@echo off if "%WXWIN%=="" goto nowxdir if "%1"=="" goto bad if not exist %1.cpp goto nocpp find /c "BIDE" %1.cpp if not errorlevel 1 goto already @echo off echo #this is for mak/bpr files in sample\dir > %1.mak echo #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %1.mak echo #this is a source makefile for Borland CBuilder IDE v1,3 >> %1.mak echo #You may need to add \ at the end of the lines if your editor breaks them up >> %1.mak echo #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %1.mak echo PROJECT = %1.exe >> %1.mak >> %1.mak echo RESFILES = %1.res >> %1.mak >> %1.mak echo OBJFILES = >> %1.mak echo RESDEPEN = $(RESFILES) >> %1.mak echo LIBFILES = >> %1.mak echo !ifndef BCB >> %1.mak echo BCB = $(MAKEDIR)\.. >> %1.mak echo !endif >> %1.mak echo #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %1.mak echo CFLAG1 = -Od -v -a1 -c -w-hid >> %1.mak echo #disable optimisations debug byte align (matches my make for the library) >> %1.mak echo CFLAG2 = -DINC_OLE2;__WIN95__;__WXMSW__;__WINDOWS__;WIN32;__BIDE__ -I$(BCB)\include;$(BCB)\include\vcl;%WXWIN%\include -H=BC32.CSM >> %1.mak echo PFLAGS = >> %1.mak echo RFLAGS = -DINC_OLE2;__WIN95__;__WXMSW__;__WINDOWS__;WIN32;__BIDE__ -I$(BCB)\include;%WXWIN%\include >> %1.mak echo LFLAGS = -L$(BCB)\lib;$(BCB)\lib\obj;%WXWIN%\lib -aa -Tpe -v -V4.0 -c >> %1.mak echo IFLAGS = >> %1.mak echo LINKER = ilink32 >> %1.mak echo #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %1.mak echo ALLOBJ = c0w32.obj $(OBJFILES) >> %1.mak echo ALLRES = $(RESFILES) >> %1.mak rem xpm.lib seems to have disappeared from libraries ?? 14 Jun 2001 rem echo ALLLIB = $(LIBFILES) vcl.lib xpm.lib wx32.lib ole2w32.lib import32.lib cw32mt.lib odbc32.lib winpng.lib tiff.lib jpeg.lib zlib.lib >> %1.mak echo ALLLIB = $(LIBFILES) vcl.lib wx32.lib ole2w32.lib import32.lib cw32mt.lib odbc32.lib winpng.lib tiff.lib jpeg.lib zlib.lib >> %1.mak echo #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %1.mak echo .autodepend >> %1.mak echo. >> %1.mak echo #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %1.mak echo $(PROJECT): $(OBJFILES) $(RESDEPEN) >> %1.mak copy %1.mak %1.bpr rem bpr is for cb4 mak for cb1 copy %1.cpp %1_old.cpp echo //Source code file for CBuilder/ wxWindows modified by Chris Elliott (biol75@.york.ac.uk) > %1.cpp echo #ifdef __BIDE__ >> %1.cpp echo #define _NO_VCL >> %1.cpp echo #include "condefs.h" >> %1.cpp echo #define WinMain WinMain >> %1.cpp if "%2"=="" goto skipfile echo USEUNIT ("%2.cpp"); // use a line like this if you have more than one .cpp file >> %1.cpp if "%3"=="" goto skipfile echo USEUNIT ("%3.cpp"); // use a line like this if you have more than one .cpp file >> %1.cpp if "%4"=="" goto skipfile echo USEUNIT ("%4.cpp"); // use a line like this if you have more than one .cpp file >> %1.cpp if "%5"=="" goto skipfile echo USEUNIT ("%5.cpp"); // use a line like this if you have more than one .cpp file >> %1.cpp :skipfile echo USERC ("%1.rc"); >> %1.cpp echo #endif >> %1.cpp type %1_old.cpp >> %1.cpp goto end :nowxdir echo Please use the MSDOS command SET WXWIN=DRV:PATH_TO_WX before trying this batch file echo e.g. SET WXWIN=c:\wx goto end :bad echo No file to modify passed on command line : echo Usage: process_sample_bcb filename_without_ext echo No file to modify passed on command line : Usage process_sample_bcb filename_without_ext >> %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\proc_bcb.log goto end :nocpp echo original %1.cpp file not found echo original %1.cpp file not found >> %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\proc_bcb.log goto end :already echo Source file %1.cpp appears to already be converted with __BIDE__ defined echo Source file %1.cpp appears to already be converted with __BIDE__ defined >> %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\proc_bcb.log :end