\section{\class{wxIndividualLayoutConstraint}}\label{wxindividuallayoutconstraint} Objects of this class are stored in the wxIndividualLayoutConstraint class as one of eight possible constraints that a window can be involved in. Constraints are initially set to have the relationship wxUnconstrained, which means that their values should be calculated by looking at known constraints. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{Include files} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{Overview and examples}{constraintsoverview},\rtfsp \helpref{wxLayoutConstraints}{wxlayoutconstraints}, \helpref{wxWindow::SetConstraints}{wxwindowsetconstraints}. \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \subsection{Edges and relationships} The {\it wxEdge}\index{wxEdge} enumerated type specifies the type of edge or dimension of a window. \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{wxLeft}{The left edge.} \twocolitem{wxTop}{The top edge.} \twocolitem{wxRight}{The right edge.} \twocolitem{wxBottom}{The bottom edge.} \twocolitem{wxCentreX}{The x-coordinate of the centre of the window.} \twocolitem{wxCentreY}{The y-coordinate of the centre of the window.} \end{twocollist} The {\it wxRelationship}\index{wxRelationship} enumerated type specifies the relationship that this edge or dimension has with another specified edge or dimension. Normally, the user doesn't use these directly because functions such as {\it Below} and {\it RightOf} are a convenience for using the more general {\it Set} function. \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{wxUnconstrained}{The edge or dimension is unconstrained (the default for edges.} \twocolitem{wxAsIs}{The edge or dimension is to be taken from the current window position or size (the default for dimensions.} \twocolitem{wxAbove}{The edge should be above another edge.} \twocolitem{wxBelow}{The edge should be below another edge.} \twocolitem{wxLeftOf}{The edge should be to the left of another edge.} \twocolitem{wxRightOf}{The edge should be to the right of another edge.} \twocolitem{wxSameAs}{The edge or dimension should be the same as another edge or dimension.} \twocolitem{wxPercentOf}{The edge or dimension should be a percentage of another edge or dimension.} \twocolitem{wxAbsolute}{The edge or dimension should be a given absolute value.} \end{twocollist} \membersection{wxIndividualLayoutConstraint::wxIndividualLayoutConstraint} \func{void}{wxIndividualLayoutConstraint}{\void} Constructor. Not used by the end-user. \membersection{wxIndividualLayoutConstraint::Above} \func{void}{Above}{\param{wxWindow *}{otherWin}, \param{int}{ margin = 0}} Constrains this edge to be above the given window, with an optional margin. Implicitly, this is relative to the top edge of the other window. \membersection{wxIndividualLayoutConstraint::Absolute} \func{void}{Absolute}{\param{int}{ value}} Constrains this edge or dimension to be the given absolute value. \membersection{wxIndividualLayoutConstraint::AsIs} \func{void}{AsIs}{\void} Sets this edge or constraint to be whatever the window's value is at the moment. If either of the width and height constraints are {\it as is}, the window will not be resized, but moved instead. This is important when considering panel items which are intended to have a default size, such as a button, which may take its size from the size of the button label. \membersection{wxIndividualLayoutConstraint::Below} \func{void}{Below}{\param{wxWindow *}{otherWin}, \param{int}{ margin = 0}} Constrains this edge to be below the given window, with an optional margin. Implicitly, this is relative to the bottom edge of the other window. \membersection{wxIndividualLayoutConstraint::Unconstrained} \func{void}{Unconstrained}{\void} Sets this edge or dimension to be unconstrained, that is, dependent on other edges and dimensions from which this value can be deduced. \membersection{wxIndividualLayoutConstraint::LeftOf} \func{void}{LeftOf}{\param{wxWindow *}{otherWin}, \param{int}{ margin = 0}} Constrains this edge to be to the left of the given window, with an optional margin. Implicitly, this is relative to the left edge of the other window. \membersection{wxIndividualLayoutConstraint::PercentOf} \func{void}{PercentOf}{\param{wxWindow *}{otherWin}, \param{wxEdge}{ edge}, \param{int}{ margin = 0}} Constrains this edge or dimension to be to a percentage of the given window, with an optional margin. \membersection{wxIndividualLayoutConstraint::RightOf} \func{void}{RightOf}{\param{wxWindow *}{otherWin}, \param{int}{ margin = 0}} Constrains this edge to be to the right of the given window, with an optional margin. Implicitly, this is relative to the right edge of the other window. \membersection{wxIndividualLayoutConstraint::SameAs} \func{void}{SameAs}{\param{wxWindow *}{otherWin}, \param{wxEdge}{ edge}, \param{int}{ margin = 0}} Constrains this edge or dimension to be to the same as the edge of the given window, with an optional margin. \membersection{wxIndividualLayoutConstraint::Set} \func{void}{Set}{\param{wxRelationship}{ rel}, \param{wxWindow *}{otherWin}, \param{wxEdge}{ otherEdge}, \param{int}{ value = 0}, \param{int}{ margin = 0}} Sets the properties of the constraint. Normally called by one of the convenience functions such as Above, RightOf, SameAs.