///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: wx/xti.h // Purpose: runtime metadata information (extended class info) // Author: Stefan Csomor // Modified by: // Created: 27/07/03 // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) 1997 Julian Smart // (c) 2003 Stefan Csomor // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _WX_XTIH__ #define _WX_XTIH__ #if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(__APPLE__) #pragma interface "xti.h" #endif // We want to support properties, event sources and events sinks through // explicit declarations, using templates and specialization to make the // effort as painless as possible. // // This means we have the following domains : // // - Type Information for categorizing built in types as well as custom types // this includes information about enums, their values and names // - Type safe value storage : a kind of wxVariant, called right now wxxVariant // which will be merged with wxVariant // - Property Information and Property Accessors providing access to a class' // values and exposed event delegates // - Information about event handlers // - extended Class Information for accessing all these // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "wx/defs.h" #include "wx/memory.h" #include "wx/set.h" #include "wx/string.h" #include "wx/arrstr.h" // some compilers have troubles getting the correct wxPropertyAccessorT constructor // set this to 1 to make things work for these, too #ifndef WX_XTI_TEMPLATE_FIX #define WX_XTI_TEMPLATE_FIX 0 #endif #if WX_XTI_TEMPLATE_FIX #define WX_XTI_PARAM_FIX(a,b) a,b #else #define WX_XTI_PARAM_FIX(a,b) #endif class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxObject; class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxClassInfo; class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxHashTable; class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxObjectRefData; class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxEvent; typedef void (wxObject::*wxObjectEventFunction)(wxEvent&); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Enum Support // // In the header files there would no change from pure c++ code, in the // implementation, an enum would have // to be enumerated eg : // // WX_BEGIN_ENUM( wxFlavor ) // WX_ENUM_MEMBER( Vanilla ) // WX_ENUM_MEMBER( Chocolate ) // WX_ENUM_MEMBER( Strawberry ) // WX_END_ENUM( wxFlavor ) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxEnumMemberData { const wxChar* m_name; int m_value; }; class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxEnumData { public : wxEnumData( wxEnumMemberData* data ) ; // returns true if the member has been found and sets the int value // pointed to accordingly (if ptr != null ) // if not found returns false, value left unchanged bool HasEnumMemberValue( const wxChar *name , int *value = NULL ) ; // returns the value of the member, if not found in debug mode an // assert is issued, in release 0 is returned int GetEnumMemberValue(const wxChar *name ); // returns the name of the enum member having the passed in value // returns an emtpy string if not found const wxChar *GetEnumMemberName(int value); // returns the number of members in this enum int GetEnumCount() { return m_count ; } // returns the value of the nth member int GetEnumMemberValueByIndex( int n ) ; // returns the value of the nth member const wxChar *GetEnumMemberNameByIndex( int n ) ; private : wxEnumMemberData *m_members; int m_count ; }; #define WX_BEGIN_ENUM( e ) \ wxEnumMemberData s_enumDataMembers##e[] = { #define WX_ENUM_MEMBER( v ) { #v, v } , #define WX_END_ENUM( e ) { NULL , 0 } } ; \ wxEnumData s_enumData##e( s_enumDataMembers##e ) ; \ wxEnumData *wxGetEnumData(e) { return &s_enumData##e ; } \ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( e * ){ static wxEnumTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_ENUM , &s_enumData##e) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \ template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString& s , e &data ) \ { \ data = (e) s_enumData##e.GetEnumMemberValue(s) ; \ } \ template<> void wxStringWriteValue(wxString &s , const e &data ) \ { \ s = s_enumData##e.GetEnumMemberName((int)data) ; \ } \ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( e ** ){ static wxBuiltInTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_VOID ) ; assert(0) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \ template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString& , e* & ) \ { \ assert(0) ; \ } \ template<> void wxStringWriteValue(wxString &s , e* const & ) \ { \ assert(0) ; \ } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set Support // // in the header : // // enum wxFlavor // { // Vanilla, // Chocolate, // Strawberry, // }; // // typedef wxSet wxCoupe ; // // in the implementation file : // // WX_BEGIN_ENUM( wxFlavor ) // WX_ENUM_MEMBER( Vanilla ) // WX_ENUM_MEMBER( Chocolate ) // WX_ENUM_MEMBER( Strawberry ) // WX_END_ENUM( wxFlavor ) // // WX_IMPLEMENT_SET_STREAMING( wxCoupe , wxFlavor ) // // implementation note : no partial specialization for streaming, but a delegation to a // different class // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // in order to remove dependancy on string tokenizer void wxSetStringToArray( const wxString &s , wxArrayString &array ) ; template void wxSetFromString(const wxString &s , wxSet &data ) { wxEnumData* edata = wxGetEnumData((e) 0) ; data.Clear() ; wxArrayString array ; wxSetStringToArray( s , array ) ; wxString flag; for ( int i = 0 ; i < array.Count() ; ++i ) { flag = array[i] ; int ivalue ; if ( edata->HasEnumMemberValue( flag , &ivalue ) ) { data.Set( (e) ivalue ) ; } } } template void wxSetToString( wxString &s , const wxSet &data ) { wxEnumData* edata = wxGetEnumData((e) 0) ; int count = edata->GetEnumCount() ; int i ; s.Clear() ; for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) { e value = (e) edata->GetEnumMemberValueByIndex(i) ; if ( data.Contains( value ) ) { // this could also be done by the templated calls if ( !s.IsEmpty() ) s +="|" ; s += edata->GetEnumMemberNameByIndex(i) ; } } } // if the wxSet specialization above does not work for all compilers, add this to the WX_IMPLEMENT_SET_STREAMING macro // template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( SetName * ){ static wxEnumTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_SET , &s_enumData##e) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } #define WX_IMPLEMENT_SET_STREAMING(SetName,e) \ template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString &s , wxSet &data ) \ { \ wxSetFromString( s , data ) ; \ } \ template<> void wxStringWriteValue( wxString &s , const wxSet &data ) \ { \ wxSetToString( s , data ) ; \ } \ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Type Information // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum wxTypeKind { wxT_VOID = 0, // unknown type wxT_BOOL, wxT_CHAR, wxT_UCHAR, wxT_INT, wxT_UINT, wxT_LONG, wxT_ULONG, wxT_FLOAT, wxT_DOUBLE, wxT_STRING, // must be wxString wxT_SET, // must be wxSet<> template wxT_ENUM, wxT_OBJECT_PTR, // pointer to wxObject wxT_OBJECT , // wxObject wxT_CUSTOM, // user defined type (e.g. wxPoint) wxT_DELEGATE , // for connecting against an event source wxT_LAST_TYPE_KIND // sentinel for bad data, asserts, debugging }; class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxTypeInfo { public : wxTypeInfo() : m_kind( wxT_VOID) {} virtual ~wxTypeInfo() {} wxTypeKind GetKind() const { return m_kind ; } bool IsDelegateType() const { return m_kind == wxT_DELEGATE ; } bool IsCustomType() const { return m_kind == wxT_CUSTOM ; } bool IsObjectType() const { return m_kind == wxT_OBJECT || m_kind == wxT_OBJECT_PTR ; } protected : wxTypeKind m_kind ; }; class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxBuiltInTypeInfo : public wxTypeInfo { public : wxBuiltInTypeInfo( wxTypeKind kind ) { wxASSERT_MSG( kind < wxT_SET , wxT("Illegal Kind for Base Type") ) ; m_kind = kind ;} } ; class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxCustomTypeInfo : public wxTypeInfo { public : wxCustomTypeInfo( const wxChar *typeName ) { m_kind = wxT_CUSTOM ; m_typeName = typeName ;} const wxChar *GetTypeName() const { return m_typeName ; } private : const wxChar *m_typeName; // Kind == wxT_CUSTOM } ; class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxEnumTypeInfo : public wxTypeInfo { public : wxEnumTypeInfo( wxTypeKind kind , wxEnumData* enumInfo ) { wxASSERT_MSG( kind == wxT_ENUM || kind == wxT_SET , wxT("Illegal Kind for Enum Type")) ; m_kind = kind ; m_enumInfo = enumInfo ;} const wxEnumData* GetEnumData() const { return m_enumInfo ; } private : wxEnumData *m_enumInfo; // Kind == wxT_ENUM or Kind == wxT_SET } ; class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxClassTypeInfo : public wxTypeInfo { public : wxClassTypeInfo( wxTypeKind kind , wxClassInfo* classInfo ) { wxASSERT_MSG( kind == wxT_OBJECT_PTR || kind == wxT_OBJECT , wxT("Illegal Kind for Enum Type")) ; m_kind = kind ; m_classInfo = classInfo ;} const wxClassInfo *GetClassInfo() const { return m_classInfo ; } private : wxClassInfo *m_classInfo; // Kind == wxT_OBJECT - could be NULL } ; // a delegate is an exposed event source class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxDelegateTypeInfo : public wxTypeInfo { public : wxDelegateTypeInfo( int eventType , wxClassInfo* eventClass ) { m_kind = wxT_DELEGATE ; m_eventClass = eventClass ; m_eventType = eventType ;} const wxClassInfo *GetEventClass() const { assert( m_kind == wxT_DELEGATE ) ; return m_eventClass ; } int GetEventType() const { return m_eventType ; } private : const wxClassInfo *m_eventClass; // (extended will merge into classinfo) int m_eventType ; } ; template const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( T * ) ; template const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( wxSet * ) { static wxEnumTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_SET , wxGetEnumData((T) 0) ) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } // this macro is for usage with custom, non-object derived classes and structs, wxPoint is such a custom type #define WX_CUSTOM_TYPE_INFO( e ) \ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( e ** ){ static wxBuiltInTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_VOID) ; assert(0) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( e * ){ static wxCustomTypeInfo s_typeInfo(#e) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } // templated streaming, every type must have their specialization for these methods template void wxStringReadValue( const wxString &s , T &data ); template void wxStringWriteValue( wxString &s , const T &data); // sometimes a compiler invents specializations that are nowhere called, use this macro to satisfy the refs #define WX_ILLEGAL_TYPE_SPECIALIZATION( a ) \ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( a * ) { assert(0) ; \ static wxBuiltInTypeInfo s_typeInfo( wxT_VOID ) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \ template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString & , a & ) { assert(0) ; }\ template<> void wxStringWriteValue(wxString & , a const & ) { assert(0) ; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxxVariant as typesafe data holder // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxxVariantData { public: virtual ~wxxVariantData() {} // return a heap allocated duplicate virtual wxxVariantData* Clone() const = 0 ; // returns the type info of the contentc virtual const wxTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo() const = 0 ; // write the value into a string virtual void Write( wxString &s ) const = 0 ; // read the value from a string virtual void Read( const wxString &s) = 0 ; } ; template class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxxVariantDataT : public wxxVariantData { public: wxxVariantDataT(const T& d) : m_data(d) {} virtual ~wxxVariantDataT() {} // get a ref to the stored data T & Get() { return m_data; } // get a const ref to the stored data const T & Get() const { return m_data; } // set the data void Set(const T& d) { m_data = d; } // return a heap allocated duplicate virtual wxxVariantData* Clone() const { return new wxxVariantDataT( Get() ) ; } // returns the type info of the contentc virtual const wxTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo() const { return wxGetTypeInfo( (T*) NULL ) ; } // write the value into a string virtual void Write( wxString &s ) const { wxStringWriteValue( s , m_data ) ; } // read the value from a string virtual void Read( const wxString &s) { wxStringReadValue( s , m_data ) ; } private: T m_data; }; class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxxVariant { public : wxxVariant() { m_data = NULL ; } wxxVariant( wxxVariantData* data , const wxString& name = wxT("") ) : m_data(data) , m_name(name) {} wxxVariant( const wxxVariant &d ) { if ( d.m_data ) m_data = d.m_data->Clone() ; else m_data = NULL ; m_name = d.m_name ; } template wxxVariant( T data , const wxString& name = wxT("") ) : m_data(new wxxVariantDataT(data) ), m_name(name) {} ~wxxVariant() { delete m_data ; } // get a ref to the stored data template T& Get() { wxxVariantDataT *dataptr = dynamic_cast*> (m_data) ; wxASSERT_MSG( dataptr , "Cast not possible" ) ; return dataptr->Get() ; } // get a ref to the stored data template const T& Get() const { const wxxVariantDataT *dataptr = dynamic_cast*> (m_data) ; wxASSERT_MSG( dataptr , "Cast not possible" ) ; return dataptr->Get() ; } // stores the data template void Set(const T& data) const { delete m_data ; m_data = new wxxVariantDataT(data) ; } wxxVariant& operator=(const wxxVariant &d) { m_data = d.m_data->Clone() ; m_name = d.m_name ; return *this ; } // gets the stored data casted to a wxObject* , returning NULL if cast is not possible wxObject* GetAsObject() ; // get the typeinfo of the stored object const wxTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo() const { return m_data->GetTypeInfo() ; } // write the value into a string void Write( wxString &s ) const { m_data->Write( s ) ; } // read the value from a string void Read( const wxString &s) { m_data->Read( s ) ; } // returns this value as string wxString GetAsString() const { wxString s ; Write( s ) ; return s ; } void SetFromString( const wxString &s) { Read( s ) ; } private : wxxVariantData* m_data ; wxString m_name ; } ; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Property Support // // wxPropertyInfo is used to inquire of the property by name. It doesn't // provide access to the property, only information about it. If you // want access, look at wxPropertyAccessor. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxPropertyAccessor { public : #if WX_XTI_TEMPLATE_FIX class SetByRef ; class SetByRefRetBool ; class SetRetBool ; class SetAndGetByRef ; class SetAndGetByRefRetBool ; class GetByRef ; #endif virtual void SetProperty(wxObject *object, const wxxVariant &value) const = 0 ; virtual wxxVariant GetProperty(const wxObject *object) const = 0 ; virtual bool HasSetter() const = 0 ; virtual bool HasGetter() const = 0 ; const wxChar * GetGetterName() const { return m_setterName ; } const wxChar * GetSetterName() const { return m_getterName ; } virtual wxxVariant ReadValue( const wxString &value ) const = 0 ; virtual void WriteValue( wxString& value , const wxObject *o ) const = 0 ; protected : const wxChar *m_setterName ; const wxChar *m_getterName ; }; template class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxPropertyAccessorT : public wxPropertyAccessor { public: typedef void (Klass::*setter_t)(T value); typedef bool (Klass::*setter_bool_t)(T value); typedef void (Klass::*setter_ref_t)(const T& value); typedef bool (Klass::*setter_ref_bool_t)(const T& value); typedef T (Klass::*getter_t)() const; typedef const T& (Klass::*getter_ref_t)() const; wxPropertyAccessorT(setter_t setter, getter_t getter, const wxChar *g, const wxChar *s) : m_setter_bool( NULL ) , m_setter_ref_bool( NULL ) , m_setter(setter), m_setter_ref(NULL), m_getter(getter) ,m_getter_ref(NULL) {m_setterName = s;m_getterName=g ;} wxPropertyAccessorT( getter_t getter, const wxChar *g) : m_setter_bool( NULL ) , m_setter_ref_bool( NULL ) , m_setter(NULL), m_setter_ref(NULL), m_getter(getter) ,m_getter_ref(NULL) {m_setterName = "";m_getterName=g ;} wxPropertyAccessorT(WX_XTI_PARAM_FIX(SetRetBool*,) setter_bool_t setter, getter_t getter, const wxChar *g, const wxChar *s) : m_setter_bool( setter ) , m_setter_ref_bool( NULL ) , m_setter(NULL), m_setter_ref(NULL), m_getter(getter) , m_getter_ref(NULL){m_setterName = s;m_getterName=g ;} wxPropertyAccessorT(WX_XTI_PARAM_FIX(SetByRef*,) setter_ref_t setter, getter_t getter, const wxChar *g, const wxChar *s) : m_setter_bool( NULL ) , m_setter_ref_bool( NULL ) , m_setter(NULL), m_setter_ref(setter), m_getter(getter) , m_getter_ref(NULL){m_setterName = s;m_getterName=g ;} wxPropertyAccessorT(WX_XTI_PARAM_FIX(SetByRefRetBool*,) setter_ref_bool_t setter, getter_t getter, const wxChar *g, const wxChar *s) : m_setter_bool( NULL ) , m_setter_ref_bool( setter ) , m_setter(NULL), m_setter_ref(NULL), m_getter(getter) , m_getter_ref(NULL){m_setterName = s;m_getterName=g ;} wxPropertyAccessorT(WX_XTI_PARAM_FIX(SetAndGetByRef*,) setter_ref_t setter, getter_ref_t getter, const wxChar *g, const wxChar *s) : m_setter_bool( NULL ) , m_setter_ref_bool( NULL ) , m_setter(NULL), m_setter_ref(setter), m_getter(NULL) , m_getter_ref(getter){m_setterName = s;m_getterName=g ;} wxPropertyAccessorT(WX_XTI_PARAM_FIX(SetAndGetByRefRetBool*,) setter_ref_bool_t setter, getter_ref_t getter, const wxChar *g, const wxChar *s) : m_setter_bool( NULL ) , m_setter_ref_bool( setter ) , m_setter(NULL), m_setter_ref(NULL), m_getter(NULL) , m_getter_ref(getter){m_setterName = s;m_getterName=g ;} wxPropertyAccessorT(WX_XTI_PARAM_FIX(GetByRef*,) setter_t setter, getter_ref_t getter, const wxChar *g, const wxChar *s) : m_setter_bool( NULL ) , m_setter_ref_bool( NULL ) , m_setter(NULL), m_setter(setter), m_getter(NULL) , m_getter_ref(getter){m_setterName = s;m_getterName=g ;} // returns true if this accessor has a setter bool HasSetter() const { return m_setter != NULL || m_setter_ref != NULL ; } // return true if this accessor has a getter bool HasGetter() const { return m_getter != NULL || m_getter_ref != NULL ; } // set the property this accessor is responsible for in an object void SetProperty(wxObject *o, const wxxVariant &v) const { Klass *obj = dynamic_cast(o); T value ; if ( wxGetTypeInfo((T*)NULL)->GetKind() == wxT_OBJECT && v.GetTypeInfo()->GetKind() == wxT_OBJECT_PTR ) value = *v.Get(); else value = v.Get(); if (m_setter) (obj->*(m_setter))(value); else if ( m_setter_ref ) (obj->*(m_setter_ref))(value); else if ( m_setter_ref_bool ) (obj->*(m_setter_ref_bool))(value); else if ( m_setter_bool ) (obj->*(m_setter_bool))(value); else { wxASSERT_MSG(0 , wxT("SetPropertyCalled without a valid Setter") ) ; } } // gets the property this accessor is responsible for from an object wxxVariant GetProperty(const wxObject *o) const { return wxxVariant( (wxxVariantData* ) DoGetProperty( o ) ) ; } // write the property this