAPS 1 #endif #if USE_GENERIC_TBAR #if !wxUSE_TOOLBAR_SIMPLE #error wxToolBarSimple is not compiled in, set wxUSE_TOOLBAR_SIMPLE \ to 1 in setup.h and recompile the library. #else #include #endif #endif // USE_GENERIC_TBAR #if USE_XPM_BITMAPS && defined(__WXMSW__) && !wxUSE_XPM_IN_MSW #error You need to enable XPM support to use XPM bitmaps with toolbar! #endif // USE_XPM_BITMAPS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // resources // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if USE_XPM_BITMAPS #include "mondrian.xpm" #include "bitmaps/new.xpm" #include "bitmaps/open.xpm" #include "bitmaps/save.xpm" #include "bitmaps/copy.xpm" #include "bitmaps/cut.xpm" #include "bitmaps/preview.xpm" // paste XPM #include "bitmaps/print.xpm" #include "bitmaps/help.xpm" #endif // USE_XPM_BITMAPS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // classes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Define a new application class MyApp : public wxApp { public: bool OnInit(); }; // Define a new frame class MyFrame: public wxFrame { public: MyFrame(wxFrame *parent, wxWindowID id = -1, const wxString& title = "wxToolBar Sample", const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); void RecreateToolbar(); void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event); void OnToggleAnotherToolbar(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnToggleToolbarSize(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnToggleToolbarOrient(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnToggleToolbarRows(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnEnablePrint(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { DoEnablePrint(); } void OnDeletePrint(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { DoDeletePrint(); } void OnInsertPrint(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnChangeToolTip(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnToggleHelp(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { DoToggleHelp(); } void OnToolLeftClick(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnToolEnter(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnCombo(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnUpdateCopyAndCut(wxUpdateUIEvent& event); void OnToggleFullScreen(wxCommandEvent& event); #if USE_GENERIC_TBAR virtual wxToolBar *OnCreateToolBar(long style, wxWindowID id, const wxString& name ); #endif // USE_GENERIC_TBAR private: void DoEnablePrint(); void DoDeletePrint(); void DoToggleHelp(); void LayoutChildren(); bool m_smallToolbar, m_horzToolbar; size_t m_rows; // 1 or 2 only wxTextCtrl *m_textWindow; wxToolBar *m_tbar; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const int ID_TOOLBAR = 500; static const long TOOLBAR_STYLE = wxNO_BORDER | wxTB_FLAT | wxTB_DOCKABLE; enum { IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLETOOLBARSIZE = 200, IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLETOOLBARORIENT, IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLETOOLBARROWS, IDM_TOOLBAR_ENABLEPRINT, IDM_TOOLBAR_DELETEPRINT, IDM_TOOLBAR_INSERTPRINT, IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLEHELP, IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLEFULLSCREEN, IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLE_ANOTHER_TOOLBAR, IDM_TOOLBAR_CHANGE_TOOLTIP, ID_COMBO = 1000 }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // event tables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Notice that wxID_HELP will be processed for the 'About' menu and the toolbar // help button. BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame) EVT_SIZE(MyFrame::OnSize) EVT_MENU(wxID_EXIT, MyFrame::OnQuit) EVT_MENU(wxID_HELP, MyFrame::OnAbout) EVT_MENU(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLE_ANOTHER_TOOLBAR, MyFrame::OnToggleAnotherToolbar) EVT_MENU(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLETOOLBARSIZE, MyFrame::OnToggleToolbarSize) EVT_MENU(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLETOOLBARORIENT, MyFrame::OnToggleToolbarOrient) EVT_MENU(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLETOOLBARROWS, MyFrame::OnToggleToolbarRows) EVT_MENU(IDM_TOOLBAR_ENABLEPRINT, MyFrame::OnEnablePrint) EVT_MENU(IDM_TOOLBAR_DELETEPRINT, MyFrame::OnDeletePrint) EVT_MENU(IDM_TOOLBAR_INSERTPRINT, MyFrame::OnInsertPrint) EVT_MENU(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLEHELP, MyFrame::OnToggleHelp) EVT_MENU(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLEFULLSCREEN, MyFrame::OnToggleFullScreen) EVT_MENU(IDM_TOOLBAR_CHANGE_TOOLTIP, MyFrame::OnChangeToolTip) EVT_MENU(-1, MyFrame::OnToolLeftClick) EVT_COMBOBOX(ID_COMBO, MyFrame::OnCombo) EVT_TOOL_ENTER(ID_TOOLBAR, MyFrame::OnToolEnter) EVT_UPDATE_UI(wxID_COPY, MyFrame::OnUpdateCopyAndCut) EVT_UPDATE_UI(wxID_CUT, MyFrame::OnUpdateCopyAndCut) END_EVENT_TABLE() // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MyApp // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_APP(MyApp) // The `main program' equivalent, creating the windows and returning the // main frame bool MyApp::OnInit() { // Create the main frame window MyFrame* frame = new MyFrame((wxFrame *) NULL, -1, "wxToolBar Sample", wxPoint(100, 100), wxSize(450, 300)); frame->Show(TRUE); frame->SetStatusText("Hello, wxWindows"); SetTopWindow(frame); return TRUE; } void MyFrame::RecreateToolbar() { // delete and recreate the toolbar wxToolBarBase *toolBar = GetToolBar(); delete toolBar; SetToolBar(NULL); long style = TOOLBAR_STYLE; style |= m_horzToolbar ? wxTB_HORIZONTAL : wxTB_VERTICAL; toolBar = CreateToolBar(style, ID_TOOLBAR); toolBar->SetMargins( 4, 4 ); // Set up toolbar wxBitmap toolBarBitmaps[8]; #if USE_XPM_BITMAPS toolBarBitmaps[0] = wxBitmap(new_xpm); toolBarBitmaps[1] = wxBitmap(open_xpm); toolBarBitmaps[2] = wxBitmap(save_xpm); toolBarBitmaps[3] = wxBitmap(copy_xpm); toolBarBitmaps[4] = wxBitmap(cut_xpm); toolBarBitmaps[5] = wxBitmap(paste_xpm); toolBarBitmaps[6] = wxBitmap(print_xpm); toolBarBitmaps[7] = wxBitmap(help_xpm); #else // !USE_XPM_BITMAPS toolBarBitmaps[0] = wxBITMAP(new); toolBarBitmaps[1] = wxBITMAP(open); toolBarBitmaps[2] = wxBITMAP(save); toolBarBitmaps[3] = wxBITMAP(copy); toolBarBitmaps[4] = wxBITMAP(cut); toolBarBitmaps[5] = wxBITMAP(paste); toolBarBitmaps[6] = wxBITMAP(print); toolBarBitmaps[7] = wxBITMAP(help); #endif // USE_XPM_BITMAPS/!USE_XPM_BITMAPS if ( !m_smallToolbar ) { int w = 2*toolBarBitmaps[0].GetWidth(), h = 2*toolBarBitmaps[0].GetHeight(); for ( size_t n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(toolBarBitmaps); n++ ) { toolBarBitmaps[n] = wxImage(toolBarBitmaps[n]).Scale(w, h).ConvertToBitmap(); } toolBar->SetToolBitmapSize(wxSize(w, h)); } #ifdef __WXMSW__ int width = 24; #else int width = 16; #endif int currentX = 5; toolBar->AddTool(wxID_NEW, toolBarBitmaps[0], wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "New file"); currentX += width + 5; toolBar->AddTool(wxID_OPEN, toolBarBitmaps[1], wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Open file"); // neither the generic nor Motif native toolbars really support this #if (wxUSE_TOOLBAR_NATIVE && !USE_GENERIC_TBAR) && !defined(__WXMOTIF__) // adding a combo to a vertical toolbar is not very smart if ( m_horzToolbar ) { wxComboBox *combo = new wxComboBox(toolBar, ID_COMBO, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200,-1) ); combo->Append("This"); combo->Append("is a"); combo->Append("combobox"); combo->Append("in a"); combo->Append("toolbar"); /* wxTextCtrl *combo = new wxTextCtrl( toolBar, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(80,-1) ); */ toolBar->AddControl(combo); } #endif // toolbars which don't support controls currentX += width + 5; toolBar->AddTool(wxID_SAVE, toolBarBitmaps[2], wxNullBitmap, TRUE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Toggle button 1"); currentX += width + 5; toolBar->AddTool(wxID_COPY, toolBarBitmaps[3], wxNullBitmap, TRUE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Toggle button 2"); currentX += width + 5; toolBar->AddTool(wxID_CUT, toolBarBitmaps[4], wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Toggle/Untoggle help button"); currentX += width + 5; toolBar->AddTool(wxID_PASTE, toolBarBitmaps[5], wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Paste"); currentX += width + 5; toolBar->AddTool(wxID_PRINT, toolBarBitmaps[6], wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Delete this tool"); currentX += width + 5; toolBar->AddSeparator(); toolBar->AddTool(wxID_HELP, toolBarBitmaps[7], wxNullBitmap, TRUE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Help button"); // after adding the buttons to the toolbar, must call Realize() to reflect // the changes toolBar->Realize(); toolBar->SetRows(m_horzToolbar ? m_rows : 10 / m_rows); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MyFrame // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Define my frame constructor MyFrame::MyFrame(wxFrame* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style) : wxFrame(parent, id, title, pos, size, style) { m_tbar = NULL; m_textWindow = new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, "", wxPoint(0, 0), wxSize(-1, -1), wxTE_MULTILINE); m_smallToolbar = TRUE; m_horzToolbar = TRUE; m_rows = 1; // Give it a status line CreateStatusBar(); // Give it an icon SetIcon(wxICON(mondrian)); // Make a menubar wxMenu *tbarMenu = new wxMenu; tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLE_ANOTHER_TOOLBAR, "Toggle &another toolbar\tCtrl-A", "Show/hide another test toolbar", TRUE); tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLETOOLBARSIZE, "&Toggle toolbar size\tCtrl-S", "Toggle between big/small toolbar", TRUE); tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLETOOLBARORIENT, "Toggle toolbar &orientation\tCtrl-O", "Toggle toolbar orientation", TRUE); tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLETOOLBARROWS, "Toggle number of &rows\tCtrl-R", "Toggle number of toolbar rows between 1 and 2", TRUE); tbarMenu->AppendSeparator(); tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_ENABLEPRINT, "&Enable print button\tCtrl-E", ""); tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_DELETEPRINT, "&Delete print button\tCtrl-D", ""); tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_INSERTPRINT, "&Insert print button\tCtrl-I", ""); tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLEHELP, "Toggle &help button\tCtrl-T", ""); tbarMenu->AppendSeparator(); tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_CHANGE_TOOLTIP, "Change tool tip", ""); tbarMenu->AppendSeparator(); tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLEFULLSCREEN, "Toggle &full screen mode\tCtrl-F", ""); wxMenu *fileMenu = new wxMenu; fileMenu->Append(wxID_EXIT, "E&xit", "Quit toolbar sample" ); wxMenu *helpMenu = new wxMenu; helpMenu->Append(wxID_HELP, "&About", "About toolbar sample"); wxMenuBar* menuBar = new wxMenuBar( wxMB_DOCKABLE ); menuBar->Append(fileMenu, "&File"); menuBar->Append(tbarMenu, "&Toolbar"); menuBar->Append(helpMenu, "&Help"); // Associate the menu bar with the frame SetMenuBar(menuBar); // Create the toolbar RecreateToolbar(); } #if USE_GENERIC_TBAR wxToolBar* MyFrame::OnCreateToolBar(long