% % automatically generated by HelpGen from % encconv.h at 30/Dec/99 18:45:16 % \section{\class{wxEncodingConverter}}\label{wxencodingconverter} This class is capable of converting strings between two 8-bit encodings/charsets. It can also convert from/to Unicode (but only if you compiled wxWidgets with wxUSE\_WCHAR\_T set to 1). Only limited subset of encodings in supported by wxEncodingConverter: {\tt wxFONTENCODING\_ISO8859\_1..15}, {\tt wxFONTENCODING\_CP1250..1257} and {\tt wxFONTENCODING\_KOI8}. \wxheading{Note} Please use \helpref{wxMBConv classes}{mbconvclasses} instead if possible. \helpref{wxCSConv}{wxcsconv} has much better support for various encodings than wxEncodingConverter. wxEncodingConverter is useful only if you rely on {\tt wxCONVERT\_SUBSTITUTE} mode of operation (see \helpref{Init}{wxencodingconverterinit}). \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{Include files} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxFontMapper}{wxfontmapper}, \helpref{wxMBConv}{wxmbconv}, \helpref{Writing non-English applications}{nonenglishoverview} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxEncodingConverter::wxEncodingConverter}\label{wxencodingconverterwxencodingconverter} \func{}{wxEncodingConverter}{\void} Constructor. \membersection{wxEncodingConverter::Init}\label{wxencodingconverterinit} \func{bool}{Init}{\param{wxFontEncoding }{input\_enc}, \param{wxFontEncoding }{output\_enc}, \param{int }{method = wxCONVERT\_STRICT}} Initialize conversion. Both output or input encoding may be wxFONTENCODING\_UNICODE, but only if wxUSE\_ENCODING is set to 1. All subsequent calls to \helpref{Convert()}{wxencodingconverterconvert} will interpret its argument as a string in {\it input\_enc} encoding and will output string in {\it output\_enc} encoding. You must call this method before calling Convert. You may call it more than once in order to switch to another conversion. {\it Method} affects behaviour of Convert() in case input character cannot be converted because it does not exist in output encoding: \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{{\bf wxCONVERT\_STRICT}}{follow behaviour of GNU Recode - just copy unconvertible characters to output and don't change them (its integer value will stay the same)} \twocolitem{{\bf wxCONVERT\_SUBSTITUTE}}{try some (lossy) substitutions - e.g. replace unconvertible latin capitals with acute by ordinary capitals, replace en-dash or em-dash by '-' etc.} \end{twocollist} Both modes guarantee that output string will have same length as input string. \wxheading{Return value} false if given conversion is impossible, true otherwise (conversion may be impossible either if you try to convert to Unicode with non-Unicode build of wxWidgets or if input or output encoding is not supported.) \membersection{wxEncodingConverter::CanConvert}\label{wxencodingconvertercanconvert} \func{static bool}{CanConvert}{\param{wxFontEncoding}{encIn}, \param{wxFontEncoding }{encOut}} Return true if (any text in) multibyte encoding \arg{encIn} can be converted to another one ({\it encOut}) losslessly. Do not call this method with \texttt{wxFONTENCODING\_UNICODE} as either parameter, it doesn't make sense (always works in one sense and always depends on the text to convert in the other). \membersection{wxEncodingConverter::Convert}\label{wxencodingconverterconvert} \constfunc{void}{Convert}{\param{const char* }{input}, \param{char* }{output}} \constfunc{void}{Convert}{\param{const wchar\_t* }{input}, \param{wchar\_t* }{output}} \constfunc{void}{Convert}{\param{const char* }{input}, \param{wchar\_t* }{output}} \constfunc{void}{Convert}{\param{const wchar\_t* }{input}, \param{char* }{output}} Convert input string according to settings passed to \helpref{Init}{wxencodingconverterinit} and writes the result to {\it output}. \constfunc{void}{Convert}{\param{char* }{str}} \constfunc{void}{Convert}{\param{wchar\_t* }{str}} Convert input string according to settings passed to \helpref{Init}{wxencodingconverterinit} in-place, i.e. write the result to the same memory area. \constfunc{wxString}{Convert}{\param{const wxString\& }{input}} Convert wxString and return new wxString object. \wxheading{Notes} You must call \helpref{Init}{wxencodingconverterinit} before using this method! {\tt wchar\_t} versions of the method are not available if wxWidgets was compiled with {\tt wxUSE\_WCHAR\_T} set to 0. \membersection{wxEncodingConverter::GetPlatformEquivalents}\label{wxencodingconvertergetplatformequivalents} \func{static wxFontEncodingArray}{GetPlatformEquivalents}{\param{wxFontEncoding }{enc}, \param{int }{platform = wxPLATFORM\_CURRENT}} Return equivalents for given font that are used under given platform. Supported platforms: \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt \item wxPLATFORM\_UNIX \item wxPLATFORM\_WINDOWS \item wxPLATFORM\_OS2 \item wxPLATFORM\_MAC \item wxPLATFORM\_CURRENT \end{itemize} wxPLATFORM\_CURRENT means the platform this binary was compiled for. Examples: \begin{verbatim} current platform enc returned value ---------------------------------------------- unix CP1250 {ISO8859_2} unix ISO8859_2 {ISO8859_2} windows ISO8859_2 {CP1250} unix CP1252 {ISO8859_1,ISO8859_15} \end{verbatim} Equivalence is defined in terms of convertibility: two encodings are equivalent if you can convert text between then without losing information (it may - and will - happen that you lose special chars like quotation marks or em-dashes but you shouldn't lose any diacritics and language-specific characters when converting between equivalent encodings). Remember that this function does {\bf NOT} check for presence of fonts in system. It only tells you what are most suitable encodings. (It usually returns only one encoding.) \wxheading{Notes} \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt \item Note that argument {\it enc} itself may be present in the returned array, so that you can, as a side-effect, detect whether the encoding is native for this platform or not. \item \helpref{Convert}{wxencodingconverterconvert} is not limited to converting between equivalent encodings, it can convert between two arbitrary encodings. \item If {\it enc} is present in the returned array, then it is {\bf always} the first item of it. \item Please note that the returned array may contain no items at all. \end{itemize} \membersection{wxEncodingConverter::GetAllEquivalents}\label{wxencodingconvertergetallequivalents} \func{static wxFontEncodingArray}{GetAllEquivalents}{\param{wxFontEncoding }{enc}} Similar to \helpref{GetPlatformEquivalents}{wxencodingconvertergetplatformequivalents}, but this one will return ALL equivalent encodings, regardless of the platform, and including itself. This platform's encodings are before others in the array. And again, if {\it enc} is in the array, it is the very first item in it.