accessor is responsible for from an object into // a string void WriteValue( wxString& s , const wxObject *o ) const { DoGetProperty( o )->Write( s ) ; } // read a wxxVariant having the correct type for the property this accessor // is responsible for from a string wxxVariant ReadValue( const wxString &value ) const { T data ; wxStringReadValue( value , data ) ; return wxxVariant( data ) ; } private : wxxVariantDataT* DoGetProperty(const wxObject *o) const { const Klass *obj = dynamic_cast(o); if ( m_getter ) return new wxxVariantDataT( (obj->*(m_getter))() ) ; else return new wxxVariantDataT( (obj->*(m_getter_ref))() ) ; } setter_t m_setter; setter_ref_t m_setter_ref; setter_ref_bool_t m_setter_ref_bool ; setter_bool_t m_setter_bool ; getter_t m_getter; getter_ref_t m_getter_ref ; }; class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxPropertyInfo { public : wxPropertyInfo( wxPropertyInfo* &iter , const wxChar *name , const wxChar *typeName , const wxTypeInfo* typeInfo , wxPropertyAccessor *accessor , wxxVariant dv ) : m_name( name ) , m_typeName(typeName) , m_typeInfo( typeInfo ) , m_accessor( accessor ) , m_defaultValue( dv ) { m_next = NULL ; if ( iter == NULL ) iter = this ; else { wxPropertyInfo* i = iter ; while( i->m_next ) i = i->m_next ; i->m_next = this ; } } // return the name of this property const wxChar * GetName() const { return m_name ; } // return the typename of this property const wxChar * GetTypeName() const { return m_typeName ; } // return the type info of this property const wxTypeInfo * GetTypeInfo() const { return m_typeInfo ; } // return the accessor for this property wxPropertyAccessor* GetAccessor() const { return m_accessor ; } // returns NULL if this is the last property of this class wxPropertyInfo* GetNext() const { return m_next ; } // returns the default value of this property, its kind may be wxT_VOID if it is not valid wxxVariant GetDefaultValue() const { return m_defaultValue ; } private : const wxChar * m_name; const wxChar * m_typeName ; const wxTypeInfo* m_typeInfo ; wxPropertyAccessor* m_accessor ; wxxVariant m_defaultValue; // string representation of the default value // to be assigned by the designer to the property // when the component is dropped on the container. wxPropertyInfo* m_next ; }; #define WX_BEGIN_PROPERTIES_TABLE(theClass) \ const wxPropertyInfo *theClass::GetPropertiesStatic() \ { \ typedef theClass class_t; \ static wxPropertyInfo* first = NULL ; #define WX_END_PROPERTIES_TABLE() \ return first ; } #if WX_XTI_TEMPLATE_FIX #define WX_PROPERTY( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \ static wxPropertyAccessorT _accessor##name( &setter , &getter , #setter , #getter ) ; \ static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , #type , wxGetTypeInfo( (type*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name , wxxVariant(defaultValue) ) ; #define WX_PROPERTY_SET_RET_BOOL( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \ static wxPropertyAccessorT _accessor##name( (wxPropertyAccessor::SetRetBool*)NULL , &setter , &getter , #setter , #getter ) ; \ static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , #type , wxGetTypeInfo( (type*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name , wxxVariant(defaultValue) ) ; #define WX_PROPERTY_SET_BY_REF( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \ static wxPropertyAccessorT _accessor##name( (wxPropertyAccessor::SetByRef*)NULL, &setter , &getter , #setter , #getter ) ; \ static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , #type , wxGetTypeInfo( (type*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name , wxxVariant(defaultValue) ) ; #define WX_PROPERTY_SET_BY_REF_RET_BOOL( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \ static wxPropertyAccessorT _accessor##name( (wxPropertyAccessor::SetByRefRetBool*)NULL, &setter , &getter , #setter , #getter ) ; \ static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , #type , wxGetTypeInfo( (type*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name , wxxVariant(defaultValue) ) ; #define WX_PROPERTY_SET_AND_GET_BY_REF_RET_BOOL( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \ static wxPropertyAccessorT _accessor##name( (wxPropertyAccessor::SetAndGetByRefRetBool*)NULL, &setter , &getter , #setter , #getter ) ; \ static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , #type , wxGetTypeInfo( (type*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name , wxxVariant(defaultValue) ) ; #else #define WX_PROPERTY( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \ static wxPropertyAccessorT _accessor##name( &setter , &getter , #setter , #getter ) ; \ static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , #type , wxGetTypeInfo( (type*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name , wxxVariant(defaultValue) ) ; #define WX_PROPERTY_SET_RET_BOOL( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \ WX_PROPERTY( name , type , setter , getter , defaultValue ) #define WX_PROPERTY_SET_BY_REF( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \ WX_PROPERTY( name , type , setter , getter , defaultValue ) #define WX_PROPERTY_SET_BY_REF_RET_BOOL( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \ WX_PROPERTY( name , type , setter , getter , defaultValue ) #define WX_PROPERTY_SET_AND_GET_BY_REF_RET_BOOL( name , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue ) \ WX_PROPERTY( name , type , setter , getter , defaultValue ) #endif #define WX_READONLY_PROPERTY( name , type , getter ,defaultValue ) \ static wxPropertyAccessorT _accessor##name( &getter , #getter ) ; \ static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , #type , wxGetTypeInfo( (type*) NULL ) ,&_accessor##name , wxxVariant(defaultValue) ) ; #define WX_DELEGATE( name , eventType , eventClass ) \ static wxDelegateTypeInfo _typeInfo##name( eventType , CLASSINFO( eventClass ) ) ; \ static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , #name , NULL , &_typeInfo##name , NULL , wxxVariant() ) ; \ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler Info // // this is describing an event sink // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxHandlerInfo { public : wxHandlerInfo( wxHandlerInfo* &iter , const wxChar *name , wxObjectEventFunction address , const wxClassInfo* eventClassInfo ) : m_name( name ) , m_eventClassInfo( eventClassInfo ) , m_eventFunction( address ) { m_next = NULL ; if ( iter == NULL ) iter = this ; else { wxHandlerInfo* i = iter ; while( i->m_next ) i = i->m_next ; i->m_next = this ; } } // get the name of the handler method const wxChar * GetName() const { return m_name ; } // return the class info of the event const wxClassInfo * GetEventClassInfo() const { return m_eventClassInfo ; } // get the handler function pointer wxObjectEventFunction GetEventFunction() const { return m_eventFunction ; } // returns NULL if this is the last handler of this class wxHandlerInfo* GetNext() const { return m_next ; } private : wxObjectEventFunction m_eventFunction ; const wxChar * m_name; const wxClassInfo* m_eventClassInfo ; wxHandlerInfo* m_next ; }; #define WX_HANDLER(name,eventClassType) \ static wxHandlerInfo _handlerInfo##name( first , #name , (wxObjectEventFunction) (wxEventFunction) &name , CLASSINFO( eventClassType ) ) ; #define WX_BEGIN_HANDLERS_TABLE(theClass) \ const wxHandlerInfo *theClass::GetHandlersStatic() \ { \ typedef theClass class_t; \ static wxHandlerInfo* first = NULL ; #define WX_END_HANDLERS_TABLE() \ return first ; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor Bridges // // allow to set up constructors with params during runtime // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxConstructorBridge { public : virtual void Create(wxObject *o, wxxVariant *args) = 0; }; // Creator Bridges for all Numbers of Params // no params template struct wxConstructorBridge_0 : public wxConstructorBridge { void Create(wxObject *o, wxxVariant *) { Class *obj = dynamic_cast(o); obj->Create(); } }; struct wxConstructorBridge_Dummy : public wxConstructorBridge { void Create(wxObject *, wxxVariant *) { } } ; #define WX_CONSTRUCTOR_0(klass) \ wxConstructorBridge_0 constructor##klass ; \ wxConstructorBridge* klass::sm_constructor##klass = &constructor##klass ; \ const wxChar *klass::sm_constructorProperties##klass[] = { NULL } ; \ const int klass::sm_constructorPropertiesCount##klass = 0 ; #define WX_CONSTRUCTOR_DUMMY(klass) \ wxConstructorBridge_Dummy constructor##klass ; \ wxConstructorBridge* klass::sm_constructor##klass = &constructor##klass ; \ const wxChar *klass::sm_constructorProperties##klass[] = { NULL } ; \ const int klass::sm_constructorPropertiesCount##klass = 0 ; // 1 param template struct wxConstructorBridge_1 : public wxConstructorBridge { void Create(wxObject *o, wxxVariant *args) { Class *obj = dynamic_cast(o); obj->Create( args[0].Get() ); } }; #define WX_CONSTRUCTOR_1(klass,t0,v0) \ wxConstructorBridge_1 constructor##klass ; \ wxConstructorBridge* klass::sm_constructor##klass = &constructor##klass ; \ const wxChar *klass::sm_constructorProperties##klass[] = { #v0 } ; \ const int klass::sm_constructorPropertiesCount##klass = 1 ; // 2 params template struct wxConstructorBridge_2 : public wxConstructorBridge { void Create(wxObject *o, wxxVariant *args) { Class *obj = dynamic_cast(o); obj->Create( args[0].Get() , args[1].Get() ); } }; #define WX_CONSTRUCTOR_2(klass,t0,v0,t1,v1) \ wxConstructorBridge_2 constructor##klass ; \ wxConstructorBridge* klass::sm_constructor##klass = &constructor##klass ; \ const wxChar *klass::sm_constructorProperties##klass[] = { #v0 , #v1 } ; \ const int klass::sm_constructorPropertiesCount##klass = 2; // 3 params template struct wxConstructorBridge_3 : public wxConstructorBridge { void Create(wxObject *o, wxxVariant *args) { Class *obj = dynamic_cast(o); obj->Create( args[0].Get() , args[1].Get() , args[2].Get() ); } }; #define WX_CONSTRUCTOR_3(klass,t0,v0,t1,v1,t2,v2) \ wxConstructorBridge_3 constructor##klass ; \ wxConstructorBridge* klass::sm_constructor##klass = &constructor##klass ; \ const wxChar *klass::sm_constructorProperties##klass[] = { #v0 , #v1 , #v2 } ; \ const int klass::sm_constructorPropertiesCount##klass = 3 ; // 4 params template struct wxConstructorBridge_4 : public wxConstructorBridge { void Create(wxObject *o, wxxVariant *args) { Class *obj = dynamic_cast(o); obj->Create( args[0].Get() , args[1].Get() , args[2].Get() , args[3].Get() ); } }; #define WX_CONSTRUCTOR_4(klass,t0,v0,t1,v1,t2,v2,t3,v3) \ wxConstructorBridge_4 constructor##klass ; \ wxConstructorBridge* klass::sm_constructor##klass = &constructor##klass ; \ const wxChar *klass::sm_constructorProperties##klass[] = { #v0 , #v1 , #v2 , #v3 } ; \ const int klass::sm_constructorPropertiesCount##klass = 4 ; // 5 params template struct wxConstructorBridge_5 : public wxConstructorBridge { void Create(wxObject *o, wxxVariant *args) { Class *obj = dynamic_cast(o); obj->Create( args[0].Get() , args[1].Get() , args[2].Get() , args[3].Get() , args[4].Get() ); } }; #define WX_CONSTRUCTOR_5(klass,t0,v0,t1,v1,t2,v2,t3,v3,t4,v4) \ wxConstructorBridge_5 constructor##klass ; \ wxConstructorBridge* klass::sm_constructor##klass = &constructor##klass ; \ const wxChar *klass::sm_constructorProperties##klass[] = { #v0 , #v1 , #v2 , #v3 , #v4 } ; \ const int klass::sm_constructorPropertiesCount##klass = 5; // 6 params template struct wxConstructorBridge_6 : public wxConstructorBridge { void Create(wxObject *o, wxxVariant *args) { Class *obj = dynamic_cast(o); obj->Create( args[0].Get() , args[1].Get() , args[2].Get() , args[3].Get() , args[4].Get() , args[5].Get() ); } }; #define WX_CONSTRUCTOR_6(klass,t0,v0,t1,v1,t2,v2,t3,v3,t4,v4,t5,v5) \ wxConstructorBridge_6 constructor##klass ; \ wxConstructorBridge* klass::sm_constructor##klass = &constructor##klass ; \ const wxChar *klass::sm_constructorProperties##klass[] = { #v0 , #v1 , #v2 , #v3 , #v4 , #v5 } ; \ const int klass::sm_constructorPropertiesCount##klass = 6; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxClassInfo // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef wxObject *(*wxObjectConstructorFn)(void); typedef wxObject* (*wxVariantToObjectConverter)( wxxVariant &data ) ; typedef wxxVariant (*wxObjectToVariantConverter)( wxObject* ) ; class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxClassInfo { public: wxClassInfo(const wxClassInfo **_Parents, const wxChar *_UnitName, const wxChar *_ClassName, int size, wxObjectConstructorFn ctor , const wxPropertyInfo *_Props , const wxHandlerInfo *_Handlers , wxConstructorBridge* _Constructor , const wxChar ** _ConstructorProperties , const int _ConstructorPropertiesCount , wxVariantToObjectConverter _PtrConverter1 , wxVariantToObjectConverter _Converter2 , wxObjectToVariantConverter _Converter3 ) : m_parents(_Parents) , m_unitName(_UnitName) ,m_className(_ClassName), m_objectSize(size), m_objectConstructor(ctor) , m_firstProperty(_Props ) , m_firstHandler(_Handlers ) , m_constructor( _Constructor ) , m_constructorProperties(_ConstructorProperties) , m_constructorPropertiesCount(_ConstructorPropertiesCount), m_variantOfPtrToObjectConverter( _PtrConverter1 ) , m_variantToObjectConverter( _Converter2 ) , m_objectToVariantConverter( _Converter3 ) , m_next(sm_first) { sm_first = this; Register() ; } virtual ~wxClassInfo() ; wxObject *CreateObject() const { return m_objectConstructor ? (*m_objectConstructor)() : 0; } const wxChar *GetClassName() const { return m_className; } const wxClassInfo **GetParents() const { return m_parents; } int GetSize() const { return m_objectSize; } wxObjectConstructorFn GetConstructor() const { return m_objectConstructor; } static const wxClassInfo *GetFirst() { return sm_first; } const wxClassInfo *GetNext() const { return m_next; } static wxClassInfo *FindClass(const wxChar *className); // Climb upwards through inheritance hierarchy. // Dual inheritance is catered for. bool IsKindOf(const wxClassInfo *info) const { if ( info != 0 ) { if ( info == this ) return true ; for ( int i = 0 ; m_parents[i] ; ++ i ) { if ( m_parents[i]->IsKindOf( info ) ) return true ; } } return false ; } #ifdef WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_4 // Initializes parent pointers and hash table for fast searching. wxDEPRECATED( static void InitializeClasses() ); // Cleans up hash table used for fast searching. wxDEPRECATED( static void CleanUpClasses() ); #endif static void CleanUp(); // returns the first property const wxPropertyInfo* GetFirstProperty() const { return m_firstProperty ; } // returns the first handler const wxHandlerInfo* GetFirstHandler() const { return m_firstHandler ; } // Call the Create method for a class virtual void Create (wxObject *object, int ParamCount, wxxVariant *Params) const { wxASSERT_MSG( ParamCount == m_constructorPropertiesCount , wxT("Illegal Parameter Count for Create Method")) ; m_constructor->Create( object , Params ) ; } // get number of parameters for constructor virtual int GetCreateParamCount() const { return m_constructorPropertiesCount; } // get i-th constructor parameter virtual const wxChar* GetCreateParamName(int i) const { return m_constructorProperties[i] ; } // Runtime access to objects by property name, and variant data virtual void SetProperty (wxObject *object, const wxChar *PropertyName, const wxxVariant &Value); virtual wxxVariant GetProperty (wxObject *object, const wxChar *PropertyName); // we must be able to cast variants to wxObject pointers, templates seem not to be suitable wxObject* VariantToInstance( wxxVariant &data ) const { if ( data.GetTypeInfo()->GetKind() == wxT_OBJECT ) return m_variantToObjectConverter( data ) ; else return m_variantOfPtrToObjectConverter( data ) ; } wxxVariant InstanceToVariant( wxObject *object ) const { return m_objectToVariantConverter( object ) ; } // find property by name virtual const wxPropertyInfo *FindPropertyInfo (const wxChar *PropertyName) const ; // find handler by name virtual const wxHandlerInfo *FindHandlerInfo (const wxChar *PropertyName) const ; public: const wxChar *m_className; int m_objectSize; wxObjectConstructorFn m_objectConstructor; // class info object live in a linked list: // pointers to its head and the next element in it static wxClassInfo *sm_first; wxClassInfo *m_next; // FIXME: this should be private (currently used directly by way too // many clients) static wxHashTable *sm_classTable; private: const wxClassInfo** m_parents ; const wxPropertyInfo * m_firstProperty ; const wxHandlerInfo * m_firstHandler ; const wxChar* m_unitName; wxConstructorBridge* m_constructor ; const wxChar ** m_constructorProperties ; const int m_constructorPropertiesCount ; wxVariantToObjectConverter m_variantOfPtrToObjectConverter ; wxVariantToObjectConverter m_variantToObjectConverter ; wxObjectToVariantConverter m_objectToVariantConverter ; const wxPropertyAccessor *FindAccessor (const wxChar *propertyName); // InitializeClasses() helper static wxClassInfo *GetBaseByName(const wxChar *name); protected: // registers the class void Register(); void Unregister(); DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxClassInfo) }; WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxObject *wxCreateDynamicObject(const wxChar *name); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Dynamic class macros // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define _DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) \ public: \ static wxClassInfo sm_class##name; \ static const wxClassInfo* sm_classParents##name[] ; \ static const wxPropertyInfo* GetPropertiesStatic() ; \ static const wxHandlerInfo* GetHandlersStatic() ; \ virtual wxClassInfo *GetClassInfo() const \ { return &name::sm_class##name; } #define DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) \ static wxConstructorBridge* sm_constructor##name ; \ static const wxChar * sm_constructorProperties##name[] ; \ static const int sm_constructorPropertiesCount##name ; \ _DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) #define DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS_NO_ASSIGN(name) \ DECLARE_NO_ASSIGN_CLASS(name) \ DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) #define DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS_NO_COPY(name) \ DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(name) \ DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) #define DECLARE_ABSTRACT_CLASS(name) _DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) #define DECLARE_CLASS(name) DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) // ----------------------------------- // for concrete classes // ----------------------------------- // Single inheritance with one base class #define _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name, basename, unit) \ wxObject* wxConstructorFor##name() \ { return new name; } \ const wxClassInfo* name::sm_classParents##name[] = { &basename::sm_class##basename ,NULL } ; \ wxObject* wxVariantOfPtrToObjectConverter##name ( wxxVariant &data ) { return data.Get() ; } \ wxxVariant wxObjectToVariantConverter##name ( wxObject *data ) { return wxxVariant( dynamic_cast (data) ) ; } \ wxClassInfo name::sm_class##name(sm_classParents##name , wxT(unit) , wxT(#name), \ (int) sizeof(name), \ (wxObjectConstructorFn) wxConstructorFor##name , \ name::GetPropertiesStatic(),name::GetHandlersStatic(),name::sm_constructor##name , name::sm_constructorProperties##name , \ name::sm_constructorPropertiesCount##name , wxVariantOfPtrToObjectConverter##name , NULL , wxObjectToVariantConverter##name); \ template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString & , name & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") ) ;}\ template<> void wxStringWriteValue(wxString & , name const & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString & , name * & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") ) ;}\ template<> void wxStringWriteValue(wxString & , name* const & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString & , name ** & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> void wxStringWriteValue(wxString & , name** const & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( name *** ){ static wxBuiltInTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_VOID ) ; wxASSERT_MSG(0 , wxT("illegal specialization called") ) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( name * ){ static wxClassTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_OBJECT , &name::sm_class##name) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( name ** ){ static wxClassTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_OBJECT_PTR , &name::sm_class##name) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } #define _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_WITH_COPY(name, basename, unit) \ wxObject* wxConstructorFor##name() \ { return new name; } \ const wxClassInfo* name::sm_classParents##name[] = { &basename::sm_class##basename ,NULL } ; \ wxObject* wxVariantToObjectConverter##name ( wxxVariant &data ) { return &data.Get() ; } \ wxObject* wxVariantOfPtrToObjectConverter##name ( wxxVariant &data ) { return data.Get() ; } \ wxxVariant wxObjectToVariantConverter##name ( wxObject *data ) { return wxxVariant( dynamic_cast (data) ) ; } \ wxClassInfo name::sm_class##name(sm_classParents##name , wxT(unit) , wxT(#name), \ (int) sizeof(name), \ (wxObjectConstructorFn) wxConstructorFor##name , \ name::GetPropertiesStatic(),name::GetHandlersStatic(),name::sm_constructor##name , name::sm_constructorProperties##name , \ name::sm_constructorPropertiesCount##name , wxVariantOfPtrToObjectConverter##name , wxVariantToObjectConverter##name , wxObjectToVariantConverter##name); \ template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString & , name & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") ) ;}\ template<> void wxStringWriteValue(wxString & , name const & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString & , name * & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") ) ;}\ template<> void wxStringWriteValue(wxString & , name* const & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString & , name ** & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> void wxStringWriteValue(wxString & , name** const & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( name *** ){ static wxBuiltInTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_VOID ) ; wxASSERT_MSG(0 , wxT("illegal specialization called") ) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( name * ){ static wxClassTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_OBJECT , &name::sm_class##name) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( name ** ){ static wxClassTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_OBJECT_PTR , &name::sm_class##name) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } #define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_WITH_COPY( name , basename ) \ _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_WITH_COPY( name , basename , "" ) \ const wxPropertyInfo *name::GetPropertiesStatic() { return (wxPropertyInfo*) NULL ; } \ const wxHandlerInfo *name::GetHandlersStatic() { return (wxHandlerInfo*) NULL ; } \ WX_CONSTRUCTOR_DUMMY( name ) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( name , basename ) \ _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( name , basename , "" ) \ const wxPropertyInfo *name::GetPropertiesStatic() { return (wxPropertyInfo*) NULL ; } \ const wxHandlerInfo *name::GetHandlersStatic() { return (wxHandlerInfo*) NULL ; } \ WX_CONSTRUCTOR_DUMMY( name ) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_XTI( name , basename , unit ) \ _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( name , basename , unit ) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_WITH_COPY_XTI( name , basename , unit ) \ _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_WITH_COPY( name , basename , unit ) // this is for classes that do not derive from wxobject, there are no creators for these #define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_NO_WXOBJECT_NO_BASE_XTI( name , unit ) \ const wxClassInfo* name::sm_classParents##name[] = { NULL } ; \ wxClassInfo name::sm_class##name(sm_classParents##name , wxT("") , wxT(#name), \ (int) sizeof(name), \ (wxObjectConstructorFn) 0 , \ name::GetPropertiesStatic(),name::GetHandlersStatic(),0 , 0 , \ 0 , 0 , 0 ); \ template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString & , name * & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> void wxStringWriteValue(wxString & , name* const & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString & , name ** & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> void wxStringWriteValue(wxString & , name** const & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( name *** ){ static wxBuiltInTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_VOID ) ; wxASSERT_MSG(0 , wxT("illegal specialization called") ) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( name * ){ static wxClassTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_OBJECT , &name::sm_class##name) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( name ** ){ static wxClassTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_OBJECT_PTR , &name::sm_class##name) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } // this is for subclasses that still do not derive from wxobject #define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_NO_WXOBJECT_XTI( name , basename, unit ) \ const