style, wxWindowID id, const wxString& name) { return (wxToolBar *)new wxToolBarSimple(this, id, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, style, name); } #endif // USE_GENERIC_TBAR void MyFrame::LayoutChildren() { wxSize size = GetClientSize(); int offset; if ( m_tbar ) { m_tbar->SetSize(-1, size.y); m_tbar->Move(0, 0); offset = m_tbar->GetSize().x; } else { offset = 0; } m_textWindow->SetSize(offset, 0, size.x - offset, size.y); } void MyFrame::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event) { if ( m_tbar ) { LayoutChildren(); } else { event.Skip(); } } void MyFrame::OnToggleAnotherToolbar(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { if ( m_tbar ) { delete m_tbar; m_tbar = NULL; } else { m_tbar = new wxToolBar(this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, TOOLBAR_STYLE | wxTB_VERTICAL); m_tbar->AddTool(wxID_HELP, wxBITMAP(help), wxNullBitmap, FALSE, NULL, "This is the help button", "This is the long help for the help button"); m_tbar->Realize(); } LayoutChildren(); } void MyFrame::OnToggleToolbarSize(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { m_smallToolbar = !m_smallToolbar; RecreateToolbar(); } void MyFrame::OnToggleToolbarRows(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { // m_rows may be only 1 or 2 m_rows = 3 - m_rows; GetToolBar()->SetRows(m_horzToolbar ? m_rows : 10 / m_rows); //RecreateToolbar(); -- this is unneeded } void MyFrame::OnToggleToolbarOrient(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { m_horzToolbar = !m_horzToolbar; RecreateToolbar(); } void MyFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { Close(TRUE); } void MyFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { (void)wxMessageBox("wxWindows toolbar sample", "About wxToolBar"); } void MyFrame::OnToolLeftClick(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxString str; str.Printf( _T("Clicked on tool %d\n"), event.GetId()); m_textWindow->WriteText( str ); if (event.GetId() == wxID_HELP) { if ( event.GetExtraLong() != 0 ) m_textWindow->WriteText( _T("Help button down now.\n") ); else m_textWindow->WriteText( _T("Help button up now.\n") ); } if (event.GetId() == wxID_COPY) { DoEnablePrint(); } if (event.GetId() == wxID_CUT) { DoToggleHelp(); } if (event.GetId() == wxID_PRINT) { DoDeletePrint(); } } void MyFrame::OnCombo(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxLogStatus(_T("Combobox string '%s' selected"), event.GetString().c_str()); } void MyFrame::DoEnablePrint() { wxToolBarBase *tb = GetToolBar(); if (tb->GetToolEnabled(wxID_PRINT)) tb->EnableTool( wxID_PRINT, FALSE ); else tb->EnableTool( wxID_PRINT, TRUE ); } void MyFrame::DoDeletePrint() { wxToolBarBase *tb = GetToolBar(); tb->DeleteTool( wxID_PRINT ); } void MyFrame::DoToggleHelp() { wxToolBarBase *tb = GetToolBar(); tb->ToggleTool( wxID_HELP, !tb->GetToolState( wxID_HELP ) ); } void MyFrame::OnUpdateCopyAndCut(wxUpdateUIEvent& event) { event.Enable( m_textWindow->CanCopy() ); } void MyFrame::OnChangeToolTip(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { GetToolBar()->SetToolShortHelp(wxID_NEW, _T("New toolbar button")); } void MyFrame::OnInsertPrint(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxBitmap bmp = wxBITMAP(print); GetToolBar()->InsertTool(0, wxID_PRINT, bmp, wxNullBitmap, FALSE, (wxObject *) NULL, "Delete this tool", "This button was inserted into the toolbar"); GetToolBar()->Realize(); } void MyFrame::OnToolEnter(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (event.GetSelection() > -1) { wxString str; str.Printf(_T("This is tool number %d"), event.GetSelection()); SetStatusText(str); } else SetStatusText(""); } void MyFrame::OnToggleFullScreen(wxCommandEvent& event) { ShowFullScreen(!IsFullScreen()); }