% LaTeX style file % Name: texhelp.sty % Author: Julian Smart % % Purpose % ------- % Style file to enable the simultaneous preparation of printed LaTeX and on-line % hypertext manuals. % Use in conjunction with Tex2RTF (see Tex2RTF documentation). % % Note that if a non-ASCII character starts a newline and there should be a space % between the last word on the previous line and the first word on this line, % you need to use \rtfsp to generate a space in Windows Help. \rtfsp is ignored % in all other formats. % % Julian Smart % Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute % % % ============== C++/CLIPS Documentation Facilities ============== % % Each class definition should be typeset with e.g. % % \section{\class{Name}: Parent} % % followed by a description of the class. % Each member should follow: % % \membersection{wxName::Member} % % with a description of what this member does. % Then, one (or more if overloaded) member (function) in detail: % % \func{return type}{name}{args} % or % \member{type}{name} % % where args is a list of \param{type}{name}, ... % Function, e.g. % e.g. to typeset % % void DoIt(char *string); % % write: % % \func{void}{DoIt}{\param{char *}{string}} % \newcommand{\func}[3]{\hangafter=1\noindent\hangindent=10mm {{\it #1} {\bf #2}\index{#2}}(#3)} % For function/type definition where the name is a pointer, % e.g. to typeset % % typedef void (*wxFunction)(wxObject&) % % write: % % \pfunc{typedef void}{wxFunction}{param{wxObject&}} \newcommand{\pfunc}[3]{\hangafter=1\noindent\hangindent=10mm {{\it #1} ({\bf *#2})\index{#2}}(#3)} % Use an ordinary \section command for class name definitions. % This is used for a member, such as wxBitmap: GetDepth \newcommand{\membersection}[1]{\subsection*{#1}\index{#1}} % CLIPS function \newcommand{\clipsfunc}[3]{\hangafter=1\noindent\hangindent=10mm {{\bf #1} ({\bf #2}\index{#2}}#3)} \newcommand{\clipssection}[1]{\chapter{#1}} % This is used for a CLIPS function name \newcommand{\functionsection}[1]{\subsection*{#1}} % Member: a type and a name \newcommand{\member}[2]{{\bf #1 \it #2}} % C++ Parameter: a type and a name (no intervening space) \newcommand{\param}[2]{{\it #1}{\bf #2}} % CLIPS Parameter: a type and a name (one intervening space) \newcommand{\cparam}[2]{{\bf #1} {\it #2}} % Class: puts in index \newcommand{\class}[1]{#1\index{#1}} %\newcommand{\docparam}[2]{\parskip=0pt {\it #1}\par\parskip=10pt\begin{indented}{1cm}{#2}\end{indented}} % Void type \newcommand{\void}{{\it void}} % Typeset destructor \newcommand{\destruct}[1]{{$\sim$}#1} % Typeset insert/extract operators \newcommand{\cinsert}{$<<$} \newcommand{\cextract}{$>>$} % pythonnote: A note about the wxpython interface. %\newcommand{\pythonnote}[1]{{\bf wxPython note: }#1} \newcommand{\pythonnote}[1]{{}} % =================== Hypertext facilities =================== % % To insert hyperlinks (or references, in Latex), \label the sections % or membersections \label{ref-label} immediately after the section, on the same line, % and use \helpref{text-to-show}{ref-label} to make a reference. % % Type text with section reference \newcommand{\helpref}[2]{{\it #1} (p.\ \pageref{#2}) } % Type text with URL in verbatim mode \newcommand{\urlref}[2]{#1 (\verb$#2$)} % Don't typeset section number in LaTeX \newcommand{\helprefn}[2]{{\it #1}} % Like helpref, but popup text in WinHelp instead of hyperlinked \newcommand{\popref}[2]{{\it #1}} % Like footnote, but popup text. \newcommand{\footnotepopup}[2]{{\it #1}\footnote{#2}} % =================== On-line help specific macros =================== % % Global document font size/family, help only. \newcommand{\helpfontsize}[1]{} \newcommand{\helpfontfamily}[1]{} % Ignore in all on-line help \newcommand{\helpignore}[1]{#1} % Only print in all on-line help \newcommand{\helponly}[1]{} % Ignore in LaTeX \newcommand{\latexignore}[1]{} % Only print in LaTeX \newcommand{\latexonly}[1]{#1} % Ignore in linear RTF \newcommand{\rtfignore}[1]{#1} % Only print in linear RTF \newcommand{\rtfonly}[1]{} % Ignore in WinHelp RTF \newcommand{\winhelpignore}[1]{#1} % Only print in WinHelp RTF \newcommand{\winhelponly}[1]{} % Ignore in wxHelp \newcommand{\xlpignore}[1]{#1} % Only print in wxHelp \newcommand{\xlponly}[1]{} % Ignore in HTML \newcommand{\htmlignore}[1]{#1} % Only print in HTML \newcommand{\htmlonly}[1]{} % Input a file only for help system (binder thickness is not a limitation % in help systems!) \newcommand{\helpinput}[1]{} \newcommand{\rtfsp}{ } % Force