% % automatically generated by HelpGen from % ../include/wx/strconv.h at 25/Mar/00 10:20:56 % \section{\class{wxCSConv}}\label{wxcsconv} This class converts between any character sets and Unicode. It has one predefined instance, {\bf wxConvLocal}, for the default user character set. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxMBConv}{wxmbconv} \wxheading{Include files} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxMBConv}{wxmbconv}, \helpref{wxEncodingConverter}{wxencodingconverter}, \helpref{wxMBConv classes overview}{mbconvclasses} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxCSConv::wxCSConv}\label{wxcsconvwxcsconv} \func{}{wxCSConv}{\param{const wxChar* }{charset}} \func{}{wxCSConv}{\param{wxFontEncoding }{encoding}} Constructor. You may specify either the name of the character set you want to convert from/to or an encoding constant. If the character set name is not recognized, ISO 8859-1 is used as fall back. \membersection{wxCSConv::\destruct{wxCSConv}}\label{wxcsconvdtor} \func{}{\destruct{wxCSConv}}{\void} Destructor frees any resources needed to perform the conversion. \membersection{wxCSConv::MB2WC}\label{wxcsconvmb2wc} \constfunc{size\_t}{MB2WC}{\param{wchar\_t* }{buf}, \param{const char* }{psz}, \param{size\_t }{n}} Converts from the selected character set to Unicode. Returns length of string written to destination buffer. \membersection{wxCSConv::WC2MB}\label{wxcsconvwc2mb} \constfunc{size\_t}{WC2MB}{\param{char* }{buf}, \param{const wchar\_t* }{psz}, \param{size\_t }{n}} Converts from Unicode to the selected character set. Returns length of string written to destination buffer.