/* * Program: wxTest * * Author: Robert Roebling * * Copyright: (C) 1997, GNU (Robert Roebling) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation "wxTest.h" #endif #include "wxTest.h" #include "folder.xpm" #include "list.xpm" #include "test.xpm" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // main program //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_APP(MyApp) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MyDialog //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const int ID_RETURN = 100; const int ID_HELLO = 101; const int ID_CHECKBOX = 110; const int ID_CHECKBOX_CHECK = 110; const int ID_CHECKBOX_UNCHECK = 112; const int ID_TEXTCTRL = 115; const int ID_TEXTCTRL_SET = 116; const int ID_TEXTCTRL_DEL = 117; const int ID_CHOICE = 120; const int ID_CHOICE_SEL_NUM = 121; const int ID_CHOICE_SEL_STR = 122; const int ID_CHOICE_CLEAR = 123; const int ID_CHOICE_APPEND = 124; const int ID_LISTBOX = 130; const int ID_LISTBOX_SEL_NUM = 131; const int ID_LISTBOX_SEL_STR = 132; const int ID_LISTBOX_CLEAR = 133; const int ID_LISTBOX_APPEND = 134; const int ID_RADIOBOX = 130; const int ID_RADIOBOX_SEL_NUM = 131; const int ID_RADIOBOX_SEL_STR = 132; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyDialog,wxDialog) EVT_BUTTON (ID_RETURN, MyDialog::OnReturnButton) EVT_BUTTON (ID_HELLO, MyDialog::OnHelloButton) EVT_CHECKBOX (ID_CHECKBOX, MyDialog::OnCheckBox) EVT_BUTTON (ID_CHECKBOX_CHECK, MyDialog::OnCheckBoxButtons) EVT_BUTTON (ID_CHECKBOX_UNCHECK, MyDialog::OnCheckBoxButtons) EVT_TEXT (ID_TEXTCTRL, MyDialog::OnTextCtrl) EVT_BUTTON (ID_TEXTCTRL_SET, MyDialog::OnTextCtrlButtons) EVT_BUTTON (ID_TEXTCTRL_DEL, MyDialog::OnTextCtrlButtons) EVT_CHOICE (ID_CHOICE, MyDialog::OnChoice) EVT_BUTTON (ID_CHOICE_SEL_NUM, MyDialog::OnChoiceButtons) EVT_BUTTON (ID_CHOICE_SEL_STR, MyDialog::OnChoiceButtons) EVT_BUTTON (ID_CHOICE_CLEAR, MyDialog::OnChoiceButtons) EVT_BUTTON (ID_CHOICE_APPEND, MyDialog::OnChoiceButtons) EVT_LISTBOX (ID_LISTBOX, MyDialog::OnListBox) EVT_BUTTON (ID_LISTBOX_SEL_NUM, MyDialog::OnListBoxButtons) EVT_BUTTON (ID_LISTBOX_SEL_STR, MyDialog::OnListBoxButtons) EVT_BUTTON (ID_LISTBOX_CLEAR, MyDialog::OnListBoxButtons) EVT_BUTTON (ID_LISTBOX_APPEND, MyDialog::OnListBoxButtons) EVT_RADIOBOX (ID_RADIOBOX, MyDialog::OnRadioBox) EVT_BUTTON (ID_RADIOBOX_SEL_NUM, MyDialog::OnRadioBoxButtons) EVT_BUTTON (ID_RADIOBOX_SEL_STR, MyDialog::OnRadioBoxButtons) END_EVENT_TABLE() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(MyDialog, wxDialog) MyDialog::MyDialog( wxWindow *parent ) : wxDialog( parent, -1, "TestDialog", wxPoint(20,100), wxSize(700,400), wxDIALOG_MODAL ) { m_text1 = (wxStaticText *) NULL; m_text2 = (wxStaticText *) NULL; (void)new wxStaticBox( this, -1, "CheckBox group", wxPoint(20,10), wxSize(140,180) ); m_checkbox = new wxCheckBox( this, ID_CHECKBOX, "CheckBox", wxPoint(40,35), wxSize(100,30) ); (void)new wxButton( this, ID_CHECKBOX_CHECK, "Check", wxPoint(40,85), wxSize(100,30) ); (void)new wxButton( this, ID_CHECKBOX_UNCHECK, "Uncheck", wxPoint(40,135), wxSize(100,30) ); (void)new wxStaticBox( this, -1, "TextCtrl