\section{\class{wxQueryCol}}\label{wxquerycol} Every ODBC data column is represented by an instance of this class. \wxheading{Derivation} \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{See also} \overview{wxQueryCol overview}{wxquerycoloverview}, \overview{wxDatabase overview}{wxdatabaseoverview} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxQueryCol::wxQueryCol} \func{void}{wxQueryCol}{\void} Constructor. Sets the attributes of the column to default values. \membersection{wxQueryCol::\destruct{wxQueryCol}} \func{void}{\destruct{wxQueryCol}}{\void} Destructor. Deletes the wxQueryField list. \membersection{wxQueryCol::BindVar} \func{void *}{BindVar}{\param{void *}{v}, \param{long}{ sz}} Binds a user-defined variable to a column. Whenever a column is bound to a variable, it will automatically copy the data of the current field into this buffer (to a maximum of {\it sz} bytes). \membersection{wxQueryCol::FillVar} \func{void}{FillVar}{\param{int}{ recnum}} Fills the bound variable with the data of the field recnum. When no variable is bound to the column nothing will happen. \membersection{wxQueryCol::GetData} \func{void *}{GetData}{\param{int}{ field}} Returns a pointer to the data of the field. \membersection{wxQueryCol::GetName} \func{wxString}{GetName}{\void} Returns the name of a column. \membersection{wxQueryCol::GetType} \func{short}{GetType}{\void} Returns the data type of a column. \membersection{wxQueryCol::GetSize} \func{long}{GetSize}{\param{int}{ field}} Return the size of the data of the field field. \membersection{wxQueryCol::IsRowDirty} \func{bool}{IsRowDirty}{\param{int}{ field}} Returns TRUE if the given field has been changed, but not saved. \membersection{wxQueryCol::IsNullable} \func{bool}{IsNullable}{\void} Returns TRUE if a column may contain no data. \membersection{wxQueryCol::AppendField} \func{void}{AppendField}{\param{void *}{buf}, \param{long}{ len}} Appends a wxQueryField instance to the field list of the column. {\it len} bytes from\rtfsp {\it buf} will be copied into the field's buffer. \membersection{wxQueryCol::SetData} \func{bool}{SetData}{\param{int}{ field}, \param{void *}{buf}, \param{long}{ len}} Sets the data of a field. This function finds the wxQueryField corresponding to\rtfsp {\it field} and calls wxQueryField::SetData with {\it buf} and {\it len} arguments. \membersection{wxQueryCol::SetName} \func{void}{SetName}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}} Sets the name of a column. Only useful when creating new tables or appending columns. \membersection{wxQueryCol::SetNullable} \func{void}{SetNullable}{\param{bool}{ nullable}} Determines whether a column may contain no data. Only useful when creating new tables or appending columns. \membersection{wxQueryCol::SetFieldDirty} \func{void}{SetFieldDirty}{\param{int}{ field}, \param{bool }{dirty = TRUE}} Sets the dirty tag of a given field. \membersection{wxQueryCol::SetType} \func{void}{SetType}{\param{short}{ type}} Sets the data type of a column. Only useful when creating new tables or appending columns. \section{\class{wxQueryField}}\label{wxqueryfield} Represents the data item for one or several columns. \wxheading{Derivation} \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{See also} \overview{wxQueryField overview}{wxqueryfieldoverview}, \overview{wxDatabase overview}{wxdatabaseoverview} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxQueryField::wxQueryField} \func{}{wxQueryField}{\void} Constructor. Sets type and size of the field to default values. \membersection{wxQueryField::\destruct{wxQueryField}} \func{}{\destruct{wxQueryField}}{\void} Destructor. Frees the associated memory depending on the field type. \membersection{wxQueryField::AllocData} \func{bool}{AllocData}{\void} Allocates memory depending on the size and type of the field. \membersection{wxQueryField::ClearData} \func{void}{ClearData}{\void} Deletes the contents of the field buffer without deallocating the memory. \membersection{wxQueryField::GetData} \func{void *}{GetData}{\void} Returns a pointer to the field buffer. \membersection{wxQueryField::GetSize} \func{long}{GetSize}{\void} Returns the size of the field buffer. \membersection{wxQueryField::GetType} \func{short}{GetType}{\void} Returns the type of the field (currently SQL\_CHAR, SQL\_VARCHAR or SQL\_INTEGER). \membersection{wxQueryField::IsDirty} \func{bool}{IsDirty}{\void} Returns TRUE if the data of a field has been changed, but not saved. \membersection{wxQueryField::SetData} \func{bool}{SetData}{\param{void *}{data}, \param{long}{ sz}} Allocates memory of the size {\it sz} and copies the contents of {\it d} into the field buffer. \membersection{wxQueryField::SetDirty} \func{void}{SetDirty}{\param{bool}{ dirty = TRUE}} Sets the dirty tag of a field. \membersection{wxQueryField::SetSize} \func{void}{SetSize}{\param{long}{ size}} Resizes the field buffer. Stored data will be lost. \membersection{wxQueryField::SetType} \func{void}{SetType}{\param{short }{type}} Sets the type of the field. Currently the types SQL\_CHAR, SQL\_VARCHAR and SQL\_INTEGER are supported.