///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: htmllbox.cpp // Purpose: HtmlLbox wxWidgets sample // Author: Vadim Zeitlin // Modified by: // Created: 31.05.03 // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) 2003 Vadim Zeitlin // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ============================================================================ // declarations // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif // for all others, include the necessary headers #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/frame.h" #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/textdlg.h" #include "wx/sizer.h" #include "wx/menu.h" #include "wx/msgdlg.h" #include "wx/textctrl.h" #include "wx/dc.h" #endif #include "wx/colordlg.h" #include "wx/numdlg.h" #include "wx/htmllbox.h" // you can also have a file containing HTML strings for testing, enable this if // you want to use it //#define USE_HTML_FILE #ifdef USE_HTML_FILE #include "wx/textfile.h" #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // resources // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the application icon (under Windows and OS/2 it is in resources) #if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXMOTIF__) || defined(__WXMAC__) || defined(__WXMGL__) || defined(__WXX11__) #include "mondrian.xpm" #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private classes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // to use wxHtmlListBox you must derive a new class from it as you must // implement pure virtual OnGetItem() class MyHtmlListBox : public wxHtmlListBox { public: MyHtmlListBox(wxWindow *parent, bool multi = false); void SetChangeSelFg(bool change) { m_change = change; } protected: virtual wxString OnGetItem(size_t n) const; // change the appearance by overriding these functions virtual void OnDrawSeparator(wxDC& dc, wxRect& rect, size_t n) const; virtual wxColour GetSelectedTextColour(const wxColour& colFg) const; bool m_change; #ifdef USE_HTML_FILE wxTextFile m_file; #endif DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(MyHtmlListBox) }; class MyFrame : public wxFrame { public: MyFrame(); virtual ~MyFrame(); // event handlers void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSetMargins(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnDrawSeparator(wxCommandEvent&) { m_hlbox->RefreshAll(); } void OnToggleMulti(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSelectAll(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSetBgCol(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSetSelBgCol(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSetSelFgCol(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnUpdateUISelectAll(wxUpdateUIEvent& event); void OnLboxSelect(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnLboxDClick(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxLogMessage(_T("Listbox item %ld double clicked."), event.GetInt()); } private: MyHtmlListBox *m_hlbox; // any class wishing to process wxWidgets events must use this macro DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; class MyApp : public wxApp { public: virtual bool OnInit() { (new MyFrame())->Show(); return true; } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IDs for the controls and the menu commands enum { // menu items HtmlLbox_Quit = 1, HtmlLbox_SetMargins, HtmlLbox_DrawSeparator, HtmlLbox_ToggleMulti, HtmlLbox_SelectAll, HtmlLbox_SetBgCol, HtmlLbox_SetSelBgCol, HtmlLbox_SetSelFgCol, // it is important for the id corresponding to the "About" command to have // this standard value as otherwise it won't be handled properly under Mac // (where it is special and put into the "Apple" menu) HtmlLbox_About = wxID_ABOUT }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // event tables and other macros for wxWidgets // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame) EVT_MENU(HtmlLbox_Quit, MyFrame::OnQuit) EVT_MENU(HtmlLbox_SetMargins, MyFrame::OnSetMargins) EVT_MENU(HtmlLbox_DrawSeparator, MyFrame::OnDrawSeparator) EVT_MENU(HtmlLbox_ToggleMulti, MyFrame::OnToggleMulti) EVT_MENU(HtmlLbox_SelectAll, MyFrame::OnSelectAll) EVT_MENU(HtmlLbox_About, MyFrame::OnAbout) EVT_MENU(HtmlLbox_SetBgCol, MyFrame::OnSetBgCol) EVT_MENU(HtmlLbox_SetSelBgCol, MyFrame::OnSetSelBgCol) EVT_MENU(HtmlLbox_SetSelFgCol, MyFrame::OnSetSelFgCol) EVT_UPDATE_UI(HtmlLbox_SelectAll, MyFrame::OnUpdateUISelectAll) EVT_LISTBOX(wxID_ANY, MyFrame::OnLboxSelect) EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK(wxID_ANY, MyFrame::OnLboxDClick) END_EVENT_TABLE() IMPLEMENT_APP(MyApp) // ============================================================================ // MyFrame // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MyFrame ctor/dtor // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // frame constructor MyFrame::MyFrame() : wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, _T("HtmlLbox wxWidgets Sample"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(400, 500)) { // set the frame icon SetIcon(wxICON(mondrian)); #if wxUSE_MENUS // create a menu bar wxMenu *menuFile = new wxMenu; menuFile->Append(HtmlLbox_Quit, _T("E&xit\tAlt-X"), _T("Quit this program")); // create our specific menu wxMenu *menuHLbox = new wxMenu; menuHLbox->Append(HtmlLbox_SetMargins, _T("Set &margins...\tCtrl-G"), _T("Change the margins around the items")); menuHLbox->AppendCheckItem(HtmlLbox_DrawSeparator, _T("&Draw separators\tCtrl-D"), _T("Toggle drawing separators between cells")); menuHLbox->AppendSeparator(); menuHLbox->AppendCheckItem(HtmlLbox_ToggleMulti, _T("&Multiple selection\tCtrl-M"), _T("Toggle multiple selection on/off")); menuHLbox->AppendSeparator(); menuHLbox->Append(HtmlLbox_SelectAll, _T("Select &all items\tCtrl-A")); menuHLbox->AppendSeparator(); menuHLbox->Append(HtmlLbox_SetBgCol, _T("Set &background...