group", wxPoint(20,200), wxSize(140,180) ); m_textctrl = new wxTextCtrl( this, ID_TEXTCTRL, "TextCtrl", wxPoint(40,35+190), wxSize(100,30) ); (void)new wxButton( this, ID_TEXTCTRL_SET, "Set 'Hi!'", wxPoint(40,85+190), wxSize(100,30) ); (void)new wxButton( this, ID_TEXTCTRL_DEL, "Delete", wxPoint(40,135+190), wxSize(100,30) ); wxString choices[4] = { "This", "is", "a", "wonderfull example." }; (void)new wxStaticBox( this, -1, "Choice group", wxPoint(180,10), wxSize(140,330) ); m_choice = new wxChoice( this, ID_CHOICE, wxPoint(200,35), wxSize(100,30), 4, choices ); (void)new wxButton( this, ID_CHOICE_SEL_NUM, "Select #2", wxPoint(200,130), wxSize(100,30) ); (void)new wxButton( this, ID_CHOICE_SEL_STR, "Select 'This'", wxPoint(200,180), wxSize(100,30) ); (void)new wxButton( this, ID_CHOICE_CLEAR, "Clear", wxPoint(200,230), wxSize(100,30) ); (void)new wxButton( this, ID_CHOICE_APPEND, "Append 'Hi!'", wxPoint(200,280), wxSize(100,30) ); (void)new wxStaticBox( this, 100, "ListBox group", wxPoint(340,10), wxSize(140,330) ); m_listbox = new wxListBox( this, ID_LISTBOX, wxPoint(360,35), wxSize(100,70), 4, choices ); (void)new wxButton( this, ID_LISTBOX_SEL_NUM, "Select #2", wxPoint(360,130), wxSize(100,30) ); (void)new wxButton( this, ID_LISTBOX_SEL_STR, "Select 'This'", wxPoint(360,180), wxSize(100,30) ); (void)new wxButton( this, ID_LISTBOX_CLEAR, "Clear", wxPoint(360,230), wxSize(100,30) ); (void)new wxButton( this, ID_LISTBOX_APPEND, "Append 'Hi!'", wxPoint(360,280), wxSize(100,30) ); (void)new wxStaticBox( this, -1, "RadioBox group", wxPoint(500,10), wxSize(180,230) ); m_radiobox = new wxRadioBox( this, ID_RADIOBOX, "Test", wxPoint(520,35), wxSize(-1,-1), 4, choices, 1, wxRA_VERTICAL ); (void)new wxButton( this, ID_HELLO, "wxScreenDC", wxPoint(540,280), wxSize(120,40) ); (void)new wxButton( this, ID_RETURN, "Return", wxPoint(540,340), wxSize(120,40) ); m_text1 = new wxStaticText( this, -1, "No event.", wxPoint(170,350), wxSize(300,-1) ); m_text2 = new wxStaticText( this, -1, "No information.", wxPoint(170,370), wxSize(300,-1) ); InitDialog(); }; void MyDialog::OnTextCtrl( wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event) ) { }; void MyDialog::OnTextCtrlButtons( wxCommandEvent &event ) { switch (event.GetId()) { case ID_TEXTCTRL_SET: { m_textctrl->SetValue( "Hi!" ); break; }; case ID_TEXTCTRL_DEL: { m_textctrl->Clear(); break; }; }; }; void MyDialog::OnRadioBox( wxCommandEvent &event ) { if (!m_text1) return; m_text1->SetLabel( "RadioBox Event:"); wxString tmp = "RadioBox selection string is: "; tmp += event.GetString(); m_text2->SetLabel( tmp ); }; void MyDialog::OnRadioBoxButtons( wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event) ) { }; void MyDialog::OnListBox( wxCommandEvent &event ) { if (!m_text1) return; m_text1->SetLabel( "ListBox Event:"); wxString tmp = "ListBox selection string is: "; tmp += event.GetString(); m_text2->SetLabel( tmp ); }; void MyDialog::OnListBoxButtons( wxCommandEvent &event ) { switch (event.GetId()) { case ID_LISTBOX_SEL_NUM: { m_listbox->SetSelection( 2 ); break; }; case ID_LISTBOX_SEL_STR: { m_listbox->SetStringSelection( "This" ); break; }; case ID_LISTBOX_CLEAR: { m_listbox->Clear(); break; }; case ID_LISTBOX_APPEND: { m_listbox->Append( "Hi!" ); break; }; }; }; void MyDialog::OnCheckBox( wxCommandEvent &event ) { if (!m_text1) return; m_text1->SetLabel( "CheckBox Event:"); wxString tmp = "Checkbox is "; if (event.Checked()) tmp += "checked."; else tmp += "unchecked."; m_text2->SetLabel( tmp ); }; void MyDialog::OnCheckBoxButtons( wxCommandEvent &event ) { switch (event.GetId()) { case ID_CHECKBOX_CHECK: { m_checkbox->SetValue( TRUE ); break; }; case ID_CHECKBOX_UNCHECK: { m_checkbox->SetValue( FALSE ); break; }; }; }; void MyDialog::OnChoice( wxCommandEvent &event ) { if (!m_text1) return; m_text1->SetLabel( "Choice Event:"); wxString tmp = "Choice selection string is: "; tmp += event.GetString(); m_text2->SetLabel( tmp ); }; void MyDialog::OnChoiceButtons( wxCommandEvent &event ) { switch (event.GetId()) { case ID_CHOICE_SEL_NUM: { m_choice->SetSelection( 2 ); break; }; case ID_CHOICE_SEL_STR: { m_choice->SetStringSelection( "This" ); break; }; case ID_CHOICE_CLEAR: { m_choice->Clear(); break; }; case ID_CHOICE_APPEND: { m_choice->Append( "Hi!" ); break; }; }; }; void MyDialog::OnReturnButton( wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event) ) { EndModal( 1 ); }; void MyDialog::OnHelloButton( wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event) ) { wxMessageDialog *dialog; dialog = new wxMessageDialog( this, "Now, I will paint on Screen.", "wxGTK" ); dialog->ShowModal(); delete dialog; wxScreenDC dc; dc.StartDrawingOnTop(); int w = wxSystemSettings::GetSystemMetric( wxSYS_SCREEN_X ); int h = wxSystemSettings::GetSystemMetric( wxSYS_SCREEN_Y ); dc.SetPen( *wxWHITE_PEN ); dc.SetBrush( *wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH ); for (int i = 0; i < h; i += 3) dc.DrawLine( 0, i, w, i ); dialog = new wxMessageDialog( this, "Now, the stripes will disappear.", "wxGTK" ); dialog->ShowModal(); delete dialog; dc.EndDrawingOnTop(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MyCanvas //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(MyCanvas, wxScrolledWindow) BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyCanvas,wxScrolledWindow) EVT_BUTTON (100, MyDialog::OnReturnButton) EVT_PAINT (MyCanvas::OnPaint) END_EVENT_TABLE() MyCanvas::MyCanvas( wxWindow *parent, const wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size ) : wxScrolledWindow( parent, id, pos, size, wxSUNKEN_BORDER ) { my_bitmap = new wxBitmap( folder_xpm ); my_horse = new wxBitmap( test_xpm); my_backstore = new wxBitmap( 150, 150 ); my_font = new wxFont( 20, wxROMAN, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL ); m_isCreated = FALSE; SetBackgroundColour( wxColour("Wheat") ); }; MyCanvas::~MyCanvas(void) { delete my_bitmap; delete my_backstore; delete my_horse; delete my_font; }; void MyCanvas::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &WXUNUSED(event) ) { wxPaintDC dc( this ); PrepareDC( dc ); wxMemoryDC memDC; memDC.SelectObject( *my_backstore ); memDC.Clear(); memDC.SetBrush( *wxBLACK_BRUSH ); memDC.SetPen( *wxWHITE_PEN ); memDC.DrawRectangle( 0, 0, 150, 150 ); memDC.SetTextForeground( *wxWHITE ); memDC.DrawText( "This is a memory dc.", 10, 10 ); int vx = 0; int vy = 0; GetVirtualSize( &vx, &vy ); dc.DrawLine( 5, 5, vx-10, vy-10 ); dc.DrawLine( 10, 20, 100, 10 ); dc.DrawLine( 10, 20, 100, 50 ); dc.DrawLine( 10, 20, 100, 100 ); dc.SetPen( *wxWHITE_PEN ); dc.DrawLine( 80, 50, 180, 50 ); dc.SetFont( *my_font ); long x = 0; long y = 0; dc.GetTextExtent( "Hej, ho, hej, ho.", &x, &y ); dc.SetBrush( *wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH ); dc.DrawRectangle( 80, 40, x, y ); dc.SetTextForeground( *wxGREEN ); dc.DrawText( "Hej, ho, hej, ho.", 80, 40 ); dc.SetTextForeground( *wxBLACK ); dc.SetFont( *wxNORMAL_FONT ); dc.DrawText( "Hej, ho, hej, ho. (NormalFont)", 80, 60 ); dc.SetFont( *wxSMALL_FONT ); dc.DrawText( "Hej, ho, hej, ho. (SmallFont)", 80, 80 ); dc.SetFont( *wxITALIC_FONT ); dc.DrawText( "Hej, ho, hej, ho. (ItalicFont)", 80, 100 ); dc.DrawBitmap( *my_bitmap, 30, 80, TRUE ); dc.DrawBitmap( *my_horse, 30, 120 ); dc.Blit( 200, 200, 150, 150, &memDC, 0, 0, 0 ); memDC.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap ); /* dc.SetBrush( *wxBLACK_BRUSH ); dc.DrawRectangle( 50, 50, 50, 50 ); dc.SetPen( *wxWHITE_PEN ); dc.DrawRectangle( 101, 50, 50, 50 ); dc.DrawRectangle( 50, 101, 50, 50 ); dc.SetBrush( *wxWHITE_BRUSH ); dc.SetPen( *wxWHITE_PEN ); dc.DrawRectangle( 70, 70, 2, 2 ); dc.SetPen( *wxRED_PEN ); dc.DrawRectangle( 72, 70, 2, 2 ); dc.DrawRectangle( 70, 72, 2, 2 ); dc.SetPen( *wxRED_PEN ); dc.DrawRectangle( 82, 80, 2, 2 ); dc.DrawRectangle( 80, 82, 2, 2 ); dc.SetPen( *wxWHITE_PEN ); dc.DrawRectangle( 80, 80, 2, 2 ); */ }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MyFrame //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const ID_OPEN = 101; const ID_SAVE = 102; const ID_MSG = 103; const ID_FONT = 104; const ID_DLG = 105; const ID_QUIT = 108; const ID_ABOUT = 109; IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( MyFrame, wxFrame ) BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame,wxFrame) EVT_MENU (ID_OPEN, MyFrame::OnOpenDialog) EVT_MENU (ID_FONT, MyFrame::OnFontDialog) EVT_MENU (ID_MSG, MyFrame::OnMsg) EVT_MENU (ID_DLG, MyFrame::OnDialog) EVT_MENU (ID_ABOUT, MyFrame::OnAbout) EVT_MENU (ID_QUIT, MyFrame::OnQuit) END_EVENT_TABLE() MyFrame::MyFrame(void) : wxFrame( (wxFrame *) NULL, -1, (char *) "Robert's Test application", wxPoint(20,20), wxSize(470,360) ) { /* wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu( "Test" ); file_menu->Append( ID_OPEN, "Open.."); file_menu->Append( ID_MSG, "MessageBox.."); file_menu->Append( ID_FONT, "FontDialog.."); file_menu->AppendSeparator(); file_menu->Append( ID_DLG, "TestDialog.."); file_menu->AppendSeparator(); file_menu->Append( ID_ABOUT, "About.."); file_menu->Append( ID_QUIT, "Exit"); wxMenuBar *menu_bar = new wxMenuBar(); menu_bar->Append(file_menu, "File"); menu_bar->Show( TRUE ); SetMenuBar( menu_bar ); */ CreateStatusBar( 2 ); SetStatusText( "wxGTK v0.12", 0 ); SetStatusText( "Copyright 1998 Robert Roebling.", 1 ); m_canvas = new MyCanvas( this, -1, wxPoint(2,62), wxSize(300-4,120-4) ); m_canvas->SetScrollbars( 