\section{\class{wxMetaFile}}\label{wxmetafile} A {\bf wxMetaFile} represents the MS Windows metafile object, so metafile operations have no effect in X. In wxWindows, only sufficient functionality has been provided for copying a graphic to the clipboard; this may be extended in a future version. Presently, the only way of creating a metafile is to use a wxMetafileDC. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxMetaFileDC}{wxmetafiledc} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxMetaFile::wxMetaFile} \func{}{wxMetaFile}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename = ""}} Constructor. If a filename is given, the Windows disk metafile is read in. Check whether this was performed successfully by using the \helpref{wxMetaFile::Ok}{wxmetafileok} member. \membersection{wxMetaFile::\destruct{wxMetaFile}} \func{}{\destruct{wxMetaFile}}{\void} Destructor. \membersection{wxMetaFile::Ok}\label{wxmetafileok} \func{bool}{Ok}{\void} Returns TRUE if the metafile is valid. \membersection{wxMetaFile::Play}\label{wxmetafileplay} \func{bool}{Play}{\param{wxDC *}{dc}} Plays the metafile into the given device context, returning TRUE if successful. \membersection{wxMetaFile::SetClipboard} \func{bool}{SetClipboard}{\param{int}{ width = 0}, \param{int}{ height = 0}} Passes the metafile data to the clipboard. The metafile can no longer be used for anything, but the wxMetaFile object must still be destroyed by the application. Below is a example of metafle, metafile device context and clipboard use from the {\tt hello.cpp} example. Note the way the metafile dimensions are passed to the clipboard, making use of the device context's ability to keep track of the maximum extent of drawing commands. \begin{verbatim} wxMetaFileDC dc; if (dc.Ok()) { Draw(dc, FALSE); wxMetaFile *mf = dc.Close(); if (mf) { bool success = mf->SetClipboard((int)(dc.MaxX() + 10), (int)(dc.MaxY() + 10)); delete mf; } } \end{verbatim} \section{\class{wxMetaFileDC}}\label{wxmetafiledc} This is a type of device context that allows a metafile object to be created (Windows only), and has most of the characteristics of a normal \rtfsp{\bf wxDC}. The \helpref{wxMetaFileDC::Close}{wxmetafiledcclose} member must be called after drawing into the device context, to return a metafile. The only purpose for this at present is to allow the metafile to be copied to the clipboard (see \helpref{wxMetaFile}{wxmetafile}). Adding metafile capability to an application should be easy if you already write to a wxDC; simply pass the wxMetaFileDC to your drawing function instead. You may wish to conditionally compile this code so it is not compiled under X (although no harm will result if you leave it in). Note that a metafile saved to disk is in standard Windows metafile format, and cannot be imported into most applications. To make it importable, call the function \helpref{::wxMakeMetaFilePlaceable}{wxmakemetafileplaceable} after closing your disk-based metafile device context. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxDC}{wxdc}\\ \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxMetaFile}{wxmetafile}, \helpref{wxDC}{wxdc} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxMetaFileDC::wxMetaFileDC} \func{}{wxMetaFileDC}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename = ""}} Constructor. If no filename is passed, the metafile is created in memory. \membersection{wxMetaFileDC::\destruct{wxMetaFileDC}} \func{}{\destruct{wxMetaFileDC}}{\void} Destructor. \membersection{wxMetaFileDC::Close}\label{wxmetafiledcclose} \func{wxMetaFile *}{Close}{\void} This must be called after the device context is finished with. A metafile is returned, and ownership of it passes to the calling application (so it should be destroyed explicitly).