\tCtrl-B")); menuHLbox->Append(HtmlLbox_SetSelBgCol, _T("Set &selection background...\tCtrl-S")); menuHLbox->AppendCheckItem(HtmlLbox_SetSelFgCol, _T("Keep &foreground in selection\tCtrl-F")); // the "About" item should be in the help menu wxMenu *helpMenu = new wxMenu; helpMenu->Append(HtmlLbox_About, _T("&About...\tF1"), _T("Show about dialog")); // now append the freshly created menu to the menu bar... wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar(); menuBar->Append(menuFile, _T("&File")); menuBar->Append(menuHLbox, _T("&Listbox")); menuBar->Append(helpMenu, _T("&Help")); menuBar->Check(HtmlLbox_DrawSeparator, true); // ... and attach this menu bar to the frame SetMenuBar(menuBar); #endif // wxUSE_MENUS #if wxUSE_STATUSBAR // create a status bar just for fun (by default with 1 pane only) CreateStatusBar(2); SetStatusText(_T("Welcome to wxWidgets!")); #endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR // create the child controls m_hlbox = new MyHtmlListBox(this); wxTextCtrl *text = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_ANY, _T(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE); delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(new wxLogTextCtrl(text)); // and lay them out wxSizer *sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(m_hlbox, 1, wxGROW); sizer->Add(text, 1, wxGROW); SetSizer(sizer); } MyFrame::~MyFrame() { delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(NULL); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // menu event handlers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MyFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { // true is to force the frame to close Close(true); } void MyFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxMessageBox(_T("This sample shows wxHtmlListBox class.\n") _T("\n") _T("(c) 2003 Vadim Zeitlin"), _T("About HtmlLbox"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this); } void MyFrame::OnSetMargins(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { long margin = wxGetNumberFromUser ( _T("Enter the margins to use for the listbox items."), _T("Margin: "), _T("HtmlLbox: Set the margins"), 0, 0, 20, this ); if ( margin != -1 ) { m_hlbox->SetMargins(margin, margin); m_hlbox->RefreshAll(); } } void MyFrame::OnToggleMulti(wxCommandEvent& event) { // we need to recreate the listbox wxSizer *sizer = GetSizer(); sizer->Detach(m_hlbox); delete m_hlbox; m_hlbox = new MyHtmlListBox(this, event.IsChecked()); sizer->Prepend(m_hlbox, 1, wxGROW); sizer->Layout(); } void MyFrame::OnSelectAll(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { m_hlbox->SelectAll(); } void MyFrame::OnUpdateUISelectAll(wxUpdateUIEvent& event) { event.Enable( m_hlbox && m_hlbox->HasMultipleSelection() ); } void MyFrame::OnSetBgCol(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxColour col = wxGetColourFromUser(this, m_hlbox->GetBackgroundColour()); if ( col.Ok() ) { m_hlbox->SetBackgroundColour(col); m_hlbox->Refresh(); #if wxUSE_STATUSBAR SetStatusText(_T("Background colour changed.")); #endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR } } void MyFrame::OnSetSelBgCol(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxColour col = wxGetColourFromUser(this, m_hlbox->GetSelectionBackground()); if ( col.Ok() ) { m_hlbox->SetSelectionBackground(col); m_hlbox->Refresh(); #if wxUSE_STATUSBAR SetStatusText(_T("Selection background colour changed.")); #endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR } } void MyFrame::OnSetSelFgCol(wxCommandEvent& event) { m_hlbox->SetChangeSelFg(!event.IsChecked()); m_hlbox->Refresh(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // listbox event handlers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MyFrame::OnLboxSelect(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxLogMessage(_T("Listbox selection is now %ld."), event.GetInt()); if ( m_hlbox->HasMultipleSelection() ) { wxString s; bool first = true; unsigned long cookie; for ( int item = m_hlbox->GetFirstSelected(cookie); item != wxNOT_FOUND; item = m_hlbox->GetNextSelected(cookie) ) { if ( first ) first = false; else s << _T(", "); s << item; } if ( !s.empty() ) wxLogMessage(_T("Selected items: %s"), s.c_str()); } #if wxUSE_STATUSBAR SetStatusText(wxString::Format( _T("# items selected = %lu"), (unsigned long)m_hlbox->GetSelectedCount() )); #endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR } // ============================================================================ // MyHtmlListBox // ============================================================================ MyHtmlListBox::MyHtmlListBox(wxWindow *parent, bool multi) : wxHtmlListBox(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, multi ? wxLB_MULTIPLE : 0) { m_change = true; SetMargins(5, 5); #ifdef USE_HTML_FILE if ( !m_file.Open(_T("results")) ) { wxLogError(_T("Failed to open results file")); } else { SetItemCount(m_file.GetLineCount()); } #else SetItemCount(1000); #endif SetSelection(3); } void MyHtmlListBox::OnDrawSeparator(wxDC& dc, wxRect& rect, size_t) const { if ( ((MyFrame *)GetParent())-> GetMenuBar()->IsChecked(HtmlLbox_DrawSeparator) ) { dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_DASHED_PEN); dc.DrawLine(rect.x, rect.y, rect.GetRight(), rect.y); dc.DrawLine(rect.x, rect.GetBottom(), rect.GetRight(), rect.GetBottom()); } } wxString MyHtmlListBox::OnGetItem(size_t n) const { #ifdef USE_HTML_FILE wxString s; if ( m_file.IsOpened() ) s = m_file[n]; return s; #else int level = n % 6 + 1; return wxString::Format(_T("") _T("Item %lu") _T(""), level, abs(n - 192) % 256, abs(n - 256) % 256, abs(n - 128) % 256, (unsigned long)n, level); #endif } wxColour MyHtmlListBox::GetSelectedTextColour(const wxColour& colFg) const { return m_change ? wxHtmlListBox::GetSelectedTextColour(colFg) : colFg; }