/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: wx/gtk/dvrenderer.h // Purpose: wxDataViewRenderer for GTK wxDataViewCtrl implementation // Author: Robert Roebling, Vadim Zeitlin // Created: 2009-11-07 (extracted from wx/gtk/dataview.h) // Copyright: (c) 2006 Robert Roebling // (c) 2009 Vadim Zeitlin // Licence: wxWindows licence /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _WX_GTK_DVRENDERER_H_ #define _WX_GTK_DVRENDERER_H_ typedef struct _GtkCellRendererText GtkCellRendererText; typedef struct _GtkTreeViewColumn GtkTreeViewColumn; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxDataViewRenderer // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLIMPEXP_ADV wxDataViewRenderer: public wxDataViewRendererBase { public: wxDataViewRenderer( const wxString &varianttype, wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT, int align = wxDVR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT ); virtual void SetMode( wxDataViewCellMode mode ); virtual wxDataViewCellMode GetMode() const; virtual void SetAlignment( int align ); virtual int GetAlignment() const; virtual void EnableEllipsize(wxEllipsizeMode mode = wxELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE); virtual wxEllipsizeMode GetEllipsizeMode() const; // GTK-specific implementation // --------------------------- // pack the GTK cell renderers used by this renderer to the given column // // by default only a single m_renderer is used but some renderers use more // than one GTK cell renderer virtual void GtkPackIntoColumn(GtkTreeViewColumn *column); // called when the cell value was edited by user with the new value // // it validates the new value and notifies the model about the change by // calling GtkOnCellChanged() if it was accepted virtual void GtkOnTextEdited(const char *itempath, const wxString& value); GtkCellRenderer* GetGtkHandle() { return m_renderer; } void GtkInitHandlers(); void GtkUpdateAlignment() { GtkApplyAlignment(m_renderer); } // should be overridden to return true if the renderer supports properties // corresponding to wxDataViewItemAttr field, see wxGtkTreeCellDataFunc() // for details virtual bool GtkSupportsAttrs() const { return false; } // if GtkSupportsAttrs() returns true, this function will be called to // effectively set the attribute to use for rendering the next item // // it should return true if the attribute had any non-default properties virtual bool GtkSetAttr(const wxDataViewItemAttr& WXUNUSED(attr)) { return false; } // these functions are only called if GtkSupportsAttrs() returns true and // are used to remember whether the renderer currently uses the default // attributes or if we changed (and not reset them) bool GtkIsUsingDefaultAttrs() const { return m_usingDefaultAttrs; } void GtkSetUsingDefaultAttrs(bool def) { m_usingDefaultAttrs = def; } // return the text renderer used by this renderer for setting text cell // specific attributes: can return NULL if this renderer doesn't render any // text virtual GtkCellRendererText *GtkGetTextRenderer() const { return NULL; } wxDataViewCellMode GtkGetMode() { return m_mode; } protected: virtual void GtkOnCellChanged(const wxVariant& value, const wxDataViewItem& item, unsigned col); // Apply our effective alignment (i.e. m_alignment if specified or the // associated column alignment by default) to the given renderer. void GtkApplyAlignment(GtkCellRenderer *renderer); GtkCellRenderer *m_renderer; int m_alignment; wxDataViewCellMode m_mode; // true if we hadn't changed any visual attributes or restored them since // doing this bool m_usingDefaultAttrs; protected: DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS_NO_COPY(wxDataViewRenderer) }; #endif // _WX_GTK_DVRENDERER_H_