\section{Standard event identifiers}\label{stdevtid} wxWidgets defines a special identifier value {\tt wxID\_ANY} which is used in the following two situations: \begin{itemize} \item when creating a new window you may specify {\tt wxID\_ANY} to let wxWidgets assign an unused identifier to it automatically \item when installing an event handler using either the event table macros or \helpref{wxEvtHandler::Connect}{wxevthandlerconnect}, you may use it to indicate that you want to handle the events coming from any control, regardless of its identifier \end{itemize} wxWidgets also defines a few standard command identifiers which may be used by the user code and also are sometimes used by wxWidgets itself. These reserved identifiers are all in the range between {\tt wxID\_LOWEST} and {\tt wxID\_HIGHEST} and, accordingly, the user code should avoid defining its own constants in this range. \begin{verbatim} wxID_LOWEST = 4999, wxID_OPEN, wxID_CLOSE, wxID_NEW, wxID_SAVE, wxID_SAVEAS, wxID_REVERT, wxID_EXIT, wxID_UNDO, wxID_REDO, wxID_HELP, wxID_PRINT, wxID_PRINT_SETUP, wxID_PREVIEW, wxID_ABOUT, wxID_HELP_CONTENTS, wxID_HELP_COMMANDS, wxID_HELP_PROCEDURES, wxID_HELP_CONTEXT, wxID_CLOSE_ALL, wxID_CUT = 5030, wxID_COPY, wxID_PASTE, wxID_CLEAR, wxID_FIND, wxID_DUPLICATE, wxID_SELECTALL, wxID_FILE1 = 5050, wxID_FILE2, wxID_FILE3, wxID_FILE4, wxID_FILE5, wxID_FILE6, wxID_FILE7, wxID_FILE8, wxID_FILE9, // Standard button IDs wxID_OK = 5100, wxID_CANCEL, wxID_APPLY, wxID_YES, wxID_NO, wxID_STATIC, wxID_FORWARD, wxID_BACKWARD, wxID_DEFAULT, wxID_MORE, wxID_SETUP, wxID_RESET, wxID_CONTEXT_HELP, wxID_YESTOALL, wxID_NOTOALL, wxID_ABORT, wxID_RETRY, wxID_IGNORE, // System menu IDs (used by wxUniv): wxID_SYSTEM_MENU = 5200, wxID_CLOSE_FRAME, wxID_MOVE_FRAME, wxID_RESIZE_FRAME, wxID_MAXIMIZE_FRAME, wxID_ICONIZE_FRAME, wxID_RESTORE_FRAME, // IDs used by generic file dialog (13 consecutive starting from this value) wxID_FILEDLGG = 5900, wxID_HIGHEST = 5999 \end{verbatim}