\section{\class{wxProcessEvent}}\label{wxprocessevent} A process event is sent when a process is terminated. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxEvent}{wxevent}\\ \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{Include files} \wxheading{Event table macros} To process a wxProcessEvent, use these event handler macros to direct input to a member function that takes a wxProcessEvent argument. \twocolwidtha{7cm} \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_END\_PROCESS(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_END\_PROCESS event. {\it id} is the identifier of the process object (the id passed to the wxProcess constructor) or a window to receive the event.} \end{twocollist}% \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxProcess}{wxprocess},\rtfsp \helpref{Event handling overview}{eventhandlingoverview} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxProcessEvent::wxProcessEvent} \func{}{wxProcessEvent}{\param{int }{id = 0}, \param{int }{pid = 0}, \param{int }{exitcode = 0}} Constructor. Takes a wxProcessObject or window id, a process id and an exit status. %\membersection{wxProcessEvent::m\_pid} % %\member{int}{m\_pid} % %Contains the process id. % \membersection{wxProcessEvent::GetPid}\label{wxprocesseventgetpid} \constfunc{int}{GetPid}{\void} Returns the process id. \membersection{wxProcessEvent::GetExitCode}\label{wxprocesseventgetexitcode} \func{int}{GetExitCode}{\void} Returns the exist status.