10, 10, 50, 50 ); m_tb = CreateToolBar(); m_tb->AddTool( 0, wxBitmap( list_xpm ), wxNullBitmap, FALSE, -1, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "This is a button" ); m_tb->AddTool( 0, wxBitmap( folder_xpm ), wxNullBitmap, TRUE, -1, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "This is a toggle" ); m_tb->Realize(); // m_timer.Start( 1000, TRUE ); }; void MyFrame::OnDialog( wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event) ) { MyDialog *dialog = new MyDialog( this ); dialog->ShowModal(); dialog->Close( TRUE ); }; void MyFrame::OnFontDialog( wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event) ) { wxFontData data; data.SetInitialFont( wxSMALL_FONT ); data.SetColour( wxRED ); wxGenericFontDialog dialog( this, &data ); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { wxFontData retData = dialog.GetFontData(); // do something }; }; void MyFrame::OnOpenDialog( wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event) ) { wxFileDialog dialog(this, "Testing open file dialog", "", "", "*.txt", 0); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { wxMessageDialog dialog2(this, dialog.GetPath(), "Selected path"); dialog2.ShowModal(); }; }; void MyFrame::OnMsg( wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event) ) { wxMessageBox( "There once was a lady from Riga.", "TestBox.", wxYES_NO ); }; void MyFrame::OnQuit( wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event) ) { Close( TRUE ); }; void MyFrame::OnAbout( wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event) ) { wxDialog dialog( this, -1, "About wxGTK", wxPoint(100,100), wxSize(540,350), wxDIALOG_MODAL ); int w = 0; int h = 0; dialog.GetSize( &w, &h ); int x = 30; int y = 20; int step = 20; (void)new wxStaticBox( &dialog, -1, (const char*)NULL, wxPoint(10,10), wxSize(w-20,h-80) ); (void)new wxStaticText( &dialog, -1, "wxGTK v0.12", wxPoint(240,y) ); y += 2*step-10; (void)new wxStaticText( &dialog, -1, "Written by Robert Roebling, 1998. More information at:", wxPoint(x,y) ); y += step; (void)new wxStaticText( &dialog, -1, "http://www.freiburg.linux.de/~wxxt", wxPoint(x+50,y) ); y += 2*step; (void)new wxStaticText( &dialog, -1, "wxGTK is based on the wxWindows GUI-library written mainly by Julian Smart. See:", wxPoint(x,y) ); y += step; (void)new wxStaticText( &dialog, -1, "http://web.ukonline.co.uk/julian.smart/wxwin", wxPoint(x+50,y) ); y += 2*step; (void)new wxStaticText( &dialog, -1, "wxWindows Copyright: Less restrictive version of LGPL.", wxPoint(x,y) ); y += 2*step; (void)new wxStaticText( &dialog, -1, "For questions concerning wxGTK, you may mail to:", wxPoint(x,y) ); y += step; (void)new wxStaticText( &dialog, -1, "roebling@ruf.uni-freiburg.de", wxPoint(x+50,y) ); (void) new wxButton( &dialog, wxID_OK, "Return", wxPoint(w/2-40,h-50), wxSize(80,30) ); dialog.ShowModal(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MyApp //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MyApp::MyApp(void) : wxApp( ) { }; bool MyApp::OnInit(void) { wxFrame *frame = new MyFrame(); frame->Show( TRUE ); return TRUE; };