a space in RTF, ignore in Latex % =================== Miscellaneous macros =================== % % Headings consistent with generated ones \newcommand{\myheading}[1]{\vspace*{25pt} \begin{flushleft} {\LARGE \bf #1} \end{flushleft} \vskip 20pt } % Heading with entry in contents page. \newcommand{\chapterheading}[1]{\myheading{#1} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{#1}} \newcommand{\sectionheading}[1]{\myheading{#1} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{#1}} % Glossary environment \newenvironment{helpglossary}{\newpage\chapterheading{Glossary}\begin{description}}{\end{description}} % Glossary entry \newcommand{\gloss}[1]{\item[#1]\index{#1}} % Image: EPS in Latex, BMP or MF (whatever's available) in RTF. Requires psbox. \newcommand{\image}[2]{\psboxto(#1){#2}} % Image, left aligned (HTML) \newcommand{\imager}[2]{\psboxto(#1){#2}} % Image, right aligned (HTML) \newcommand{\imagel}[2]{\psboxto(#1){#2}} % Imagemap: principally for HTML only. In Latex, % acts like \image. \newcommand{\imagemap}[3]{\psboxto(#1){#2}} % Headers and footers % \setheader{EvenPageLeft}{EvenPageCentre}{EvenPageRight} % {OddPageLeft}{OddPageCentre}{OddPageRight} \newcommand{\setheader}[6]{ \lhead[\fancyplain{}{#1}]{\fancyplain{}{#4}} \chead[\fancyplain{}{#2}]{\fancyplain{}{#5}} \rhead[\fancyplain{}{#3}]{\fancyplain{}{#6}} } % \setfooter{EvenPageLeft}{EvenPageCentre}{EvenPageRight} % {OddPageLeft}{OddPageCentre}{OddPageRight} \newcommand{\setfooter}[6]{ \lfoot[\fancyplain{#1}{#1}]{\fancyplain{#4}{#4}} \cfoot[\fancyplain{#2}{#2}]{\fancyplain{#5}{#5}} \rfoot[\fancyplain{#3}{#3}]{\fancyplain{#6}{#6}} } % Needed for telling RTF where margin paragraph should go % in mirrored margins mode. \newcommand{\marginpareven}[1]{\hspace*{0pt}\marginpar{#1}} \newcommand{\marginparodd}[1]{\hspace*{0pt}\marginpar{#1}} % Environment for two-column table popular in WinHelp and manuals. \newcommand{\twocolwidtha}[1]{\def\twocolwidthaval{#1}} \newcommand{\twocolwidthb}[1]{\def\twocolwidthbval{#1}} \newcommand{\twocolspacing}[1]{\def\twocolspacingval{#1}} \twocolwidtha{3cm} \twocolwidthb{8.5cm} \twocolspacing{2} \newcommand{\twocolitem}[2]{#1 & #2\\} \newcommand{\twocolitemruled}[2]{#1 & #2\\\hline} \newenvironment{twocollist}{\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{\twocolspacingval}\begin{tabular}{lp{\twocolwidthbval}}}% {\end{tabular}\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1}} % Specifying table rows for RTF compatibility \newcommand{\row}[1]{#1\\} % Use for the last ruled row for correct RTF generation. \newcommand{\ruledrow}[1]{#1\\\hline} % Indentation environment. Arg1 is left margin size \newenvironment{indented}[1]{\begin{list}{}{\leftmargin=#1}\item[]}% {\end{list}} % Framed box of text, normal formatting. \newcommand{\normalbox}[1]{\fbox{\vbox{#1}}} % Double-framed box of text. \newcommand{\normalboxd}[1]{\fbox{\fbox{\vbox{#1}}}} % WITHDRAWN -- can't do in RTF, easily. % Framed box of text, horizontally centred. Ragged right within box. % \newcommand{\centeredbox}[2]{\begin{center}\fbox{\parbox{#1}{\raggedright#2}}\end{center}} % Double-framed box of text, horizontally centred. Ragged right within box. % \newcommand{\centeredboxd}[2]{\begin{center}\fbox{\fbox{\parbox{#1}{\raggedright#2}}}\end{center}} % toocomplex environment: simply prints the argument in LaTeX, % comes out verbatim in all generated formats. \newenvironment{toocomplex}{}{} % Colour: dummy commands since LaTeX doesn't support colour. % \definecolour{name}{red}{blue}{green} % \fcol{name}{text} ; Foreground % \bcol{name}{text} ; Background \newcommand{\definecolour}[4]{} \newcommand{\definecolor}[4]{} \newcommand{\fcol}[2]{#2} \newcommand{\bcol}[2]{#2} \newcommand{\sethotspotcolour}[1]{} \newcommand{\sethotspotunderline}[1]{} \newcommand{\settransparency}[1]{} \newcommand{\backslashraw}[0]{} \newcommand{\lbraceraw}[0]{} \newcommand{\rbraceraw}[0]{} \newcommand{\registered}[0]{(r)} \newcommand{\background}[1]{} \newcommand{\textcolour}[1]{} \newcommand{\overview}[2]{See \helpref{#1}{#2}.} \newcommand{\docparam}[2]{{\it #1}\begin{list}{}{\leftmargin=1cm}\item[] #2% \end{list}} \newcommand{\wxheading}[1]{{\bf #1}} \newcommand{\const}[0]{{\bf const}} \newcommand{\constfunc}[3]{{\bf #1} {\bf #2}(#3) {\bf const}\index{#2}} \newcommand{\windowstyle}[1]{{\bf #1}\index{#1}} \addtolength{\textwidth}{1in} \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.5in} \addtolength{\topmargin}{-0.5in} \addtolength{\textheight}{1in} \sloppy