wxClassInfo* name::sm_classParents##name[] = { &basename::sm_class##basename ,NULL } ; \ wxClassInfo name::sm_class##name(sm_classParents##name , wxT("") , wxT(#name), \ (int) sizeof(name), \ (wxObjectConstructorFn) 0 , \ name::GetPropertiesStatic(),name::GetHandlersStatic(),0 , 0 , \ 0 , 0 , 0 ); \ template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString & , name * & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> void wxStringWriteValue(wxString & , name* const & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString & , name ** & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> void wxStringWriteValue(wxString & , name** const & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( name *** ){ static wxBuiltInTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_VOID ) ; wxASSERT_MSG(0 , wxT("illegal specialization called") ) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( name * ){ static wxClassTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_OBJECT , &name::sm_class##name) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( name ** ){ static wxClassTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_OBJECT_PTR , &name::sm_class##name) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } // Multiple inheritance with two base classes #define _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS2(name, basename, basename2, unit) \ wxObject* wxConstructorFor##name() \ { return new name; } \ const wxClassInfo* name::sm_classParents##name[] = { &basename::sm_class##basename ,&basename2::sm_class##basename2 , NULL } ; \ wxObject* wxVariantToObjectConverter##name ( wxxVariant &data ) { return data.Get() ; } \ wxxVariant wxObjectToVariantConverter##name ( wxObject *data ) { return wxxVariant( dynamic_cast (data) ) ; } \ wxClassInfo name::sm_class##name(sm_classParents##name , wxT(unit) , wxT(#name), \ (int) sizeof(name), \ (wxObjectConstructorFn) wxConstructorFor##name , \ name::GetPropertiesStatic(),name::GetHandlersStatic(),name::sm_constructor##name , name::sm_constructorProperties##name , \ name::sm_constructorPropertiesCount##name , wxVariantToObjectConverter##name , wxObjectToVariantConverter##name); \ template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString & , name * & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> void wxStringWriteValue(wxString & , name* const & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString & , name ** & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> void wxStringWriteValue(wxString & , name** const & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( name *** ){ static wxBuiltInTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_VOID ) ; wxASSERT_MSG(0 , wxT("illegal specialization called") ) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( name * ){ static wxClassTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_OBJECT , &name::sm_class##name) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( name ** ){ static wxClassTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_OBJECT_PTR , &name::sm_class##name) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } #define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS2( name , basename , basename2) \ _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS2( name , basename , basename2 , "") \ const wxPropertyInfo *name::GetPropertiesStatic() { return (wxPropertyInfo*) NULL ; } \ const wxHandlerInfo *name::GetHandlersStatic() { return (wxHandlerInfo*) NULL ; } \ WX_CONSTRUCTOR_DUMMY( name ) #define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS2_XTI( name , basename , basename2, unit) \ _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS2( name , basename , basename2 , unit) // ----------------------------------- // for abstract classes // ----------------------------------- // Single inheritance with one base class #define _IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(name, basename) \ const wxClassInfo* name::sm_classParents##name[] = { &basename::sm_class##basename ,NULL } ; \ wxObject* wxVariantToObjectConverter##name ( wxxVariant &data ) { return data.Get() ; } \ wxObject* wxVariantOfPtrToObjectConverter##name ( wxxVariant &data ) { return data.Get() ; } \ wxxVariant wxObjectToVariantConverter##name ( wxObject *data ) { return wxxVariant( dynamic_cast (data) ) ; } \ wxClassInfo name::sm_class##name(sm_classParents##name , wxT("") , wxT(#name), \ (int) sizeof(name), \ (wxObjectConstructorFn) 0 , \ name::GetPropertiesStatic(),name::GetHandlersStatic(),0 , 0 , \ 0 , wxVariantOfPtrToObjectConverter##name ,wxVariantToObjectConverter##name , wxObjectToVariantConverter##name); \ template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString & , name * & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> void wxStringWriteValue(wxString & , name* const & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString & , name ** & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> void wxStringWriteValue(wxString & , name** const & ){wxASSERT_MSG( 0 , wxT("Illegal Spezialication Called") );}\ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( name * ){ static wxClassTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_OBJECT , &name::sm_class##name) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( name ** ){ static wxClassTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_OBJECT_PTR , &name::sm_class##name) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } \ template<> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( name *** ){ static wxBuiltInTypeInfo s_typeInfo(wxT_VOID) ; assert(0) ; return &s_typeInfo ; } #define IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS( name , basename ) \ _IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS( name , basename ) \ const wxHandlerInfo *name::GetHandlersStatic() { return (wxHandlerInfo*) NULL ; } \ const wxPropertyInfo *name::GetPropertiesStatic() { return (wxPropertyInfo*) NULL ; } // Multiple inheritance with two base classes #define IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS2(name, basename1, basename2) \ wxClassInfo name::sm_class##name(wxT(#name), wxT(#basename1), \ wxT(#basename2), (int) sizeof(name), \ (wxObjectConstructorFn) 0); #define IMPLEMENT_CLASS IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS #define IMPLEMENT_CLASS2 IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS2 #endif