%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Name: ffile.tex %% Purpose: wxFFile documentation %% Author: Vadim Zeitlin %% Modified by: %% Created: 14.01.02 (extracted from file.tex) %% RCS-ID: $Id$ %% Copyright: (c) Vadim Zeitlin %% License: wxWindows license %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{\class{wxFFile}}\label{wxffile} wxFFile implements buffered file I/O. This is a very small class designed to minimize the overhead of using it - in fact, there is hardly any overhead at all, but using it brings you automatic error checking and hides differences between platforms and compilers. It wraps inside it a {\tt FILE *} handle used by standard C IO library (also known as {\tt stdio}). \wxheading{Derived from} None. \wxheading{Include files} \twocolwidtha{7cm} \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt% \twocolitem{{\bf wxFromStart}}{Count offset from the start of the file} \twocolitem{{\bf wxFromCurrent}}{Count offset from the current position of the file pointer} \twocolitem{{\bf wxFromEnd}}{Count offset from the end of the file (backwards)} \end{twocollist} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxFFile::wxFFile}\label{wxffileconstr} \func{}{wxFFile}{\void} Default constructor. \func{}{wxFFile}{\param{const char*}{ filename}, \param{const char*}{ mode = "r"}} Opens a file with the given mode. As there is no way to return whether the operation was successful or not from the constructor you should test the return value of \helpref{IsOpened}{wxffileisopened} to check that it didn't fail. \func{}{wxFFile}{\param{FILE*}{ fp}} Opens a file with the given file pointer, which has already been opened. \wxheading{Parameters} \docparam{filename}{The filename.} \docparam{mode}{The mode in which to open the file using standard C strings. Note that you should use {\tt "b"} flag if you use binary files under Windows or the results might be unexpected due to automatic newline conversion done for the text files.} \docparam{fp}{An existing file descriptor, such as stderr.} \membersection{wxFFile::\destruct{wxFFile}} \func{}{\destruct{wxFFile}}{\void} Destructor will close the file. NB: it is not virtual so you should {\it not} derive from wxFFile! \membersection{wxFFile::Attach}\label{wxffileattach} \func{void}{Attach}{\param{FILE*}{ fp}} Attaches an existing file pointer to the wxFFile object. The descriptor should be already opened and it will be closed by wxFFile object. \membersection{wxFFile::Close}\label{wxffileclose} \func{bool}{Close}{\void} Closes the file and returns TRUE on success. \membersection{wxFFile::Detach}\label{wxffiledetach} \func{void}{Detach}{\void} Get back a file pointer from wxFFile object - the caller is responsible for closing the file if this descriptor is opened. \helpref{IsOpened()}{wxffileisopened} will return FALSE after call to Detach(). \membersection{wxFFile::fp}\label{wxffilefp} \constfunc{FILE *}{fp}{\void} Returns the file pointer associated with the file. \membersection{wxFFile::Eof}\label{wxffileeof} \constfunc{bool}{Eof}{\void} Returns TRUE if the an attempt has been made to read {\it past} the end of the file. Note that the behaviour of the file descriptor based class \helpref{wxFile}{wxfile} is different as \helpref{wxFile::Eof}{wxfileeof} will return TRUE here as soon as the last byte of the file has been read. \membersection{wxFFile::Flush}\label{wxffileflush} \func{bool}{Flush}{\void} Flushes the file and returns TRUE on success. \membersection{wxFFile::IsOpened}\label{wxffileisopened} \constfunc{bool}{IsOpened}{\void} Returns TRUE if the file has been opened. \membersection{wxFFile::Length}\label{wxffilelength} \constfunc{size\_t}{Length}{\void} Returns the length of the file. \membersection{wxFFile::Open}\label{wxffileopen} \func{bool}{Open}{\param{const char*}{ filename}, \param{const char*}{ mode = "r"}} Opens the file, returning TRUE if successful. \wxheading{Parameters} \docparam{filename}{The filename.} \docparam{mode}{The mode in which to open the file.} \membersection{wxFFile::Read}\label{wxffileread} \func{size\_t}{Read}{\param{void*}{ buffer}, \param{off\_t}{ count}} Reads the specified number of bytes into a buffer, returning the actual number read. \wxheading{Parameters} \docparam{buffer}{A buffer to receive the data.} \docparam{count}{The number of bytes to read.} \wxheading{Return value} The number of bytes read. \membersection{wxFFile::Seek}\label{wxffileseek} \func{bool}{Seek}{\param{long }{ofs}, \param{wxSeekMode }{mode = wxFromStart}} Seeks to the specified position and returns TRUE on success. \wxheading{Parameters} \docparam{ofs}{Offset to seek to.} \docparam{mode}{One of {\bf wxFromStart}, {\bf wxFromEnd}, {\bf wxFromCurrent}.} \membersection{wxFFile::SeekEnd}\label{wxffileseekend} \func{bool}{SeekEnd}{\param{long }{ofs = 0}} Moves the file pointer to the specified number of bytes before the end of the file and returns TRUE on success. \wxheading{Parameters} \docparam{ofs}{Number of bytes before the end of the file.} \membersection{wxFFile::Tell}\label{wxffiletell} \constfunc{size\_t}{Tell}{\void} Returns the current position. \membersection{wxFFile::Write}\label{wxffilewrite} \func{size\_t}{Write}{\param{const void*}{ buffer}, \param{size\_t}{ count}} Writes the specified number of bytes from a buffer. \wxheading{Parameters} \docparam{buffer}{A buffer containing the data.} \docparam{count}{The number of bytes to write.} \wxheading{Return value} Number of bytes written. \membersection{wxFFile::Write}\label{wxffilewrites} \func{bool}{Write}{\param{const wxString\& }{s}, \param{wxMBConv\&}{ conv = wxConvLibc}} Writes the contents of the string to the file, returns TRUE on success. The second argument is only meaningful in Unicode build of wxWindows when {\it conv} is used to convert {\it s} to multibyte representation.