\section{\class{wxPostScriptDC}}\label{wxpostscriptdc} This defines the wxWindows Encapsulated PostScript device context, which can write PostScript files on any platform. See \helpref{wxDC}{wxdc} for descriptions of the member functions. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxDC}{wxdc}\\ \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{Include files} \membersection{wxPostScriptDC::wxPostScriptDC} \func{}{wxPostScriptDC}{\param{const wxString\& }{output}, \param{bool }{interactive = TRUE},\\ \param{wxWindow *}{parent}} Constructor. {\it output} is an optional file for printing to, and if \rtfsp{\it interactive} is TRUE a dialog box will be displayed for adjusting various parameters. {\it parent} is the parent of the printer dialog box. Use the {\it Ok} member to test whether the constructor was successful in creating a useable device context. See \helpref{Printer settings}{printersettings} for functions to set and get PostScript printing settings. \membersection{wxPostScriptDC::GetStream} \func{ostream *}{GetStream}{\void} Returns the stream currently being used to write PostScript output. Use this to insert any PostScript code that is outside the scope of wxPostScriptDC.