\section{Preprocesser symbols defined by wxWindows}\label{cppconst} Here is the list of preprocessor symbols used in the wxWindows source grouped by category (and sorted by alphabetical order inside each category). \subsection{GUI system} \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{\_\_WINDOWS\_\_}{any Windows, yom may also use \_\_WXMSW\_\_} \twocolitem{\_\_WIN16\_\_}{Win16 API (not supported since wxWindows 2.6)} \twocolitem{\_\_WIN32\_\_}{Win32 API} \twocolitem{\_\_WIN95\_\_}{Windows 95 or NT 4.0 and above system (not NT 3.5x)} \twocolitem{\_\_WXBASE\_\_}{Only wxBase, no GUI features} \twocolitem{\_\_WXWINCE\_\_}{Windows CE} \twocolitem{\_\_WXGTK\_\_}{GTK+} \twocolitem{\_\_WXGTK12\_\_}{GTK+ 1.2 or higher} \twocolitem{\_\_WXGTK20\_\_}{GTK+ 2.0 or higher} \twocolitem{\_\_WXMOTIF\_\_}{Motif} \twocolitem{\_\_WXMOTIF20\_\_}{Motif 2.0 or higher} \twocolitem{\_\_WXMAC\_\_}{Mac OS whether Classic (Mac OS 8/9 TARGET\_CARBON == 0) or Carbon (including Mac OS X TARGET\_CARBON == 1)} \twocolitem{\_\_WXMGL\_\_}{SciTech Soft MGL (\_\_WXUNIVERSAL\_\_ will be also defined)} \twocolitem{\_\_WXMSW\_\_}{Any Windows} \twocolitem{\_\_WXOS2\_\_}{Identical to \_\_WXPM\_\_} \twocolitem{\_\_WXPM\_\_}{OS/2 native Presentation Manager} \twocolitem{\_\_WXSTUBS\_\_}{Stubbed version ('template' wxWin implementation)} \twocolitem{\_\_WXXT\_\_}{Xt; mutually exclusive with WX\_MOTIF, not implemented in wxWindows 2.x} \twocolitem{\_\_WXX11\_\_}{wxX11 (\_\_WXUNIVERSAL\_\_ will be also defined)} \twocolitem{\_\_WXWINE\_\_}{WINE (i.e. WIN32 on Unix)} \twocolitem{\_\_WXUNIVERSAL\_\_}{wxUniversal port, always defined in addition to one of the symbols above so this should be tested first.} \twocolitem{\_\_X\_\_}{any X11-based GUI toolkit except GTK+} \end{twocollist} In fact, they should better all start with \_\_WX instead of \_\_ only, so please start any new defines with \_\_WX. \subsection{Operating systems} \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{\_\_APPLE\_\_}{any Mac OS version} \twocolitem{\_\_AIX\_\_}{AIX} \twocolitem{\_\_BSD\_\_}{Any *BSD system} \twocolitem{\_\_CYGWIN\_\_}{Cygwin: Unix on Win32} \twocolitem{\_\_DARWIN\_\_}{Mac OS X using the BSD Unix C library (as opposed to using the Metrowerks MSL C/C++ library)} \twocolitem{\_\_DATA\_GENERAL\_\_}{DG-UX} \twocolitem{\_\_DOS\_GENERAL\_\_}{DOS (used with wxMGL only)} \twocolitem{\_\_FREEBSD\_\_}{FreeBSD} \twocolitem{\_\_HPUX\_\_}{HP-UX (Unix)} \twocolitem{\_\_GNU\_\_}{GNU Hurd} \twocolitem{\_\_LINUX\_\_}{Linux} \twocolitem{\_\_MACH\_\_}{Mach-O Architecture (Mac OS X only builds)} \twocolitem{\_\_OSF\_\_}{OSF/1} \twocolitem{\_\_SGI\_\_}{IRIX} \twocolitem{\_\_SOLARIS\_\_}{Solaris} \twocolitem{\_\_SUN\_\_}{Any Sun} \twocolitem{\_\_SUNOS\_\_}{Sun OS} \twocolitem{\_\_SVR4\_\_}{SystemV R4} \twocolitem{\_\_SYSV\_\_}{SystemV generic} \twocolitem{\_\_ULTRIX\_\_}{Ultrix} \twocolitem{\_\_UNIX\_\_}{any Unix} \twocolitem{\_\_UNIX\_LIKE\_\_}{Unix, BeOS or VMS} \twocolitem{\_\_VMS\_\_}{VMS} \twocolitem{\_\_WINDOWS\_\_}{any Windows} \end{twocollist} \subsection{Hardware architectures} Note that not all of these symbols are always defined, it depends on the compiler used. \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{\_\_ALPHA\_\_}{DEC Alpha architecture} \twocolitem{\_\_INTEL\_\_}{Intel i386 or compatible} \twocolitem{\_\_POWERPC\_\_}{Motorola Power PC} \end{twocollist} \subsection{Compilers} \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{\_\_BORLANDC\_\_}{Borland C++. The value of the macro corresponds to the compiler version: $500$ is $5.0$.} \twocolitem{\_\_DJGPP\_\_}{DJGPP} \twocolitem{\_\_DIGITALMARS\_\_}{Digital Mars} \twocolitem{\_\_GNUG\_\_}{Gnu C++ on any platform, see also \helpref{wxCHECK\_GCC\_VERSION}{wxcheckgccversion}} \twocolitem{\_\_GNUWIN32\_\_}{Gnu-Win32 compiler, see also \helpref{wxCHECK\_W32API\_VERSION}{wxcheckw32apiversion}} \twocolitem{\_\_MINGW32\_\_}{MinGW} \twocolitem{\_\_MWERKS\_\_}{CodeWarrior MetroWerks compiler} \twocolitem{\_\_SUNCC\_\_}{Sun CC} \twocolitem{\_\_SYMANTECC\_\_}{Symantec C++} \twocolitem{\_\_VISAGECPP\_\_}{IBM Visual Age (OS/2)} \twocolitem{\_\_VISUALC\_\_}{Microsoft Visual C++. The value of this macro corresponds to the compiler version: $1020$ for $4.2$ (the first supported version), $1100$ for $5.0$, $1200$ for $6.0$ and so on} \twocolitem{\_\_XLC\_\_}{AIX compiler} \twocolitem{\_\_WATCOMC\_\_}{Watcom C++. The value of this macro corresponds to the compiler version, $1100$ is $11.0$ and $1200$ is OpenWatcom.} \twocolitem{\_WIN32\_WCE}{Windows CE version} \end{twocollist} \subsection{Miscellaneous} \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{\_\_WXWINDOWS\_\_}{always defined in wxWindows applications, see also \helpref{wxCHECK\_VERSION}{wxcheckversion}} \twocolitem{\_\_WXDEBUG\_\_}{defined in debug mode, undefined in release mode} \twocolitem{wxUSE\_XXX}{if defined as $1$, feature XXX is active (the symbols of this form are always defined, use \#if and not \#ifdef to test for them)} \twocolitem{wxUSE\_GUI}{this particular feature test macro is defined to $1$ when compiling or using the library with the GUI features activated, if it is defined as $0$, only wxBase is available.} \twocolitem{wxUSE\_BASE}{only used by wxWindows internally (defined as $1$ when building wxBase code, either as a standalone library or as part of the monolithic wxWindows library, defined as $0$ when building GUI library only)} \end{twocollist}