\section{\class{wxFontData}}\label{wxfontdata} \overview{wxFontDialog overview}{wxfontdialogoverview} This class holds a variety of information related to font dialogs. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{Include files} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{Overview}{wxfontdialogoverview}, \helpref{wxFontDialog}{wxfontdialog} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxFontData::wxFontData} \func{}{wxFontData}{\void} Constructor. Initializes {\it fontColour} to black, {\it showHelp} to black, \rtfsp{\it allowSymbols} to TRUE, {\it enableEffects} to TRUE, \rtfsp{\it minSize} to 0 and {\it maxSize} to 0. \membersection{wxFontData::\destruct{wxFontData}} \func{}{\destruct{wxFontData}}{\void} Destructor. \membersection{wxFontData::EnableEffects} \func{void}{EnableEffects}{\param{bool}{ enable}} Enables or disables `effects' under MS Windows only. This refers to the controls for manipulating colour, strikeout and underline properties. The default value is TRUE. \membersection{wxFontData::GetAllowSymbols} \func{bool}{GetAllowSymbols}{\void} Under MS Windows, returns a flag determining whether symbol fonts can be selected. Has no effect on other platforms. The default value is TRUE. \membersection{wxFontData::GetColour} \func{wxColour\&}{GetColour}{\void} Gets the colour associated with the font dialog. The default value is black. \membersection{wxFontData::GetChosenFont} \func{wxFont}{GetChosenFont}{\void} Gets the font chosen by the user. If the user pressed OK (wxFontDialog::Show returned TRUE), this returns a new font which is now `owned' by the application, and should be deleted if not required. If the user pressed Cancel (wxFontDialog::Show returned FALSE) or the colour dialog has not been invoked yet, this will return NULL. \membersection{wxFontData::GetEnableEffects} \func{bool}{GetEnableEffects}{\void} Determines whether `effects' are enabled under Windows. This refers to the controls for manipulating colour, strikeout and underline properties. The default value is TRUE. \membersection{wxFontData::GetInitialFont} \func{wxFont}{GetInitialFont}{\void} Gets the font that will be initially used by the font dialog. This should have previously been set by the application. \membersection{wxFontData::GetShowHelp} \func{bool}{GetShowHelp}{\void} Returns TRUE if the Help button will be shown (Windows only). The default value is FALSE. \membersection{wxFontData::SetAllowSymbols} \func{void}{SetAllowSymbols}{\param{bool}{ allowSymbols}} Under MS Windows, determines whether symbol fonts can be selected. Has no effect on other platforms. The default value is TRUE. \membersection{wxFontData::SetChosenFont} \func{void}{SetChosenFont}{\param{const wxFont\& }{font}} Sets the font that will be returned to the user (for internal use only). \membersection{wxFontData::SetColour} \func{void}{SetColour}{\param{const wxColour\&}{ colour}} Sets the colour that will be used for the font foreground colour. The default colour is black. \membersection{wxFontData::SetInitialFont} \func{void}{SetInitialFont}{\param{const wxFont\&}{font}} Sets the font that will be initially used by the font dialog. \membersection{wxFontData::SetRange} \func{void}{SetRange}{\param{int}{ min}, \param{int}{ max}} Sets the valid range for the font point size (Windows only). The default is 0, 0 (unrestricted range). \membersection{wxFontData::SetShowHelp} \func{void}{SetShowHelp}{\param{bool}{ showHelp}} Determines whether the Help button will be displayed in the font dialog (Windows only). The default value is FALSE. \membersection{wxFontData::operator $=$} \func{void}{operator $=$}{\param{const wxFontData\&}{ data}} Assingment operator for the font data. \section{\class{wxFontDialog}}\label{wxfontdialog} This class represents the font chooser dialog. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxDialog}{wxdialog}\\ \helpref{wxWindow}{wxwindow}\\ \helpref{wxEvtHandler}{wxevthandler}\\ \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{Include files} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{Overview}{wxfontdialogoverview}, \helpref{wxFontData}{wxfontdata} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxFontDialog::wxFontDialog} \func{}{wxFontDialog}{\param{wxWindow* }{parent}, \param{wxFontData* }{data = NULL}} Constructor. Pass a parent window, and optionally a pointer to a block of font data, which will be copied to the font dialog's font data. \membersection{wxFontDialog::\destruct{wxFontDialog}} \func{}{\destruct{wxFontDialog}}{\void} Destructor. \membersection{wxFontDialog::GetFontData} \func{wxFontData\&}{GetFontData}{\void} Returns the \helpref{font data}{wxfontdata} associated with the font dialog. \membersection{wxFontDialog::ShowModal} \func{int}{ShowModal}{\void} Shows the dialog, returning wxID\_OK if the user pressed Ok, and wxID\_CANCEL otherwise. If the user cancels the dialog (ShowModal returns wxID\_CANCEL), no font will be created. If the user presses OK (ShowModal returns wxID\_OK), a new wxFont will be created and stored in the font dialog's wxFontData structure.